(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 5, CHRISTMAS EVE 1, 2022) — Typically, THE PLANET takes Labor Day off.
Not this time. We’ve pulled a Padre Pio and bilocated.
“Dan Valenti” and family have headed off the map. THE PLANET, though, wants to get in one more column prior to tomorrow, Election Day, to share some last- minute thoughts. Moreover, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO and our affiliated film unit, Thieves of Light Productions, will be out and about, visiting various City Hall and various polling stations to get a video record of the day. Stay tuned for posting later in the day on our YouTube channel and on social media!
Racing Fever — At least this time, we have not one but two hot races. Typically, state elections (no municipals), brings seeds and stems that mask as campaigns. This year, however, we have dueling Hatfield-McCoys in Harrington v. Shugrue and Bowler v. Barbalunga. It’s rattled the cages and inflamed the emotions on all four sides, not the best mindset for cool, calm, and rational choices. Passion, however, drives turnout, at least among core supporters. Initially, estimates of turnout for the Dem primary were dismal, with the wise guys saying between 12 and 15%. The heat index of the two races, plus press coverage, though, cause us to believe it will top 20%. City clerk Michelle Benjamin, who runs the best department in the city of Pittsfield, told THE PLANET she expects somewhere between 25-30%. She said she’d be “delighted” if it hit 3-0. We’re predicting 24%.
Lawn Signs and Lit — Lawn signs don’t vote, but people who see lawn signs do. Signs make a difference, and any serious candidate has them. By anecdotal measure, D.A. challenger Tim Shugrue has the most out there, probably around 1,500 and well distributed. Next would come Tom Bowler and Alf Barbalunga, with Andrea Harrington hardly a presence. Read that as a sign of the rats abandoning the sinking of the S.S. Andrea OuttheDoria.
Best sign: Barbalunga. Outside the box and attention getting, starting with Alf’s pup in the center. What started as the actual Commonwealth seal was silently changed to a generic shape of the shield to avoid legal problems. The Shugrue and Bowler designs were practical and informative. Harrington lifted Hillary Clinton’s design from 2016, and in another sign of desperation, implied that she’s the only Dem in the field by including the word “Democrat.” As if no one knows that she and Shugrue are both Dems. That’s how stupid she thinks the electorate is. As for mailers, Barbalunga and Shugrue take top honors. Bowler did one, Harrington nothing. It’s another sign of Wrong Way’s “why bother” effort. She won four years ago and decided to play-act as D.A. instead of becoming one. On Tuesday, she will pay the price. It’s not ALL about politics, honey.
Signs III: Bowler and Shugrue feature the same color scheme on their signs: blue, white, and gold. Tasteful, well done. Pudge has a badge-shaped star in gold, in the center of which is a blue outline of Berkshire County. Has two words: Integrity. Experience. Like Shugrue’s the sign has lots of info without being cluttered. Shugrue has his last name in large type, curved, which adds “action” to the lettering. Often you’ll see both signs, each campaign reinforcing the other. Alf got no help from Harrington, who didn’t put out signs worth mentioning. Too few, with poor design, her name almost too small to read. Amateur hour all over again or another sign of her public shame? We did see one oddity. Heading north on North Street, right hand side, shortly before hitting Crane Avenue on the right, you see a Shugrue and an Alf sign coexisting in peace and harmony.
Outcomes: THE PLANET is not officially endorsing anyone but Shugrue. A vote for Tim Shugrue has to be the greatest electoral no brainer in Berkshire County electoral history. Our predictions of victory: Shugrue 52-48% … Bowler 54-46%. Another six years for Pudge. A victory for Alf in that it perfectly sets him up for sheriff six years from now.
Best Run Campaign: Tie between Shugrue and Barbalunga. Timmy campaigned all over the county, accepting all appearance, knocking on doors, and general flying Mach III with his head on fire. Alf went on the offensive from Day 1. He raised more than $110,000. He never backed down. Harrington, wither from a Rope-A-Dope strategy or because of shame and embarrassment, ran a phantom campaign. Actually she ran a “campaign.” Quotes needed. If her high-priced ringers from Boston directed Rope-A-Dope, it will succeed. Andrea will beat herself.
Most Dramatic Moment: It came during the sheriff’s rock-em-sock-em debate sponsored and hosted by THE PLANET. Charges of marital infidelity flew, and Bowler’s wife did the unthinkable. Sitting at her husband’s side, Mrs. Bowler began shouting at Barbalunga. Not a good look for the sheriff. Of course, Team Bowler (not Bowler himself, mind you) blamed the middleman, Yours Truly. Preposterous. The sheriff’s wife decided to step into the ring, strictly out of bounds and strictly a Homer Simpson “du-oh!” To thicken the mess for their guy, Donna Mattoon, Pudge’s campaign manager and sister, lashed into us in defense of her brother. We get it. However, while you do that as a protective, big sister, you don’t do that as a campaign manager. Not a deal-breaker, but Mrs. Bowler and Donna cost hubby and brother style points. It was the worst of bad looks. Pudge is a Big Boy and can handle himself in the clenches. Not so the women, apparently. Loving and loyal works behind the scenes. In public, it becomes counterproductive.

Attorney TIM SHUGRUE, candidate for District Attorney. Wife Joanne Shurgue in background. (Photo by Dan Valenti)
Compromised Not — THE PLANET said earlier in the campaign that we knew our coverage has been on the mark based on pissing off so many stakeholders. In a race such as these two, you can’t keep anyone happy, and if you’re a journalist doing the job, that’s how it should be. We are not ideological, nor are we True Believers or Loyalists. We are dispassionate observers, commentators, and critics — umpires calling ’em as we seen ’em and not afraid of making the tough calls and pushing back when we know we’re right. Team Harrington has had nothing to say to us except to blast us in the papers and on social media, all ex parte, of course. It not only provided THE PLANET with great feedback (that we had hit our mark), it sent many new readers to this board. Some of Bowler’s supporters insist we are “running interference” for Alf. The intelligent ones among the sheriff’s backers, and there’s plenty, know differently. The Loyalists and Diehards merely need to ask themselves: If we had been “bought off” by Team Alf, would we be such adamant supporters of Tim Shugrue? Case dismissed.

ALF BARBALUNGA, candidate for Sheriff. Campaign manager Brandon Mauer in background. (Photo by Dan Valenti)
- Strengths: Alf ran, and he ran hard. He and the campaign came out with guns blazing, embracing the classic strategy of an underdog. Is he serious? He will spend north of $110,000 on this race, an indication of his ability to raises funds. He staggered Bowler on several fronts, including jail budgets and finances, administrative bloat, status of Berkshire County’s female inmate population, and the “dynasty” thing. He also proved he could take a punch, a quality rare among local politicians.
- Weaknesses: Has the rep of a the guy who was born on third base and claims he hit a triple. Team Bowler has used the “silver spoon in mouth” against Alf as one of its lines of defense. That’s where being “the judge’s son” can hurt among casual voters. The Commonwealth’s probe into the state probation department didn’t do Barbalunga any favors when it mentioned the Southern Berkshire district and Alf by name.
- Strengths: He’s the incumbent. He has 12 years of experience as sheriff and the track record that goes with it. Popularity in the community is off the charts, as Pudge is often seen out and among, among and with, if there’s a cause to support or to which he can lend his presence, Bowler will be there. He’s more meat-and-potatoes, blue-collar than Barbalunga, and it creates a good vibe. Strong background in law enforcement, including a stint as a PPD detective. Has absorbed Alf’s “rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air” with strong defense.
- Weaknesses: Many consider 12 years in office about four too many, 10 too many if he wins again. There’s a reason we have term limits of POTUS. At eight years, the tendency is to get complacent and lazy. Barbalunga jumped all over Bowler’s use of the term ‘dynasty” to describe his tenure as sheriff, scoring heavily. Pudge won easily against Dan Bosely first time and didn’t face opposition the second. This time, he’s run into heavy flak. Bowler’s B-24 has taken some hits. Will it be enough? B-24s are notoriously hard to handle but also equally hard to bring down.
———- ooo ———-
- Strengths: Where do we begin? He has successful experience both as a prosecutor and as a defense counsel. That’s 36 years of of combat experience in the trenches, and winning. One learns a thing or million with that kind of record.
- Weaknesses: To few to list.
- Strengths: You’d kidding, right?
- Weaknesses: Everything. There are two things you can’t have for breakfast. Lunch and dinner. Too late at the table for Andrea. We’re already serving sorbet and cookies for the ladies, brandy and cigars for the gentlemen. Hope you have Maura on speed dial.
One final thought for tomorrow: Get out and vote.
THE PLANET will be bouncing around voting sites, filming assorted Election-Day stuff. Tune in on our YouTube channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO, later in the day.
See you at the voting booth.
“The more obviously one’s work benefits other people, the less one is likely to be paid” — David Graeber.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Knowing all people personally for many many years I am going to vote for Tim and Alf. Many people on here will say why or wtf. My reasoning is for Tim is experience and the experiment is over. I was all for Andrea the first 2 elections because of the corrupt DA’s office that went on for years. Voting for Alf is also a no brainer knowing first hand of the bloated pay for certain staff, unfair & unearned promotion, 2 law suits by women one that was with child which was subjected to all kinds of bs until she was fired on the words of Dan Sheridan, who is not only a shitty lawyer but has been involved in past law suits that people got paid on. Please Vote Tim and Alf
Alf is a joke and a bad one at that.
Yes change all around!
Again Dan with the pro Barbalunga garbage?
Most dramatic moment?
Any number of times Barbalunga got called out for being full of shit.
The Eagle, the parent of the girl who died in jail, the posts on Facebook where named people called out Alf for sexual misconduct. Dan did you interview Donna Sinopoli? She has documents and details on Alf. Alf lying about election integrity, and being discredited in the Eagle by the Pittsfield City Clerk. Alf not being endorsed by anyone meaningful. Alf hitching his wagon to Andrea Harrington. All of those are way more dramatic that blowhard man child Alf talking out his ass, we all expect that.
Best campaign Sign? Alf? No way it looks like a sight for roofing. Even the Pittsfield Furniture signs are better. In a three way race between Bowler, Barbalunga, and 3 Brown Street, Alf comes in a distant third.
We all know you’ve softballed on Alf, it’s your right but you are as as braised for Alf as you are against Andrea. We all see it.
PS it’s Too Few To List.
PITTSFIELD — The city clerk issued a statement Thursday refuting a sheriff candidate’s campaign’s since-deleted claims about elections.
A post was published Wednesday on the official campaign Facebook page of Alfred E. “Alf” Barbalunga, a candidate for Berkshire County sheriff. It contained allegations about the integrity of the elections process in Pittsfield.
City Clerk Michele Benjamin said Thursday that she viewed statements in the post as “irresponsible” and “false.”
ALF: Irresponsible and False
I agree.
Terrible pic of Bowler…….intentional I believe.
It just happened to be the angle. If you watched the debate you’d see Dan was in the middle of them. That happened to be Bowlers literal angle, as well as the pic Dan took of Barbalunga. Not intentional at all.
Mostly fake news, Bowler lied in the PCTV debate and only WAMC cared. I think Dan exposed that the Eagle did a hit job on Alf over the death. It’s all how you spin it, and they spun it, and they upset the family. Bowler’s sister and campaign manager is a long time Eagle alum, Bowler’s employee is city clerk’s husband, if you watch Facebook you would know Bowler’s niece took the screenshot of the quickly deleted vote post 53 minutes after it posted, as you can see on the screenshot, and made an issue of it, which got the city clerk all mad, who was probably unaware it was already long gone and that she was being used as a pawn in a political ploy, and if you read the deleted post, it never claimed most of what the Clerk denied, then the Eagle investigated Barbalunga’s cartoonish lawn sign, but not most of what Barbalunga exposed on his website. Pretty sure the State did investigate claims of voter fraud in 2019 Mayor race and there is a lawsuit now, so while the deleted post was inaccurate, because the State doesn’t think there was or is voter fraud, apparently, making an issue of that while ignoring Bowler’s misstatements and lies is clear bias. Where’s the story about all the people who suffered under Bowler’s cold turkey abstinence program he used to talk openly about, the siezures, hospitalizations, relapse ODs, and yet the Eagle is concerned with a dog sign?? Valenti is much more impartial than Eagle. I know people on both sides who are canceling their subscriptions because they are done with the stupidity.
I haven’t worked at the Eagle since 1996. That’s 26 years ago. The only reporters left there that I worked with are Howard Herman (sports) and Tony Dobrowolski (business.) Neither have anything to do with elections.
Are you friends with editor? Staff? Do they respect you more than Alf (maybe that’s a silly question)? The point is that Alf isn’t well connected, Carmen is gone and people exaggerate the power of his Dad, makes them feel better about Alf’s career. I also don’t think there was much love from Carmen to Alf, especially after Alf pushed him off the School board, and if there ever was, Alf would have been top staff at the jail, that’s how nepotism works. I personally think the Eagle has been pretty biased since the beginning, especially against Andrea, they censor and didn’t print a lot of newsworthy stuff Alf posted online, why attack Andrea for having an old leased state car , but not the sheriff and staff for driving state cars, I didn’t think Eagle was biased back in June, but I do now. Either that or they are lazy. Either works.
Uh oh. Someone named Mickey Woppy is now claiming his/her posts disappeared from the Sheriff’s campaign Facebook account because they were critical? Is that true? Is that how his Facebook page stays clean, Alf’s looks like it got invaded by a bunch of Proud Boys on Biden Bus.
Don’t get into discussions with people that won’t put there name on a post.
Lololol. This comment is remarkably similar to one that Alf left on his campaign page earlier today blaming Bowler’s niece for why he got in trouble with the city clerk. Alf (I’m assuming this is you), you posted that election fraud garbage all on your own. First, you try to throw your poor campaign staff under the bus for posting it. And now it’s somehow Bowler’s nieces fault for screenshotting it? My lord man, you really are incapable of taking responsibility for ANYTHING, aren’t you?
And calling the eagle article a hit job, really?? They literally had the father of the dead woman quoted as saying “I really didn’t like him using my daughter as a stepping stone in his campaign. Especially when she died from natural causes.” There’s nothing to spin with that kind of testimony from the deceased’s father. No narrative tilt necessary for everyone to see what a giant asshole you are.
And the “lie” that WAMC covered didn’t really end up being the gotcha that Josh Landes thought it was considering there are women from Franklin county with exceptional needs who have been sent to Chicopee.
I am not Alf, but I’ve been watching these campaigns, I did not see the post on his campaign page but i will look, funny but truth is not coincidental. And chicopee sends women to Franklin, and Berkshire sends men elsewhere, that wasn’t what Bowler insinuated and he knows it. Poor women who are arrested and can’t make bail sit in chicopee far away from family and attorneys, and it has nothing to do with treatment needs. Franklin doesn’t do that. Personally for those found guilty, i think it should be up to the incarcerated and an analysis of where best they should go. Barb should focus on pretrial women for now, that will be hard enough.
You said Alf was not connected. He is as connected as anyone in Berkshire county could possibly be. And they all want one of their own watching out for them.
Not connected? Too funny.
He knows people, but his connections don’t yield much fruit, look at his endorsements
I really don’t think alf posts on Facebook, neither does bowler, candidates never do that garbage, they got important stuff to do, phone calls, fundraisers, campaign events.
What important stuff does Alf have going on? He isn’t working! He has the all the time in the world troll Facebook.
How do you feel about “no show” Alf getting over 8k in overtime in fiscal year 2021, working in a court that has 2 sessions per week? With his “overtime” and his buybacks he was the 4th highest paid probation officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. With one of the smallest caseloads. Talk about working the system! Don’t think his Dad can call in enough favors to get this one over the goal line.
I looked into that, I didn’t see that any other year, someone on here or Facebook suggested it was comp time, look at others in similar positions and see if they did it, i do not think he is scamming the system look at overtime and other pay and buybacks in the sheriffs dept its a lot more, every year, especially for executives
Oh, and not sure who caught this, but the Sheriff claimed in a letter to the editor he couldn’t lower salaries because he was dealing with 3 unions. Not true. There’s 1 union. Did the Sheriff print a retraction or the Eagle cover the false statement? No, because the Sheriff always gets a pass.
Okay, Alf.
See, -14 rating, simple question, biased audience, if Alf lied about the number of unions, it would have been front page Eagle news.
Harrington had fliers, lots of them. Alf’s lawn sign never had the state seal. He always has a white star with some version of the coat of arms but the wrong colors, it wasn’t even the coat of arms. I looked up the State seal to verify it when people started throwing accusations. Even the Eagle was forced to admit it wasn’t the State seal when they contacted the State, but what a waste of an article.
Did everyone especially like the Harrington flyer about all she claims to have done for the addiction community whilst doing more to enable their drug purveyors than anyone in local history? I bet Capeless and Bowler got more people into treatment than Harrington. Just ask the Brien Center. They’re treating her for her addiction to selfies.
I can’t believe people are talking about lawn signs even here, total waste of time and look now im doing it too $&@!
Already voted, Bowler and Shugrue. The other two are as corrupt as can be.
Alf manchild has zero integrity and wouldn’t know the truth if it but him in the ass.
Corrupt ? Are you kidding ? Shugrue a lying , burned out defense attorney , with vindictive tendencies, alcohol , work ethic problems .. Bowler wants to build dynasties on tax payer money , act like a crime boss , not a crime stopper ? Who sends thugs to intimidate legitimate candidates while holding sheriff job ? Corrupt , your a fool ..
Actually I’m as smart as they come. Alf is a liar, lazy, entitled, and a cheat.
Andrea Harrington is a liar, lazy, entitled, and a cheat.
FYI: you’re the fool. (You’re not your) moron.
Has Andrea started a 13 step yet?
She did start the 13 step but lost count after 7 and had to start all over.
* Tim Shugrue was an entry level prosecutor many years ago, then a divorce attorney and an ambulance chaser, who ran for D.A. in 2004 and lost to David Capeless, and Tim Shugrue is running once again for D.A. in 2022 against sitting Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington.
* Andrea Harrington is a progressive political activist who has been in the D.A.’s seat for less than 4 years. Despite Pittsfield and the greater Berkshire County region’s decades of violent crime, Level 5 public schools, excessively high state and local taxes, one party political corruption, and so on, the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle), blogger Dan Valenti, and her critics have all used her as a scapegoat.
* Tom Bowler is a former Pittsfield Police Detective and a two-term Sheriff who successfully took on the Good Old Boys network after Carmen Massimiano, Jr. was outed in early-2010 as an alleged child sex abuser from his young adult days working at the Boys Club and Camp Russell under his father-like supervisor Jimmy Mooney.
* Alf Barbalunga is related to the late-Carmen Massimiano and a few other notorious Pittsfield politics’ Good Old Boys network families. His father of the same name was a Pittsfield District Court Judge who networked to get his son into a career in the Probation Department. Alf’s campaign against Bowler is seen by some as retribution for Carmen Massimiano’s tainted legacy.
* John Barrett III has been a career politician in North Adams since the beginning of time. He is said to be a good man who cares about people in the beautiful Berkshires. He is also said to be a dictatorial leader who retaliates against grassroots democracy activists. His vote(s) against Sunshine laws rules reform measures vindicated his critics.
* Paula Kingsbury-Evans is a young woman who hopes to oust John Barrett on Tuesday, but her odds of winning are long in the Northern Berkshire-based state legislative district.
She is campaigning on lofty goals that we all would like to happen, but Boston’s love of power and their control over the Almighty Dollar always stands in the way of democratic rules reform measures and lofty policies and programs.
I, Jonathan A. Melle, endorse the A-Team: Alf & Andrea. I also endorse Paula Kingsbury-Evans. My reason for doing so is that the old ways have failed the common people for too long to keep up the public “Business as usual” tagline that Tim Shugrue, Tom Bowler, and also John Barrett III all represent as two established politicians and Tim Shugrue’s status as a Wanna Be over the past 18 years. It is time for change!
Your “endorsement “ means squat. You live in NH! You can’t vote here!
Does Bowlers sister still live in Pittsfield?
No. I think Donna lives east near the Cape.
Actually, I’ve lived in the same house for the last 40 years, 15 minutes from my brother’s house.
Stability. Love it. My mom was born in the same home that she later bought (with my dad) from mom’s father (My grandfather). Lived there all of her 95 years, except for three years when my dad was in WWII. My brothers and I grew up there. After mom and dad died, brother Mick (six years ago) moved in after decades on the road with his bands–hotels, motels, sleeping in airplanes and vans, chumming and chumming with fans who were kind enough to open their homes. 102 years of stability. Much to be said about it.
That’s so cool you follow this blog, truly.
Most people start their careers in entry level status and move up and on depending on their skills. Difference between Tim and Wrong Way, is she’s still in entry level status all these years later after becoming an attorney and now as da. (See her record). And if that’s not good enough for you, just checkout what her own colleagues have to say about her lack of abilities.
Your personal record of 46 thumbs down is in jeopardy JM.
It makes you realize what most of us think of your “a-team.” At least it should.
You and TSC are cut from a different burlap sack.
Are you sure it’s from a burlap sack?
Congratulations JM!! You broke your old record by one thumbs down.
Shugrue no weaknesses Dan ? Come on ! Be real .. I know how you feel about Andrea but really ? Shugrue had many flaws , temperament issues. , best days are behind him , vindictive , ( can’t be away from his wife for 5 minutes ) hmmmm , what’s that tell you ? Honestly , he’s one of those who can’t be away from wife literally for a minute ? That’s who’s gonna be chief law enforcement leader in county .. So she’s on payroll?? She’s not competent as well ?? Many questions Dan ? Then of course you have Missy Mason Mazzeo. Even with the Good Mazzeo name , she lost ? She’s a born Loser who wants in on a political victory , not Because she cares about the county or public safety , she’s still seeking Revenge for losing ? Many questions Dan ? You a good man because you call it straight but , on this one Your Bias is evident ?? Many questions ?
And a Trump believer of the lie
Democrats, call Patriotic Americans: “deplorables”, “facists”, “nazis”, “racists, “bigots”…..
But they call: Criminal Aliens “dreamers”, gender confused men women and gender confused women men, transgender drag queen shows for school children “education”, ………..
Great 0bservation, TRAP.
Can Shugrue hire his wife? Not a conflict?
Alf won’t have his chance in six years. He’s a ticking scandal time bomb.
Come on Dan ? Last comment all FACTS ? People take 30 minutes to read Alf’s web site rather than throw stones , he’s spot on with his Data ? Dynasty Bowler ? That’s a joke , it’s hard working peoples money your playing Tony Soprano with , Dynasties? Give me a break ., Retire , you in so many pockets around town , you’ll be alright ? Plus , all the hard working people who work at jail will have a legitimate chance at promotion ( not building personal POWER , taking care of your own agenda ) READ BARBALUGA,com before VOTING ? Trust me .. Bowler dynasty is a joke .. Go collect your pension that you already have tripled because of your Special interests and free rides ! Vote ALF
Alf is a moron who needs a babysitter.How old is he?
Here is Alf posting again under a fake name!!! This guy is a narcissistic fool! Who prints a “press release “ in the Berkshire eagle to make it look like the eagle endorsed him after they in fact endorsed Bowler? Alf did! Who lies and believes his lies? Alf does? I know this is Alf posting. His favorite line every time he talks is “ Read Barbalunga.com, it’s filled with bullshit” so this is definitely Alf!
Bowler for sheriff, that vote is a no brainer!
I can tell you this much. The poster is not Alf.
So I don’t believe anything you say about Alf as your credibility is ruined on that front.
You’ve also embarrassed yourself so much with the theatrics at the Shugrue “debate” that you actually hurt the campaign to satisfy your ego.
You say “theatrics” I say “coward ducking a debate.” Let’s call the whole thing off!
And your not fritz
You don’t say this when people assume it’s Bowler or his “campaign” typing a reply! You truly are all in for Alf! South county buddies Alf and Dan, hope he is worth you losing the great amount of credibility you had before this election. Did he promise you a position as leader of his “press releases” for the sheriffs dept if he wins? (which will never happen) oh right he didn’t make any promises for positions if he wins (another lie) as I have a text message between Alf and one of his “top campaign officials” aka his “would be” executive leadership team, stating that if he wins this individual will be a Assistance Superintendent and take the job of Dan Sheridan, as the jails legal counsel. No sweat bc Alf will never win but it’s the fact that Alf lied but you Dan, won’t call him out for it! Does someone (you Dan) owe him or his daddy a favor? Did someone maybe get into some legal issue in the past or maybe someone’s family member and now, despite knowing that it’s wrong, is forced to support this loser, Alf Barf-a-lunga? Hmmmmmm this is the only thing that makes sense Dan, you’ve never sunk this low before for any one candidate, please tell me, why now?
If true, hope he doesn’t pay him/her as much as the current counsel, i think that salary is the one alf complains about all the time, makes more than the Sheriff.
Yeah i doubt alf even goes online or reads any of this. I suspect disgruntled sheriff employee or ex inmate
He did say he wasn’t building an empire, he was building a dynasty… who inherits the dynasty? Usually it is family, a son? Daughter? In-law? Friend? Dan you made this season memorable, without you all we would have is pctv, too bad andrea wouldn’t come on your show.
Thanks, TRULY.
The first time I saw Alf’s sign I thought he was running for dog catcher.
I had to see an eye doctor. Not because of the sign but that he thought he had a shot at all.
I, too, need to get my eyes checked. I’m making an appointment with an optimist today.
Not unlike a looking into a Kaleidoscope
They are closed.
Yours may be closed today (maybe they’re even out of business), but my optimist is always open.
they work doctor’s hours.
I found the letters hard to read driving by on white background
Ditto Rule 5.
I’ve never seen a candidate with a worse sign.
Who the hell puts an ugly dog on their political poster?!
He wouldn’t win that either
Alf is lucky his dad bought him his job and has been covering for him all these years.
Alf should be working a septic pump out job, and even that’d be too much for him.
I am honestly not shocked by Dan backing Alf. He’s been in his corner this entire race.
However, throughout this campaign, there has been a number of unanswered questions.
There are so many questions folks with Alf that he refuses to answer or just simply says it will be on his website. Daddy’s money won’t protect you for ever my old friend and maybe you shouldn’t have burnt your bridges with me a long time ago. I told you if you did me wrong it would come back!
So Dan redacted all the things about Alf but ran with days and days of stories about Andrea Harrington and an OUI, even after the police refuted it.
Alf get special protections here on the Planet. The bias is staggering.
If Dan would just dig a little deeper he could interview Donna Sinopoli (she’s on Facebook) and will go on record with documents and texts. Like the texts Alf sent that got him kicked out of the probation conference.
(a) The police did not refute the OUI incident. (b) “Special consideration?” Eye of the beholder. My words speaks for themselves. Readers can and will interpret them as they wish. That’s the beauty of free speech. (c) Have you ever considered that of Ms. Sinopoli (or anyone else) comes to me with documentation and texts, she will (they will) always received a warm welcome. This site welcomes and loves all whistleblowers and dime droppers. She (or anyone else) is free to contact me anytime about anything. We vet carefully and do our best to balance bringing scandal and corruption out in the open and not publishing wild allegations. Man, you ought to see the stuff that comes to me that doesn’t get an airing — not because this site isn’t fearless but because the local politics have become so venonmous, that most of the allegations can be laughed out upon first view. The ones that seem to have meat on the bones, that’s an entirely different matter.
Only one thing about the OUI is a fact: no one including the MSP or Harrington refuted it. It’s not going away either.
Neither the MSP, the Lenox Police chief, Harrington, nor the Harrington campaign refuted it, which would have been a simple matter to do. Based on the plethora of circumstantial evidence and based on how the “disappearing act” has a long history of being used on the “Do You Know Who I Ams?” locally in Berkshire County, THE PLANET’s educated (though unverified) guess is that (a) the district attorney was stopped by State Trooper after a citizen phoned in a report of a white, Ford SUV “driving erratically”; (b) This occurred after the DA left a campaign events held at a friend’s house in Lenox. Friend’s husband is a Lenox cop; (c) The cop make a phone call into the MSP to make it all go away. (d) That request was granted. If that is correct, it should have been thoroughly investigated. If that is incorrect, then the DA should have responded to the charges. If the guess is correct, it still needs to be flushed out. If the guess is incorrect, that needs to be stated.
I’m guessing you intentionally messed up some details to get someone to chime in. The SUV is black for example. I have reason to believe it did not happen in Lenox but in West Stockbridge enroute to Richmond. That fundraiser at the cops house was weeks later.
White privilege if true, keep digging, would they let anyone else do that that wasn’t well positioned in “society”?
Why are questions about
Theft of funds
Sending dick pics
Job reports that got him “transferred” aka fired out of north county
A restraining order that disappeared just like all the other local reports?
Infidelity with a local realtor
Not allowed on this forum?
Dan want to be a reporter many of these issues were discussed on 411 of the Berkshires with photo proof.
What’s not allowed are allegations without documentation, circumstantial or otherwise. As far as 411, THE PLANET isn’t 411. THE PLANET is THE PLANET. I must also say to all those who are rabid in their tear-downs of Alf that he and his campaign must have rattled your folks. Why else would you be so concerned? Is he’s what you say and has no chance, why not let it alone. Twould be a better strategy cuz it wouldn’t energize the other side or give your opponent more publicity.
So Dan a number of people have told you 1. Where to find the documents (Facebook)
2. The people to talk to (Donna Sinopoli)
You could put the tiniest of effort into it and get the docs via private message. Every time I’ve tried to post legitimate documents here they never show up, want Alf’s dick pick or the sexts between him and his blonde little trollop, they are out there to be had.
What we see is the disingenuous nature of your bias. You say you aren’t for him but “leave him alone, he has no chance”
Seems that doesn’t apply to Andrea Harrington though.
If you applied the same treatment to Alf as Andrea, there wouldn’t be a problem.
I’m not concerned about Alf, I’m concerned about why you are protecting him. It’s weird.
Are you personal friends with him and his family? They have something on you? Is this a Nilan thing?
Just going back to your old posts from 9 years ago, it was very different. There’s plenty of the same comments on Alf in the archives, but what changed. Can I at least post what was posted sbout him on here, verbatim, 7,8,9 years ago?
Again, and sincerely,thanks for the feedback.
Stop trying so hard.
What is 411 of the berkshires? Never heard of it. Thought this was the only independent source for info
Yet the planet will print unsubstantiated allegations about Sheriff Bowler.
Can you be more specific. I’d be glad to hear what you cite as evidence and address it, DM. Don’t tell me, too, have fallen under the misguided notion that I’m secretly “pulling for” or “supporting” anyone in the sheriff’s race.
You can keep saying you aren’t supporting Alf but so many people see the bias.
This is as it should be. As I say, my job is to write. The reader’s job is to read and interpret. There’s no amount of clarity, especially in campaign coverage, that can keep readers from a plurality of reactions. Let’s all celebrate that.
Big time bias.
Actually Dan looks neutral, I don’t think Ive seem him say one bad thing about Bowler, but when you have a bias, and Dan is neutral, it looks like Dan is biased, like those pictures where it looks like a ball is rolling uphill.
Maybe Dan if you honestly believe he is backing Alf is looking at all the abuse, corruption, and the waste of our tax dollars on the bloated salaries, state cars being used to commute from another county. Along with the equipment that is not needed such as motorcycles, a hummer, a command vehicle and the cache of AR15 and other items. This is not the only Sheriffs Department look at Hampshire County, Worcester County and other they have taken advantage of us the tax payers. It has to end some time real quick. Alf and Tim 9-6-2022
Its all of State government. Look at a University Chancellor salary. I don’t know how we will pay for all the pensions, Fed better keep printing money and not keep count.
Already voted for Tom Bowler.
It was a no brainer. This area already has way too many embedded good old boys who almost completely control everything that goes on. Too many political stooges who operate solely for the special interests. Alf is as embedded as you can get. No way in hell would I vote for him.
Barbalunga is a disgrace trying his best to be a disgusting human being like his cousin the previous sheriff who was there for 30 horrible years.The sheriff’s wife should have slapped Alf in the face.The sheriff’s sister should have slapped Alf in the face.Bowler will win easily over a Trump wannabe…..Harrington’s goal was to right some wrongs in our court system.Her inexperience showed.She will win a close race.All Shugrue needed to win this is say her goals are good ones and he will do the same but with wisdom……Barbalunga needs a spanking.Sounds like he should be fired from his job for incompetence.People need to drop a dime on this nitwit.
Barbalunga,Hinds,Tyer,Bouvier,Guiel,,Persip,White,many others,all cut from the same cloth.Guile’s only concern as the ward six sitting C C is to acknowledge citizens with commemorative street signs? And one lady at a speaker session at C C recently who chimed in at the open Mike oesn’t even live in Pittsfield They are all rock stars,ha ha ha. I’m still bewildered at the nonsense parade Marshall Smarchetti chooses every year? These Rock Stars have hoclue.
Boulder has never introduced legislation.She only co sponsors it .She is famous for that in the statehouse……CC….Ward councilors need to be advocates of their WARD…they all are in everyone’s business .Sherman needs sidewalks on all the Gall built streets
According to TSC/TDS they are all Trumpers,ha.ha!! This is what is wrong with brainwashed individuals they don’t see what is the truth right in front of their eyes/nose/ears. Just continue to repeat their illogical lies over and over because that is what their brainwashed minds are programmed to do.
Agreed. People will hear and see what their built-in or installed filters allow them to see.
Harrington is a complete fraud. It’s like going to the dentist to get a tooth pulled and having the dentist say, “Well I went to dental school but I’ve never pulled a tooth and I don’t believe in it. That’ll be $2,000.”
Great analogy, MAL. In one of Shugrue’s mailers, he features this quote from Andrea: “Attorney Shugrue, everyone knows that you have 36 yers of experience. Everyone knows that you have more experience in the courtroom than I do.” Brilliant!
That hairbrained logic is exactly how the theif at the Susan B Anthony museum got offered a CWOF for embezzling $30k. 1. There was no one advising the underlings 2. There was no one qualified to supervise them because Harrington fired them or they left. 3. The defense bar was and is walking all over them.
How old is Shugrue
He’s 62.
I think he’s too old. Public Servants should be restricted to ages 52-54. Automatic retirement if hit 55 while in office.
Pssttttt……..TSC they are ALL Democrats!!!
At least Shugrue understands unspoken dress code.
You’re kidding, right? Have you seen his Facebook page? Photos of him with his shirt untucked and buttons undone, chest hair hanging out, at an official campaign event. Same happened on his recent pub crawl. It’s embarrassing.
who campaigns in bars on the Saturday before the election? Does he think those people will get off their stools to vote for him tomorrow? They have already forgotten he was there and who he was.
In good old days gone by, all elections were conducted and counted in bars. Actually, that’s not so different than now.
Happy Labor Day!
”Work is positively honorable. Work is good for the soul & necessary to a fulfilling life with dignity & meaning. Democracy & socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. While democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint & servitude. Socialism is a new form of slavery.” – Alexis de Tocqueville
”Labor Day celebrates American exceptionalism through the work & accomplishments of its diverse people.” – Scott Powell
“If daddy didn’t own a cookie jar, I wouldn’t have been caught with my hand in it. Its his fault” that I act like a silver spoon fed dolt who thinks I can say and do what I want. Now it helped cost me the sheriffs race.
Levon wears his war wound like a crown
He calls his child Jesus
‘Cause he likes the name
And he sends him to the finest school in town
Levon, Levon likes his money
He makes a lot, they say
Spends his days counting
In a garage by the motorway
He was born a pauper to a pawn on a Christmas Day
When the New York Times said, “God is dead
And the war’s begun”
Oh, Alvin Tostig has a son today
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
And he shall be Levon
In tradition with the family plan
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
He shall be Levon
Levon sells cartoon balloons in town
His family business thrives
Jesus blows up balloons all day
Sits on the porch swing watching them fly
And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus
Leave Levon far behind
Take a balloon and go sailing
While Levon, Levon slowly dies
He was born a pauper to a pawn on a Christmas Day
When the New York Times said, “God is dead
And the war’s begun”
Oh, Alvin Tostig has a son today
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
And he shall be Levon
In tradition with the family plan, woo
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
He shall be Levon
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
And he shall be Levon
In tradition with the family plan, woo
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
He shall be Levon
Elton John
We alplready got a billboard of him on pecks rd.
Harrington caught lying about her endorsements AGAIN!
Andrea Harrington: zero integrity
You know it’s bad when they contact the paper to say they didn’t endorse Harrington.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated to remove the name of Jamie Minacci, who had been listed as endorsing Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s re-election. Minacci said she has not endorsed either candidate. Harrington spokesman Adam Webster said Minacci’s name was erroneously included due to “miscommunication” between the campaign and Minacci, a member of the Stockbridge Select Board.
I’ve talked with many people past few weeks, and all concur your political writings are superb, fair, informative. Some have told me they decided who they are going to vote for because of reading your daily articles. You have been informative and fair. Very fair! Can’t ask for much more than that. No one should ask for more than that. See you all – I hope – at the polls.
Well expressed and all true. As an intelligent, wise person who has seen through more smoke in his lifetime than an entire brigade of fire fighters, who are capable of the heightened perceptions required from all truth seekers by Truth itself.
Of course you don’t fudge the numbers on here either.Chuck where did you take the survey just curios,not many people I know like Planet at all,I do but just telling it like it is. Like the thumbs up and down on here how the hell can you get 15 thumbs up when the post is only an hour old and there’s two people commenting.
C G: Dan is not the man you think he is,you are describing our Lord and Savior and his name is not Dan.
LAUGHABLE. CHARLIE and I have known each other for nearly 40 years. You don’t know me at TAWL. And how do you know your Lord and Savior isn’t named Dan? Hmmmmm? I appreciate the compliment!
There’re right DAN. Daniel was the fifth son of Jacob and Bilah from the Israelight tribe of Daniel
Dan can’t turn water into wine but he makes Harrington whine.
You lead the league in phunny.
That’s a good one right there.
In a world where competence matters Justice for Meghan
The remains found in Lee have been confirmed to be Meghan Marohn’s.
According to searchers they searched the area where the body was found early on in the investigations. The searcher interviewed offered this information anonymously as they were not authorized to speak on behalf of the agency.
“We searched that area and we we’re going to go door to door in the neighborhood but our search was constrained by the DA’s office. We were told not to enter the neighborhood even though there were indications that Ms. Marohn had left the wooded area for the neighborhood. I guess the real questions are how did she get here and where is her cellphone?”
So there is a killer on the loose?
Are you saying Megan’s body was not there when the area was originally searched?
Why would the DA’s office impede the original search?
True. Animals wouldn’t have carried off her cell phone. It should have been on or near her body. Nobody should hike alone in this day and age. There is too much crime out there. Travel in groups, especially women, but even men. Somebody in the group should also be carrying a weapon of some sort. There were lots of strangers in that neighborhood at the time she disappeared (construction crews) and she was possibly being stalked.
Give it a rest, they knew it was a suicide from the start.
Dear God
Please keep Bowler in office and make sure Harrington is on the unemployment line.
PS we know the dead will rise again and the NAACP will stuff the ballot box but let’s overcome those odds.
Thank you
Everyone with a brain
Does Dina still work for her?Wll she be gone Also Tim?
Where’s putz?
I have a question for the mayor city Council concerning the PVD
For Tim Shugrue, he has two main tasks tomorrow.
First, get people to the poles. Certain community activists sees (their) her unfettered access into the DA’s office coming to a close. This information is invaluable, especially if certain family members have issues adhering to state laws regarding drug dealing and firearm possession.
Second, keep an eye on Pittsfield city hall. Tim can’t afford to have Barry “vigilante” Tyer getting lost while heading out to pick up some ice cream for he and his husband, only to end up where the votes are counted. Barry tends to be absentminded like that.
To Donna crafts on living here all these years. My family has lived on Robbins for Seventy years and hope we get another 70And what’s the weather going to be.Whoever the d a is they need to clamp down on these gangs.
I’d like to know How many times PPD has been over to Cumberland farms this year. Has to be more than 1000 easy.
Yes good luck to the candidates tomorrow. And V O T E
September 6, 2022
Your voice matters in the Massachusetts State Primary on Tuesday.
The NAACP will provide transportation to anyone that needs a ride to their polling place. Call (413) 770-2031 from 7:00am to 7:00pm.
The ride is open to anyone, your color doesn’t matter, who you vote for doesn’t matter.
Rides are limited on volunteers, plan early.
No thanks I’ll take a scooter.
So if you get a ride from the NAACP and are voting for Shugrue and Bowler, that’s one less seat for a Harrington or Bungalunga voter.
It makes you wonder how much in “consulting fees” the BBEC will be paying certain members?
“Consulting fees” — Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. An example of the type of legal illegality in which the once-great city of Pittsfield engages.
Couldn’t agree more Dan.
One of the best was OB of the DIE Office paid another group a “consulting fee” to put on LGTFJB training for city employees.
OB was paying someone else to do the job he was hired to do.
I couldn’t believe that Dan Bosley of all people wrote a critical letter to the editor of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) against Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington in favor of Tim Shugrue when Dan Bosley is at least 100 times more corrupt than she is. I hope that my new blog post about Dan Bosley’s public record of voting for two State House Speakers who later became convicted Felons sets the record straight! I don’t accept Tim Shugrue because his 36 yearslong career as a divorce Attorney and ambulance chaser has only been about the Almighty Dollar. Tim Shugrue has never tried to reform Pittsfield politics. In fact, Pittsfield is a fertile ground for corrupt career politicians and career criminals alike. When is the first day of a corrupt career politician’s retirement? The day that they are elected to public office!
Jon – You seem to have a pattern of disliking anyone that has worked hard to become a success! What have you done in the past 36 years?????
Fair point, M&B, especially that last question.
Melle deserves a thumbs up on this. He is right about Bosley being a corrupt career politician.
Melle knows alot about Berkshire politics and men
Welcome to Election Day. May the best men win. That would be Bowler and Shugrue. Should be a landslide for both, and it would be, anywhere but here. Bowler will win by 38 percent. Shugrue much less, maybe 12 percent, because Harrington is a woke, female, wrecking ball. That gets her lots of votes with the fem dike progressives, and Tim is an aging white male. And the biggest reason, besides Bowlers obvious competence and experience and commanding grasp of the job, that he will trounce Barby??? Because Barby campaigned pretty hard, and the more people he meets, the more people see he is pompous ass.
Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise in Berkshire County, and police say ‘no business is safe’
He turned on the ignition, and the car roared. A quick look underneath revealed that thieves had hacked out its two catalytic converters overnight.
He checked the others in his small lot. It was another cut to his heart — all six had been hit.
The tally of stolen converters? Twelve. Replacements? Those have to be ordered from England — and they are in short supply.
The Eagle didn’t talk to local adjusters otherwise they would have gotten the real info. In outlet bulletin for this region, it said there’s been more than 2,300 claims in Berkshire county since the beginning of 2022.
It’s not businesses and I think the article does a poor job because it should say no “vehicle is safe”.
They don’t mention the catalytic converters stolen from municipal school busses, that most of the thefts are from individual driveways.
I can tell you right now, two things are true.
Pittsfield isn’t taking it seriously and they have a majority of the thefts.
The DA’s catch and release program just encourages the thefts.
Three guys who had stolen converters in March were released and they just went back to stealing.
When there’s no penalty crime goes up.
They also didn’t mention the $5,000 reward at all.
Thanks for posting. How many may have been prevented if this article came out sooner? Anything that is embarrassing to city officials does not make headlines until it comes out somewhere else first and they are too embarrassed not to mention it.
I hope it hits all media venues hard and that someone with an attitude catches one of them in the act. And I hope they need DNA to identify the little pricks.
Hundreds. Pittsfield ignored the problem since March but they caught three guys but the DA wasn’t going to really prosecute.
Joseph Wayne Bishop (52) of Pittsfield is charged with the following:
5 counts of Receiving Stolen Property over $1,200
Possession of a Class A Substance (Heroin)
Possession of a Class B Substance (Cocaine)
Possession of Burglarious Tools
William A Ferry Jr. (55) of Pittsfield is charged with the following:
5 counts of Receiving Stolen Property over $1,200
Possession of Burglarious Tools
Mitchell Sincere Phillips (35) of Pittsfield is charged with the following:
5 counts of Receiving Stolen Property over $1,200
2 counts of Vandalizing Property
Larceny over $1200
Possession of Burglarious Tools
The DA offered pleas down to vandalizing and dropped the most serious charges. It’s basically a fine. She is not seeking restitution for the victims. In her words “that’s what insurance is for.”
Those were actually her words.
Yup, and this attitude by the Totally In WAY Over Her Head (TINWOHH … n., pronounced tin’-wo) D.A. has essentially made Pittsfield and N. Adams “open cities.” Puts a sign out that says: “Welcome, criminals.”
She’s not going to be able to afford insurance after today.
They had to know all this was going on. Why would they hold back on a story like this? It makes the mayor, police chief and the media look bad.
Such bullshit. Nobody would risk stealing from a business across from a gas station and a stop light intersection.
Eagle has a story about the catalytic converters thefts. Finally someone is warning people after a hundred or more people victimized. Says no home or business is safe. And rectifying the missing converter is a huge mess.
Yup.Thanks again for nothing Eagle. I’m suprised they didn’t make you pay for the story online unless your stupid enough to actually buy the paper.
We get more info on the planet anyway
And usually the Planet breaks the stories before other local media. The poster’s here also help make it happen. I hear more information on the stories here to boot.
I stopped buying that paper when my cat wouldn’t use the litter box lined with it.
That was decades ago.
Been 3 years with no paper. Best decision ever. If I want to read a letter to editor online, all I need to do is delete my cookies, and I can read as many as I want
Wow, so that house must be a mess huh?
Same here. Cancelled my script when the cat died.
Shenanigans in Great Barrington
Harrington supporters violating the setbacks for signage and stand outs. The town manager is very pro Harrington so he’s told the clerk to give them some leeway.
This should not be allowed. This should be pounced on by the authorities … but, evidently, town politics trump the law in the toney town. Thanks for reporting this.
The people’s republic of great barrington believes in it’s own rules. For example, arrest those drug dealers unless they are our family or friends. God help the police there.
Right here, waiting.
Please don’t impersonate me
Not the same, attention to detail okay buddy. I’m not impersonating you. It’s two different names.
Was not intended that way, okay.
Ass Hole
My name on here has been Police Report since 2018. I use it. Policereporterwhereareyou is someone else’s account. But you are using my established name.
You are not me and have not been posting on here as Police Report since 2018.
Please choose a different name. Dan can verify it is me based on prior discussions via email.
It’s all yours. Was not intentional.
Drove past a Dalton polling site around 8 am and every candidate had a campaign volunteer holding a sign, in the rain, except Wrong Way.
An omen? Hopefully Shugrue will win by a landslide!
From your lips to God’s ears
Harrington’s hubby stood around outside the poling place in Richmond, chit chatting with voters.
He was well within the boundaries of the polling location. The cones were easily 50 feet beyond where he was standing.
He has a right to vote and chit chat. Just not wear campaign paraphernalia. Just saying. And really, you can’t blame him for coming for his wife.
He can chit chat beyond the boundary of the polling location. Settled case law.
He can chat all he wants 150 ft. Away from the building entrance door.
A relative of a candidate can absolutely chit chat. Show me your source, as you are mistaken. Campaigning is a different story.
All immediate members of the family of a candidate are considered special campaign members. They can vote then they must move 150 away from the front or entrance of a polling place.
It’s under MGL 54. There was a case, I don’t know it, on the Cape.
It clarified what campaigning is, including who would be considered a candidate or their proxy.
I’ve worked a number of elections and we were instructed by the clerk to monitor candidates family and move them to the 150 foot line.
The fine if they don’t must go through the state and it’s a whopping $20. Rarely is anyone called out on it unless it’s egregious. I don’t see any people in the background.
Sounds like non sense to me. Can you point to law please? And for the record, I can’t stand Harrington, but my God, how are poll workers or cops supposed to know who the hell every relative is. It sounds crazy.
He should worry about coming on her, seems like everyone else did it for him
Oops. Meant “voting for his wife”.
Please be aware someone is impersonating me on this blog.
I voted today for Bowler and Shugrue, the only two candidates for those offices that are actually fit for public service.
Please vote and please vote for Bowler and Shugrue.
Barbalunga got my vote, which I wasn’t planning on initially. Thanks to Bowlers’ wife and his big sister, I came to the realization that somethings wrong in the Bowler home. Time for something new, anyway.
Dynasty? Is the sheriff SUPPOSED to build a dynasty? How embarrassing.
Seen Alf and Harrington supporters numbers. Voted Shugrue and tubbs
It’s the non social family and elderly that get Tim and Tom in. Violence road rage disrespects speeding thugs drug dealing homeless bums begging bothering people gotta stop
Berkshire Eagle
Pittsfield man arrested in connection with road rage shooting
PITTSFIELD — A city man has been arrested in connection with the recent road rage shooting on Cheshire Road, police said.
Edward Martin, 36, was taken into custody Friday after Pittsfield police obtained a warrant for his arrest, according to Lt. John Soules.
The incident occurred around 2 p.m. last Wednesday on Cheshire Road near the Kittredge Road intersection, and involved two vehicles.
Police are investigating a road rage shooting in Pittsfield
Martin, who was driving one of the vehicles, is accused of firing at least one round from a handgun at the other vehicle. No bullet casings were recovered, and there was no visible damage to the victim’s car. No injuries were reported, Soules said. The shooting was investigated by members of the Pittsfield Police Department patrol and detectives unit, and the arrest was made with the assistance of the department’s drug unit.
Martin was due to be arraigned in Central Berkshire District Court on charges of carrying a firearm without a license and discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling, Soules said.
Anyone with information about the shooting can contact Detective Timothy Koenig at 413-448-9700, ext. 570 or text “PITTIP”
and a message to 847411.
Great job coppers!
WTF R U talking about? The tightest knit family I ever met! Can U say the same?
F/U If every family on the planet had a family as tight & devout as Pudgies’ this would be a better place.
Did you a ton of good.
“The Lenox Apple Squeeze will return after a three-year absence“
“LENOX — Let the good times roll. That’s the upbeat message from the town’s business leaders following a blockbuster summer for the hospitality industry.“
Fanto is brain dead. It’s a two year absence 2020 and 2021. For it to be a three year absence it would not have been held in 2019, 2020, 2021.
“Despite hopes for a normal cultural season, Berkshires performing arts venues limped through another challenging summer
Berkshire County performing arts venues show a 30-percent decline, on average, in ticket sales and attendance”
So there was a booming travel season with revenues for hotels up 22% over pre pandemic numbers but BTG needs more money and saw declining ticket sales? Maybe the problem is with BTG and jacobs pillow programming!
Dynasties and bully’s , very Trump like here in Berkshires ? Bowler has guys literally threaten his opponents TRUE STORY , Shugrue lies , lies , lies , he’s full of it being nice on campaign trail , he’s actually a vindictive , mean person .. Alf and Andrea compassionate, caring , smart , reasonable people , get Trump wannabe s out of tax payers burden ..
Dan?What city councilor reminds you of Jerry Lewis?
Prediction…Bowler and Shugrue handidly.
Can I play?
Kenny Warren!
He’s still looking for Dean.
Dynasties: Kennedies (mostly dead of brain diseases, indulgences), Clintons (sterile, but decades separate us from them), Bushes (in infinite supply). Obamas: next generation dynasty.
Trump: completely disconnected and antithetical to political machine and dynasty. There’s no there there.
Given the mediothology, it’s easy to miss this.
Harrington and Alf got slaughtered in 6 b former Krol now Guiel ward
If what I am watching on PCTV is accurate, Harrington and Alf are getting slaughtered throughout Pittsfield so far
It would be nice if they were accurate this one time.
FU / SP AH!!!
Catalytic converter thefts are (on the rise) in BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Eagle version.
A more accurate way of reporting on this might state, “Catalytic converter thefts are reaching epic levels in Berkshire County with MOST OF THEM, PROBABLY 99% OF THEM, in PITTSFIELD, MA. and there does not seem to be much anyone working for the city can do about it, so you are on your own.”
It seems that Ward 2B voters have had it stuck up their butts again. City Administration should be ashamed of the voting location at Somerset Fire Station. Most voters are forced to park in the old dilapidated Debbie Wong parking lot. The parking lot has waist high weeds and huge almost foot deep holes. A major safety hazard. It is also very difficult for handicapped voters as there is no handicap parking and they have to maneuver around fire equipment to get inside. The fire personnel are having to shift the fire truck around and park it outside in the pouring rain. Wouldn’t it be safer and more intelligent to move the polling location to Allendale School? Once again this Administration has their heads up their big a**!
Bowler 65% Winner
Barbalunga 35% Loser
Shugrue 57% Winner
Harrington 43% Loser
Bowler and Shugrue kicked ass in Pittsfield. Now let’s see what the rest of the county does.
Bowler crushed Barby in North Adams – 1,130 to 482.
Shugrue beat Harrington, 863 to 775.
Source: IBerkshires. Unofficial
As of 8:55pm
Harrington lost by approximately 40 votes in Richmond.
bowler 3,069, barby 951
shugrue 2,242, harrington 1,651
Source: 1Berkshire
It’s all over but the crying, for Alffie and Andrea. Bowler has almost 11,000 votes, Barbalunga, less than 3,000.
Shugrue has almost 10,000. Harrington almost 5,000.
And that is with Pittsfield and North Adams reporting and some other towns. Others yet to report, but it’s over.
They are toast.
I meant to post source – Berkshire Eagle. This also includes Lenox and West Stockbridge, and Adams. Barby and Andrea are done, done, done.
Does the Berkshires have an usual number of dead women hikers in the southern Berkshires?
I just read a national (online) People magazine article regarding a Megan Marhon.
Something quite fishy is happening in South County.
Was she a victim of foul play?
No. Suicide. Nothing to see there. Move along.
You people need to give it a rest. Most women leave notes, okay. The police reported early on there was nothing to get excited about. Let her rest in peace.
Mr Valenti wasn’t even close on prediction
He certainly didn’t do ant favors to Alf by posting Bowler waist. ON purpose no foubt
I wouldn’t be on my knees for an interview with either of these guys but admit your prediction was way off wayoff
Win , lose or draw Facts are Facts , Bowler s a lazy , not in touch with his Dynasty and people below him , Shugrue s a narcissist, ego maniac , with a vindictive, mean approach to public , they both suck .. Andrea a loser who didn’t campaign , Alf did a good job bringing up Many problems at the house of correction, Glad it’s over , except the crying of the victims that will suffer from these two not worthy candidates.. Truth hurts ..
Alf can go back to sending dick pics.
Ok Alf. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee
The truth is, despite any failings the winners may have, and even if everything you wrote is true, they are still, hands down, much better for us Kapanskis.
Everytime Barbalunga met somebody new, he lost a vote. What a phony, pompus blowhard. As to Harrington, there couldn’t be a more competent elected official, even in Massachusetts.
I am glad it’s over too. Now, maybe, some victims will get justice, and I hope the jails gets filled up with all the criminals that have gotten away with everything, including murder, the past several years.
Did you a lot of good didn’t it
Harrington conceded!!! To Josh Landes. Honest to god that was the first “call” she made.
Ding dong the witch is gone! Don’t let the door hit you in your boney shrill ass!
we had a bet that she’s going to sabotage the office and fire all the non-loyalists in the next month or so.
Where’s Guile going?
Hopefully out the same door as Andy and a few others.
If Shugrue keeps Andy, I will scream
She’ll be OB’s assistant in the DIE Office.
Hates straight YT males-check
A$$ kissing back stabber-check, check
As you see plunger, she’s more than “qualified.”
Hey Alf when daddy can’t buy or bully his way into you getting a job, you are the 20%.
Bowler you just keep doing what you do!
Shugrue, undo everything Harrington did!
PITTSFIELD — Berkshire County will have a new district attorney next year.
Challenger Timothy Shugrue defeated incumbent DA Andrea Harrington in the Democratic primary on Tuesday night. Results are still being tallied, but early vote totals showed Shugrue up by a huge margin.
Wrong Way will now be known as “one and done!”
Good one, ALFIE!
Dan omg 54-46 bowler ? I guess a win is a win but… you can’t give your boy that much credit!!!!!
Alf will NEVER run again. He’s too embarrassed!!!!