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This just in: Today’s debate between Tim Shugrue and … a potted plant, sitting in for the district attorney, who chickened out. Actually, it’s an incredible conversation with Berkshire County’s next D.A. We cover a ton of information that NO OTHER FORUM has or will bring out … + … we get to see the human side of Shugrue. Click now for “Suit Up or Shut Up: The Race for Berkshire County D.A.” You’ve not see nothing like it.
A one-hour discussion with the county’s hottest defense lawyer and former ace prosecutor, your next D.A., Tim Shugrue.
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First Street and Adam. Tuesday. From one of our sources, on the scene:
Andrea is going to have a fun time explaining this based on who the shooter and shootee are.
Her progressive catch and release political football just blew up in her face.
They are going to try and bury the names until after the debate.
This shooting took place while, nearby, Shakespeare and Co. performed in the park, a happy audience in the Common and children playing in the splash pad, all while gunplay and shooting were happening maybe two blocks away.
THE PLANET called it after this week’s three incidents where teens on bike roughed up the rehearsing actors, who had to flee into Zion Church for safety. D.A. Andrea Harrington, to the best of our knowledge, had said nothing as of press time.
Shirley Edgerton, please come to first street for a clean up and explanation.
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Here’s the Pittsfield Police Department’s release:
****For Immediate Release****
Subject: Adam Street Shooting
Authored By: Lieutenant Michael Maddalena
Authorized By: Chief Michael Wynn
On 08/16/2022 at approximately 4:00 PM, Pittsfield Police responded to the area of Cumberland Farms on First St for a reported victim of a shooting. Arriving units located a 19 old city resident on Adam Street suffering from a gunshot wound. Pittsfield Fire Department and Action Ambulance responded to the scene and provided medical aid prior to transport to BMC.
Members of the Pittsfield Police Detective Bureau, Crime Scene, Narcotics Unit and Anti-Crime Unit responded to the scene to assist the Patrol Division.
A vehicle involved was located a short time later. A firearm was found in the vehicle and a juvenile was subsequently arrested for unlawful possession of the firearm. The vehicle was towed to the police station pending further processing. Police continue to investigate that juvenile’s involvement with the actual shooting. Video evidence is being collected and witnesses are being interviewed. The investigation is ongoing. This is not believed to be a random incident.
Members of the Massachusetts State Police assisted with the investigation.
This remains and active investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Police Department Detective Bureau (413-448-9705), call the Tip line (413-448-9706), or send us a tip via text message by texting “PITTIP” and your message to 847411 (TIP411)
Detective Ignacio Matos is the Lead Detective on the case and can be reached at 448-9705 ext 576
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We won’t make a phony show of objectivity (which doesn’t exist in journalism nor did it ever). We’ll leave the fakery and posturing for Andrea Harrington, who, sources tell us, is in the cold sweats because this time around, neither Linda Tyer, Tom Shakshaug, Barry Clairmont, John Krol, Jimmy Ruberto — just to name a FEW — will not support or endorse her for re-election. The ship’s going down, the lifeboats are being manned, and the panicking Mrs. Harrington is on her way to Davy Jones’ locker.
Not this one. Not this time. The D.A.’s race is too important to leave it in the hands of a mind-boggling level of incompetence and failure that, if returned to office, will spell THE END for the city of Pittsfield and with it, the entirety of Berkshire County.
That is not an understatement but meant to read literally, at face value.
And if you’re wondering about the reasons behind “Wrong Way” Harrington’s expected “no show” for THE PLANET‘s debate today, just go to PCTV and watch her ghastly performance against the next D.A., noted defense attorney and former prosecutor Tim Shugrue. Then listen to the story of how her campaign pressured the NAACP concoct a fake conflict of interest for today’s debate.
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Despite the creaky, stiff format of 60-second “answers” and 30-second responses during the PCTV event, one got an eye- and earful of nervousness and ineptitude on one side (she) and cool, committed professionalism on the other (he). In her squeaky, shaky, little-girl voice, Harrington made excuses for all the crime she doesn’t prosecute. All criminals are “stigmatized,” don’t you know, by racist police, racist judges, and racist lawyers like Tim Shugrue, so she stated and implied.
The criminals, not the sufferers of crime, are the “victims” in her eyes — “victims” of racism, mental illness, racism, sun spots, poverty, subterranean waters, racial disparity, swamp gas, and did we say racism? The people they kill, mug, roll, or rob, harass, intimidate, sell drugs to, and piss on … why, they should be ashamed of themselves. In other words, Wrong Way believes, no one is responsible for their actions and the choices they make.
What would you expect from an allegedly grown woman who thinks anyone 25 or under is still a child?
Anyone who disagrees with her, on anything of form, fact, or substance, is a “right-wing, race-baiting misogynist.” That covers everyone, including Tim Shugrue, Tom Bowler, and Sammy Davis Jr., who when he was alive used to be black … until he became Jewish. But that, and Laquon Johnson, is another matter. That’s the Loon Left’s definition of diversity (sameness), inclusion (exclusion), and equity (discrimination). If you don’t think like them, lockstep in jackbooted fashion, you aren’t wanted.
Apparently, Mrs. Harrington doesn’t believe Martin Luther King’s notion that we should judge people not on the color of their skin (or any other demographic) but on the content of their character. Color, gender, age, and all other delimiters aside, if you’re a good one, that’s all that matters. If not, then we as a society should have no place for you. THE PLANET, on the other hand, believes in King’s beautiful notion. We also believe in Malcom X after he parted ways with the Nation of Islam and and told black people they had to grow up and become men and women — confident, self sustaining, and productive. Both King and X were assassinated for these views. We doubt Andrea knows Malcolm X from Malcolm in the Middle. And is it too far fetched to think that secretly, deep down inside, she has no problem with they “they” did to King and X?
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At least twice during the library hour, maybe more, the Laquan Johnson case came up. First time, Andrea said she would get to it in her closing statement. When Shugrue mentioned it, she again said later. In the wrap-up, of course, she didn’t mention Johnson at all. Caught in a lie? Just absent-minded? Another choke, on camera, wilting under pressure?
In October 2019, Mrs. Harrington’s prosecution of Johnson failed, even though the other side hardly put up a defense. Johnson was released. In April of this year, he was charged with murder after shooting two people near King Street.
No wonder why she clammed up.
A favorite moment in the library debate came when each was allowed to question the other. Shugrue asked her what of what three moments in court, as a lawyer, is she most proud of; that’s when you saw the “frozen-in-the-headlights” look. She had no meaningful repose or response. She choked. Shugrue had to answer for her, mentioning a case she lost. IS that the one where she asked the judge for mitigation because she said her defendant had an incompetent lawyer, referring to herself? Or was that all a bad dream?
The district attorney of Berkshire County has virtually NO ACTUAL, MEANINGFUL COURT EXPERIENCE AS A LITIGATOR!
Let that sink in.
Stack this up against Tim Shugrue’s 36 years, nearly every day of which has been spent in a courtroom, on both sides of the law as a successful prosecutor for nine years and 27 years in private practice for the defense.
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A one-hour discussion with the county’s hottest defense lawyer and former ace prosecutor, Tim Shugrue.
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That’s why she likely won’t show today. Irrespective of that, THE PLANET, ever the optimist, will keep the hot seat on “well done” in case she has a change of heart. We are the eternal optimists, which we base on the fact that Wrong Way hasn’t said “no” to us directly. She hasn’t said anything. You know the drill. When the phone doesn’t ring, it’s Mrs. Harrington not getting back to us.
If she doesn’t show for the debate, we will put a potted plant in her stead. No doubt, the plant will be an improvement.
Andrea ducked THE PLANET debate by claiming the NAACP, local branch, had scheduled her debate with Shurgue for tomorrow as well.
THE PLANET knows otherwise.
Examine the time line.
THE PLANET shared news of our debate with Shurgue on July 11. That’s when it appears the Harrington camp, shortly after, somewhere near or on July 15, “reverse-engineered” a manufactured conflict for Harrington by pressuring the NAACP to schedule its virtual debate on the same day. This was to be used at the last-minute to provide Mrs. Harrington an excuse for now showing up at our event, where she would face Mr. Shugrue in an actual, unscripted, think-on-your-feet discussion. That’s the card she played two days ago.
Not many are buying it, and if you are, well, we have some prime real estate to sell you in The Pines. Cheap.
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That clammy back-room dealing was brought into sunlight, somewhat inadvertently, by an article in the Berkshire Eagle, penned by Meg Britton-Mehlisch. The article mentioned that the NAACP had agreed to reschedule its DA’s Zoom forum to Aug. 29. Here’s the pertinent part of Meg’s story:
A spokesperson for Harrington’s campaign later called Planet Valenti “an inflammatory, extremist, right-wing blog known for promoting race-baiting and misogynistic content.”
Valenti, asked for a response, called that description of his website “laughable.”
“It’s the D.A.’s characterization of Planet Valenti that is ‘inflammatory and extremist,'” Valenti said by email, when asked for his response. “This is just Andrea’s excuse for ducking out of yet another debate. She’s scared to appear in a live, in-person, forum that will require wits and the ability to think on her feet to handle the tough questions that citizens and voters have been asking.”
“As for Planet Valenti, the only thing we promote is fair and accurate coverage, both news and opinion. We are the opposite of what the DA’s campaign says we are,” he said. “My readers know it. We have a right wing and a left wing. That’s why we’re flying.”
The Harrington spokesperson said the campaign believes it is irresponsible for any candidate to appear on Valenti’s forum “to validate this sort of behavior, especially those seeking to be District Attorney …. It is deeply troubling that Tim Shugrue has chosen to embrace Dan Valenti … over participation in a debate hosted by the NAACP on the same night.”
The Shugrue campaign, in turn, said this: “Ms. Harrington’s campaign is being disingenuous by saying Tim declined, where we are working with these organizations to find alternative dates.”
We thank Eagle innovation managing editor Larry Parnass for having the class and journalistic integrity to call us for comment on Adam Webster’s preposterous statement. Webster is the campaign flack who talks for Andrea. He’s a principal at the high-priced Boston political consultancy, Castle Point Partners.
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Other highlights of Wrong Way floperoo vs. Shugrue from the library Monday:
- She put words in Shugrue’s mouth while sticking her foot in mouth over “broken window” prosecution. Shugrue, let us say, “corrected the record.”
- She had more “uhs” and “ums” in one hour that Kufflinks Kerwood manages in two minutes!
- She stepped in the guano when she said “My experience being D.A. for the past three and a half years speaks for itself.” Shugrue wasted no time pouncing on the opening. K.O. Leaving Andrea seeing stars, little birdies flying in a circle over her head, like in the cartoons. THE PLANET‘s hidden microphones picked up the intervention:
- MEDICAL STAFF: Andrea, what day is it?
- HARRINGTON: 8 o’clock.
- MS: What’s your name?
- HARRINGTON: Saturday.
- MS: What time is it?
- MS: Who’s the President of the United States?
- HARRINGTON: Alf Barbalunga.
- Shugrue pinned her to the wall like a butterfly specimen for holding an innocent woman 120 days because of the actions of a “rogue police officer.”
- Shugrue said near the end that he was “frustrated and fed up,” telling Harrington to her face that she had “failed the law enforcement community, and they’ve asked me to come forward and help them get back and be part of it [again]. Score a perfect 10.
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We conclude with post, sharing news on the latest from one of Mrs. Harrington’s experts on “prioritizing domestic and sexual violence” cases.
THIS JUST IN, A PRESS REPORT FROM THE DAILY MAIL: Adam Foss, an advocate for criminal justice reform who Andrea Harrington brought to the Berkshire District Attorneys office to “discuss what the future of the criminal justice system can look like” has been arrested and charged with RAPE. Foss was indicted Tuesday in Manhattan Supreme Court on charges of first-degree rape and sexual abuse. He is charged with raping a woman, 25, while she slept in Midtown Manhattan hotel room in 2017. He was previously cleared of another rape by Harrington pal former DA Rollins, who he endorsed for Suffolk DA. Harrington brought Foss to the Berkshires to help her “prioritize domestic and sexual violence” offenses and “provide ADAs with the tools they need” according to iberkshires. |
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That’s about it for today. See y’all tonight, when we broadcast our D.A.’s debate with Tim Shugrue and a Potted Plant.
That’s “Plant” not “PLANET.”
And if you see Mrs. Harrington today, wish her well.
She’s in need of some support.
“Our children may learn about heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves architects of the future” — Jomo Kenyatta.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Tim Shugrue and Tom Bowler are two old hacks that would continue predictable Pittsfield politics’ Business as usual failed leadership that put the city into the proverbial ditch a long time ago. I believe that Godfather Jimmy Ruberto (D-Naples, Florida) along with his “WHEN” ladies Linda Tyer (D-Gated Community) and Tricia Farley Bouvier (D-Country Buffet) not endorsing Andrea Harrington’s reelection campaign for a second term as the Berkshire County District Attorney supports my argument that the A-Team: Alf & Andrea – will discontinue the city’s failed leadership that has plagued City Hall over many decades. It is time for change, not more of the same failed leadership that (Sarcasm) transformed downtown Pittsfield into an art and cultural mecca that rivals Paris, London, NYC & L.A., which hosted public art exhibits of “Pittsfield: A City in Decay”! Jimmy Ruberto’s endorsement – or lack thereof – is about as worthless as his Rolodex. Andrea Harrington should be proud that she is NOT one of Jimmy Ruberto’s “WHEN” ladies. She is her own person.
Are you severely mentally ill?
We all know you have an obsession with Andrea Harrington. I’m sure she’s real close to giving you some good loving.
If this was baseball, JM would be batting with an 0-2 count. No balls and two strikes, for you non-baseball people. Will DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington provide the punch-out of JM?
His first strike: Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants). 0-1
His second strike: Linda “Flat” Tyer. 0-2
In both instances, JM praised their progressive political stances.
In both instances, JM fawned over their “sexiness and beauty.”
I think once DA Wrong Way is sent packing by Tim Shugrue, JM will then strike out and be sent back to the dugout. Where once again he will ride the pine until he begins to flood The Planet again with his “Lovely Linda,” or “Tantalizing Trish,” comments.
Could very well be, MARK. One thing that will happen. Andrea is toast. That said, do all you can to talk up Tim Shugrue. He’s the real deal. Trust me on this one.
The number one question of any candidate should be does Tim believe the lie?…Does Alf believe the lie? The answer will tell the voters if they are even mentally fit to run.Dan please ask all candidates that question if you would.
Jonathan Melle you are a goof ball that should notche commenting on Berkshire County issues since you haven’t lived here in unknown years and were discharged from the military for being a mental case.
Thank you for all of the thumbs down and mean-spirited comments. I have followed Pittsfield politics for most of my 47-year-old life. I enjoy blogging about my native hometown where I was born and grew up, but thankfully moved away from after all of the traumas I experience in Pittsfield and beyond many years ago now. If I didn’t have my Veteran Benefits, I may have ended up in Pittsfield or a place very similar to it. I am not obsessed with Andrea Harrington. I support her in politics. Why would anyone go back to predictable Pittsfield politics’ Business as usual failed leadership with the same old hacks Tim Shugrue and Tom Bowler? The A-Team: Alf & Andrea represent change in Pittsfield politics.
Thankfully you moved? Mommy and Daddy were heading out and almost escaped you but you chased them down so they tossed you in the trunk until they got to NH and dropped you off at a corner. That’s how it really went down.
It sounds similar to the David Spade movie, “Joe Dirt.”
Did anyone ask Shugrue about Berkshire Co Arc’s failed audit/ improper use of state funds? His website says he is connected to Arc. Also, this is the guy first to defend Yuckie in her rule breaking/flaunting political use of position to benefit her business no? Sounds like he is just the guy to improve local corruption.
Berkshire County ARC that received a $1,900,000 PPP loan in April 2021?
Oh, you said state funds. Duh.
Certainly a free two mil from the feds would have been perfectly accounted for.
I think just shy of 800k misallocated. But hey I mean it’s for the kids, I mean the landlords, I mean for the ‘local business community’ who graft off social services spending but still have to be shifty.
When Don Trump leads a party of previously free thinking men and women who are mostly born in confederate states with low paid educators and filtered school books and the support of the entire flyover country of 1700 Rush Limbaugh conservative radio with that being the only station you are laserbeam 1 thought media towns…..Don has control of your thinking…..Dons message to you is that they they they they they are coming to get you and only Don will save you…..These are the idiots that will support Dons terror on the institutions of America…minorities,elderly and now the police and the FBI…..Don leads the wealthy elites and the corporations by using the vulnerable brainwashed to fight their war.The xxx thief in chief stole United States secret for Vladimir Putin and the strong men of the world who Don shrinks before them and takes a knee…….FOX is by far the greatest propaganda messenger in history.The largest radical messenger of media in the world.Radical is now Mainstream entertainment.
Bye Bye Liz Cheney!!!!
She is the number one republican. She is the only one left.Mitt Romney is a snowflake with all the kooks in the Wizard of Oz culture
The DC uniparty swamp creatures are airlifting her from Wyoming back to her pasture DC
Dan, any chance TSC could get a warning for these off-topic, endless Trump posts? TSC seems to post at a 20 to 1 rate of Trump posts vs. on-topic posts.
It’s getting as bad as JM’s Patrick Fennell love letters used to be.
I fully understand free speech and that responding to TSC is like feeding a stray cat. Neither the cat, nor TSC will go away.
I hear you, but as you indicated, I’m a free-speech guy. The post you mention by TSC, while annoying in their repetitiveness, also don’t violate any of our standards. That said, as TSC will confirm, many of TSC’s posts do not get through. That comes when TSC sends a batch all at once. I’ve spoken before about batch posting. I don’t allow it. When it happens, I selected the one or two that are most relevant, if there are any. Thanks for the feedback.
What happened to my lawn jockey comment, “free-speech guy”? Just kidding, I’m over it. On the voting issue, I’m not, voting! I’m sick of voting for the lesser of the two evils. Evil is evil!
On the issue of juveniles with guns, WTF is going on. In addition to yesterday’s broad daylight GUN VIOLENCE in Mayor TYER’s VIOLENT CITY of Pittsfield, on Friday June 17, 2022, a juvenile was shot on Tyler Street, presumably by another juvenile. On July 18, 2022, another juvenile was shot on Pleasant Street, just off Tyler Street. On August 2, 2022, an 18-year-old male from Adams Street was arrested on multiple firearms charges but was released back into the wild. I know this because on August 10, 2022, the same 18-year-old Adams Street gun wielding male was arrested again on A&B Domestic charges, Witness/Juror/Police/Court Official Intimidation Charges and Violation of Probation charges. A pack of marauding juveniles was not arrested after harassing and intimidating a theatre group multiple times at the Common even though the theatre group had to seek refuge in a church for their own protection from the marauding menacing juvenile hoodlums. Pistol packing 13-14-15-and 16-year-old juveniles have been arrested for possession of illegal firearms, large capacity firearms, ghost guns, large capacity feeding devices, and drugs. These not innocent children. Something went very wrong very early on in their very young lives that allows them to shoot/murder each other. Regardless of whether or not these are random acts, these very young hoodlums have zero respect for human life, and I’m sure none of them would hesitate for a second to murder an innocent bystander. You know, those innocent bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time, perhaps just stopping by to buy a 99-cent coffee in broad daylight. In 2015 an 18-year-old young black male was shot to death by his lifelong 18-year-old friend on Tyler Street. THEY WERE LIKE BROTHERS! Another young male was also shot during this same daytime gun violent on Tyler Street. Not long after that, another pistol packing 14-year-old? juvenile opened fire at the corner of First and Tyler Street. 200 concerned citizens packed the Morningside Side school to listen to Chief Wynn and Adam Hinds on their plan to STOP THE RANDOM GUN VIOLENCE in City of Pittsfield. AND THEN, a truly innocent 11-year-old young girl just disappeared for over 5 weeks, until her corpse was discovered rolled up in a rug in a Plunket Street apartment where she lived and died with her junkie alcoholic suicidal father. And THAT TRAGEDY HAS BEEN IGNORED like it never happened. After the STILL UNSOLVED Linden Street 4th of July Massacre the black community marched through the city denouncing GUN VIOLENCE with their NO MORE GUN VIOLENCE SIGNS. And since then, a beautiful 22 -year-old young woman was shot in the head and died on Dewey Ave, the PPD have responded multiple to multiple ShotSpotter/after the fact activations throughout the city. In January 2019 18-year-old Jaden Salois was shot and killed on Edward Ave in Pittsfield. A 19-year-old male and a 22-year-old male, both of Pittsfield are charged with the murder of Salois. In May 2022 an 18-year-old male was shot multiple times in the shooting on Brierwood Lane, and three teenagers were arrested following that shooting. 26-year-old Stephan Curley was shot and killed; a woman was shot but survived this allegedly not random gun violence. What is Chief Wynn doing with his ever-increasing multimillion $$$$$$$$$$$ crime fighting budget, and his ALWAYS AUGMENTED EVER-INCREASING OVERTIME BUDGET, and the additional $400,000 he received in February to allegedly to specifically combat youth gang gun violence in the violent city of Pittsfield. I mean, what is Wynn/PPD doing besides fabricating and chasing after crimes that never even happened and killing/murdering people with impunity.
If TSC is real, I’d say let him write more. Eventually he’ll get tired and become a Trump supporter.
It’s kind of like Rachael Maddox, for entertainment purposes only. And I’ve been entertained for years now by TSC!
He’ll wake up one morning and forget who he is.
Maddox is paid to be a professional liar. No idea what she actually thinks, neither does she by now.
Thank You
I would like to know why Sullivan exited the race, as he was running as an Independent and would have faced the winner of the Democratic primary. Bought off? Cold feet? Second thoughts?
Basically, registered Republican voters have been shut out of voting in the DA’s election as it will all be over after the Sept. 6th Democratic primary.
He’s got big skeletons in his closet. Andrea’s team reached out and threatened to expose them. A call from Boston about dirt from 12 years ago got him out of the race.
Yes let’s focus on that instead of the DA’s OUI.
Can someone shed light on what happened rather than beating around the bush and making it sound like bs.
He pulled out. Let him alone.
Total f ing BS .it’s Politics and The Mazzeo mafia are all in
Well that confirms it.
It wasn’t GB
Was it Lenox, perhaps?
It didn’t happen in Lenox.
Or Shugrues Marriages plural
Let’s hope big Dan asks him that after all it was asked to the sheriff and Alf
Let’s say she got a oui gee right out of the Mazzeo playbook sick sick people..
Ohh pick me
He couldn’t get enough signitures among other things just a angry frat guy. See ya!
I would like to say thank you to all those creating and causing commotion and distraction from the absolutely abysmal job being done by city hall these days. It is nice to have the pressure off so that we can enjoy hiking and boating our summer away.
News flash – warmonger witch Liz Cheney voted OUT!
Berkshire County voters – set your sights on voting Harrington OUT on Sept. 6!
In a way too bad so far as tragicomedy goes. I loved watching die hard Democrats like M. Dowd who hated Dick (DArth Vader) sing the praises today of Bush and Cheney. “All republicans should be like the Cheneys and Bushes and be like us though we are not at all like them….” Letters to Eagle will weep for her demise.
Back to the Right Left mythology: it’s all left wing sophistry When Cheney was bad, heshe was rightwing. When heshe is good, it is left wing. This has always been true except for the original use of the phrase that strictly referred to seating order and a lack of chairs.
I’m glad for the Wyomingings – they get their self-respect back. Wish we could accomplish half that with our militaristic martial law invoking congress-critters.
Awesome! Happy “Liz is OUT” Day!
I would prefer TFB to be voted out!
Doesn’t someone have to run against her for that?
Dan, I hope “Andrea” doesn’t wilt under the pressure of your questioning. May want to give her a drink first to help her maintain her composure. The guys I sent from the firm couldn’t get the big mamma up the flights of stairs, so plan B was executed (can we say that word any more?). “Andrea” is petite and sweet and I hear she likes 6 ice cubes per week, bright spot, with indirect sunlight, and rotate quarter turn weekly. Tell Timmy, Joe says hello! I’m already getting the popcorn ready.
Will there be three lima beans in addition to the plant, Dan?
Maybe Garth will be sending Two Pina Colodas.
Maybe Simon or Garfunkel will serenade Dan and Tim with The Sound of Silence because Squeaky ain’t showing up!
Yeah, but the plant did!
Bar tender, a round of drinks for all my plants.
“That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget it; if something good happens you drink to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.” – Charles Bukowski
“When you drank the world was still out there, but for a moment it didn’t have you by the throat.” – Charles Bukowski
“I think I need a drink. Almost everybody does only they don’t know it.” _ Charles Bukowski
“We must all face the fact that our leaders are certifiably insane or worse.” – William S. Burroughs
You also forgot this quote:
“Tossing back a few drinks makes it easy to climb up on the bar top and shake your as$.” -Yuki Cohen, former Pittsfield city councilor.
Is that real???
Insane is fine. Very normal. Worse is bad.
Cumby’s Shooting Rattles Residents
City Plans Facebook Live Response
Is it true that the last few shooters have been high school students? And if so, is that why so many moms an dads are opting their kids out of Pittsfield’s gang banging schools? Could just be street talk but the mayor and chief have information so locked down that it might very well be accurate.
Get out if you can, while you can.
If you’re talking about schools, there is nowhere to go.
Harrington brought Foss to the Berkshires to help her “prioritize domestic and sexual violence” offenses and “provide ADAs with the tools they need”
to what?
Commit rape and get away with it undetected for years?
Thanks for bringing Bill Cosby to the Berkshires, Andrea. Just another criminal justice reform brought to us by the fake DA.
What training did Foss provide in the Berkshires? That should be an easy public records request – Larry Parnass.
You can research it easily. The training Harrington had accused rapist Adam Foss do is Training for Progressive Prosecutors. It was put together with the Fair and Just Prosecution group and has one goal: end mass encarceration. Presumably that happens when you don’t send anyone to jail. It is a monthlong training program to “fix our criminal justice system.” This is where they came up with ideas like treating retail theft under $500 as a non prosecutable crime and the idea that the 25 year old brain is not formed so we shouldn’t prosecute them as adults.
That brain thing is a odd one given one could argue well that anyone who commits a violent crime at least is somewhat deranged or mentally poorly assembled.
With her logic, if you hurt someone, you should be tried as a juvenile or given leeways.
Let us also not forget that Alf wants to house these same juveniles in the BCHC! I don’t care how much space is there, prisoners have contact and women and children will be mingling with the others. Putting AH and Alf into office will be a disaster people!!! They are both cut from the same cloth – the same as Tyer et al. Just because the locals are afraid to publicly endorse them doesn’t mean they aren’t voting for them. Vote Shugrue and Bowler and let’s get this county back on track!
No, women and children don’t mingle in jail, Sheriff Bowler has been clear about State law keeping prisoners separate. Keep criticism real. Alf can’t put women and juveniles in with men. And during that last debate he said he would need state grants to build another building for them, which means it probably wouldn’t happen for years.
And cost how much? Sheriff Bowler is very clear about keeping women in Chicopee. He was also aghast at Alf’s suggestion that juveniles be held in the HOC. Barbalunga wants them all here. He has no clue! Vote Bowler!!!!
Bowler was on the record in the Eagle a few years ago saying he wanted to bring the women back but would need State funding. It’s pretty clear he knows it is the right thing to do, and has been looking to do it himself, but it’s an election year, and he can’t say it now… if he could save the money in his budget he would do it, but he likes to hand out huge raises and salaries and state cars and gas cards that’s priority, easier to keep women in Chicopee and tell the voters it is better.
My mother used to tell me about how her brother, who went to the old Stearns school back in the 1920,s would sometimes come home with his knuckles bleeding from the teachers rapping on them with a ruler because he misbehaved. (and it was grade one through four at that time) Today, if a teacher even raises their voice to a kid they can themselves be taken to task. So we have come full circle as to how to raise and discipline our children and I am not sure it is working out so well.
How about the teacher who, after a long career as a non-teacher, got certified and was hired by Taconic High. He started in April, when in-person classes resumed. The bell rings. He’s standing at the door on his first day, ready to welcome his students. He ushers the kids in, telling the to take their seats. A girl walks by and says to him, “Fuck You.” From the back of the room comes a shout of “Shut the fuck up, cunt!” Welcome to your first minute of a teaching career. Later he went home shocked and realized teaching would be impossible. At max, the best he could do was calm the classroom of unruly brats as best he could. He knew he couldn’t reprimand anyone, couldn’t put his hands on anyone, couldn’t do or say anything “offensive” to anyone or get reported and written up. Yeah, Flat and Jumpin Joe, send more untold millions into the vomit pit.
Stearns School, 1920’s, doubtful. However, spinster, MS. SMITH was the principal in the early 60’s and she was in the habit of grabbing your chin and pinching it really hard. This had more to do with her being a cruel frustrated bitch than any misbehavior on the part of the elementary school children. And every man, woman, and child in the neighborhood had easy access to firearms and ammunition, lots of it, and not a one of them went to school with loaded guns and shot their classmates, teachers, or the mean nasty frustrated school principal to death. I can’t even imagine what that confession on Saturday at St. Marks would have looked like after some youthful indiscretion like that.
I was in PPS system K-1st, two years, in the 1960s.
Mrs Cohen used the ruler on your knuckles. Got me by surprise 1st time. “Put your hands on the desk”….WAAACK!!!
I very well remember Ms Smith and her chin pinching. Mrs Weller was the opposite. Mrs Enwrite did music with her pitch pipe.
Why do you disbelieve about my uncle?
It was wrong of me to doubt that there was ever a time when there wasn’t corporal punishment in schools, the worst of it in Catholic schools. For years I would hear stories from an acquaintance, now deceased, about how the nuns at the catholic school he attended would physically abuse him. The severity of the abuse left him with lifelong emotional scars. Some 70 years after the child abuse inflicted upon him, he was still ruminating on it. I grew up in a time when parents hit their own children. My mother was guilty of this. But when I told my mother what Ms. Smith did to me, my mother went to the school and told Ms. Smith to keep her hands off of me. One day when kids were queuing up for lunch, I stepped out of line to get next to a friend. When Ms. Smith saw this, she came over to me, grabbed me by my chin and pulled me to her office. She made in sit in her office during lunch. This incident happened when I was in 2nd grade. The abuse was not only painful, but it was also humiliating. I made up my mind that day that if Ms. Smith ever does that again, I was going to slap her hand away, and I did. Which resulted in another visit to the school for my mother. After that Ms. Smith never put her hands on me again. My mother however continued her reign of corporal punishment. Any abuse that causes physical and/or emotional harm to children and other humans is inexcusable and unacceptable.
Now the schools have partnered up the lie is closer to being true.
“Now the schools have partnered up”
What does this mean?
As I posted yesterday, Adam Foss is going to get an up close and personal training of how inmates view and treat sex offenders. You’re a step below dog $hit and a step above child offenders.
The boys at Attica and/or Auburn prisons eagerly await your arrival Adam.
Did he rape anybody in Berkshire county while he was here visiting Wrong Way?
If so, is he over 25 with a “fully developed brain”?
“We are a group of women who have connected since the release of The Wolf and the Whisper Network four weeks ago, who have come to similar harm at the hands of Adam John Foss.”
Bad call Harrington,
March 25, 2022 –
Because of how it ended, there is damages, and misconduct. And a law that was not applied.
Violation of Law
If the night ended peacefully then this law would not apply.
Police had a duty to protect & something failed.
~ 1 1 1 ~
General Laws Part I Title XVI Chapter 111E
Section 9A
General Laws
Go Directly to a General LawChapter
Section 9A: Incapacitated persons placed into protective custody without consent for transport to appropriate emergency medical treatment
Section 9A. For purposes of this section, ”incapacitated” shall mean the condition of a person who, by reason of the consumption of a controlled substance or toxic vapor or other substance other than alcohol is: (i) unconscious; (ii) in need of medical attention; (iii) likely to suffer or cause physical harm or damage property; or (iv) disorderly.
Any person who is incapacitated may be placed into protective custody by a police officer without the person’s consent for the purpose of immediately transporting the person to an acute care hospital or satellite emergency facility as defined in section 51.5 of chapter 111 or otherwise immediately obtaining appropriate emergency medical treatment. For the purposes of this section, to determine whether or not a person is incapacitated, a police officer may request the person to submit to reasonable tests of coordination, coherency of speech and breath. A police officer may place the person into protective custody when such tests or other information or observations indicate that the person is incapacitated. Whenever a police officer places into protective custody a person under the age of 18 in accordance with this section, the police officer shall notify the parent or guardian of that person forthwith.
A person may not be held in protective custody against the person’s will beyond the time required to complete the person’s immediate transport to an acute care hospital or satellite emergency facility as defined in section 51.5 of chapter 111, or to otherwise immediately obtain appropriate emergency medical treatment.
A police officer acting in accordance with this section may use such force as is reasonably necessary to carry out the officer’s authorized responsibilities. If the police officer reasonably believes that there may be a risk to the safety of the incapacitated person, the safety of the officer or the safety of other persons present, the police officer may search the person and the immediate surroundings of the person placed into protective custody but only to the extent necessary to discover and seize any items or weapons which may pose a danger. Any item taken shall be inventoried and, unless the item is contraband or otherwise unlawfully possessed, shall be returned to the person when the person is no longer incapacitated.
A person placed under protective custody in accordance with this section shall not be considered to have been arrested or to have been charged with any crime. An entry of custody shall be made indicating the date, time, place of custody, the name of the assisting officer and the name of the officer in charge. No such entry shall be treated as an arrest or criminal record for any purpose.
What part of this law is complex?
Every Time a (v) Bell Rings
Pound sand you fool
It’s the law, I didn’t write it.
Illegal alien Miggy should have been deported back to his home country after his first run-in with the law – when he was David Moody’s partner in crime.
If he was mentally ill, why didn’t his family get him help?
The role of police is to maintain law & order for the purpose of protecting the public. The police did their job. His family did not.
Cut the crap!
Criminal alien.
Bet he would choose deportation over death. Unknown.
Emergency help was sought by family.
Have sum simpithi
Two Shots gives you wings.
I thought it was Red Bull?
“What part of this law is complex?”
All of it when a third party is present to take the place of the officers.
That proved to be a good decision.
Letter: Officer misconduct in Lanesborough, Williamstown suggest broader police accountability issue
When they say “date” I don’t think they mean romance, they mean figure out how old someone is, right ? Like if someone age 55 gave a false social of a 35 year old. Dating, not, Dating.
c. ’76 not c. ’56
Why didn’t Chief Tyler Race get the same consequence as Polidoro, Chief Race resigned. Is Race on the Brady List ? He was the witness at trials.
Someone spent 3 years awaiting trial for a CJIS violationthat ended in dismissal, by Judge Tyne, for police misconduct. Switched Ticket. Wrong defendant.
Apparently The Commonwealth handled the investigation under the table excluding the victim rights.
They don’t help victims.
Dear self,
Judging by your character you’re an asshole – but judging by the abuse of power perpetrated upon you, for so long, you are entitled. I forgive you.
If they said it were S. Berkshire, because it was, defendants would have known how to proceed, but no, they say Lanesborough, Williamstown.
Any colleague of Elizabeth Quigley is unfit for the Bar.
Vibrant and dynamic Flat Tyer’s cover-ups hit again. Channel 13 News opened their 11 p.m. program last night with (3) Breaking News items from the Pitts yesterday. First was the shooting, which was listed today on the PPD Blog as Shots Fired, and juvenile charged with carrying a firearm, no mention of shooting anyone. There was also a three car rollover on Madison Avenue, this is at least the 10th bad rollover this month and the month is only half over. Lack of traffic patrol Flat Tyer and Mikey Wynn? Third story showed a smashed Birdy scooter in front of Mission Bar in the bike lane on our Famous North Street. This incident was listed in the PPD Blog as an Emergency Medical Call, not an accident! Wouldn’t want this ACCIDENT to effect Ricky Rumpus’s spreadsheet! In the age of cellphones and scanners, does Flat Tyer and Mikey Wynn really think Pittsfield taxpayers are that stupid? Several times Channel 13 News out of Albany has reported on stories from the Pitts only to have them never shown again, are they being contacted by Flat Tyer’s Administration and told to shut-up about events in Pittsfield? Seems like lately the Flat Tyer’s Administration and her cronies only believe in giving Josh Landes in Great Barrington their stories, find this rather strange. Flat Tyer’s Administration is crooked as they come!
Andrea: Juvenile, brain not fully developed. He thought it was a water pistol…….
The allegedly Official Pittsfield Police Press Log use to identify Drug Overdoses as Drug Overdoses. The allegedly Official Pittsfield Police Press Log doesn’t accurately DRUG OVERDOSES as DRUG OVERDOSES either. And you can thank Mayor Tyer, Chief Wynn, and DA Harrington for this violent dangerous drug infested shithole of a vibrant and dynamic city.
So that you know Josh has an office in the Beacon building. Andrea visits room 213 quite a bit. “I’ll be back in half an hour”.
Tyler street looks like a war zone. Last night there was some angry lunatic riding his bike into oncoming traffic (no street lights and the sidewalks all torn up) like an evil mad max. North Street looks like Crossy Road.
Spot on Merry. The shooting news is also being reported on 560 am down here in Springfield.
You have to wonder why the mayor is going so far out of her way to scrub the news. She seems to be taking it to an extreme level. One also has to wonder why the Eagle lets her get away with it. At this point I do not believe anything that comes out of her or her associates mouths because she is too sketchy for me.
Sketchy Linda, scrubber of news. I wonder how she would address this.
Eagle reporting of a car roll over in GREAT BARRINGTON. Apparently there is no news blackout in South County.
Okay, so, what about the food code? I missed that in here:
Board of health? We don’t need no public food and safety codes.
I recommend we all go an rob Andrea and Timmy out in YT RICHmond. Just take $499 worth of stuff. Leave her $1 of dignity.
Public Market West Stockbridge $499 in goods for free. Shoplifting isn’t a crime, bring your kids under 25, they can shoplift more because their brains aren’t developed fully.
Speaking of crime, isn’t it odd how Harrington’s defenders on here disappeared right after the (alleged) OUI?
Her husband is a great guy. Can we leave him outta this?
He’s a bully.
Hard to do that to a guy who is now much richer on account of his wife’s tearing up Berkshire County. If it’s just a mayor’s husband getting a bump in equity, that’s something else. I get you, but it’s just hard to do. Family is everything.
And send the bums/houseless to camp out and crap in her yard. Think she’d prosecute that?
Hehe. I think that’s two subs and a six pack at their store. He will follow you around in there too if yo take too long picking something out.
He lives with a kriminally insane dumbbell with Fetal Alcohal Syndrome features. I hope a potted plant showed up for the Planet’s inquisition today. Answers from a potted plant, even a POT PLANT, will definitely be honest and make sense.
Bar tender, another round of drinks for all my potted pot plants.
Pittsfield receives a Gun Violence Prevention Grant of approximately $500,000 annually. 18 Degrees has held the contract to reduce gun violence for 4 years now (2 million dollars total). Last year they returned approximately $200,000 to the state because they didn’t know how to use the money.
Jon S. – you kind of blow the whole anonymous thing when you copy paste word for word from your facebook comment on “berkshire county info”
This was sent is a group email to about 75 people, none of them are named Jon S that I can see.
Was that after they took the administrative fee out of it? It costs money to process large checks ya know.
How many shootings is this now in Pittsfield and why do we never see the faces of the shooters?
I understand the shooter is a juvenile, but in my book when a kid ups their criminal activity to adult level, make us aware of the potential danger that kid poses.
I think we all know why their pictures aren’t posted anymore. And no, it’s not “racist,” it just doesn’t fit their agenda.
Time to speak up Dennis? Shirley? Earl “Dumpster” Persip? Earl, remember saying “they look like me?” Yes, the shooters do.
UPDATED: Man shot and injured on Adam Street in Pittsfield; juvenile’s role is being investigated | Crime |
That information is being witheld from the public and is not the only information we are getting stonewalled on that would have an impact on the election. Many of us are sick of the unethical turn things have taken.
I’m sure Tyer will tell us in her next press conference about she is not going to tolerate all these shootings on her watch. Or did that already happen like 5years ago????????
In the Eagle today, the Pittsfield Police and Fire are looking to get $3k per officer and firefighter from Flat Tyer’s ARPA money.
I don’t blame them after the Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC) got $700,000 and Shirley Edgerton’s ROPES course got a cool half a million dollars. Shirley is apart of both groups, so she hauled in over $1,200,000 ARPA dollars.
So far, the BBEC has put on one-event in south county, that Warren Dews (BBEC executive) and Shirley “consulted” on. It was not a business event. It was a seminar designed for black people, by black people, to tell them they needed everything black, as long as it was taxpayer funded of course.
The next event the BBEC has scheduled is a dance troupe coming in to entertain them.
The BBEC was notably absent from last week’s new and start-up business seminar. I guess they had to work on their dance moves?
Shirley was able to afford a trip to Africa to “explore her roots” with the ROPES money she received. Must be nice to travel on the tax-payers dime to explore your roots…….I mean recruit black teachers. Shirley has been given two taxpayer funded trips: North Carolina and Africa. Must be nice.
I believe the ARPA money should have been spent on Pittsfield’s crumbling roads, bridges, and water plant, among other things in need of repair.
I’ve a $20 bill burning a hole in my pocket, betting that Flat and Co. will deny the police/fire request.
Pittsfield police officers saw how the city was spending its ARPA money. Now they want a cut | Central Berkshires |
Shouldn’t you be more interested in what someone who gets a suspicious ‘grant’ is doing on a continent that has no logical purpose to her?
I’ve seen this happen once before, but you are not naive, Marcus.
Yabba Dabba Dews and Shirley Sharpedgerton. MBN. Must. Be. Nice.
Instead of pissing away $1,200,000 on grifters Shirley Sharpton Edgerton, and her gang and Warren/Roberta Sharpton Dews, THAT money should have been used to offset tyer’s outrages taxes/water/sewer rates in her shithole of a violent drug infested city. The grifters, including, but not limited to, Tyer/Wynn/Marchetti/Persip/White/Sherman/Warren/Kavey/Squeal/Conut et al should be shipped back to Africa where they belong.
If you follow some of the Pittsfield Facebook groups there’s a lot of talk about a gang fight going to go off on Thursday at the Common. I know it’s the last third Thursday but I wouldn’t go near it for all the money in the world. I remember the last time this happened at the boys and girls club during third Thursday, it was a riot (not the funny kind).
If you have kids or value your life and safety, I’d stay away from Third Thursday.
Good by Liz. Quote of the Sheriffs and D A Campaigns. Alf…. Jackie would have done it for nothing. And Tim’s…. The Experiment is over. I’m trying to figure who will win by a bigger margin, Tim or Tom.
Is riding double on the bird allowed?
PSA-thank you for the info. But I have to correct you. Whenever it’s a large fight, disturbance, and/or buildings/vehicles are burning to the ground, and it’s mostly caused by POC, that is not considered a riot. It’s considered a “peaceful protest.”
Same thing with the “Tour the capitol” bs about Jan 6th? Both sides are hypocrites and we should be ashamed.
Few would approve of the 1/6 riot, but no one who has the self-respect of a free person would speak of the repercussions from that day like that.
2 Billion , with a B, in damages to US cities in “the summer of love” 2020 caused by BLM/Antifa “peaceful protesters”.
I didn’t hear of any arson, murders, looting on 1/6/2021. Wait………. the Capitol Police and the guy from the FBI did murder a couple citizens.
They are quite quiet about the personal assault, threats against supreme court justices, and the frequent raids upon state capitols elsewhere in the nation. No, those were actual insurrections with intent to harm legislators. NOT like the crowd that was ushered in by Capital Police and harmed, let’s see, no one.
The way the FBI is talking now, they appear that they are actually preparing for martial law. It’s too soon, hopefully false fear, but their language and behavior is alarming to those who have faith in the experiment of 1776.
A satire from
“DENVER, CO — Local man Walter Bishop is reportedly excited to find out whether he will soon be raided by the FBI or gunned down by the IRS. The longtime conservative is reportedly ecstatic to show people how right he was about the slippery slope he’s been warning everyone about.
“This is terrific!” he told next-door neighbor Phil Astrototop. “I wonder which it will be — a raid or an epic showdown with IRS agents.”
Phil, a moderate Democrat disapproved of Bishop’s oddly gleeful attitude. “Nothing’s going to happen, man. It’s not like you’re breaking the law. Don’t do anything wrong and the government won’t bother you.”
Bishop laughed. “That’s what you think! I voted for Trump. I guarantee they’re coming for me. You’ll see, I’m right!”
Friends and family members of Walter Bishop are concerned that his optimistic anticipation of a pessimistic event may be a mental disorder.
“We’re really worried about him,” said Bishop’s wife. “Also he’s kind of scaring me. I don’t want to be raided by the FBI! They’ll see my unmentionables!”
At publishing time, the home of Phil Astrototop was raided by a team of federal agents working in conjunction with the IRS but, because Astrototop is a known Democrat, Walter Bishop was unable to gloat that he had been “right all along.”
As in Walter Bishop.
I agree. Not worth the risks especially when the mayor is hiding actual shootings.
We checked around with our law-enforcement forces. Something along these lines is brewing, maybe via social media. If anyone picks up anything, please share.
Could you list these Facebook groups? I often feel out of the loop especially if I depend on Pittsfield news outlets.
Fat boy Alfie lying again
Letter: Barbalunga makes misleading claims about support from correctional staff, union
To the editor: I stand with fellow line officers, supervisors, nurses and others within the Berkshire County Jail and House of Correction who support Sheriff Tom Bowler. The other side will say otherwise, but they are portraying false and baseless statements to the community.
The other night, I watched as Alf Barbalunga told Sheriff Bowler that the union doesn’t support him during the Planet Valenti”debate.” (“The candidates for Berkshire sheriff appeared together for a conversation about the issues. Then things got personal,” Eagle, Aug. 8.) That was a false statement because the union has informed both the sheriff and Alf that we are going to remain neutral and allow the union body to vote as individuals.
Alf obtained leaked union personal emails and proceeded to email the union body about three meetings set up to answer questions — emails that were not approved or voted on to be released. Alf will tell you that he had a huge support base at these meetings, when actually only nine staff members went and these staff members left informing us that they are voting for Sheriff Bowler.
What Alf and his team don’t want to hear is that the staff within this facility has had enough. Many of us want this to end so that we can get back to business within the facility under Sheriff Tom Bowler. Alf has attempted to break this facility up and divide us from the inside out. His efforts will fall flat however, because we can see through him and see who the true Alf Barbalunga is.
Again, I stand with my brothers and sisters and the rest of the staff when we say vote for Sheriff Tom Bowler on Sept. 6. At the end of the day, character and integrity are what define a sheriff and Alf Barbalunga does not have what it takes.
Jacob Gaylord, Pittsfield
The writer is a shift supervisor at Berkshire County Jail and House of Correction and a union member of IBCO Local 297.
Tough letter… Is this guy speaking for the union or the Sheriff? How many people are in the union?
this is one guy writing this letter, i don’t see how that proves alf is lying.
It’s not just this one letter. You can read the email the union sent to Alf asking him to stop misconstruing their support on Facebook.
I don’t know how to add a photo to a comment otherwise I would have shared it here.
The vehicle made it down Tyer street over by Morningside community school and by Dairy Cone.
The police called it medical assist for the shooting and a MV stop for the arrest of the kid with the gun.
There were 6 shots fired, at cumbies, in broad daylight.
Three car accident. Tyler at Woodlawn. Isn’t that the roundabout in question location?
I’ve never seen a smaller roundabout someone must have clicked 75% on a plans document and no one noticed
That will NEVER make the news. Not as long as Tyer is mayor and in charge of editing local news outlets. By the way, does anyone have statistics on who has the most rollovers? The city of Pittsfield or Lebanon Valley Race Track?
Ricky Rumpus will be touting the roundabout as a “crime stopper”!!!
Criminals can’t negotiate roundabouts……
Neither can the larger vehicles. Witness the tire marks on the ghastly-wide inner circle, the red-brick part. Ricky’s Rumpass should be fired for that clusterfudge.
Yes route not built up to state standards.
Ricky should be made to sit on the roundabout inner circle, for a couple of days, to observe his wondrous design and how it impedes traffic in a dangerous way.
He’s get run over. Maybe one of our Z-Agents can send a picture of the Ricky’s Rumass’ roundabout, with the tire mark on vehicles forced to drive on and over the curb.
Meanwhile, your very concerned DA who makes $200k in taxpayer funded salary and a free Ford SUV is posting funny memes on twitter in the middle of a Wednesday. Hilarious, right?
Funny Memes? Would they be her posting her resume looking for employment in a law office after 9/6 and touting her legal experience as an office mgr.?
Andrea can use THE PLANET as a reference on her resume.
Did they ever release the name of the person who drove into the boathouse?
You know the drunk guy with a kid in the car doing burnouts?
Boathouse?, is this another coverup? The allegedly drunk guy with a screaming kid in his truck at the collision site at Pepe’s on Wahconah, not to be confused with Puki Yuki’s Pepe’s METH BAR on NON, sounds like another kriminal coverup.
Drunk drivers who get away with running red lights and doing burnouts with kids in their truck and crash into derelict buildings, should be shot for their crimes.
Great picture. It captures the nasty person inside the shell.
If you want to know a person’s personality, catch them when they are off stage and no one is watching them.
Is this a recent photograph from a more recent incident?
It was! She had just lost her first and only court case after spending hours preparing for it watching Law and Order reruns.
Yeah. A D.A. who has litigated one — count’em one — Superior Court case … and lost. This is vs. an experienced attorney who’s won on both sides, as prosecutor and as defense. His won-lost percentage equals Elroy Face, Pirates reliever who went 18-1. It might even equal what Billy McLeoddid for the Pittsfield Red Sox in 1965. Anyone remember? Yeah, he went 18-0. Undefeated. Incompetence vs. Competence. Inexperienced v. Experienced. Rattled v. Confidence. Brutality v. Compassion. This is your chance, voters, to begin getting rid of the slime.
How many murders did Andrea Harrington’s de-prosecution cause? How much have sentencings decreased under Andrea Harrington? How many fatal drug overdoses resulted from Andrea Harrington’s abandonment of drug trafficking cases? How many gun offenses and robberies were dropped? How many people were not put behind bars by Harrington resulting in violence against citizens of Berkshire County?
How many criminals did Shugrue put back on the streets? I’m not saying I support her, but he has been releasing more people than her right? He is a decent defense atty.
You understand nothing about the justice system. Please stop exhibiting your ignorance.
The difference is competency at the job.
Harrington is putting criminals back on the street when she’s supposed to be putting them in jail.
No, wrong.
The flaw in your logic is saying Shugrue ‘released’ criminals. He defended criminals, which is what lawyers do for a living. It is up to prosecutors to prove guilt and the police to not screw up an investigation. The lawyer does not release, the judge and jury do that. Unless the DA is named Harrington…
Harrington released criminals, which is not what she is paid to do for a living.
Is that her mug shot for ALL of her kriminal offenses?
Bar tender, drinks for ALL my potted plants!
Keep them coming, and
put them on the fetal alcohol dumbbell’s tab.
You’re giving Jon Melle some major wood right now
Wow! That was taken on a good day for her to boot.
I must say, I am shocked that no one has mentioned that hack Josh Landes looking like a sexual predator hiding from a registry or a terrorist at the debate Monday.
Who wears sunglasses indoors? Blind people and assholes – Larry David
Sunglasses, a pulled-down baseball cap, and masked. Utterly bizarre.
He is afraid of covid, why is that news?
Hat and sunglasses for Covid, got it Dr. Fucki.
Wearing a mask to keep out a virus, is like putting up a chain link fence around your yard, to keep out mosquitos.
CDC just finally admitted, nearly all their Covid mandates, were BS.
I still see people driving around, by themselves, with masks on……..
You still do not know how masking works.It is a keep your own spit mask.Some people ,mostly those who support that fatass conspirator who’s last official act as president was to steal America’s secret documents. I understand you are glued to the dumbass giant mainstream cable propaganda info station of billionaire Rupert Murdoch…..
“For over a year now the CDC, Joe Biden, Dr. Tony Fauci, Democrats, and the WHO demanded the American population from primary school-aged children to senior citizens be vaccinated with the government’s experimental mRNA vaccines.
** Tens of thousands of Americans in both the public and private sectors lost their employment and household income for defying the government demands and regulations.
** Over 29,981 people were reportedly killed by the COVID vaccines according to the Open VAERS website.
** Over 170,000 hospitalizations have been blamed on the vaccines.
On Thursday, the CDC finally admitted that there is no logical reason to treat vaccinated people differently than unvaccinated people when both can readily get and spread the COVID virus.
From the CDC website.”
“Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID-19 were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected during the recent delta surge.”
“The study confirmed something that we’ve known for a long time that “natural immunity” acquired through previous infection of COVID is more potent than experimental vaccines.”
Santa Clara County’s public health officer, Sara Cody, just admitted under oath…… that she doesn’t know the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and that she relied on the flawed Bangladesh study as the basis for her masking mandate.
Steve Kirsch
Aug 19
“Here is Professor Fenton’s analysis of the paper. From the abstract:
When you are having an affair with one of the candidates, you hide your face.
Captain, If I could give you two thumbs up for the Larry David quote, I would. I have never heard that quote before and laughed out loud. It’s very true.
Josh should quit the foolishness and just ask the Pittsfield Fire department for some breathing equipment/tanks, gloves, and a hazmat suit, so he can enjoy the indoors safely.
After Josh conquers his fear of breathing regular air and living again like a normal person, maybe he could take a leap of faith and help another well known cuckold, Barry Tyer, patrol the Cumby’s on First Street? There was just a shooting there.
The Eagle is very late on this story.
This was reported here in March.
Somebody said the safe theft was tied to the murder. The eagle is months late on this story.
PITTSFIELD — Prosecutors have for the first time revealed a possible motive in the killing of Reymon Delacruz-Batista, whose body was found in December in the Pittsfield State Forest.
And in other development, a defense lawyer has tied that homicide case to the March theft of a safe from the Pittsfield District Court that contained sealed documents related to Delacruz-Batista’s killing.
Can anyone copy/paste this article from their subscription?
I have just discovered that some articles in Berkshire Eagle allow all access (part of your free monthly quota?)
“Backpacks stuffed with supplies got 500 students ready for back to school” is viewable to all. Maybe they felt bad for the awful headline. Is that even grammatically correct?
“Possible motive revealed in homicide of man whose body was found in the Pittsfield State Forest” is a SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE.
GFY Berkshire Eagle.
Prosecutors offer a motive
Man killed over ‘gambling game’; theft at court linked to case
The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — Prosecutors have for the first time revealed a possible motive in the killing of Reymon Delacruz-Batista, whose body was found in December in the Pittsfield State Forest.
And in other development, a defense lawyer has tied that homicide case to the March theft of a safe from the Pittsfield District Court that contained sealed documents related to Delacruz-Batista’s killing.
Delacruz-Batista, 32, died after being shot multiple times. Four men are accused of kidnapping and murdering him. Authorities say hunters found his body in a dirt-and-gravel parking lot near a trailhead in the Pittsfield State Forest the morning of Dec. 4, 2021.
Assistant District Attorney Karen Bell revealed in a court filing that evidence suggests the motive for the murder was “retaliation for an alleged gambling game gone afoul.”
She further wrote that witnesses in the criminal cases against Delacruz-Batista’s alleged murderers fear for their safety. Bell wrote that in a motion for a protective order seeking to limit the release of identifying information about potential witnesses, alleging that defendants had engaged in “retaliatory behavior.”
In another development, the homicide has now been linked by defense lawyer David Pixley to a springtime break-in at the Pittsfield District Court. Pixley represents Timothy McFadden, one of four men charged in the murder.
Pixley has sought access to sealed court filings related to the pending case against the accused thief Christopher Vandesteene, arguing the information is necessary to prepare for his client’s murder trial.
According to court records, Pixley has not been granted access to the records by a judge. The impoundment order that shields the documents from public view is set to expire next month.
Vandesteene is accused of breaking into the courthouse during the last weekend in March. Authorities learned the courthouse had been broken into, and a safe stolen from inside, on March 28. Mc-Fadden was arrested in the Bronx, N.Y., two days later.
Pixley said in court filings that the safe contained impounded search warrants that were relevant to the murder case. He seeks to determine whether Vandesteene “acted alone or was paid to commit” the break-in.
His filing included speculation that “the person or persons who broke in cut wires inside to disarm the building,” that the break-in was made possible by removing an air conditioner to gain access to the building and that an “unused door was utilized to exit the building.”
Pixley said it was “unknown, who, if anyone,” Vandesteene shared the documents with, or “what happened to them for the 15-17 days Mr. Vandesteene was at large in the community.”
Bell previously said authorities recovered unspecified “items” that had been stolen from the Wendell Avenue courthouse at a home of a woman whose identity prosecutors have not revealed.
In addition to McFadden, three men are charged in Delacruz-Batista’s murder — Jamel Nicholson, Naquan Miller and Anthony Robertson. The four men have been indicted by a grand jury on multiple charges including murder and armed kidnapping with serious bodily injury, moving the cases to Berk-shire Superior Court.
Nicholson, who along with Miller is also charged with being an accessory before and after the fact, was arraigned Tuesday, when not guilty pleas were entered on his behalf. Nicholson’s attorney previously sought to have the charges against his client dismissed, arguing there was a lack of probable cause to move forward with the case. That motion was denied by a judge.
A fifth person faces charges in the December killing. That person is Melissa Perrea, who the DA’s office said has been indicted on charges of obstruction of justice and destruction of documents and objects.
Amanda Burke can be reached at or 413-496-6296.
The body of Reymon Delacruz-Batista, of Pittsfield, was found last year by hunters in the dirt and gravel Lulu Brook parking area.
Here you go Pitt:
Possible motive revealed in homicide of man whose body was found in the Pittsfield State Forest | Crime |
Maybe Josh Landes could ask the DA about Jeff Morneau’s contributions in excess of the allowed $1,000 using two different names and addresses. Basic fact checking not his specialty. Morneau who used to employ Harrington is running for Governor’s council yet can’t follow the law any better than Harrington. Look it up.
In the media’s defense no one could possibly cover all the ways DA Harrington is an incompetent lawless and unethical sh;tshow.
Especially Josh Landes who is much too busy abusing his Facebook followers during work hours than check out some investigative reporting.
Josh has really gone overboard. I know Andy was the boy toy last time around and he still gets special treatment but Landes isn’t even masking his bias or that he’s getting “exclusives” from Andrea.
That Darcie girl, she needs professional help.
There is a campaign violation between two people running for office, one of which is in a potential position to approve judges and one who tried to keep a judge from sitting on cases in the Berkshires. He writes about who said “broken windows.” Crony journalism is the term for it.
“Broken windows” = Broken record
He lacks something. Maybe class. Probably can’t be fixed.
There are exclusives, and then there are “exclusives.” To own his each.
Maybe TSC can send her some of his Thorazine.
Alf is avenging Carm.Sheriff Bowler will keep Carm lite away.
Just started watching the debate. I think Harrington’s doing ok and is fairly well focused, especially for being a plant.
Williamstown’s Progressive Berkshire Democratic Brigades founder Sherwood Guernsey fries Harrington, endorses Shugrue.
To the editor: I am a lawyer and progressive Democrat, and I support Tim Shugrue for district attorney — another progressive Democrat (pro-choice, anti-death penalty) with the experience and compassion to make a great DA.
Shugrue is well respected by our legal community, and he has far more criminal court experience than our present DA has — 36 years of it.
Why does experience count? Well, if you or a family member are a victim of crime, do you want the best lawyer around or one with little courtroom experience to prosecute the case?
Shugrue will try the tough cases himself. He can also mentor and advise assistant DAs. You cannot mentor and advise if you have little courtroom experience.
It also means Shugrue will make good judgments on cases, not simply impose “blanket” policies, which often cover up a lack of experience and lead to bad results.
For example, Harrington’s policy of dismissing drug arrests without requiring the suspect to get treatment is not responsible; they need treatment. Her statement that she will never contact Immigrations and Customs Enforcement on criminal defendants is also not responsible. The result: Anyone convicted of murder, serial rape or serial wife beating remains in our country, our county or maybe your neighborhood. Shugrue has said he will use his judgment and only call ICE in the most serious cases because he does not think any of us, including our immigrant population, wants such serious criminals in our community.
Shugrue will not fill up our jails with minorities. He is a progressive with years of representing minority defendants. Did you know he was instrumental is starting Berkshire County Kids’ Place, where kids get the help they need from trained professionals?
Critically, Shugrue will not be reprimanded by the courts for his actions, as Harrington has been on more than one occasion, decreasing her effectiveness.
Shugrue knows reducing crime takes both experience and teamwork with law enforcement. It also takes a comprehensive crime management plan. Shugrue is up to the challenge, and he will not shy away from holding law enforcement accountable for their actions.
We need both aggressive law enforcement and progressive criminal justice reform. They are not mutually exclusive. Both are critical to the effective operation of the DA’s Office. Ask any good lawyer what he or she thinks. Let’s improve both the quality and effectiveness of our DA. Please vote for Tim Shugrue.
Sherwood Guernsey, Williamstown
This guy is as blue as the come. Pretty much an ultra progressive.
She’s a buffoon. Even Gurnsey finally figured it out.
Reputation management. Window is closing.
Would be nice to have a DA that doesn’t pursue politcal positions. Pro-choice is not a legal term and death penalty is not the DA’s profession.
Guys like this who state as their bragging rights their progressive colors are why we end up with gals like Harrington. Another voice I really don’t want to hear assuming he was on her train last time.
One more letter from the likes of Guernsey and I consider sitting this election out.
And Harrington refused to appear at a debate Dan put on because she was supposedly afraid of the supposed right wing Planet and people on here ? Looks like she should be afraid of the progressives. It also proves a point that it’s her policies people from all sides dislike and not just so called right wingers. It was just an excuse for her not to show up to the Planets sponsored debate.
I have come to a decision. All sides hate her, but it’s for opposing reasons. Most hate what she is doing to Berkshire County. But the Democratic Machine hates what she is doing to them.
Timmy should distance himself from Sherwood, for many reasons. Will Capeless endorse Shugrue? I would suggest that even Capeless will vote for Shugrue over Harrington.
I spent a couple hours over dinner talking with a friend and colleague who is a PPD police officer.
He gave me some information about the goings on in the department and the general political climate in the PPD.
Everyone expects Wynn to leave soon. The general consensus is he will move into education or as head of a campus safety service.
Only a few officers are voting for Harrington, the consensus is she is a disaster.
There is a cheat sheet put out by Wynn that advises how to code calls in the crime reporting database and for dispatch. He didn’t hand out the cheat sheet but rank and file have taken his direction and created their own. This sheet is how the most violent crimes are supposed to be coded in the reporting database. Also how they are to be generated for the police log.
Half of the MV stops are really drug and gun stops, but they are coded just as MV stops. If you see a mv stop with a tow or medical assist, that means guns, drugs, or a person with a warrant has been apprehended. Those details are not making it into the log though.
This is all part of a coordinated plan by the mayor to boost tourism. The Berkshire flyer and the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on marketing Pittsfield is not working out.
There was talk of doing foot patrols to “show out” a police presence but then they were worried about the optics.
There is definitely some concern about escalating gun violence and how that “creep” is moving into formally “safe” neighborhoods. As someone else mentioned there is supposed to be some sort of gang fight/war at Third Thursday, expect a larger police presence.
Wynn is basically hands off in the department, Matt Hill has picked up a lot of the slack.
The mayor and Wynn had lots of input into the DA’s findings. They and the city solicitor went back and forth with Karen Bell, the ADA who did the actual report.
The under reporting of crime is founded in a desire for tourism and investment. The chief, Mayor, and DA are all trying to make things seem much better than they are.
The entire police union is voting for Bowler but they’ve been told to stay out of the politics.
Thanks for all the info. These decisions must make for terrible morale within the police department, officers basically being forced to lie about their actual calls during their shift. Evidently Tyer and Wynn do not realize that the truth is all over Facebook. This explains why Channel 13 news is always pulling stories of Breaking News from the Pits after only showing it once. Tyer and Wynn are only on the job for themselves, to build their taxpayer paid pension. Both are invisible to the public and have been for many years. Harrington needs her job for benefits and money as I am sure her life style can’t happen on her husband’s income. Ever notice that his store is always looking for help, must not be able to keep employees. All three of these political cronies could care less about their job and the taxpayers that pay their salaries. No wonder the City is almost totaled with crime, traffic violations, panhandlers and just pure filth, leaving taxpayers fearing for their safety.
THE PLANET’s sources within the PPD speaks of demoralization due to the D.A.’s easy-on-crime oven mittens. The criminal-“reform” act she helped push through now sets the theft limits at $2,500. Steal $2,499 and feel free simply to walk out the store.
Wonder why Wynn is so afraid of Tyer. Seems to me he should be man enough to stand up to her and say he is running the police department his way. Know in the past were a “couple”, what is she holding over his head for him to bow to her every order?
Wynn would make a good mall cop. Maybe he can take Andrea with him.
Maybe Bowler can give her a job cleaning talapia tanks
We’ll pass that along to Adam Webster!
I thought Harrington was running for the DA position again? I see a couple signs that state so but shouldn’t the signs state I’m running for Office the DA’s office again? She received a rather nice salary with benefits to just manage the office. I’m sure you could find an office manager at a better price and use the rest to hire a couple lawyers with court room experience to show up in court.
Oh Andrea is in quite a state!!! Guernsey throwing her under the bus has really unnerved her.
Best quote this week, “I need this job, I have bills to pay!”
It’s really starting to sink in that she’s going to lose. If Shugrue comes in and fires everyone I will be happy to go, happy knowing Andrea is out of a job too!
Bill paying such as credit cards and taxes are just a suggestion to Harrington. The sheriff had to serve her for non payment. FACT.
Tim should tell everyone that’s under her wing they’re gone when if he wins
Harrington’s house at 268 Lenox Road in Richmond was scheduled to be taken by the town of Richmond on August 31st 2020 at 9am for non-payment of taxes and interest. At that time we the taxpayers were paying DA Harrington a salarly of $168,961.
where can we find this information online?
Clerks office
Multiple carcaccidents today with injury’s SLOW DOWN
GOSLOW? Yes, I’ve visited your lovely country. I especially love your olives.
Dan, thanks for hosting the “debate”.
But Wrong Way should have been a potted POT plant.
My staff delivered a lovely plant named Andrea, petite and sweet, and it was left outside conference room 301. It may have been stolen since the one by Andreas’ name tag seemed not to be the flowering one my staff delivered. But why file a police report, when we all know Harrington won’t prosecute?????
Yes. It wasn’t there. Could be Mrs. Harrington’s goons swiped it in a Watergate-style break-in. The plant we ended up using was perfect, though. It did a heap better than Mrs. Harrington did with previous debates, not the ones she ducked. The ones that were rigged for her, where despite that, she found herself eating a lit firecracker.
Perhaps. It did have her name on the plant tag. I am sorry and I am glad you had a plan B. I have a photo take by my people with the plant in front of door.
Good thing you put an rfid chip in it. You should post online all the places it is going..
Wait wait wait a second! Was that on the third floor at the Beacon? By the elevators?
I know who took it!
Okay, Uh OH. Spill and give us the exclusive!
The butler.
The Guernsey letter convinces me that Shugrue is the answer for Progressive Power ditching Harrington like a worn out rag. Shugrue may perform better as DA, maybe, but will also buff the Berkshire Brigades in a time that promises to challenge the organization’s credibility and power. They want to endorse the challenger to serve two purposes:
1) they maintain influence.
2) Harrington is bad for their brand. They want to champion a new face.
A vote for Shugrue is looking like a win for the Brigades.
I’m not game. Staying home election day. Maybe Bowler. Otherwise, it’s looking like a pond full of rotting fish. Think about it. Why all the progressives, who up until now could care less about policing, prosecuting crime, fixing broken windows and making the poor neighborhoods safe and dignified, are now crawling out for him?
Broken windows doesn’t need fixing, it needs enforcing, and I was disappointed to see Shugrue disavow that, in Dans’ forum, and say that In The Big Apple, it was used to harass people. That’s the lefts woke narrative and it’s a lie. Hell, the only hope for Shitsfield is Broken Windows. Too bad the police don’t try it.
See? He’s one of them
She brought this rapist here to train the people’s lawyers but The Eagle left that part out.Probabaly because she doesn’t speak to the Eagle which is convenient when you don’t want to answer the people’s questions.
Reported locally first on THE PLANET. If anything reflects on Mrs. Harrington’s judgment, it’s this one. She brought Foss here to lecture us all on good behavior. Paid him a small fortune.
Blunderella strikes again!
I hear ya! But if we are going to have to pay someone it might as well be someone who hopefully makes some changes as far as the violent criminals and drug dealers getting time that fits the crimes. We have seen the current results and it isn’t good at all for anyone in the Berkshires. Any positive changes will be better than what we have now.
Because the crime is beginning to impact them. Their realizing all the BS and promotion of the Berkshires doesn’t mean fuck all if the outside world sees us as a gang and drug infested hick county.
These old biddies and clench-jawed grandpas can’t even go to Shakespeare in the park. Hell I didn’t even know there was Shakespeare in the park until I heard the actors were assaulted and had to run to a church for protection.
This in broad daylight.
The next day, a shooting right as these blue hairs were putting out their lawn chairs and kids were playing at the splash pad.
Shugrue will actually put murderers behind bars. That matters.
And so the Democratic Machine keeps grinding on. Need another option is what I say, and one that does not perform damage control for the Party that continues to demolish anyone who isn’t a paid-in player.
Staying home is supporting Harrington. We’re not that dumb Levy
Change only happens when voters stop playing the game. (Cheney would have won under the old rules.)