(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 7, 2022) — Let us just say “See? Just like we indicated.
Keeping this one brief:
- HMS Shugrue sinks S.S. Andrea OutTheDooria to the bottom of the drink.
- Bowler bowls Alf into the gutter with perfect game.
Congrats to both winners. Well deserved twin victories.
More on post-election tidbits on The Weekend Edition, but first …
———- ooo ———-
Having kept The Secret Squadron and our inimitable Z-Agents on O.T. during the election, THE PLANET is sure you won’t mind a day of levity and light. No politics from us today. The Weekend Edition is when we will offer post-prelim and November thoughts.
First a lovely cup of tea.

Everyone. Calm down, breath, settle in, and join THE PLANET in a fresh cup of tea, won’t you? (Photo By Lisa Valenti)
Next, we share the secret publication, “Mystery in Space.” Its cover depicts one of our Z-Agents at the controls. The ray-beam identified Wrong Way at Space Enemy Number One, even though she attempted to fool our Mighty Machine by self-identifying as a man. From left, Bowler, Barbalunga, and Shugrue look on. Far right, Adam Webster, Andrea’s campaign consultant.
Finally, you’ve been asking for it: A behind-the-scenes look at one of our control panels with which we control elections and determine the flow of public affairs. At least that what the hysterics of the campaigns contents. THE PLANET rigs contests, as this detailed photograph proves …
… NOT! We deliver information, facts, and opinions on that information, those facts. That is all. So everyone, before November momentum gets rolling, and you start climbing all over us, chill and enjoy some steaming chai.

A proprietary look at THE PLANET’s secret control panel that governs the actions of our Almighty Army of Robots. This is all censors allow for security purposes.
And of course, feel free to share your thoughts about yesterday and anything else, for that matter.
“Make sure you have your own side hustle. I had to build my kingdom before my prince came along” — Christine Quinn.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Top Ten Excuses For Andrea’s Loss
10. Supporters were too busy stealing catalytic converters to vote.
9. Election Day was a bad hair day due to the rain.
8. No polling locations on one way streets.
7. Not enough entitled white women voters named Darcy, Karen and Meghan.
6. Lack of bike lanes going to the polls.
5.Too much rain for the dead to come out and vote.
4.Voters not allowed to ride Bird Scooters to the polls.
3. Couldn’t get pronoun Pete White to endorse her.
2. Local democrats have become Trumpy Ultra MAGA Semi Fascists.
1. Dan Valenti is a poopy head.
Her staff is a pile of dead wood. Shugrue should get rid of the whole lot of them.
Including not patronizing the jump-shipping pols writing letters of self-recommendation to the editor.
Did she ever establish the citizen’s advisory board to her office like she promised?
She has the opportunity now. She’s unemployed and unemployable come Jan 1.
The only things she established was she was going to establish things.
Accurate, to say the least. This one rivals Milt Plum’s jest from earlier this week! Well done, sir or misses.
Harrington and her merry hacks are done around the Berkshires. Very few will want anything to do with them. Time for them to move onto a fresh start somewhere far away from the Berkshires.
She’s radioactive around here.
Bowler wins, Dan pretends he predicted that Bowler would win…… Dan says “as predicted” when he is crying inside bc he supported Alf!! Tonight just shows that the people aren’t as blind, Alf doesn’t have a chance, even in 6 years! Thank god! Dan, get yourself together and bring the Dan back that we all knew, liked and respected so much before you “endorsed” Alf!! Have a good weekend t’all!!!!
Yeah the support for Alf by Dan was unprecedented. He went so far as to say Alf won the debate, what a load of trash.
Maybe Barba flaws are obscuring Bowlers?
Bowler had trouble in the debates, he was decent, but I can see why he stopped doing them, he made mistakes and that hurt his image.
Good point. Alf won the debates, Pudge won the votes.
This is the bias we are talking about. Alf was a blustering babbling fool. He lost the debates because everything he said was a lie. When fact checked, he got his ass handed to him.
Just because you lie and make up facts and make baseless accusations it doesn’t mean you won the debate.
Buy a clue Dan.
How much are they, A?
Oh give him a break,he isn’t perfect.
Worst thing was Dan seemed to be a “closet” supporter…..never outright endorsed Alfie Boy but certainly was propping him up. Bowler may not be perfect but Alfie Boy? Really? Guess this was the one thing daddy couldn’t buy.
As Wallace Steven told us decades ago in his poem “The Emperor of Ice Cream,” “is” is the reality of “seems.”
ooo -you’re a closet supporter!
What might I dare imagine which ritual acts you perform over Barbalian iconography in a closet? I can’t. You wouldn’t have taken my Alf sign for your closet did you? I was hoping to use it after the election.
By the way, the art is very fine. It harkens back to the golden age of American draftsmanship, human figure, and entertainment. When the three had hit its simultaneous apex, America was great. We were fine. Everything was fine. But short lived compared to grecian or italian scales. For soon after that glorious decade of Hogarthian cartooning, in the 1980’s, the human form was traded for embalmed wastes. With that, entertainment degraded into filth and morosity. And draftsmanship fails on the classic tenets of form, composition, contrast. The blame really falls on Hogarth’s own head. He was lazy, a profiteer and pirate preying on the impressionable youth. He gave them a small gift of facility in exchange for short circuited expression. He violated the law of complex convexity in the organic form, and he substituted counterfeit platonic form for the primal ones which require a strong degree of perceptual diligence, mental proportion, and true form. In short, he was a comic Marxist.
Give me back my sign, or I continue this lecture Friday morning.
Your sign, LEV, is in The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich(R). If you want it back, you’ll have to take it up with Earl Persip’s agent.
Dan loves Alf. So pathetic !!! Totally
Biased all the way. Good bye!!!!
We love everybody, including you!
Very well Alfie you got crushed
I think Dan played it fair and square.
If I were running Dans debate productions, nobody would be in the room besides DA. the two opponents, or in Harrington case, the plant her underling stole, and of course the production team. I would never bring by wife, or any family members, or other supporters. Show up alone.
Let’s all hope Alffie didn’t go home and beat the poor dog.
Worst thing is Dan seemed to be a “closet” Alfie Boy supporter, never really endorsed him but definitely showed some bias. Dan, you’re entitled to your choice, just be honest. For Alfie Boy….guess this was the one thing your daddy couldn’t buy you. Buh bye back to your do nothing job.
Keep it Real, keepitreal.THE PLANET never supported anyone in the sheriff’s, although we knew Pudge would win. You are seeing what your filters allow you to see. Dan sees what he sees, reports what he sees, offers an interpretation which folks may agree with or not, and stimulates debate and discussion. My definition of intelligence is the capacity to see things as they are. Sounds simple, and it is … so simple that many people can’t do it.
Dan got the interview, no?
I don’t remember Dan saying that. He said Bowler would win and Alf would have his chance the next time.
Correct. I predicted Pudge would win, which he did, and deservedly, considering the numbers. They clearly represented the will of the electorate.
The corrupt career politicians all predictably won their primary elections in predictable Pittsfield politics and beyond in the beautiful Berkshires. Why am I NOT surprised? John Barrett is a lifelong political hack in North Adams. Tom Bowler is the Supreme Emperor of the dynastic jail on Cheshire Road in Pittsfield. Tim Shugrue finally won the D.A. election after 18 long years of wanting the plum position. Meanwhile, the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will be paying all of these same Bags of Hot Air an excessive amount of their tax dollars for more “Business as usual” in return for unsafe streets full of violent crime, Level 5 public schools, severe economic inequality from generations of population loss and thousands of long lost living wage jobs in the postindustrial rust belt Berkshire County distressed economy, and the disconnected limousine latte drinking liberals such as Sherwood Guernsey and the Lexus luxury car owner Mayor Linda “Gated Community” Tyer, etc. who run the one political (Democratic) Party system of state and local government. To illustrate, for the common people, it would be like winning a nuclear war in a radiation-poisoned Earth run by John Barrett, Tom Bowler, Tim Shugrue, and the rest of the failed political establishment. I am not so cruel as to say, “Congratulations!”, because I am and always will be a caring good person with lofty democratic ideals who wishes everyone to have a chance in life and a voice in their government.
Oh look,
JM is really butt hurt today! Throwing the usual suspects he loved at one time under the bus because they didn’t support his honey this time around.
One less poster on his parent’s basement wall
Melle is right. This is a far right blog. Alf and Andrea were truly the A team. Tom Bowler, Timothy Shugrue, John Barret are all corrupt career politicians. If you would listen to Melle he really know Berkshire politics.
You are all wrong to about Melle loving Andrea Harrington. Trust me I know.
I like Melle too. His points are actually the opposite of his points which I find both interesting and aggravating.
Also, this is not a far right blog. In the ’80’s this would be a ridiculous blog because no one would even admit the things discussed could possibly take place because mostly they didn’t. We had corruption. That’s normal. But, we rarely had DA’s that have not one workday of experience and deliberately let criminals rule the streets, the pervasive metastasizing debauched language of the left, and child predators preying using the classrooms as hunting grounds.
No, this is not right wing here. This place is a refuge from the horror.
Serenity Prayer.
Thank god we don’t have to listen to her gobbledygook anymore.
“I’m very dedicated to ensuring that we have a smooth transition in the District Attorney’s Office,” she said. “The thing that I always say to the team in the DA’s Office is the DA can come and go as long as the team is there, the good work will continue.”
Then why the fuck did you fire those not loyal too you Andrea?!? You wholesale cleaned the office out and canceled programs.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Shugrue is going to do the same thing.
And rightly he should.
The difference, Andrea fired competent people so she could give her friends and supporters jobs.
Shugrue is going to fire all Andrea’s friends and supporters so he can hire competent people.
Well stated, A.
Let’s hope so
Well said, had she kept “the team” she may have stood a chance. Instead her narcissism got the best of her. My hope is for a new “team”. I hope they’re all shaking in their shoes. Wonder how many times she’s yelled at them today!
To the sheriff and the new DA. Congratueffinglations. You both are well suited for your jobs.
And good effing riddance to the worst DA in county history. I bet even capeless voted for Tim.
Will be interesting to see if Tim hires anyone who left when Harrington fired everyone. A lot of great people were booted.
He should make Richard Locke first assistant DA if he is not bringing Paul back.
Most of those people are working in Springfield including Paul a few went into private practice. I could see the people working in Springfield returning because of the drive and price of gas. The others that went into private practice will probably depending on how the practice is going and if they are making money. Alot also service the state because of the benefits, no overhead, no billing etc.
Lots of them had lots of years towards pensions.
Some advice for the candidates who lost.
Harrington, all you had to do was not screw up. You were gifted a job, you could have kept forever, if you kept your head down, made incremental changes, and learned your job from more experienced (read:every other) lawyer.
When your sole qualification is you have a vagina, and that was what your die hard supporters were pushing (“I’m voting for a woman” , “We need a female DA”, and support from some mommy PAC) you bring zero to the table. Judy Knight is a woman and a professional, Andrea Glover is a woman and a professional, both are infinitely more qualified than you. You are not unique in your gender or possession of a vagina, just in your abject lack of experience.
Stay out of politics, you ruined your gift that was given to you and are damaged goods. Forever tainted by your ridiculous displays of hubris and incompetence. You were simultaneously the first female DA in Berkshire county and the worst. Those who didn’t vote for you are certainly not blaming your gender, just your character and competence.
Alf, ohhhh Alf, you had way too many people telling you you’d win based on your dad’s tactic of bullying and buying people off. We all know you and saw right through you from the beginning.
A word to the wise, when you were called out in a State report on patronage jobs, when you got fired from North county because of poor performance, attacking a sitting Sheriff about patronage jobs just brought attention to your own failings.
Your best best, stay out of politics, enjoy your no show job, and try and stay out of trouble. Odds are even that you’ll end up over at the jail still, but as a resident, not an employee.
We the people have spoken and Berkshire County is better and safer for it.
This just in Bowler confirms he will retire at the end of his new term.
Well he oughta he’ll be 90
He’s only 62.
Again he will retire. In six years he will be 68.
Very few people retire at 62 and many keep going into their early 70’s. Just look at Washington politicians, many are in their late 80’s. Washington politicians are ridiculous for working that long, but working until your late 60’s or early 70’s is very common.
I am not concerned about your opinion, it is a matter of what he said
All government employees, especially supreme court justices, and escpecially politicians, should not be able to serve passed a certain age, maybe 72 or so, or 77, I don’t know, but this bullshit we had with what’s her name wearing a diaper on the supreme court, and Biden in white house at 80 and that old bag pelosi, and grassley too, it’s just totally effing ridiculos.
Pelosi now wants to become the Ambassador to Italy if she is no longer Speaker. Anything to stay close to the very wealthy in Italy. At some point she needs to realize she has more money than she needs and she needs to devote her life to a higher purpose. People in their 80s who have too much wealth and power should stop being concerned with wealth and power as their major goals in life.
Trump is very v wealthy and wants to be an Ambassador to Russia
Putin has a suite ready for him in thanks for all the classified documents he has provided for him. More pee girls as well.
Biden cut oil leases in the U.S. to make Putin happy.
So Andrea does have a job lined up
She could take Harrington with her
Reagan had Alzhiemers in office.
He did, but he forgot about it.
Yea, just like Biden.
Biden had it before he was put in
The crybaby Trump is still lying at 77 wanting to be elected at age 79 as President….Trump Attorneys General believes they have a case to bring an indictment against Trump
For what genius?
Timothy Shugrue is also 62.
If he was still with PPD he would have to retire at 65 that is state law unless you can get a waiver. Look at Sheriff Ash I think he was well over 70 when he retired
I heard he is out in 3yrs, he wants to max out his pension, set up the next leader, his son perhaps, if he is ready, then retire in style as the dynasty continues.
For me, the most shocking part of this election is Bowler blew Barbalunga out of the water much harder than Shugrue blew Andrea out of the water. I thought that would be a landslide and the fact man-child kept bringing up the poor women in Chicopee would’ve swayed more of the Williamstown G/B Lenox libs.
Harrington did win Williamstown which isn’t a shock with all the woke college type people in that town. Suburban and upper class women kept her numbers higher than they should have been. These women feel safe from crime in their tree lined neighborhoods even with the justice warrior policies of seeing the criminal as the victim.
WOKE means not in a cult Pat….Thats what FOX /TRUMP has done with that trigger word the cult uses
How does if feel TSC, waking up to $5/gal gasoline and $6/lb hamburger?
It feels like you watch FOX and get Qanon emails.Did you hear about your cult leader stole Top Secrets…that a crime in the non cult world…Let me guess it was planted fake and the FBI did it.Im WOKE you are MAGA
You’re a woke joke TSC.
Same FBI that used false evidence in the two failed impeachments and J 6th Kangaroo festival. They knew the “collusion illusion” was a H-beast/DNC concocted plot and ran with it anyway.
Barron Trump is considering getting into crack cocaine, Russian Prostitutes, and corrupt international business dealings, just like Hunter Biden. So the FBI will leave him alone too.
Take some x-lax and get rid of you woke yoke
Your cult is obsessed with Trump
No. It was always going to be closer for the Shugrue race.
Just to clue you in, white progressives rich Karens don’t actually care about the incarcerated. There are thousands of disingenuous Harrington clones in Berkshire county, they say one thing but will do the other.
Like I wrote the other day, the more Barbalunga campainged and met people, the more votes he lost. As soon as you meet the guy, you’re creeped out. He is an embarrasment to his dad. And Bowler is just the opposite – down to Earth, and not at all the pompous ass Barby is.
MAGA supremacist got Shugrue in with regular dems not down with another 6….Harrington was 100% correct to run on court reform. Shugrue should continue down that road
It’s obvious it wasn’t correct for her to run on reform. Check the results again. Shugrue won because he wasn’t following the same exact road.
wrong party TDS all the MAGA’s in GA couldn’t vote, only MA Democrats
He’ll probably hire you and Harrington as consultants.
Williamstown went all out for Harrington because they are so college woke there. Upper class women kept Harrington’s numbers high since they have no worries about crime in their neighborhoods.
Is there an official tally of how each town voted in each race?
On front page of today’s Eagle. All the towns that went for Harrington are white and wealthy.
Wait until they have to buy a catalytic converter.
I caught that too, the areas with the least crime like Williamstown had closer numbers. Your comment is spot on.
guess all the black and brown people didn’t come out to vote in Pittsfield
Williamstown, Otis, Sheffield and not sure who else went WW’s way? Wondering how WW did in her hometown of Richmond?
She lost Richmond!
She shouldn’t feel to bad as Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee in a presidential election.
Where are you getting that info? I can’t find the results per town in Berkshire County.
Richmond 41% of the registered voters voted
529 of 1283
Thank you
Road rage shooting on Cheshire ave last week, turns out it was one of Pittsfield’s usual suspects. Should be interesting to see how the courts treat this 36 year old cis white male with a laundry list of past charges.
If it was the usual suspects he would have been black.
You could at least thinly veil your racism.
Look at all the shootings in Berkshire County, what’s the most “usual” thing about them.
1. Male
2. 15-35 years old
3. Black
4. I don’t know if they are cis or not, they may be, they may be gay, bi, gender fluid.
Most guys are gender fluid in jail, by want or desire.
habitually or typically occurring or done; customary.
“he carried out his usual evening routine”
the people or things you would expect to be present somewhere or doing a particular thing
A couple of noteworthy items took place yesterday:
Bowler crushed Alf
Shugrue beat DA Wrong Way
***And The Planet has a new record for thumbs down.***
Jonathan Melle bested his old record of 46 thumbs down yesterday. He recorded 47 thumbs down, for his “A-team” endorsement.
Congratulations Tom, Tim, and JM. A banner day for all three of you.
JM is blaming the Planet in part for WW’s loss. He claimed Dan tanked her campaign with the long reach he has in media to the people.
I do have to give credit to Helen “Handgun” Moon. She torched DA Wrong Way when Handgun left the office.
It appears Helen “Handgun” Moon got paid off to keep quiet. Nobody heard a peep from Handgun during this election cycle. Not to mention, Handgun is a “bored” member of the NAACP and they were big advocates for DA Wrong Way.
It appears Handgun will come out unscathed from this and financially better. The rest of the rats will all drown. Rats like Dina, Andy, and Karen, will all go down with the SS Wrong Way.
For today, I will not call Helen “Handgun” Moon. For today and today only, she will be Helen “Rose Dewitt Bukater” Moon. And the rest of the office are a bunch of Jack Dawson’s.
*It’s a Titanic reference for those who don’t get it.
And I am resurreting my reward for anyone that produces the Boston police report documenting Handguns’ arrest at gunpoint –
$500 cash money.
And on a side note, when the reward for the converter thieves gets up to 10,000, I will go out and get the bastards myself, and bring em back, dead or alive. Me and my friends, Smith and Wesson.
A wise reward, those 5 Franklins, cuz you’ll never be at risk having to cough it up! Handgun hasn’t produced the report to this day for one simple reason: She can’t. Not even Blackstone could produce something that didn’t exist.
OK. THE PLANET officially declares that “Handgun” be called “Rose” today … and today only. After that, it’s back to the nickname we hung on her after she hung it on herself … and hung herself politically. After today, she goes blub-blub to join Leo DeCaprio in the North Atlantic.
Absolutely. You have to be a real POS POC to earn a name like “Handgun.”
Trying to capitalize on the George Floyd movement, Helen Moon posted a lie on her Facebook page about being arrested at gunpoint by two YT male Boston cops. She emphasized that she was removed at gunpoint, arrested, and tossed in the city jail, strictly for being a POC driving in Boston during the nighttime hours.
As tell posted above, I’ve even offered to kick in $1,000 dollars for her to post or provide The Planet with the Boston Police arrest/incident number.
Because (1) it never happened, (2) if it did, whoever she was with, just committed a major felony crime to be taken out at gunpoint.
With Handgun growing up in the upper-middle class of the Boston burbs, I’d say the safe bet is with #1.
She’s smarter than that. She’s holding out for a better contract.
Rose Dewitt Bukater must have been paid well with the NDA from Harrington when she left. She didn’t say anything during the campaign. I had posted prior that I thought she would be a thorn to Harrington after the breakup.
A Moon is a Moon is a Moon.
Moon was a Harvest Moon with the job she got from WW and the $ from the NDA to boot!
OP, she sure was. Once she jumped on with the NAACP, she suddenly developed a case of amnesia about her falling out with DA Wrong Way.
That’s a good group to teach her about “consulting fees,” defunding the police, and laundering taxpayer money. I’m sure Helen “Handgun” Moon will ply her trade well. She’s already ahead of the game. She unsuccessfully tried to defund the Pittsfield Police. I certainly remember Handgun.
Could you imagine how dangerous Pittsfield and Berkshire County would be, if that dimwit’s proposal to defund PPD had gone through?
I believe the NAACP played a part in keeping HG in check during the da’s race. They didn’t want anymore negative things than were already out there hurting their candidate WW. HG’s game of what’s good for her is so obvious .
Saturn has 82 moons. Fifty-three moons are confirmed and named and another 29 moons are awaiting confirmation of discovery and official naming. Saturn’s moons range in size from larger than the planet Mercury — the giant moon Titan — to as small as a sports arena.
Is one of them named “Handgun?”
What about Uranus?
Press not allowed in Alf’s party? His was the only one that did not have any photos or comments.
The press was there. Eagle had a pix and a story.
That’s just it? There not the press. They’re called the press I guess. Ind rather have stooge doing the after party.
Fake news. 95% of the comments on here are fake innuendo, and rumor just made up bs
And you know that how, exactly? Whatever % on here is what you say, we know for sure your comment here is in that category!
Stop reading any time.
Stop picking on TDS/TSC and Fizzie, it is very hard to communicate the truth when brainwashed since birth
I hope it was the cross over voters who put WW in the unemployment line. The ones she felt shouldn’t have had a voice in the voting process.
As a life long Republican and Richmond resident, I changed my party affiliation just so I could vote Andrea out of office. If there was a way to vote her out of Town I would as well. Did you know she threatened to sue the Town when her name was published in the paper for unpaid taxes?
My relatives in Richmond did the same and felt the same way.
Congrats to Shugrue & Bowler!
Now let’s see how Harrington screws up the Morohn case.
Is there a murderer on the loose?
Any warnings for the public?
The only info is that her body was found.
Suicide. Let her Rest In Peace. A good DA would have said that by now.
You keep responding with “Suicide, let her rest.”
And you know this how? The fact that there has been no further information for a case that consumed alot of local concern for a couple months is curious. Not to mention taxpayer funded police work. Why no statement?
Because she ain’t a good DA and the body was so far gone they may never get a cause of death but the manner was suicide
hard to believe especially when she was found where they had already looked
40% voted for Harrington -8,000 people? Where are they from? I’m amazed! I estimated she’d pull in 96 votes total for the county + 3,000 for communist Williamstown center (including the communists-in-training students.)
It’s not supposed to get beat like that she got bitch slapped
Now there needs to be a watchdog on “business travel” expense over the next four months.
Back to Europe maybe? Must be nice.
That budget, like all budgets, will be well used up.
It’s not illegal to use taxpayer money for unnecessary or unneeded travel expenses. Shirley Edgerton just did it. And Shirley flew to another continent.
She used a good portion of her $500,000 ARPA gift for her ROPES program, to go to Africa, so Shirl could “explore her roots.”
I could be wrong though about Shirley using her ROPES grift. I forgot she and Warren both “consulted” for the Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC), on helping to bring the traveling dance troupe to town last month.
The ironic part, Shirley and Warren, are both on the BBEC executive board, but still are “consulting” (between the lines-receiving consulting fees) for the BBEC????
Both are either so brazen, they don’t fear getting caught laundering money? Or are both too dumb to realize they leave a paper trail as wide as the Grand Canyon?
If you have seen any of the pictures of this trip it was for her and a bunch of her friends with there kids. It was a paid vacation on us the tax payers. Maybe I can get someone to pay for me to go to Italy to explore my roots. Dan you will be included so you can report on the trip.
Thanks, TOTAL.
All the familiar faces of the so called leadership of the black and brown community were seen. Wondering how many others in the community, if asked were invited to explore their roots? Any oversight of these monies? The black and brown community members not included in the dispersal of the money need to make some noise just like the people in the BLM local chapters are about the BLM mansions purchases.
‘cain’t tuch dat.”
I have seen those pictures. At the bare minimum, I would expect Shirley to present some doctoral-level dissertation to her ROPES group and others, on this trip to Africa.
I’m sorry, but to “explore your roots” is taxpayer fraud. What did she learn on this trip, that an internet search and some old fashion book research, could not teach her? African cuisine and dialect do not count either.
I know Tim Shugrue is walking into a mess, but one day, I’d love to have to see Shirley, Warren, and company, provide their financial records to a grand jury.
I can only dream……
As Jim Croce sang, “Dream [can] make wishing come true.”
I am right there with you she would probably stroke out
5 of 5
Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Andrea Harrington
1 of 1
Andrea Harrington
Timothy Shugrue
Great Barrington
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Andrea Harrington
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Timothy Shugrue
0 of 1
Andrea Harrington
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Andrea Harrington
Mount Washington
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Andrea Harrington
New Ashford
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Timothy Shugrue
New Marlborough
1 of 1
Andrea Harrington
North Adams
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Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Andrea Harrington
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Andrea Harrington
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Andrea Harrington
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Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
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Timothy Shugrue
West Stockbridge
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Andrea Harrington
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Timothy Shugrue
1 of 1
Timothy Shugrue
Andrea Harrington is the only incumbent that did not win in the primary in all of MA.
But I doubt she understands why.
Your right she doesn’t understand.
Harrington had run on the same progressive platform that won her the office in 2018: using diversion programs rather than jail for low-level crimes, eliminating cash bail and seeking treatment for drug abusers instead of incarceration.
Harrington said she is really proud of the race that she ran and the work that the Berkshire DA’s office has done in her term and that she hopes it continues. She’s not sure why that work didn’t resonate with voters.
“That is so hard for me to comprehend because I feel like we ran a race that was based on values and emotion that was really powerful,” she said. “I think maybe some people here in the community just are not ready for the kind of work that we have been doing at the DA’s office.”
Who’s values & who’s emotions? Help me understand.
She doesn’t get it, backpacks and water bottles and wishful thinking don’t cut it.
She didn’t accomplish anything she set out to do.
Cash bail was down but the more egregious dangerous hearings sky rocketed.
Not one person in her pretrial diversion program has completed the courses or treatment. NOT ONE.
She didn’t use diversion programs for shoplifters and low level crimes she deferred those things and kicked them down the road.
She had two free years of no trials, she came up with no meaningful programs and in fact disbanded well-received and working programs.
Thank god for Covid!!! Can you imagine the damage she’d have done if her office was trying cases for 4 full years.
She’s completely delusional.
Yes a complete failure at everything she claimed was being done.
What a stupid, out to lunch, totally clueless, See You Next Tuesday. She lost because she failed to give victims Justice, plain and simple. Her job was to prosecute not pamper.
People were not ready to be overrun with crime in their back yards. That kind of takes precedent over giving people second and third and fourth chances to rehabilitate.
I wish someone would do a deep dive on the extended ramifications of decriminalizing shop lifting. It is a lot more than someone walking off with food to feed their hungry family.
Can’t spank your kid. Can’t yell at your kid. Now you can’t even tell your kid not to shoplift. It is like authorized looting.
Don’t forget, you’re now not allowed to tell your child that they’re a boy or a girl.
This is the biggest bunch of crap ever.
But the liberal educational Administrators, can promote trannys twerking as “education” for K-6th children.
Meant to put from I Berkshires article in post above!
Must be because you and TSC didn’t endorse her.
You are right the only towns she won was all the bleeding heart cry baby woke communities
And those are the communities to strongly vote against public housing.
I’m sure the residents of Williamstown would feel differently if Dower Square and all the residents who live there, had to be moved to W-town for a year. Let’s see if elementary aged kids playing outside at all hours of the night, on school nights, bothers them YT’s? Or if the music is blaring loudly or gunfire erupting daily is the norm? Will that bother those woke YT’s?
Keep repeating “vibrant and dynamic.”
It is ok as long as it not in there back yard my friend
Pay the Glob to see left wing Chit?!!! Not me!!!
Richmond 41% of the registered voters voted
529 of 1283
Help me out with this one.
Wrong Way will announce she is going to make a massive career change now that she has lost. She
Well had she gotten implants she would have been re-elected.
Her looks were never the problem. I’m sure you’re a real looker!
But she was making such progress? Dan? How did you like Shugrues shirt monogrammed cuffs? At least we won’t see Alf touch his watch again.
I liked the monograms. Sharp. Stylish.
Voted based solely upon the monogrammed french cuff & the wing tips.
Get a position in the office of Governor Maura Healy
Our loss is Subway’s gain. Ham sandwich anyone?
Healy will give her a do nothing job.
I’ll bet you Healy wants absolutely nothing to do with Harrington.
For sure. That’s the only job she is qualified to do.
Like Dina’s}
A frightening picture. Should save for Halloween to scare everyone.
Dan, is it possible that you just hate women?
Are we looking at the same pic Sweater?
Women? Now they all of the sudden they can define women and identify as such? I’m not sure what Pete White (wearing white shirt) ID’s himself as?
I’m a woman and those 4 phonies scare me.
For a split second, I thought I was looking at 40% of the famed Washington Redskins O-Line, “The Hogs.”
The one on the far left (wearing white shirt) and the third one from left (navy blue top), look like you could punish a defensive line and run the football endlessly behind this two “Hogs.” Third yards and a cloud of dust football at its finest.
Then after I wiped the sleep out of my eyes, I saw that it was from l to r, Pete White, Helen “Handgun” Moon, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants), and Wrong Way.
Yes! John Riggins could run behind them for extra yardage for sure.
Kinda kills the “Woman know best” mantra.
Phony balonies
Beep-Boop-Bop NDA, NDA must sign NDA…
The only ones who could be more butt hurt more than JM is Shirley and crew over WW’s loss. At least they were able to get through to WW when they needed to.
Big announcement that the Pittsfield Halloween Parade will be held OCT 28, ON TYLER STREET.
No word on where one might safely park their car on a dark night in one of the most dangerous parts of the city. May sure to let the air out of your tires temporarily so the catalytic converter thieves cannot get under it. Halloween themed Kevlar vests will be in vogue for the parent who loves his child. Shot spotters will be disabled so as not to embarrass the mayor and also there will be no room for emergency vehicles to get through if your loved ones gets shot anyway.
But still, enjoy!
HESS FOREST.$ 30 a car.Dan and I will be at the booth
I’m can’t find his way out the funds are being distributed to the special interest a lot of them anyway yeah taxpayers also went through Covid and they got double punishment with loss of jobs inflation such as that and on top of it the mayor raises property taxes what the hell is that?
Take your meds and get a basic education in bot sentence structure and punctuation.
Product of Taconic HS.
Must have skipped all the English and writing courses.
What happened to your college education do you want it up on the planet for the last seven years as the Fritz putz
They are holding a parade on Tyler Street?! It’s still a war zone. Not in the criminal sense, in the UTTER DESTRUCTION sense. Tyler Street looks like straight shit. Who wants to attend a parade there?
So true, the street is a disaster. But the creepy neighborhood certainly sets the stage for Halloween!
There needs to be laughing button add on here I luv it
I assume they will have most of the construction done by then? But still, if you run a parade down the middle and there is any kind of emergency it could take a while to get help there. And if you ever listen to the scanner, you know that whole area is a relentless emergency.
Will the parade begin or extend past the Ricky Rumpus Roundabout?
Probably start at the Roundabout after christening it with a bottle of Boons Farm wine. Then the marchers will open and close ranks, back and forth as they come upon the bump outs. Many will be wearing a mask though that is not unusual to the area especially during hold ups. Andrea encourages shop lifters to mix and mingle along with the pick pockets, homeless and pan handlers.
Zero city officials have committed to be in attendance although there will plenty of folk dressed as police officers. (some real and some not so real)
Please do not ask to see the city budget for this iconic cultural event as it is kept in Matts lock box in a vault with six combinations in the city hall cellar right next to the gymnasium.
A great plan. So, well, “pittsfield.”
Legal career
Prior to becoming district attorney, she was a civil litigator and defense attorney for 15 years, at Connor & Morneau LLP and also at Hellman, Shearn & Arienti. As part of her work, she represented death row inmates in Florida.
On January 2, 2019, Harrington took the oath of office at the Berkshire Museum. While in office she created a domestic violence task force, a juvenile diversion program, and a citizens advisory board. She has also moved away from asking judges to require a cash bail bond for those accused of a crime but who are not dangerous or flight risks.
Pretty sure Andrea too, signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement & Tim went to Havard, that is the qualifier.
My votes – post mortem:
Shugrue: Harrington met her quota for fleecing the peeps for political gain. It’s Shugrue’s turn.
Bowler: Power corrupts. Bowler has been thoroughly corrupted by now. It’s inavoidable. JoePesci corrupt does not mean ‘bad.’ It simply means, you have power that is not granted you, and you use it for your own advantage,. It does not make you a bad sheriff or councilor. Just a corrupt one. That guy who got gored by Hamlet was corrupt, but probably better than the savage viking who took over Denmark. Changing the guard means corrupting new people, and since Barbals is working in a corrupted office, he should be spared being corrupted too.
One corrupt guy is better than two. Elections are largely about manufacturing corrupt people.
Lev.With the nail on the head name one honest politician I dare you
We are all slightly dumber for reading your post.
Way off just the opposite, you now feel superior.
If you are of above average to average intelligence, it made you dumber. If you are of low to very low intelligence, it made you smarter. So I guess when the bar is as low as it is for you, just breathing must be difficult.
So, I have become the measure of intelligence! I wear the honor proudly.
Go tell your aliases that
“Be a mensch. Enjoy the joke.”
I posted the following link on my blog page: Tim Shugrue’s Elephant in the room
Following dominant victory over Harrington in Berkshire DA race, Shugrue thanks controversial legal mentor | WAMC
WAMC’s Josh Landes is the only journalist/blogger who wrote about retired Judge Dan Ford’s legal record in Berkshire County that I have been writing and blogging about for one month now. Tim Shugrue’s remarks saying thank you to Dan Ford is SCANDALOUS!
J get the photo of dancing Tim with drink in hand Andy focus the camera, you’ll even see monogramed dressshirt cuffs and colored shoes.
No one cares
Some guys doing an interview on PC TV talking to a photo, common man.
Is the photo responding? Is it an Eagle reporter?
“The Berkshire District Attorney’s office has put out amazing work product over the last three and a half years, and that’s based on team of phenomenal people who are interested in the work of justice and very dedicated, and that will continue,” she said. “They don’t work for me. They work for the community, and they work for the common law.”
Really? Common law? What?
Say Statutory in a sentence please.
At least she is consistent in having no idea how to be a DA.Too bad there is no book on it. Wait, “DA for Dummies” by Andrea Harrington!
Bad look, for sure.
Like Frank Santra said,they did it my way
A kick in the balls
Don’t feel bad Mr. Mele. Many readers have left here or are discouraged of posting because of the rigged thumbs up and down,it’s quite childish actually. Whoever heard of ten years of attractiing posters on here constantly,by some and others get yourself if you do it?
You tell them lover.
Melle and Josh Landes are the only guys who tell the truth. Shugrue is another in a long list of career pols.
Dan Ford did not like guys like me and Melle. Melle stands up for the little guy.
The Planet is needed in Memphis.
Has Shugrue held elected office before? He’s in his 60s first time elected and it’s a career?
The Queen is ill. Pray for the Queen.
The queen is dead
Long live the King
Is this the elephant in the room you are talking about?
OMG…Can a reporter come off as any more bitter and biased than Landis? His “journalism” is so yellow Big Bird is jealous. Now I know where future MSNBC reporters come from. What a waste of an education.
No one seems to be as butt hurt as the low talent Josh Landes. So strange. What was this “journalist” promised? Kevin Moran at the Eagle tore him up years ago for lack of integrity. I guess he was expecting something from Harrington? Maybe try Akron.
How did anyone think he should be involved in a debate – aren’t you supposed to be impartial
Those people putting on the debate (s) thought he and others like him should be involved because they knew he wouldn’t be impartial. It was obvious who he and they were pulling for.
Ironic how AH is asking our new DA to keep her staff! Did she do that? No she fired most of them. The ones she kept did anything she asked without questioning her. They were traitors and ass kissers. They kept their jobs, salaries and nice offices and spilled on anyone they could. Now they will do the same and say anything they have to, to keep their jobs. Most don’t deserve to keep them.
Knowing a lot of her staff and assistant district attorneys there are maybe a handful worth keeping the rest need to leave asap
Tim already knows what weeds to pull. It’s just a formality to go through them.
Just a matter of time.”
Have those como barnicles attached themselves yet?
First Amendment Lawsuit Blows Lid Off Alleged Government Censorship Campaign
Is this a joke? This administration is full of questionable characters that would be better suited for a circus sideshow.
The Queen died putz
Just saw a woman taking a dump at the parking deck. I wouldn’t lie
“Vibrant and Dynamic.” Perhaps some dog walker can take a poopie bag there, pick up the logs, and hand-deliver them to the corner office at City Hall. Call it “political activism.” Perhaps the gal were expressing her views on the state of Rickey Rumpass’ bike lanes.
Seriously Dan. Major homeless problem here. They’re all over the place
Where was the mayor at the time?
On her throne,she’s the new queen
Flat Tyer has been dragging her butt for several years to get an actual decent homeless shelter where these folks could utilize bathrooms. Third winter coming up and she still have not rectified the problem. Homeless are thrown out to the pavement early every morning and can’t return until around 4 p.m.. , no matter what the weather is. Unfortunately, where are the suppose to go? Most cities have public restrooms in their downtown, not the Pits, we have bike lanes. Also wonder if the Mayor is dragging her butt because Mr. Barry Mayor does not want the proposed homeless shelter to open as it is next to his office???
Houseless Pete was her right hand man on this issue. Where has he been?
Heard she took the train up from NYC, lots of them walking the streets and sleeping in the park
The floppy eared womanizer is now the King? Thats akin to the current Mayor,if we still have one? Getting a third term
Our mirror where we have a homeless problem in the city aside from the drug problem thieving problem robbing problem overworked police problem drug problem
Alf? What happened?
Spanked is right. Thanks for posting that tally.
News from the pit, Andrea had a meeting with staff and said she’s going to “negotiate to have us keep our jobs”.
She also thinks she’s somehow going to be kept on as a consultant or something.
Shugrue will have to get a restraining order slapped on her dumb ass.
That’s a good one right there!!!!
A consultant? Maybe Shugrue will hire her to be the coffee gopher.
That gopher got a law agree. Fritz got a big mouth.
Barry “vigilante” Tyer is a CPA. So what?
I will say though, Barry is valuable and to much of a bad a$$ for the citizens of Pittsfield, to fetch coffee. He has the “houseless” or a junkie cutting through Cumby’s parking lot get his coffee for him.
She would f up the order.
Going to Dunkin Donuts will finally give her double Ds
Ain’t happening
I don’t know if they should allow WW to negotiate on their behalf? They might regret it.
Many police out at outer west street nearer to the college
Close the gate!
Barry’s on patrol, it’s ok
At least 1st Asst DA Karen Bell can say she tried one case in her 4 years here before she gets canned! I thought AH was going to do opening arguments ?Hmmm, wonder why she changed her mind.
No idea why other than it was another bs line because the was election was so near to make it look good.
Shout out to Ricky leaving the splash pads running in the cold and when kids are in school. It was great to see some homeless guy at Clapp Park get down to his boxers and use the splash pad as a shower. He did some laundry too.
He what happened to those outdoor dining booths? And those super expensive and unstable “pick up parking only” signs?
Ricky Rumpus Rain.
MAGA radical regressives want your vote but believe the lie.Not one politician who believes the lie should get one vote.They are disqualified to run.These Trumps should not run…they should just follow fatboy until he walks on water