(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2022) — Quick takes, today, gang — otherwise known as cleaning out the files.
DEBT TONATION — Syracuse Joe, spurred in the ribs by AOC and the Gang, want to cancel student debt. Wipe it out with the magic wave of the fairy wand, screwing creditors who loaned in good faith to students who borrowed under their signatures with a legally binding promised to repay at the specified terms. THE PLANET and every common-sense, rational person, knows this is a horrendously bad idea, and not just fiscally. It also reinforces what many young people have learned growing up: That actions have no consequences. No wonder why we have lost America.
DA BLOWS ANOTHER ONE — When Judge John Agostini threw out the prosecution’s death indictment case against the Matthew Tuckers, he didn’t as much rule on the evidence but on the ineptitude of Andrea Harrington’s presentation of evidence the case to the grand jury. Not only did Harrington present a sloppy case, but she also paid (and is playing) a price for her pursuit of politics over justice. In doing so she has stirred up the bench’s ire. So after the death of an innocent baby, the Tuckers waddle free. Tucker can ladle-up religious fanaticism as his crutch. Cassandra can dust off his collection of Spiderman, G.I. Joe, and Coscon memorabilia. Maybe Tucker and Peter White can trade action figures to help Matthew get through his crucible. Baby Kristoff, that poor little guy, never had a chance. If your heart doesn’t break on that one, forget the chisel. There’s no hope for you.
GEORGIA ON MY MIND — THE PLANET will be flying down this week to the Georgia restaurant that posted this sign on its entrance: “If you voted for Brandon’s Build Back BS and don’t have remorse or regrets I wish you would leave, I don’t need your business,” the notice read. Your ignorant, naive decision has more than doubled our costs of goods and depleted our labor force by more than triple.” We’re going to get the Common Sense Special.
LEADERSHIP — Want an example of what it looks like? This is from our old professional address, the Syracuse Post-Standard: “Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh called a shooting in Armory Square that left one man dead and four men injured ‘brazen’ and ‘senseless.’ Police officers detailed to work in the area were only 30 to 40 feet away from the shooting when it started just after midnight, Walsh and Syracuse Police Chief Ken Buckner said during the news conference Saturday at the Public Safety Building.” A deadly shooting, and within hours, you have the mayor and police chief meeting the press. Just like in Pittsfield, eh, mayor Tyer? Eh, chief Wynn. Or don’t you have internet reception in the cave where you are hiding?
DISTANCING MATT? — Speaking of hiding, what gives with PCTV? Does Tucker still work there.? It appears he does, but you wouldn’t know that or much of anything, really, about the people running the station. Go to the PCTV website. Try finding the link to “Staff.” It’s there and then it’s not. If you find it and click on it, you’re directed not to a staff listing but to station boilerplate. Did the staff listing go south after Tucker was indicted? Then try the “Board of Directors” link in the “About Us” tab. The names and thumbnails come up along with “Bio coming soon.” When did the bios come down? It gives the impression that PCTV has distanced itself from Tucker. To our knowledge, not one board member or staffer has issued a statement in support of Tucker. The silence speaks volumes. FYI, the board consists of Peter Marchetti, Linda Tyer, Brian Andrews, Bill Sturgeon, Carol Zeleck Gerwitz, Cindy Shogry-Raimer, Pat Gormalley, Jonah Sykes, and Sue Doucette. No “insiders” among the lot.
NOT A GHOST OF A CHANCE — Boston just said that since it began tracking “ghost guns” in 2019, the number of such weapons seized has increased 260%. Ghost guns are legal, homemade weapons that are as lethal as any Glock or Smith & Wesson. A hobbyist or thug can buy parts and kits online and assemble the piece at his workbench or crack house. The guns have no serial numbers and can’t be traced. Which leads to the Pittsfield Public Schools. A middle school administrator told THE PLANET that since September, schools officials have caught “at least” two students with ghost guns and ammo. Funny, but we haven’t seen anything from super Jumpin’ Joe Curtis. If it happened, the public needs verse and chapter. If it didn’t happen, he needs to ease public concerns.
TOO MUCH MAKE-UP — One final word on the Tucker case. Judge Agostini ruling shows the extent to which the district attorney’s office has become political. For Harrington, politics has trumped justice. THE PLANET agrees with Harrington that the evidence was sufficient to bring charges. The grand jury thought so as well. Based on the judge’s decision, however, it appears that Harrington has so little confidence in herself that she had to gussy up the evidence. It’s like a beautiful woman who, lacking self-confidence, ladles on too much makeup and ruins her looks. THE PLANET still thinks there’s enough evidence against the Tuckers to warrant another indictment. If so, it may take a new district attorney, and the county just might have one the day after Election Day in November or perhaps in September should Tim Shugrue defeat Harrington in the Democratic prelim.
“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put our a bucket, not a thimble” — Warren Buffet.
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The politicians themselves who have student debt or family members who owe should recuse themselves on any votes.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is said to be a billionaire from her legal insider trading. The Swamp is a Country Club of multimillionaires/billionaires who do nothing but legally enrich themselves at the public trough of political corruption. I doubt that the Mitt Romney’s of the world give a crap about $100,000 in student loans like a 24-year-old starting out in their adult life. Also, the 2008 – 2009 bailouts of Wall Street and foreign banks in Europe and Asia cost trillions of Swamp dollars, which was far more than the Swamp forgiving over a trillion dollars in student loans. Power equals the Almighty Dollar, and young adults don’t contribute millions of K Street lobbyist dollars to the Members of U.S. Congress’ campaign coffers; just ask PAC Man Richie Neal.
I always criticize predictable Pittsfield politics for its sarcastic “Business as usual” tagline, but blogger Dan Valenti’s predictable always unfavorable blog writings against Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington is putting Mayor Linda Tyer’s failed administration in a close second place thus far in 2022. Talk about a study of journalism of the BANAL and REDUDANCY! When one looks up the subject in the proverbial encyclopedia, they see an illustration of blogger Dan Valenti pointing his proverbial finger at D.A. Andrea Harrington one hundred times over.
D.A. Andrea Harrington has been in office for 3 years, 3 months, and 19 days so far. Pittsfield’s violent crime, dysfunctional Social Services agencies, multigenerational poverty, and all of its other systemic socioeconomic problems have been a sad reality in Pittsfield long before 2019. To always write unfavorable blog posts about her is the textbook definition of myopic journalism. I cannot argue the facts that blogger Dan Valenti and likeminded blog posters present, but the context goes back generations long before Andrea Harrington put her proverbial hat in the political ring of Pittsfield politics starting in 2016, and again in 2018.
I’m thankful Dan writes and allows comments about what he does write about and hopefully he continues to do so. Your a good example of how progressive liberals want to dictate what others should think and do because you disagree.
I am thankful for blogger Dan Valenti, too. Free Speech within reason is what America is all about!
Fee speech ‘within reason” ? That’s the progressives definition of it anyway. Best part is progressives want to decide what is and isn’t.
Within reason? No, sorry, there should be no restrictions on free speech
Jon, you make Fair points about the historical impact of social ills on the current people who hold elected office in Pittsfield but I got to tell you the mayor we have now is really really bad.
I’ve never seen this city in as poor shape as it is in now. The decline here since the Tyer Fire took office is like nothing I have ever seen.
And yes I voted for her and I’ve lived to regret it. I was actually undecided almost up until election day but so many of my friends who have businesses here I thought she would be good and I figured good for them, good for all of us.
My friends with businesses who haven’t left already are seriously considering it because of the Tyer Fire.
So called ghost guns may or may not be a problem. In any case they need more than meet assembly. A reasonable degree of skill is needed as well as the right tools. In other words someone like Pete White couldn’t build one. That being said a stolen gun with a defaced serial number is every bit as ghosty. The solution is to deal with people who illegally posses ANY gun. They are the problem. Not the gun.
Yup . The mandatory minimum is only 1 year, and that is only if they prosecute under that section, and DAs often do not. They should get 5 years. . If you do a shooting whether gun legal or not, you should get 10 years minimum and if you injure somebody you should get 20, and if you kill somebody you should get juiced!
You can’t know what a relief it is to learn that Pete White could not build one.
Not unless he could build it with a spoon, fork, and a little marinara sauce. And of course his Chewbacca action figure hidden in his plate of spaghetti, under the meatballs.
Besides, Pete White doesn’t have time for silly things like “ghost guns.” He is solving Pittsfield’s “houseless” problem.
True, all dat, MARK. White’s so successful with the “houseless” problem that the construction at the “houseless” shelter at the Fenn Street Methodist went over the $$ limit, thereby triggering in astronomical extra costs to suit up the building for a lot of B.S. “non-discriminatory” access.
Of course it did. Would you expect anything different?
It would be interesting if a true forensic audit was conducted on all of these city projects. I’m curious how much of that extra $$ went into Linda and the other gobsig’s pockets.
Every project in dynamic, vibrant, and inclusive Pittsfield always seems to eclipse the budget. Interesting how that ALWAYS happens.
But seriously, if the city owes millions of dollars to loans what bank or which banks are earning the huge interest on that? Could any councilor gain access to what the banks names are and how much interest are city taxpayer paying each year?
Would this information be a private thing between the mayor and Mr Kerwood or do taxpayers have right to know the numbers they are paying?
As head of the city council and also a banker I would think Mr Marchetti could access this info in a heartbeat. (unless he would rather not do that for some reason)
Pretty sure Mr Marchetti would rather not touch that subject with a ten foot pole. You are going to give the poor guy a nervous breakdown.
Milling aluminum (a hard material) to mil-spec with even rudimentary tools is difficult. Try rounding a head of a bolt on a grinder to get an idea. It doesn’t want to be round.
The greatest danger that a homemade firearm would present to anyone is to the maker misusing a drill press with a metal cutting bit or a lungful of fine aluminum chips. There is likely a new terminal lung disease: ghostiosis of the lung. Going home made is expensive. Equipment, parts, supplies, jigs, pricey gun components, add up to price significantly more than the street cost. Using a proper mill requires machining experience – hard to find among the law breaking population (machinists are well paid and in high demand). I’d think that a criminal would want to save the time and money and buy a better and cheaper gun that belongs to someone else.
With the assistance of DA’s like Harrington and half-decent attorneys, almost all guns recovered by police are untraceable once used in a crime, even with serial numbers. Ref: the gun found in car at the Bedard’s lot. No one owned the gun it turned out and defendants acquitted. The gun just floated into the car and slipped beneath the driver seat. Does gun ownership matter to prosecution or is it gun-possession with the gun being in his hand when he shot it? As far as I can tell, the serial number is only useful for returning a stolen gun back to its rightful owner after it has been misused by a criminal. Which always happens – every time!
This stuff is simply another ridiculous misuse of populism by a misdirected and cynical president. A couple of years ago, only a select group of enthusiasts knew of them. Now, they are media hype. The end result is that people will go nuts and want to make a rifle or gun and so then everyone will have one.
Who here knows of Mikhail’s Shit-Shovel AK47? A spade, a dremel, a forge, heavy hammer, a welder, trunions, a lot of skill with metal, a section of NG tube, a few cheap second hand parts, and he was ready to join the partisans. All costing under $90 including the shovel.

AK47 – Farm Tough!
Let me know when you decide to crank a few rounds out of that bad boy.
I want to be as far away from you as possible. When it blows up in your face, I don’t want to wear your nose or ears.
Markus A. Now you’re being gross and mean. Imagine saying that to the Wright Bros or Thomas Edison.
PCTV. Is it just one more political media arm of the Tyer administration and the cabal behind the curtain? Designed to dupe, distract and defy? What other governments are we aware of that control media and why do they strive to do that? Russia comes to mind.
There is no oversight of any kind in Pittsfield Ma. Not from those within the government or in the media they seem to very much control. And if you step back a bit and look at how things have changed in Pittsfield you can see how that is not working out at all for its people.
So Dan, you are all that is left. Your blog is wonderful and exposes some of the surface improprieties and we know who some of the public figures behind the big city mess are. But realistically, I don’t think anything has slowed them down. They plod forward doing what they do and seem immune to any exposure or humiliation that comes their way. They have been allowed to become too big and too powerful, and without deeper serious introspect by local print media they will continue to own us and control us. When those who are suppose to watch over you are actually on the other side, double agents if you will, your choices are slim. One of those choices is to get out from under by moving out of the area.
Thank you for what you do Dan. It takes big balls and apparently they are in short supply locally. Holding out hope for a few very promising councilors though their burden is heavy.
Lack if oversight. You nailed it. It’s also true that my blog does what it can, but alone, it won’t stop the avalanche barreling down the mountain and burying what’s left of decency in the “vibrant, dynamic, DIE” city. The popularity of this blog annoys The Suits, but that’s about all. They call me “a muckraker.” They think it’s an insult. Anyone who knows the history of journalism and the free press in America, such as myself, knows it as a compliment. When there’s muck, you rake it. Simple as that for anyone with a conscience and wants to live with himself.
Is that really all it takes? $1,725.00. I figured the dollar amount to be much higher
You still haven’t read the ruling yet you keep talking about evidence. The judge said there was insufficient evidence to bring a case, that most of the evidence was inflammatory, highly biased, and circumstantial, and not related in anyway to the death of the child a lot like the things you continue to post here in your obsession with the Tuckers. I’d like you to try being a journalist for a few seconds and get a copy of the ruling, post it here, and then explain how everything you keep saying is wrong based on the judge’s findings.
You are still going after the Tuckers with more inflammatory language and conspiracy. What did this guy do to you? You are bizarrely obsessed and are acting just like the DA by bringing up things that have nothing to do with the case.
Read the ruling, until you do nothing you say has any real weight except showing your unhealthy obsession with the Tuckers. You aren’t interested in the truth of this case at all. You are only interested in using it as a whetstone against which you can grind your axe for Matt.
Stop trying to play a lawyer
You can post it
You can obtain a copy from the superior court clerk.
Sounds like scapegoat- vendetta is what your saying. Doing nothing has consequences also. The D A is now an outcast. Did any heads role over at d c f ? And if so why not? Shouldn’t the D A have been disqualified from trying the case as Tucker worked at pctv and Harrington was on many shows that he either produced or was involved in,especially that morning show,
You are right. The judge faulted the D.A. for the circumstantial nature of “most” (as you put it) of the evidence. Most. Not all. Is there enough of the other evidence to warrant a new trial? We don’t know that, do we, because of how the D.A. gave the evidence to the grand jury. We won’t know that until a more competent presentation of the facts are given to a new grand jury. The “best evidence” here is a dead baby. He didn’t die of SIDS. He had a prolonged illness that he couldn’t shake, that only worsened, that led to his silent and lonely suffering, then to his death. Throw in the evidence, add a skipped doctor’s appointment, and multiply by a lack of monitoring and care in the time leading up to his death = culpability. Of someone. For something. The Tuckers? The DSS?
I’m not going after anyone. I have nothing against Matt Tucker. I’m not the one who had a baby die on my watch in foster care. I’m not the one who brought manslaughter charges against. I didn’t sit on the grand jury. I did learn of a dead baby. I also reported on the facts and impressions of my interactions with Tucker at PCTV. I also included his own statements on religion, given to another writer. I also posted a video of him speaking in his own words. I also stated factually that he and his wife are obese and from that induced that they have a biologically unhealthy lifestyle. From that, it seems logical to me that they are suspect when it comes to feeding and providing other care for a helpless infant whose life depends SOLELY on them. It begins and ends there. Tell me, what part of that do I have wrong? There is nothing personal whatsoever here. I am the only one who can know that, and I speak the truth. Simple as that. Surely, you can concede that I am the better authority on this than you are.
I also noted that you conveniently sidestepped my offer to meet with me in person, like adults, in I guess what you might call personal diplomacy. The offer was made in good and friendly faith. I offered that since you have a copy of the judge’s ruling, you could easily share a copy with me at that time. I guess your silence is a non-acceptance of the offer? Correct me if I’m wrong. Same with my challenge of a public debate on the question of this matter.
Dan, sounds like John Q is just another online bully who like to hide behind his keyboard. You shouldnt waste your time with him.
Thanks, man. With JQ, his pushbacks are sufficiently readable to return serve. Like in tennis, when you get a volley going and get the opponent scrambling, eventually they end up having to lob. When that happens, SLAM! Point, set, and game! Appreciate the thoughts.
My last post got lost. Journalism is about facts and reporting facts, since you don’t have the facts, all you are doing is posting conjecture.
You are a supposed journalist, you have access to the internet, email, and a phone make the needed contact with the superior court clerk and get a copy. It doesn’t require me leaving my office to deliver a copy to you, nor would I ever want to meet you. I tried sending my copy with notes attached and it was a 27mb file your email rejected it.
I am publicly debating you on this, here, but it’s very one sided because you’ve yet to get a copy of the ruling. All of your knowledge of the ruling is based on what you’ve read and was reported by other actual journalists.
You sound like a scared puppy. Sad but laughable. And your living room playing grand theft auto on play station is not an “office”
You would know.
Actually I don’t think he would.
Well, you’re the same person. And what is that you do for a living? Plow snow and leech off the taxpayers? You’re like DV, who takes public money to “teach” at BCC and then whines about wasteful public spending.
Pot, meet kettle.
Who, what are you babbling about? You need to move out of your mom’s basement.
You didn’t respond to my questions. Instead, you offer THIS?! Man, guess I do have you rattled.
Another nice dodge. Tell me, is that what you drive? A Dodge? JQ, some friendly advice: begin to address the REAL issues here. I’m guessing you won’t, which is why you “don’t ever want to meet me” and why you especially don’t want to up against me live in real time in a public debate. I’ve called you out, simple as that, and you, as Moe Howard would say, “receded.” It is YOU who have let your personal problem with Andrea Harrington cloud your vision here. As you have admitted, I agree 1000% with Andrea with respect to her decision to seek indictment (which she succeeded in doing) against the Tuckers. Let me once again call your attention not to side issues so you can (unsuccessfully) feint the haymakers but to the tragically REAL ISSUE is a dead infant who died in the hands of their “insufficient” “care”givers.
I thought you, Dan, were in favor of the Dodge driver for DA.
Nah. I’m in favor of Ricardo Montalban’s “rich, Corinthian leather.”
Not the soft or the fine, Corinthian leather, the rich. All the Gliders have it.
I have no interest in meeting you because you are nobody to me, you might actually be less than no one to me.
In your overzealousness in attacking the Tucker’s and in not reading the actual ruling, you’ve done the public a great disservice.
You like Andrea don’t know real evidence from circumstantial.
Andrea Harrington, like you, who knows nothing about the law push for charges that have no foundation in legal precedence.
Involuntary Manslaughter and reckless endangerment have a standard to meet, she could not meet those standards with what she had, her experts, and witnesses actually contradicted her own arguments. She, like you here, introduce ridiculous theories, prejudicial, and unrelated information to make your case against the Tucker’s in doing that you actually, both in your incompetent ways, do more harm to justice for the poor dead child then you do good.
The jury pool is hopelessly poisoned because Andrea Harrington doesn’t know the first thing about the law and prosecuting criminals. Bell warned her about overcharging and she was right. Even neglect charges would be hard to bring because every DCF report on that child, and there are many, say that the foster parents were meeting the care. A DCF case worker was in the house three days prior to his death and agreed that the child seemed ok and suggested they keep doing what they were doing.
The focus on this should be that Andrea the Idiot DA destroyed any chance of justice for this child, and probably, many more to come, because she doesn’t know how to do her job. That she won’t listen to people that tell her she’s wrong. All this child was was a political football that she thought she was going to score a touchdown with, because of uniformed and clueless people who hear “dead baby” and don’t care about the facts of the case.
I hate to write a “Dear John” letter, but our entire set of exchanges amounts to one. To put in in the vernacular, “You’ve been dumped, kid.” You just didn’t know how overmatched you were. For being “less than no one” to you (a great compliment, by the way!), you sure are one frazzled, upset, and bothered lad/lass. Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll make you a Trumanesque deal: If you stop telling lies about me, I’ll stop telling the truth about you. What say? Since you’re too scared to debate me in public, so scared that you’re too rattled to even meet me and actually discover I’m a soft, gentle man and gentleman, that’s the best I can do.
You haven’t “rattled” me, you’re just not worth the time. You’ve overestimated your importance in this whole matter.
It’s not difficult to see what happened, you had no access to the ruling and “reported” on innuendo and rumor, used the reporting from the Eagle, and missed the most important parts of the ruling. I didn’t lie about you, it was clear from your postings and personal attacks on the Tuckers that you didn’t read the actual ruling.
I tried sending you a copy and it’s just too large for email. Instead of trying to meet me, just walk on over to the superior court and get a copy of the ruling.
They can bring charges again.
The judge clearly explained why he was allowing the dismissal of charges.
The judge explained the DA’s case was so prejudicial and lacked and evidence of the charges levied it was hopeless from the start.
The DA withheld, omitted, and manipulated evidence presented to grand jury such that the case was insufficient at its presentation.
That’s what matters here. The manipulation of evidence by the DA to try and bring a trumped up case for political gain. She has ruined any chance at justice for the child because any further prosecution will be seen as vindictive and any reasonable defense attorney will just reference the judge’s dismissal.
That’s the story, the justice for Kristoff will never come because an overzealous, incompetent, and politically motivated Andrea Harrington failed again.
Points of agreement here, mainly: The case can be retried (dismissed “without prejudice”) and Baby Kristoff did not receive justice. Because the case wasn’t tried, the Tuckers were not legally cleared. The DA could have presented a much better case. You’ve spent a lot of time on someone who didn’t “rattle” you. It seems that YOU “have overestimated my importance in this whole thing.” I merely offered an alternative interpretation of the case. It’s YOU who began this highly instructive debate. Let me ask you one serious question: Do you agree that the judge’s ruling did NOT exonerate the Tuckers? The judge slammed the DA’s office but this wasn’t a ruling on the culpability of the Tuckers. Let me also ask you, then, that if that is the case, do you agree that there’s a chance the Tuckers may have some legal culpability? And if that is the case, isn’t it reasonable for The People, in the name of justice for the dead infant and through their legal representative brings charges again. Boil it down: Do you favor pushing for a trial of the Tuckers?
Clearly he knows them and is pretending to play lawyer.
Except for the personal jabs at you Dan which are out of line and should be brushed off I have to agree with John on this assessment completely. The real story is a prosecutor who is so off the rails she will go after someone for personal gain. It’s unprecedented, so much more dangerous and important don’t you agree?? It’s a national story if someone wanted to make the effort. Another casebook example of what happens when you elect the wrong person as DA under misguided half baked ideas about “reform.”
Nope. The real issue is not a dead infant who may or may not have died at the hands of caregivers. The real issue is the complete dismantling of Berkshire County’s justice system at the hands of an incompetent district attorney. That is totally different headline than “DA Blows Another One.”
2 words-Zip File
His mom wont let him get winzip, and he uses hers in her basement
Don’t think he knows of this invention.
If you don’t understand if you zip a PDF, it often makes it larger, also some image files. PDFfiles are mostly compressed and have fonts embedded, compressing that just adds overhead but can’t compress it down. The best way to create the PDF is to create it and use Acrobat Pro to “flatten it” disabling any editing but that sometimes doesn’t work. I had to scan mine, edit it and cut and paste it twice to get it small enough to upload. The first copy was 108 mb and took some effort to get smaller it also lost quality.
Even with zipping it it was a 25 mb file
Sure. Dan schooled you. Try harder
Again illegitimate and his gang of thieves have decided to rob from citizens again to pay off students debt. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? If you make a contract you follow through on said contract. If the rules are changing than all contracts, including the contract of laws will be null and void. Why not look at the real issue. Since the government backed student loans colleges have astronomically raised their tuition and fees. Let’s do a forensic audit on colleges to see how much they really need to run an operation. Speaking of many unneeded administration positions colleges make Pittsfield Public Schools look like a preschool.
I don’t know. I think actually a class action lawsuit against universities with loan forgiveness as partial damages for wasting students time with useless courses on things like: Happiness Majors and the like.
Of course, the banks get their money, it’s the Universities that pay off the loans.
Let’s get our eyes on the Foster Care Contract to see what their duty was.
Homeless shelter needs to be built on the BCC campus.What a great opportunity that will be…..Republicans have bailed out bad business decisions by corporations for decades.It is also a great economic decision to pay off the student debt which is a huge scam.There is 1.6 trillion in all student debt.I would limit the debt to state college debt.Then see where that lands us.All student debt could have been wiped clean with Trump elite tax cut for 1.7 trillion in 2017……Ivanka Trump and Jared Trump just recieved $2,000,000,000.00 billion from the MURDER Prince of Saudi Arabia rescuing them from their 666 million dollar loan Russia can’t cover at this point with Don Trumps great friend Vladimir Putin awarding medals to soldiers executing
people as they flee from this tyrant war putin started…….The Trumps and Putins are scum with FOX propaganda promoting these two EVIL anti democratic criminals……..The Republican party is trying to get shutins to vote for them by calling
Democrats pedophiles…..SO CRAZY
A baby died alone unnecessarily.
They were paid to care.
They waddle.
(It does not take a doctor to discern)
They are morbidly obese.
Oh boy did I upset Phil’s Makeher yesterday with a post about gentrification. He was so upset he replied to my one comment twice, telling me to stay on topic. Meanwhile 50% of the posts on this site are Orange man bad / Jan 6th or Hunter’s laptop / sleepy joe, regardless of the post’s topic.
Just drive on down to where Danny’s bar used to be on 4th / Curtis. Look across to Winter street and ask yourself. “Why did Milltown buy and knock down these multi-family homes?” Maybe in 5 years another set of ugly new construction that is overpriced like on Tyler? More Tax breaks for millionaires? Or to simply make the housing market more profitable? 14 1-2BR units, POOF! Gone.
Gentrification does seem to be happening in this area.
Did anyone read the little story in the local yesterday about how, (paraphrasing), Pittsfield has long been racist in allowing POC to own their own homes? The suggestion seems to be that local banks are and have been racist in not giving loans to POC. It did not come right out and name the banks by name but they certainly should be called out if this is true. Perhaps a follow up story will elaborate as to which banks they were referring to and who the loan officers may have been.
Also, noted a walk through the west side suggested that people living there “just want out of here”. Did not say whether they meant out of the west side or out of Pittsfield altogether. It is worth distinguishing because the west side is not the only less than optimal place in which to live in Pittsfield, Ma. Much of it is in fact scary and getting worse by the day.
Excellent observations.
And conveniently the city council has people who are familiar with the banking industry in Pittsfield. They could probably address the issue and save all the time it would take for a full investigation. They are probably on it as we speak so kudos to those guys.
POC pay for a property survey to record their land with the Registry of Deeds. It don’t happen. Guba mint takin it all back. They want what POC has.
No Survey For You !!!
$1,200 the poorer – foolish me.
That article was a little mis-leading. That “red-line” map they are talking about is almost 100 years old. If you have good credit and a stable job, banks couldn’t care less if you were a puppet from Fraggle Rock. Side note, West side legends is just flipping houses with help from non-profits. Someone in the mix is getting paid.
As for wanting to get out, yes the west side is bad. most murders, most gunshots, most burglaries. Hell, I’ll buy any house in shacktown from the cell tower nut jobs if it means I dont have to padlock a lawnmower to keep it from rolling on down Dewey ave.
“Someone in the mix is getting paid.” There, encapsulated, is the one-line explanation of why Pittsfield politics ranks just above “swamp politics” and just below “barroom politics” (see: Doyle-Hickey Era).
Career Criminals ÷ Fools
There is a great book about a wealthy black guy who started a bank just for black people because he felt the banks were being racist. Well over time he was losing money so he had to start letting white people bank with him, this is when he started to make a profit. So was this banker a racist? If so in which situation?
How would it be possible for a bank to buy money from the Fed and discriminate on color in selling it? Something about this story doesn’t work.
I didn’t write it I just read it. Look it up I believe it was titled color of money. I read it some time ago so I could be mistaken with the title
Interesting you mention the apartment on Tyler Street. In a discussion yesterday about them. Be It Resolved: Could the city have put up an uglier eyesore? No! With a bout a 2 inch setback, no less. Says all that needs to be said about “vibrancy, dynamism, and DIE.”
Two things about cancelling student loans. (1) why just student loans? If Xiden is going to start cancelling debt, what about my mortgage? Car payment? Why just student loans? (2) I read that the reason progressives like AOC, Omar, and Jayapal, want student debt cancelled, is because it’s “racially discriminatory,” according to Jayapal.
How are student loans “racially discriminatory?” When all else fails, go to the democRAT playbook and use “race” as the key issues.
We have mayor who will cancel part of your taxes if you are cute and cuddly.
By the way, has anyone seen any drone footage of what is going on up at the old Christian Camp off Cloverdale street? Dump trucks back and forth like they were when the airport was renovated day in and day out. Holy cow… post that drone footage I am like so curious man. New amusement park??? Helicopter landing pads?? Prolly never get to see though it if it becomes an exclusive members only club.
They found gold. Parker’s up there digging as we speak.
Buried treasure
Milltown !
Your mortgage is all but cancelled. Inflation at 9%. Your mortgage at 4%. You earn 5% profit.
It’s not a joke. A thirty year mortgage is a gamble by the lender that some insane president is not going to trash the currency and set inflation on fire. Lender loses. Borrower wins. You lose your wealth, but at least your debts become worthless too.
We have a Potemkin president, a Potemkin Congress, a partially Potemkin Supreme Court, and a total Potemkin PITTSFIELD!
Parents – make sure this isn’t happening in your kids’ school! If it can happen in Ludlow, it could happen in Pittsfield.
This happens in all Pittsfield schools. kids selecting genders in first grade. rainbow flag on a children’s place on Wendell ave even.
It’s even worse than that. They want to confuse young children about their gender and convince them they are the wrong sex and maybe they need gender surgery someday. What are these kids being groomed for? Who are these kids being sexually groomed for? Is it just about creating little activists once they convince them to change their sex and then reminding them how they will be victims by their choice or is it that and much more?
Some of us are worried and decline to allow our children to socialize because of this. I like everyone, but gender confusion is beyond my understanding.
This group of activists wants to make it “hip” for kids to think they are the wrong gender. Young kids aren’t even thinking about their gender and sexuality so why should these activist teachers force this issue on them?
Ya, why? There is a reason… my best guess goes like this;
Is it so IT / Robots can be enlisted in the Forces… non binary there is no question on forms, “Are you a human? Only Race/Gender etc.?
Robots look zacry like you, but they are different somehow- can a robot EVEN be gender specific? This is crazy. Forget this whole post. It’s the weed. & booze. When in Rome.
And let’s not forget that Obama started the push for “age appropriate” ?? sex ed for kindergartners. It’s not appropriate at that age.
Lenny, you know Sotero is still ruining this country. He’s pulling Xiden’s strings.
This way, he can stay in the background and make Xiden look like the evil one destroying our country. When it’s really been Sotero in his third term.
The fact that Jill Xiden even allows Joe to be made a mockery of, speaks loudly of her character.
81,000,000 votes Xiden got, yet I never see shirts, hats, signs, bumper stickers, supporting him. Even prior to his Afghanistan debacle.
Letter: DA should apologize to Adams couple in foster child death case
The Berkshire Eagle, April 20, 2022
To the editor:
Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington does it again.
Going for the headlines and sensational comments in the press, her office gets it all wrong. Superior Court Judge John Agostini dismissed the manslaughter case brought against Matthew Tucker and Cassandra Barlow-Tucker, of Adams. (“Judge faults Berkshire DA’s handling of case involving foster child’s death and dismisses charges against Adams couple,” Eagle, April 16.) In a 17-page ruling, Agostini said prosecutors downplayed statements favorable to the couple and attacked the couple’s character.
She owes this couple an apology for the reckless way she presented the evidence, leaving out crucial information. Instead, Ms. Harrington went for the gold headlines by revealing past posts made by Barlow-Tucker about previous issues with the Department of Children and Families, which were totally irrelevant to this case.
In this case, the necessary paperwork due the couple to provide medical treatment was never received. And there were several documented emails showing that the couple asked for them on more than one occasion. Yet they are the ones deemed responsible and were charged with manslaughter. I’m waiting for the headlines that say that District Attorney Andrea Harrington has apologized to this couple and the defamation of character and humiliation she has caused them by not doing her job, as stated by Judge John Agostini in his ruling.
It’s an election year Ms. Harrington; do the right thing.
Dennis McGill, North Adams
A good samaritan could have probably put Baby on the doorstep at the ER for a better medical discernment. .
The grandstand at historic Wahconah Park will be closed for the 2022 season. The city of Pittsfield announced that after inspection, it was deemed structurally unsafe.
It’s been structurally unsafe since 2001.
I am so intrigued to see that I am not the only one who thinks the new Milltown building, dubbed “Woodlawn Homes” or something, is the most disgusting addition to Tyler St., ever. Who approved that monstrosity? Not only it is ugly in itself, but among the rest of the neighborhood it stands out at the ugliest thing to be built in Pittsfield in a long time.
Hairy-butt ugly. Fitting for the “new” Tyler Street.
Will it have its own security guards? Will there be a designated parking spot out front for all the police cars that will be called there because if they have to double park on Tyler it will jam up traffic.
The BIC holds a close second place.
The Waconah Park grandstand has been declared structurally unsafe and cannot be used for the 2022 season. Aww shucks! Anybody just happen to have 5 million bucks laying around so that some politically connected company can fix it? Yup! Guess we can find somebody……. tee hee
That’s what happens when there’s no regular maintenance and up grades for decades. Paint can only do so much. I give them credit they didn’t wait for it to collapse. They replaced the lights , once one tower fell into the Housatonic. To bad they didn’t build the new stadium.
ARPA money?
$700,000 just went to the Berkshires Black Enterprise (BBE), so black men/women can start up black owned businesses.
Here’s the kicker, BBE isn’t even a business itself and 4/5 of their administrators have ZERO experience setting up a successful business.
The best part, the chief race baiter herself, Shirley Edgerton, some how ended up being a part of this scam…..I mean project.
Maybe that money is for salaries, consultants and incentive bonuses? Company vehicle? Can we check back in six months and see where it went?
Ahhh, NO!
Scam is right.
Where’s the city councilors on this? That’s a whoppin’ amount of cash for a racist group. Isn’t the black population of Pittsfield only around 5%?
Spend the money on road repairs!
Just make sure they use union workers. To think if Bouton was able to take it over and run it I am sure maintenance would have happened. I wonder if the Little Leagues, Babe Ruth League, Softball Leagues, Soccer and Football Leagues that have taken over running the parks all use union labor? Glad we didn’t build the Civic Authority park I am sure they would have had to build a new one by now for lack of maintenance
The Berkshires are in the top 15% percentile of the country for boozing. We are the top area in Massachusetts for talk about booze and boozing. No wonder people in this area can’t think straight and think the far left is great. Add to that that we are known for lots of drug use in this area and we win the double whammy for substance abuse. This is from an article in the Berkshire Eagle today.
I’ll drink to that.
As AC/DC suggests,
Explains TSC and Fizz
Here’s the article. This happened during COVID, but we’ve had alcohol problems here for a long time. The “Painkiller” was the drink of choice.
How are we doing for suicides and overdoses? Do we score any points there?
The Toll is high relatively speaking. But, three days ago everyone was alive, so…. no worries. 72 hour window anyone who was alive, then dies…. it was nothing to see here. 3 days. Long time, just stating a FACT.
Judge’s decision in the Tucker case. Pages 9-16 are a lesson in how absolutely corrupt and incompetent Andrea Harrington is.
The whole decision really is but 9-16 make her look like the idiot she is. The judge takes her to the woodshed.
If I read between the lines, it says they didn’t do anything wrong and only a medical expert would have been able to tell. Could they have done better? Yeah I think so, but they just had a visit three days before he died and nobody mentioned get him to the emergency room.
It was dismissed without prejudice so they can refile but Harrington ruined this case and polluted the jury pool.
Maybe there is a book about the law the DA could read? You know, prosecution for dummies or something like that?
The “redline” article ignores that those maps are decades old, over a century in some cases.
It ignores that a majority of people living in those neighborhoods were poor, and not just POC.
It also ignores that over the years of 2006-2008 a record number of “black homeowners” existed backed by HUD and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It ignores that even in “affluent” demographics ($100k earnings per year or more) black homeownership trails whites (44.1% to 74.5%). Across almost all economic strata the rates carry very little. So why are affluent blacks not buying homes at a higher percentage if the primary barrier is economic?
The concept of racial steering has less to do with race and more to do with the ability to afford a home. The flip side of that coin is when developers move into an area and try and develop, they are accused of gentrification.
It was a poorly researched and written piece. Quite amateur and the editor should have squashed it because it does indeed leave out so much important information. The slant continues to be how badly POC are being treated. Someone seems to want to pound that into whiteys head over and over. What is the real end game?
Steve White is on Facebook saying that those Woodlawn apartments and Tyler street apartments, initially advertised as “affordable housing” so that they could get tax breaks have morphed into “Market Rate” housing which is considerably higher than the roll out bullshit. And that they were mostly built for General Dynamics employees. He really said that.
So if you think the whole Tyler redo was to help out the general Tyler street population, which might be considered low income, you would be predictably mistaken. But then again if you believe anything that comes out of Tyers mouth you ain’t super smart anyway.
All the leaders knew exactly what Milltown was up to because most all are friends with them or want to be.
This is what is really happening in our schools. A teacher bragging that out of her class of 32 kids, 20 of them want to change their gender, disgusting sexual cartoons being shown to kids in the classroom. All of this is being done so that these young children will dismantle this country with these activist beliefs to turn child against child and divide children from their parents. It is chilling what this government is doing.
Hello, Honorable Mayor Linda Tyer,
New Hampshire’s largest city by population is Manchester, where I lived in for 4 years of my adult life from early-2005 to early-2009, and I still visit Manchester when I go to the VA Medical Center there. Manchester has a 24/7 mental health crisis de-escalation and support service called the Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT). It is modeled after the Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS) in Oregon. CAHOOTS workers are deployed by the city’s dispatch center when an individual reporting a mental health crisis contacts 911. I copied and pasted the letter to the Editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader that addresses Manchester’s MCRT and Oregon’s CAHOOTS programs. I hope that this information will assist your municipal administration’s police reforms efforts after the PPD’s deadly use of force shooting of a mentally ill young man who experiencing an emergency crisis.
Best wishes,
Jon Melle
Letter: “Manchester must revisit its crisis response team”
The New Hampshire Union Leader, April 20, 2022
To the Editor: Manchester’s Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) was established in 2017 as a 24/7 mental health crisis de-escalation and support service. In its first four years of operation, the MCRT fielded more than 25,000 calls in greater Manchester. Despite its successes, the MCRT’s lack of integration within the city’s emergency response network, narrow purview, and temporary funding status limit its ability to best serve the community.
To solidify its important role, we must revamp MCRT to closely resemble the program upon which it was modeled: Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS) in Oregon. Three ways to do so are:
Integration: CAHOOTS workers are deployed by the city’s dispatch center when an individual reporting a mental health crisis contacts 911. By integrating the MCRT into Manchester’s emergency response network, these professionals can support Manchester police officers more effectively.
Purview: CAHOOTS workers support law enforcement on a broader range of non-violent situations, including drug- and alcohol-related incidents in addition to mental health crises. The MCRT’s purview should be similarly expanded to best leverage the expertise of its service members.
Funding: MCRT is funded through a state grant set to expire, while CAHOOTS is funded by the city of Eugene. By funding MCRT at the local level, this program can perform its important role in Manchester for years to come.
With a reliable funding schedule, expanded purview, and permanent role in the city’s crisis response network, the MCRT will be best positioned to serve the greater Manchester community.
Nathan Pucci
Hanover, New Hampshire
On Friday expect the DA’s office to overcharge in another case and to seek absurd sentencing in other cases. All part of a political game of football as she begins to get more desperate to keep her job as her time in office draws to a close.
Mission Control: The residents of Berkshire County Massachusetts, fear they need Remove outside their jurisdiction to receive fairness and justice.
So, did andrea falsify something to get the Tuckers indicted, and then was unable to show cause? What? Since when did character stop mattering in court? What is really going on?
To put it into driving terms to go with the DA’s wrong way driving incident She basically failed to stay within clearly marked lanes.
Activist teachers in our schools are trying to use psychology to mold our children in their image. One activist teacher says children as young as 3 and 4 are thinking about sex, they just don’t know it, we have to remind them. Are these the kind of people we want teaching young children in our schools? They shouldn’t be learning that at all at that age and older students are being shown sexually explicit material. Can some Pittsfield teachers come forward about the course content in the schools?
How old are you, Pat? The local elementary schools had sex ed in the 70’s.
starting in like 7th grade. Of course in your family you start sooner.
Keep trying to hide what is going on in the schools, but the word is spreading about just how sinister the plan is for our children in this country by the radicals in our government.
Pat, I agree with you. This is insane, Florida has it right.
So far no denial from ANY school officials about ghost guns found in the schools.
Toad, this is not your Grandma’s Sex Ed.
Watch the video. This is telling kids to use sex toys and these kids are in kindergarten to third grade. They are being shown pictures of little kids their age who are having sex with each other. This is really bad.
Guess what, there’s a reason wr didn’t seek out this information & we stay home.
Your obsession with this subject is getting kind of weird man. Maybe take a walk or read a good book?
Your lack of concern is much more disturbing.
DCF was Audited right? And found to have violated mandated time frames for investigations. There CAN be multiple Defendants, right? Are they, too, immune from criminal liability?
All you need to know about the city pissing away $700k and probably a lot more before it’s over.
Three nice people but relatives, Dews, and Sharpton I mean Edgerton
Elegant stitches is a nice small company but I don’t think the three family members have made $700k profit in a year so it’s not like the are captains of industry.
Reminds me of the joke where a Mob Kingpin is put on trial. The lawyer tells the court that the man is “a legitimate businessman, a respected member of the community.” The judge asks what he does for a living: “Your honor, he owns a small laundromat.” The judge asks, “Then how do you explain that he took in $100 million last year.” The lawyer explains: “Your honor, this just testifies to what a good businessman he is.”
So if I start up the Berkshire White Economic Council with my family – can I get the same $700,000 handout?
Then I will file a lawsuit against the city citing discrimination!
Now THERE’s a plan.
Tucker Ruling
Thank you for posting this document. Every poster on this blog needs to simply read this at least twice. So many questions to be answered Thank God the Judge appears to be of such temperament as to apply the law equally to all parties.
Someone (We the People) need to put a halt to misuse of the law and prosecutorial powers.
For all the pain that poor child has endured we can not let it be for naught We need to demand DCF be held to account and We each need to vote understanding we bear the responsibility for the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us not to a political party goal or movement.
You are welcome.
The Beagle is barking about officers involved in 6 shootings over two decades, all clearned. Presumably this is to prepare the population for the same in this latest case. Question: how many times did PPD not shoot a person with a weapon threatening them? Too bad we don’t track that. PS What color were the perps, aren’t we supposed to be tracking that now per Harrington campaign accusations?
If they were not (the perps) putting themselves in bad situations they would not be getting shot. FYI you arent getting shot watching a movie with your family.
Once again on point. If you’re home at 9 p.m. watching “Bonanza” reruns you stay safe. If you’re in a barroom or club in the wee hours of the morning? That’s when you get shot.
Wasn’t Miguel at home?
The proverbial Kapanskis have little to no faith in the Pittsfield Police Department!
Pittsfield Police Advisory and Review Board hears pointed criticism during Estrella shooting listening session | WAMC
Section 8 housing was his girlfriends residence, it was not his Home. He is not from here, Too. DR was his Home I read.
Illegal alien from the Dominican.
A few folks in KY & MN would disagree. BTW, Tamarack Road has become 1 way – down the middle, at 2-5 mph.
Absolutely. They must deal with at least 1000 (not exaggerating) cases annually with people who are off the wall for one reason or another. I doubt if this is what they thought they signed up for. If you don’t trust them don’t call them. Take care of your own problems. I doubt if the police are sitting around wishing they had a call with a disturbed person to go to just so they would have something to do.
What happened to Warren Dews’s Famous Cigar Lounge? Did the City hand out any COVID or PPP money for this project? What happened to all the money donated to Dews for this top of the line cigar smoking facility? Where did all the expensive cigars and booze go? How come no one is questioning that? Believe he also had a Go Fund Me to open the business. Evidently no accountability on this Dews latest failed business. So let’s give him $700,000 more! Is it because he is a man of color and we are not allowed to wonder where all the money went? Is it because his wife basically is the spoke person/bouncer for the Mayor. Wonder if the bike lanes closed his business that was on North Street?
Speaking of North Street, drove down this Vibrant and Dynamic street yesterday, not only was I dodging potholes, I also had to dodge Ricky Rumpus’s large orange dip sticks as the wind was blowing them all around into the driving lane. Watched as 3 City trucks and 2 police cruisers dodged them also and kept driving. Meanwhile, cars were driving in the bike lane to turn into side streets. So TYRED of this screwed up City!
M&B, you are correct. I just did a little research, according to bizapedia, Warren C Dews Jr, Hinsdale, is listed as the Registered Agent of (the former) The Country Club Barbershop and Cigar Lounge, 123 North Street, Pittsfield, MA.
It appears it was in operation from 11/14/2019 and closed on 7/25/2020.
In fact, Dan even wrote about Warren’s place going “up in smoke,” on 3/6/2020, “It’s happened again…Pittsfield has ‘Fallen for it’ on the brewery give away.”
So, if Warren’s place was up in smoke by March 6th, he should not have been eligible for any PPP/COVID business relief money. His business was closed prior to the pandemic. If he did take money, he violated state and federal laws.
The current business located at 123 North Street, is Brooklyn’s Best. A far crime from a lung-dart lounge.
Warren’s business couldn’t even make it a year and he was one of the people chosen to help black people set up businesses? What an absolute scam and joke. And remember, this was pre-pandemic, so he can’t use that as an excuse.
I love how Shirley Edgerton is some how involved in this too. Shirley has absolutely no business experience and has never worked in the private sector. According to her bio, she has always had state or city (government) jobs. Not that anything is wrong with a government job, but I think we all can agree, stuff you get away with in government jobs, would get your a$$ bounced to the curb in the private sector.
The Country Club Barbershop And Cigar Lounge, Inc in Hinsdale, MA (bizapedia.com)
The cigars might have been late in delivery,so he could still be eligible.Cuba is not around the corner you know.
I believe Dews and the fellow who ran a sub shop in Adams that sold roast beef ones as the featured ones are now opening a restaurant in Adams. I think it was called Big Daddy’s? Anyway that Adams location closed and moved to Pittsfield. Don’t know if it is still open. Being honest, the roast beef subs were fantastic.
Citing Lack Of Business on Vibrant and Dynamic North Street, Bigg Daddy’s closed in August of 2019. Wonder if the Meter Maids drove business away?
Not subs – hoagies and cheese steaks and fried anything you want. Growing up near Philly Big Daddys hit home for me and brought me back to my teens. Got the philly vibe perfect and the food was great. Like eating in Suburban Station at Broad St. A loss for pittsfield.
Thanks for sharing, MARK. Black activist shave cultural sanity on the run. They have no problem with “wealth redistribution” and have $$ in their eyes. The wealth that being redistributed, by the way, belongs to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the public treasury. It’s a money grab by gimme guys and gimme gals.
The infamous cigar lounge / barbershop never actually opened. Dews sold memberships to suckers with the promise of a near future opening. It never actually operated before everything was shut down for covid.
I just finished reading in today’s Eagle a well-written
story by Howard Herman titled “Grandstand closed for the season at Wahconah Park.” The story states there is nothing wrong with the Wahconah Park field, grandstand roof, grandstand, or entrance to the park. Sounds good so far. So why close the grandstand weeks before opening day? The answer given is there is a problem with structural supports under the grandstand. Now, what are structural supports? Probably 10 feet high 2X4s or 3X4s to shore up the grandstand. For this, we needed an architect, a structural engineer, and a bridge contractor for further examination. All this was after city engineers and city employees examined the structure for the initial determination of the problem. All this is just a start. Wait until we hire a contractor to assess, study, recommend, plan, and appear before the council and other city boards. We are going to ask the feds and state government for money for this project. Even if they give us a pittance to install posts where aging posts now exist it is still our money. If they give nothing Pittsfield taxpayers will fund the entire project. Think about it. All we have to do is shore up a 100-year-old wooden structure. Don’t we have workers to do this?
It will be worse than that. They will add temporary bleachers at a cost of $50,000-$250,000 depending on the number and layout.
I hope they don’t hire a consultant to tell us where the temporary should be placed.
Chuck, I was told that the support beams are quite rusty. That being said the city most likely will hire a consultant who will recommend a Cadillac solution when a Chevy. Will work. Remember consultants are paid a percentage of total job cost and they never recommended the most economical fix.
Dave, Right on target. A team of consultants has already been hired and paid for to tell us the problem, which is what I said it was. That is, shore up all beams that hold up the grandstand. What else can it be? Now big money comes in for a contractor to do a similar study and do the work. All this for a semi-pro team of college kids to play 30 games all summer. Recall, that Pittsfield youngsters don’t even play football games at Wahconah Park. They now play 5 miles from their school at the bottom of West Mountain. And we wonder why Pittsfield center is dead. .
Unfortunately no. We’re deal with concrete footings, steel beams , bolts and welds. Structural Engineers will be involved, on top of the handicap accessibility issue. 5 million easy, depending on how greedy they get on the rebuild.Big fan of yours Chuck, wish you well. Thanks for your contributions to the City.
Thanks, Joe, and you can count on them getting greedy. Why not, it’s only taxpayer’s money.
Great and insightful comments. You nailed it. That’s why you should have been elected mayor!