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Content of video:

TIME: Mid-afternoon.

DATE: Received, Friday, Jan. 20, 2023. Time and date of the incident, unknown, though apparently recently.

PLACE: Intersection, Onota and Linden streets, Pittsfield, MA.

WHO: Reckless City of Pittsfield snowplow driver and a citizen driver with right-of-way.

WHAT: Plow, heading south, runs the Stop sign on Onota at what appears on video to be high speed and plows into the side of a vehicle heading west on Linden, through the intersection, with the right of way.  Injuries: Unknown, but if there was a passenger in the white car, we’re talking Jaws of Life. Only mere chance  prevented fatalities. [ED. NOTE:  As for the time, we received the video Friday Jan.20 and have tried to confirm through the DPW commissioner, the Pittsfield Police Department, the mayor’s office and our source, exactly when did the crash happen. Surely, there must be a record of the incident … unless it was being covered up. As of press time, we had not heard back from anyone, but if this event did occur Friday, or even last month, it would indicate a most serious situation for the city].

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET received this video from what appears to be a security camera, sent by a source. Immediately, we knew this had to be shared with the powers that be.

It’s proof positive that the something is deadly wrong with the Tyer Administration and the Department of Public Works with respect to its hiring and supervising those who get behind the wheels of snow plows. It also show a total lack of failure on the part of an Administration that has long bailed ago out of the flaming plane and pulled the ripcord.

We shared the disturbing video with every member of the city council, DPW commissioner Ricardo Morales, and the mayor. As of press time, we heard back from Ward 2’s Charles Kronick and Ward 4’s Jim Conant. Each expressed concern. Sir Charles indicated he would bring attention to the video tomorrow night at the council meeting. Conant said he would shove this indicting video across the desk of Morales. PLANET honors councilors Kronick and Conant for their responsiveness. Warren, Kavey, Lampiasi, Maffuccio, Marchetti, White, Persip, or Kalinowski remained silent.

In addition to asking when this incident occurred, THE PLANET asked Morales what the city intended to do with the reckless driver it employs. Will the driver be identified? Has he been disciplined? Will he be fired? Was he DWI? Morales did not respond.

———- ooo ———-

The video, obtained and revealed EXCLUSIVELY by THE PLANET, provides the perfect setting for the high drama involving the upcoming “snow” report Morales is set to give to councilors tomorrow night at the council meeting (agenda item 9). THE PLANET presents knowledge of this video to Pittsfield citizens in order to shine light on an event that most likely would have been buried — had not this website obtained the smoking-gun movie.

Below, we present the report Morales intends to give tomorrow night. It’s a smoke-and-mirrors document full of needless information to bulk it up with dead air — including a nervy citation of the laws on snow removal and the penalties the city will impose on you, The Kapanskis, if you do not clear your walkways on time! It also throws in razzy-dazzy graphics that says the city’s response to the Dec. 23 snow was just as it should be.

“What? What’s all the fuss about snow?” the report says. “We were great in handling it. Stop your bitching, slaves.”

Written in between the lines is the city’s stance on how it sees its sense of responsibility to citizens, which when judged by actions is essentially “Go flux yourselves.”

Folks, this just isn’t good enough. Tomorrow’s council meeting provides the perfect setting for you to attend and demonstrate your displeasure.

———- ooo ———-

A Council Meeting For the Snowy Ages

Tomorrow night at 6 p.m., the Pittsfield city council meets for the second time this year. Some interesting work dots the agenda betides the Rumpus Report. A petition by Karen Kalinowski wants to put a vote on the bike lanes on the ballot. Good work, Kal.

And you have to check out Sir Charles’ request — Items 17 and 18 under …


17. A petition from Councilor Kalinowsky requesting the City Council place a ballot question on the November 7, 2023, ballot to remove the existing bike lanes on North Street from Park Square to Wahconah Street

18. A petition from Councilor Kronick requesting the council to endorse a sign to be affixed to the DPW office door stating “No New Salts! – No New Salt Equipment!”

#17 takes We The People’s temperature exactly as it pertains to the near-destruction of downtown because of the labyrinthian confusion caused by the new lanes.

#18 does the same, with Sir Charles doing for the Kapanskis what they would love to do for themselves, that is, place a Scarlett “A” shame-sign around the neck of Ricky Rumpus for mismanagement during the Christmas snow of 2022. THE PLANET applauds Sir Charles’ satiric bite. We shallalso point out that nowhere in any of the post-storm’s political storm have we heard a word from mayor Linda “Flat” Tyer.

Flat has hung Rumpus on a frozen rope to twist alone in the cold winds of public anger. In our book, that’s cowardly and weak. It can stand as the perfect symbol of Flat’s disappearance from the public scene, throwing her department heads under the bus (Kufflinks and chief Mikey the exceptions), a situation that all-but guarantees that she will not be running for re-election.

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The most interesting agenda item will be No. 9:

9. A report and presentation from Commissioner Morales regarding the December 23, 2022 snow storm

THE PLANET shares it below. We present the narrative aspects and leave out the B.S. tables, charts, and graphs, whose main purpose is to make the report look pretty, paunchy, and “professional.” Having been around that block a few times, THE PLANET isn’t impressed. We shall see what councilors read into and out of the report.

For those who want to skip reading, Rumpus essentially says: “Hey, it ain’t my fault.”

Not good enough and gutless.

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It begins with a transmission letter from the mayor:


Linda M. Tyer Mayor


70 Allen Street, Pittsfield, MA O1201 (413) 499-9321 •

January 18, 2023

To the Honorable Members of the City Council City of Pittsfield
70 Allen Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Dear Councilors:

Please accept the attached report and presentation from Commissioner Morales regarding the December 23, 2022 snow storm.


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January 16, 2023

Honorable Mayor Tyer Honorable City Council City of Pittsfield
70 Allen Street Pittsfield, MA 01201

Re: Snow Storm – December 23, 2022 BY RICARDO MORALES


On December 23, 2022, the City and surrounding communities experienced a significant drop in temperature after a period of heavy rain and wind, prompting a sudden transition to heavy snowfall, with temperatures staying below 15 degrees for over two days. These factors contributed to road conditions that were not conducive for normal travel.

My department has the primary responsibility for the execution of the snow and ice control and removal from our streets. After evaluating the operations and work done on the roads during that time, I have come to the conclusion that our difficulties were not caused by our lack of response. Despite our best efforts during and following the storm, I recognize that our best practices were overwhelmed by a number of storm related factors and the types of materials currently used to treat the roads during storm events.

The development of this report analyzed the following data:

  1. All timecards and GPS data for all DPW employees
  2. All pay data and GPS data for all contractors
  3. The amount of salt, sand, and hot mix that was used
  4. Weather forecasts
  5. Collision reports and locations
  6. Pre, during and post-storm operations
  7. Discussions with MassDOT and MEMA
  8. Equipment and chemical evaluation
  9. Surveying surrounding communities

As you will see, the sections outlined in this report provide greater detail on the above elements.

For the purposes of reviewing current practices in relation to the recommendations outlined later in this report, it is important to understand the current operations of the Department of Public Services & Utilities (DPW) during a snow or ice event. The DPW maintains approximately 450 lane miles of road of which 158 are considered mains and are divided into 6 routes of approximately equal length (around 26 lane miles each). The remaining 292 lane miles are divided into approximately 32 equal size quadrants (around 9 lane miles each). For anti-icing efforts, the department first treats the six main routes with rock salt and then, if necessary, treats the 32 quadrants with the same material. For plowing and de-icing efforts, the department calls in the contractors and loads their trucks with rock salt before going to the designated quadrant. The department then focuses on the 6 main routes, typically on a rotating 12-hour shift, until the event is finished. See appendix for Pittsfield Snow & Ice Control Plan.

1. Storm Preparations

1.1. Available Information
Preparation for any winter storm event begins days in advance with input from several agencies, in particular, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the National Weather Service (NWS). For the storm on December 23rd, 2022 (The Storm), MEMA began issuing situational awareness reports on 12/21/22 highlighting several key factors to be on the lookout for in New England. By the third report, MEMA had issued maps provided by the NWS indicating an expected drop in temperature of 40 degrees for the 23rd at the end of an average of 2 inches of rainfall. On Thursday afternoon, DPW leadership began planning for the storm. According to the latest information provided by the NWS, Pittsfield should expect a total snowfall of up to 2 inches over 3 hours starting around 4pm and ending around 7pm followed by temperatures reaching 15 degrees by 10pm. With this information in hand, it was decided to have “all hands

on deck” as opposed to dividing the effort into 12 hour shifts, in order to have more snowfighters (truck with plow, wing and spreader) on the road to tackle the quick freeze. Friday morning’s reports did not indicate any shift in expected conditions for Pittsfield. In fact, the morning report from the Weather Prediction Center indicated a 10% or less probability that Pittsfield would receive more than 4 inches of snow. All crews were requested to report to work at 2pm on Friday with some coming in earlier to address continual flooding conditions caused by the heavy rain in the area.

1.2. Snow Emergency Protocol

Based on our internal protocol, a snow emergency was not activated since only 2 inches of snow was forecasted. The conditions for a snow emergency are typically 4 to 5 inches or more expected to allow for the winter alternate side parking to take effect for efficient snow plowing while allowing for overnight on-street parking. The winter hotline (413-449-5544) was active with messaging regarding the expected icy conditions on the road following the storm. This message was active until Saturday evening. Please see below for Pittsfield’s “When It Snows” guidance, posted and available, in English and Spanish, on the city’s website and on the City Hall Facebook page.

Why does the C’,ty implement alternate side parking during snow emergencies? Alternate side parking rules allow one side of the street to remain clear of parked vehiclestoalowfor thecitytodearthestreetofsnow.onthenextday, theopposite side can be deared.

When It Snows In Pittsfield

Facts, FAQs, and Ordinances DepartmenlofPublicServkesandUtiUties Crtyol Pittsfield

For up-to-date information on

impending snow events, please call the city’s winter hotline: 413.449.5544
For other inquiries:
Contact the Department of Public
Services & Utilities
413.499.9314 or visit

Allowing stJe e t parking thru winter montns while controlling where and when to avoid parking is a balance between providing equitlble parking for residents, especially ,n dense neighborhoods.

What happens if one or both sides of the street have signage with paricing regulations?

The emergency order w,O not override existing parking regulations propert,, identfied with 51gnage on the street. Some stJeet:s wll not allow parking on the street, by traffic order for the entire year, while, others may not aDow parking on the streetfor certain times or the day or months of the year.

What factors does the City consider in detennining whethe, to can a snow emergency?

Snowemergenciesarecaledbasedonasetoffactors. Totalaccumulationisonefactor, but the city also takes into acwunt the amount of snow already on the street prior to the storm, and whether another stonn is forec.isted ,n close proximty to a snow event. Another fattor is the expected temperatures on the day ofa storm and the days immediatelyfollowingIt. Thecity’spnmarvconcernissafepa�s.geonstreets,aswellas parking needs 111 neighborhoods wrth lmited or no off-streetparking.

How much notice does the City provide before a snow emergency begins?

2. The Event

2.1. During The Storm – Friday 12/23/22

Our records show that 2 employees reported to work around 1pm, 8 employees reported around 2pm and 3 employees had been at work from earlier in the day as mentioned above, one employee was on vacation and one employee did not report to work. [THE PLANET‘s highlight]. See Appendix for an hourly breakdown of the workforce. At this time, contractors had been made aware of a pending call to action on the neighborhood quadrants.

With this work force, the department was able to operate 8 snowfighters with plows, two loaders and 2 trackless plows, with two supervisors on the road. With equipment and material ready, the decision was made to not pre-treat until rain began to transition to snow. Heavy rainfall would wash away any material spread on the road.

Our GPS logs indicate that all 8 snowfighters were sent out with rock salt at 4pm when rain began to transition to snow. These snowfighters were sent out to do main routes and contractors were called in to do the neighborhood quadrants. The forecasted 2 inches of snow quickly materialized into 3 to 4 inches that fell between 4pm and 5pm, causing greatly reduced visibility during peak travel time. Records also show that another 3 inches of snow fell between 5pm and 7pm. This was far from the forecasted weather DPW prepared for. Compounding the unpredicted snow fall, the temperature dropped from 46 degrees at noon on Friday to 10 degrees at 9pm. A drop of 36 degrees in 9 hours.

Our GPS data shows that between 4pm on Friday and 4am on Saturday, every main had been covered with approximately 544Ibs of rock salt mixed with sand per mile. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, hard packed snow was prevalent on Pittsfield mains by 9:00 p.m..

2.2. After the Storm – Saturday 12/24/22

Around 10pm on December 23rd, it was determined that it was necessary to return for a second round on Saturday morning. This second attempt began at 7am with adding Calcium Chloride into our sand and rock salt mix to increase the melting ability on temperatures below 15 degrees. Our data logs show that another 434Ibs of this mix was spread per mile.

Crews worked until 4pm on Saturday and were requested to report back to work on Sunday for the start of 12-hour shifts. As temperatures remained in the single digits, all material placed during the preceding 8 hours was rendered ineffective and contractors were called to respond to specific locations. At 6pm, 5 snowfighters with plows were on the road once again, working until around midnight, with 2 city snowfighters working until 2am.

On the morning of Sunday 12/25/22 the 12-hour shift began at noon. However, the morning was covered with 6 snowfighters between 7am and 12pm. This allowed continued coverage between 7am and midnight, spreading 577Ibs per mile on city mains.

Communications with MADOT and MEMA began in order to obtain assistance. It was learned that spreading liquid magnesium chloride would have been ineffective prior to the hard-packed snow forming. The best tool at the moment was already being used by Pittsfield. This was rock salt treated with Calcium Chloride. The state did not have any pre-mixed material available for our use

The 12 hour shift continued on the 26th with city mains receiving another 4111bs per mile. With sunny weather and temperatures reaching 22 degrees, the mains finally began opening up and the hard pack snow and ice gave way to black top on most of our mains.

Monday 12/26/22 – In order to better understand the impacts of the storm, I requested all collision reports between Friday 12/23/22 and Monday 12/26/22. Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) indicated that there is a discrepancy between the total amount of collision reports (43 reports) and the number of collisions registered through the call logs. This was explained as differing due to the nature of the collision. Reports are only generated when there is property damage or injury, while calls may be received and logged with no property damage or injury. The reported 43 collisions were all minor property damage and involved 74 vehicles.

4. Work Summary

This Chart includes an hourly breakdown of the number of snowfighters on the road, the amount and type of material spread and the collisions between Friday 12/23/22 and Monday 12/26/22. This data can also be found in a different format in the appendix.

5. General Observations

5.1. Spread Rate
The spread rate for the truck on the mains could have been adjusted for a greater amount per mile. The trucks are currently set at 150 pounds per mile. In contrast, the state sets their spread rate at 240 pounds per mile. This would have resulted in more material per mile being spread, however, with the storm conditions, including limited visibility and volume of traffic on the road at rush hour, it may not have resulted in much of a difference during the storm.

5.2. Other Towns
Due to the amount of miles and traffic volume through Pittsfield, it is very difficult to compare responses made by DPW during winter events to other surrounding communities. However, it is important to look at the normalized data to obtain a better understanding of the outcomes. Attempts to contact the town of Lenox DPW and the City of North Adams DPW were not successful at the time of this report being finalized.

It is evident that the 158 lane miles of main road treated by Pittsfield DPW during the storm spread the coverage to thin with each truck having to cover 19.8 lane miles under heavy snow fall, low visibility, and heavy traffic.

5.3. Use of Contractor on Mains
Several of the contractors with the larger spreading equipment could have been directed to pre­ treat mains along with department employees. This would have left several quadrants unattended until Saturday but may have proven effective for treating the mains during the storm.

5.4. 12 Hour Shifts
While it is standard to divide the operations into 12-hour shifts, this is not done for every storm or snow event. It largely depends on the duration, snowfall, and road conditions. For this storm, it may have been beneficial to have the crews in 12 hour shifts which would have prevented three gaps identified with no coverage:

From 12/24/22 4am to 12/124/22 7am From 12/24/22 4pm to 12/24/22 6pm From 12/25/22 2am to 12/25/22 7am

This would have reduced the number of snowfighters on the road during the storm to 6.

S.S. State DOT District 1
The state-maintained roadways were clear soon after the storm had ended. Most of the county’s heavily traveled main roadways are state maintained roads. The state uses a combination of anti­ icing and de-icing techniques made possible using Rock salt, Liquid Magnesium Chloride (Mag), Liquid Brine, Sand and Pre-Mixed Calcium Chloride. For this storm the state used their Mag mix which is more expensive but more effective in the temperatures experienced during and after the storm.

In Pittsfield, the maintenance of these roadways is interrupted and responsibility falls with the Pittsfield DPW. (See below map. State roadways in purple.) Due to the current unequal level of treatment between the state and Pittsfield, these transitions presented a stark contrast going from bare pavement to hard pack snow and ice.

5.6. Code Red and Other Communications
As indicated in section 1.2 of this report, a snow emergency was not called before the storm on Thursday based on the predicted weather for Pittsfield. However, when we realized that the storm was more serious than forecasted and that temperatures were preventing our efforts to de-ice and remove hard packed snow, we should have issued a snow emergency, a Code Red message, and media advisories. It is important to note that Code Red messages would alert subscribers, which may have excluded non-residents traveling through Pittsfield. These travelers would have to rely on connections with subscribers or other sources for this information.

6. Recommendations

After evaluating our response to this storm and having laid out the methodology and observations, I am including in this report a list of immediate and long-term actions we can take to be better prepared if a similar situation occurs.

6.1. What we can do now
There are two things in common along all roadways that had minimal if any hard pack snow or ice, the use of Magnesium Chloride {Mag) and how quickly it can be spread on the roadway. This type of chemical has not been used in Pittsfield roads with any regularity but the changing nature of winter storms is presenting an ever increasing challenge to the DPW. For that reason, we have ordered pre-treated Rock Salt with Mag and have it stored in one of our two salt sheds. This will allow us to use an anti-icing or de-icing method that can be effective in very low road temperatures. Consideration should be given to exclusively applying Mag treated anti-icing and de-icing products to all streets in a shorter period of time. This method will have a significant cost increase in materials in personnel. However, the burden of trying to execute the optimal cost effective effort for any given storm event can have a negative impact on road conditions.

Another immediate change put in motion is the acquisition of tanks to be mounted on 4 of our 6 snowfighters at a one-time cost of approximately $32,000. This will allow our crews to switch to Mag treated rock salt as needed depending on the temperature swings and weather forecast variability. Intheeventwedousethistypeofmix,theincreasedmaterialcostwillrangefrom 20% to 33%. Here is a full expense list for this acquisition:

6.2. Long Term Solutions

Looking ahead to possible improvements to our operations, we should begin conversations with the state legislature and DOT to allow for an agreement in which the state takes over the responsibility for winter maintenance of the numbered routes through Pittsfield, without stopping as shown in section 6.5. This represents approximately 25 lane miles that would result in a 30% increase in the coverage of our main roads. The benefit to Pittsfield is evident, however, the state also benefits in having continuity within their routes. With this in place, the traveling public will not experience a difference in treatment within city limits. This is possible, and with haste, could be a solution in place for next winter.

Another long·term goal, which goes along with the suggestions in section 6.1 of this report, is the acquisition of 2 new snowfighters. This has been in our fleet management plans for two years and now would be a good time to proceed since it would allow for the installation of the Mag tanks on two additional trucks in order to have all 6 main routes covered. Recall from last section that we are only installing the tanks in 4 trucks. This is due to compatibility and space, which the two older trucks are lacking.


I would like to acknowledge that the DPW crews and I recognize and respect the enormous responsibility we have for keeping our roads well-maintained and safe for the traveling public.

I hope this report has provided an analysis of what happened during this particular storm event along with recommendations for how to prevent this situation from happening in the future. Adjustments to our current practices, investments in equipment and materials, and a new partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation will create improved methods for snow and ice removal in the City of Pittsfield.

Ricardo Morales

Commissioner of Public Services & Utilities

Cc: Vinny Barbarotta, Highway Superintendent
Jeff Vincent, Retired DPW Superintendent for Lenox




Overall Program

City of Pittsfield Snow and Ice Control Plan

The City of Pittsfield encompasses 42.5 square miles and has a population of approximately 45,000 people. The City is responsible for snow and ice control on:

208 miles of roads (accepted and unaccepted) 6 miles of sidewalk

20 City Owned buildings (including 14 school properties) 5 Parking Lots
2 Parking Garages
2 Lakes Entrances and Parking Lots

Parks and Conservation entrances and partial lots

The Department of Public Services has the primary responsibility for the execution of the snow and ice control plan. Support is provided by the Building Maintenance, Public UtilitiesandPoliceDepartments. Inaddition,theFireDepartmentplowstheFire Station lots.

In addition, there are 10 miles of state owned roads that are maintained by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Cheshire Road (Dalton Ave to Lanesboro town line), Dalton Avenue (Plastics Ave to Dalton town line), Merrill Road (Dalton Ave to East St), South Street (South Mountain Rd to Lenox town line), West Housatonic Street (railroad underpass to Hancock town line), and Central Berkshire Boulevard (West Housatonic St to Richmond town line)

Snow and Ice Control Policy

The goal of the Pittsfield Department of Public Services is to remove snow and ice from our roadways as rapidly and efficiently as possible, while keeping the roads open and essential traffic moving safely. Each storm develops with different factors that include air/pavement temperatures, wind, moisture content, snow accumulation, duration and post-stormweather. Withtheproperuseofstormforecasts,personnel,equipmentand materials, the Department can return roads to safe winter conditions as soon as possible. Flexibilityisneededtoadapttothevarietyofcircumstancesandconditions during each snow and ice event.

Levels of Storm Response

Although winter road conditions vary from storm to storm, we use the following four categories as a general guide for our response:

Light snow/ inclement weather: Snow accumulations of 1″ or less. Generally requires salting/sanding operations only, dependent on post-storm temperatures and conditions.

Small winter storm: Snow accumulations of 1″- 3″. Typically requires limited plowing, accomplished with only Highway personnel and minimal hired contractors.

Medium winter storm: Snow accumulations of 3″- 8″. Requires full plowing operations with Highway personnel focused on main roads and contractors in residential streets.

Major winter storm/Blizzard: Snow accumulations of >8″. Requires full plowing operations with Highway personnel focused on main roads and contractors in residentialstreets. Thesestormsaretypicallyoflongerdurationandwilloftenresultin 12 hours on/12 hours off shiftwork for snow personnel.


Salting/Sanding: The City is divided into 6 sanding routes that are further sub-divided into two sections – main streets (collector roads/school bus routes/hills) and residential streets. The predominant method of treating streets is with the use of straight salt, which can be used on all streets to melt the snow. When pavement temperatures are below 18° and salt loses its effectiveness, the City may use a salt mixture that has been treated with magnesium chloride; or in severe cases, a 50/50% sand/salt mixture to provide improved traction on the roadway.

Anti-Icing: Sanders are deployed two hours before the snowfall is predicted to begin in order to pre-treat the main roads with salt and prevent ice from bonding with the pavement. This is done on main roads and takes approximately 3 hours to finish the routes.

De-Icing: After snow accumulation has stopped and roads are clear of snow, post-storm de-icing operations commence to improve traction and melt remaining snow andice. Mainroadsareagaintreatedwithsalt,andresidentialstreetsaretreatedwith salt or sand/salt mix as conditions warrant.

Plowing: The City has 7 large dump trucks with front and wing plows, and 3 smaller plows. The City also hires approximately 40 outside contractors each winter to assist in plowing operations. The focus for clearing roadways will be main roads first; followed byresidentialroads. Duringthestormevent,thegoalistokeepallstreetsopenfor emergencytravel. Oncetheaccumulationhasstopped,plowswillcleanupthestreets, and push back snow to the curb line to allow for safe travel/parking and adequate snow storagecapacityforfuturestorms. TheCitystrivestocompletetheplowingwithin8 hoursoftheendofthestormformostevents. Inthecaseofmajorstorms,that timeline may be exceeded, up to extended operations that can last several days. Highway vehicles/staff are assigned to 6 primary routes that consist of approximately 77 miles of city-wide main and priority roads. Contractor vehicles are assigned to 31 routes that encompass the remaining residential streets, with City vehicles dispatched to assist themasnecessary. TheParksDivisionandtheBuildingMaintenanceDepartmentare responsibleforplowingschoolparkinglotsanddriveways. Attheendofthestorm,the Highway Division will plow City parking lots and limited sidewalks.

Plow Damage: Any plow damage occurrence must be reported to Public Services no later than May 1.

Hints for Coping with Storms:

If you must be on the road, reduce your speed and drive cautiously.

Observe all winter parking bans.
When clearing driveways, snow should be kept on the owner’s property or tree lawn/grass strip. Snow should not be deposited onto the street or sidewalk.
It is best to pile snow to the right of the driveway (as you face the street) to reduce the potential of having it re-deposited at the driveway opening when the plow passes.
Snowshovelingcanbestrenuouswork. Paceyourself,useproperbacktechnique andconsidershovelingperiodicallyduringlargersnowfalls. Ifpossible,helpout a neighbor that might need assistance in clearing their snow.
Rarely is the collection of trash and recyclables interrupted due to a winter
storm. However,bundlesofnewspapersandrecyclingbinsmaybecomeburied in the snow. If a storm is predicted, please consider keeping the recyclables for collection on your next collection day.
Prevent street flooding by clearing catch basins near your home allowing rain or melting snow to enter the drainage system.
Do not plow snow to obstruct a fire hydrant. Consider “adopting” a hydrant by

Avoid driving during snow emergencies to allow the snow plows to do their job.

shoveling and clearing the hydrant in your neighborhood.

City Code:

Sec. 20 -15: Throwing, etc., snow and ice into streets, etc.

No person shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, any snow or ice on or into any traveled way of any street, lane or alley in the city.

Sec.20-21: Removal,etc.,ofsnowandicefromsidewalks-Dutyofoccupant,etc.,of abutting property to remove etc.; Chief of Police, or his or her designee, to prosecute violators.

The owner responsible for land or a building abutting a paved sidewalk, or the occupant therein, shall, after snow has ceased to fall thereupon or whenever snow shall have collected or deposited upon any such sidewalk, within 24 hours, remove the same or cause the same to b e removed from such sidewalk; and also remove o r cause t o b e removed from such sidewalk, or cover or cause to be covered with sand or some other suitable substance, within 24 hours after it has formed or appeared, any ice with which the same may be encumbered, in such was as to render such sidewalk safe and convenient for travel, to a width of 36 inches. In the event that the sidewalk has a width of less than 36 inches, the owner may only remove snow to the width ofthesidewalk. Ifapersonisfoundtobeviolatingtheprovisionsofthissection,itshallbethe duty of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, the Director of Public Health, or his or her designee, and the Building Commissioner or his or her designee, to assess a fine to any such person in accordance with the fine scheduled set forth in Chapter 4 1⁄2 entitled “Noncriminal and Criminal Enforcement,” § 4 1⁄2 – 2.

Sec. 20 – 24: Snow emergency regulations.

Whenever impending weather conditions threaten to constitute a traffic hazard impairing transportation, the movement of food and fuel supplies, medical care, fire, health and police protection, and other vital facilities of the City, the Mayor, or, in the absence of the Mayor, his orherdesignee,shalldeclareanemergencyperiod. Wheneversuchanemergencyexistsand the Mayor or his or her designee, shall have caused announcement by use of available news media, any or all of the following parking prohibitions shall become effective at either the time designated or upon the accumulation of three inches of snow, as measured at the Department of Public Works garage:

No driver shall stop, stand or park any vehicle within the limits of the traffic arteries or part thereof which are designated as weather or snow emergency routes by the Traffic Commission; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to passenger vehicles stopped temporarily duringtheactualloadingorunloadingofmaterials. Allsucharteriesshallbeidentifiedby appropriate signage.

No vehicle shall be parked or allowed to stand on any street, which includes all public ways and

all private ways which are subject to City snow removal for the duration of the snow emergency.

{gCity off-street parking facilities shall be open and made available for parking free of charge for the duration of the snow emergency at the McKay Street parking deck and the Columbus Avenue parking deck.

Except for the designated parking facilities in Subsection � no person shall park or allow any vehicle registered in his or her name to park upon any land owned or controlled by the City, which shall include any land owned or controlled by any department of the City, including the School Department, after having been forbidden to do so by the person who has lawful control of said premises on behalf of the City.

During the entire month of November of each year, the City through its Police Chief shall

ensure that a public service announcement program be set forth via radio, television, and newsprint to educate and inform the residents as to these regulation and the consequences of violation.

illVehicles found in violation of the provisions of this section, except those specifically exempt by law, shall be removed to a convenient place as provided in§ 13-115.1 of this Code, and the owner of the vehicle so removed or towed away, shall be liable for the cost of such removal and storage,ifany,withinthelimitssetforthin§12-117ofthisCode. Neitherremovalnorstorage of a vehicle under the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be service rendered or work performed by the City or the Police Department of the City. The contractor shall bear any and all liability to the owner of such vehicle for any damage caused to it arising out of negligence in course of such removal and storage.

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THE PLANET asks: Who was the driver who didn’t report to work? Why? Was there a legitimate excuse? If not, will there be consequences? And what of the video of the plow crash.

Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski are as hot for being ripped off as we’ve ever seen them.

Science explicates. Poetry implicates” — Ursula K. Le Guin.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Agent 86
Agent 86
2 years ago

There’s no business like snow business like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow. Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are driving that plow (through a stop sign)

Bills Inaromp
Bills Inaromp
Reply to  Agent 86
2 years ago

Somewhere, over the Rainbow…

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
Reply to  Agent 86
2 years ago

See what happens when you put a snowflake in charge of snowstorms?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Agent 86
2 years ago

My street was never touched. Who wrote this report,the morning buffoon ? There were seventy accidents. Have them show up at clowncil tommorow night and tell the bozo’s what they saw in the roads? And blame it on the mayor also. There’s blame to be dispersed and consequences. This isn’t the first time these type of conditions happened. The leadership failed on many fronts. That is the bottom line.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Was there a citation issued the day of the accident?

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Accident log says 11 in morning on January 14. Mia no pi vehicle towed.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Ok Karen’s brother Kevin

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

You can leave anytime. You dont add anything. Get your head out of your McDonough

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Snow Fair!

2 years ago

Whoop there it isn’t- no video for slaves.

2 years ago

I don’t imagine there is any testimony from the police officers who had to man the icy hill from hell on Williams street for hours as cars slid to and fro and calls to DPW for sand seemed to wind up in outer space.
“uh yah, about that, uh, never happened and if you look at a map of Pittsfield there is no Williams street or at least there wasn’t that day.”

Part of Pittsfield problem? Colluding dept heads?

Dalton Gal
Dalton Gal
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

So many wipe outs on Williams Street! Instead of sending the sand trucks someone sent the police out there to watch! Ya the police know the real story that day too bad their not talking

Last edited 2 years ago by Dalton Gal
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Don’t worry Williams is still probably the worse plowed street be careful driving on it this morning I was just out and it was slick and very slushy with some of the freeze bumps Rumpass was complaining about

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

Yessir, came off a nice clean Dalton Division onto Williams a while ago. Bump, bumpety bump over the hard pack. By the way, The little town of Dalton takes care of Dalton Division. However do they do it Mr Morales? It’s a miracle.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Colluding dept heads. I like it

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

The video, obtained and revealed EXCLUSIVELY by THE PLANET”. Come on Dan, our good friend Mike Daly of its Pittsfield tonight has the video, as does all of Facebook. Aren’t you stretching the truth just A WHOLE LOT.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Truth? I figured you’d censor my post, as is your stated right.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Danny is a Little man who thinks his poop has no aroma.

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Dan pull the trigger on this fool A ban is warranted

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Thank you for checking his poop

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Infantile and demented

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

Moron and a Douchebag

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

You are such a coward. Get your head out of your McDonough.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Get Over It
2 years ago

You contribute nothing with your infantile rantings.

Go back to Mommy’s basement

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Looking in the mirror again……..

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Mike Daly has a spot on podcast reviewing Morales snow storm report. Hit the nail on the head. Called them out.

Dalton Gal
Dalton Gal
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

But will the Eagle cover it

Reply to  Dalton Gal
2 years ago

When was the last time the Eagle disagreed with anything tyer said or did? Some media outlets provide oversight for politically abused communities. Not that one though. Wonder what their delivery drivers would say if allowed to speak.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 years ago

It’s really fun watching them drive around on bare pavement with the plows down throwing sparks, in contrast to the trucks being AWOL when the snow gets several inches deep.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

That report which I’m sure the mayor has read should call for the dismissal of the commissioner and her own resignation. It’s preposterous that any authority such as this City council would think no action be taken with this lame coverr up ,disguised,report with no word by the mayor? It’s has ineptitude,no Accountability and disguise written all over it.

I will be watching which Council members agree on this dumb report. Also would like an inquiry on the plow accident. Speeding,running a stop sign,driving recklessly, driving to endanger,for starters. Was the driver given a breathalyzer?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

That definitive tally has been obvious for some time. Terrified of losing their “connection” status these low self esteem councilors will bow to mommy mayor and repeat the verbiage that was dictated to them ahead of time. A couple may even play dumb (is it really playing?). Were any of them “out of town” physically or mentally?

But this report is incredibly insulting to pull a stunt like this on citizens and taxpayers. They are implying that we are all stupid and incapable of recognizing what is right before our eyes.

A local paper even detailed the failure early on. Will be interesting to see if they challenge the report or try to spin it, further insulting their customer base.

2 years ago

At least the Pitt avoided the fatalities and chaos that happened in Buffalo. The report actually seems quite detailed and professional to me, rather than a “smoke-and-mirrors document full of needless information.” At least they went to the trouble to have it copy-edited:

“…are as hot for being ripped off as I’ve ever seen then…”
Holy crap!
“…received this video from what we appears to be a…”
Holy crap!
“…It also show a total lack of failure on the part of an Administration that has long bailed ago out of the flaming plane and pulled the ripcord….”
Holy crap! If it’s a “lack of failure” that means they did a pretty good job!

Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

You didn’t read the actual report, did you?

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

I did.

2 years ago

There should be a report on this plow/sedan collision somewhere. Due to collusion between the city & Eagle, and despite the Eagle having an influx of cash from libtards for a local reporter – don’t expect to hear about it in their useless rag!

Ricardo did point about several short-failings in the Snow Job report.
My questions;
Who is responsible for declaring Snow Emergencies/Code Red alerts?
Where is the mayor and why no comment?
Why has pre-treated rock salt with mag chloride already been ordered? Is this in the DPW approved budget?
Why weren’t the crews in 12 hour shifts through the entire holiday weekend? Double-time holiday pay limited?
Why wasn’t the city using 240 lbs per mile like the state? (Pittsfield uses 150 lbs per mile)
Why weren’t contract plows called in to pretreat mains with dept. employees?
When surrounding towns can get their roads cleared 24 hours after a snow event, why can’t Pittsfield? Snow removal has been awful the past two winter seasons!

So many questions.

Councilors please get answers and take action so this snow fail never gets repeated!

Last edited 2 years ago by Lenny
Ava Lanch
Ava Lanch
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Alert would certainly have helped and they didn’t even bother? I remember fifty years ago as a 10 year old, the siren at Mercer school for emergencies ,imagine if you had that type of alert ?

Those contract plows might have been on the road but didn’t see any plowing in my neighborhood. I’m thinking maybe the roads would have damaged the plows because of the conditions? They are expensive.

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Was the video known before any citation or lack of citation was given?……My Sister ran stop sign and was given a citation right on the spot. She was found guilty subsequently as she caused an accident even though the other driver was speeding and had the right of way.

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan,I was seconds from this accident. When I came back the vehicle was on a flatbed,don’t know what happened to the plow? Recklace endangerment should be the charge.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Personna non grata. It’ll never comme up

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Ricky can be asked by the city council or a pedestrian at open Mike a the status of that accident, and is there is a report on file. Was this driver charged at the seen? If so,is he still driving for the city? That video is stunning. I’d like to think the rest of our workforce aren’t Cowboys on the roads. This driver should be fired.

John Dutton
John Dutton
2 years ago

Well, the Wayfair call center in Pittsfield is closing Shocking i know. Surely it has to do with our zombie like workforce. Any comment from the Elected officials?

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  John Dutton
2 years ago

Nobody wants to work. Ask the city clowncil.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Stan Derdpractiss
2 years ago

Wayfair Closing Pittsfield Call Center; Employees Will Go Virtual / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

Pittsfield politics’ financial formula: Economic Losses = Increased Taxes!

I love it when blogger Dan Valenti lists all of the failed businesses in Pittsfield who received Kapanski Ka$h prior to going bust.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I believe when the Bertstein food emporium was given tax breaks and then closed, their tax forgiveness was just transferred to another business. Will this happen here?
Can we get a copy of the original fanfare when they proposed coming to Pittsfield?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
2 years ago

From the snow commish, Joe, Boston, days gone by.,..

My name is Joe
What do I know?
I don’t know….
I just push snow.

’twas his themesong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Never mind the riddles. Look into that plow accident, it’s gone viral.

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Does the driver get ticketed that day? Does Morales have info of results whether or not he was cited? If so,what did Maorales do?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Can you imagine the city liability for such a thing? Who is the current city solicitor and is he up to his neck in litigation or what?

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

A few children from Sheffield died from a snowplow accident that happened in Lenox in the 90’s. Haven’t forgotten about it yet. Oh God. Once is too many.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peet
Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Another beauty

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Just read that one of Morales’s snow plows were driving so fast today on Newell Street that they broke the front windows at East Side Cafe with all the slush they caused! Wonder if it is the same plow driver that took out the car on Onota Street?

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

We need traffic calming measures there.

Stan Derdpractiss
Stan Derdpractiss
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The question is,why is he still on the job ?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The City plow also took out the windows at Magic Touch Spa. Great way to treat businesses in Pittsfield. Hope at least one City Councilor will advocate for these businesses tonight.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Kronick more than likely will, then the rest of the fools will chastise him for it

Snark SharK
Snark SharK
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

2nd Alarm plowing barrels by my house like they were going to a fire.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Expect to not read about this in the local paper. Just like the car getting clobbered. Who knows how many things we missed when the Planet was on Christmas break.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Have the snow plows taken out the Ricky’s toilet plungers lining North street yet?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

AP-MRF find them very useful. They make fine rocket tubes. We spotted a post-modern entity on top of a tall building and were able to quickly annihilate it and relocate. Best thing is we take, they replace!

2 years ago

My question for the Commissioner of Snow Jobs is why were the schools plowed, salted and clear down to the pavement during the storm? It was school vacation and those trucks should have been on the streets. They probably cleared out the lakes as well. Before looking at any new equipment let’s look at the policies in place and see why they didn’t work. According to the report on this blog they had more than enough equipment and hours worked to have the streets cleared to an acceptable condition to drive on, just like our neighboring towns. The time to ask for new equipment is during budget hearings not on the fly after an emotional event!! All that screams is SCAM

2 years ago

Ricardo wants the state to take over plowing 25 miles of main city roads, yet wants new trucks and new chemicals.
I’m convinced that he is not using ENUF salt on the roads. Very slick out there this morning. Be careful folks.

Lookin Stewpid
Lookin Stewpid
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

The other problem is,the city Council have no solutions for what happened and from the looks of it wrong way RIcky has no clue. If these clowns are there for solutions and bypass any type of discipline request,remember in November.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Lookin Stewpid
2 years ago

Thats right, everyone needs their pound of flesh. Just remember that when someone comes looking for a pound of your flesh.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

So he is admitting he cannot handle the job like every other DPW chief before him or mayor Tyer? Put that in the report.

Lookin Stewpid
Lookin Stewpid
2 years ago

Wayfair,got just what I need……unemployment checks…

West Palm
West Palm
2 years ago

Are any of the 70 plowgate crash victims planning on speaking tonight before the Snow Job?

Reply to  West Palm
2 years ago

ANYONE who lives in Pittsfield and is concerned about the poor performance of the DPW and the Mayor should show up & speak! Not just accident victims. You could be next – unless personnel changes are made.

Lookin Stewpid
Lookin Stewpid
Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

I won’t be traveling to city council tonight the roads are icy, my street is sheer ice.

Reply to  Lookin Stewpid
2 years ago

Main roads are fine. What street are you on?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Lookin Stewpid
2 years ago

Yes, you are Lookin Stewpid. The roads are fine.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

For the record not all side streets are plowed. Upper Williams St towards Kirvin Park is half assedly done too.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
2 years ago

Plows whipping down Newell street broke out windows in the East Side cafe. Uh oh. Don’t wanna being doin that.

2 years ago

Here’s a glimpse into what is wrong with the city’s schools. When school committee members like Vicky Smith, Allison McGee and Sarah Hathaway support crap, time-filling, “understanding diversity & equity” courses like this, the quality of the school falls into question. Replace social engineering classes like this one with civics, government and U.S. history as necessary irreplaceable social studies coursework!

Toto Dultility
Toto Dultility
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Two people on our street no garbage pick up yesterday? Cans still out there. Wtf.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Ricardo said Wind gust was the reason. Yeah that’s it.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

And of course. mutha Nature……..

Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Or the schools are busy convincing more kids that they need to have their body parts removed because they are trapped in the wrong gender.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
2 years ago

Is it too soon to complain about the Pittsfield potholes?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
2 years ago

Sherman said we need more consistency? This is a guy who ran unopposed in ward three?

Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
2 years ago


Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Maybe Ricardo could pretreat the road with Prince Chaz dandruff to be more successful

2 years ago

Drowsy Dina is totally lost at tonight’s meeting.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

She needs to go!
Was she not listening??? Or just wants to appear that she is interested and taking part?

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Please somebody run against her. She thinks she’s the local John Kerry climate czar. What a ditz.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Just listen to her? Dumb as they come.

2 years ago

Kenny – the Christmas storm was not the “storm of the century.”
Geez, he’s batty!

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Wow the Mayor & Pete White enjoyed numerous buffets over the holiday, didn’t they?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

One enjoys the spoils of kickbacks from grant money, ARPA money, PPP loans, to name a few gravy trains.

The other enjoys meals on the house, in return for social media post by a person who has a little to no social media following.

Care to take a guess?

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Guile way out of order. Resign Dina,save yourself further embarrassment on here. Dina,you can’t I terupt a councilor speaking. You have to go through the President. You suck.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Why didn’t Marchetti shut her up?

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Linduh has become quite zoftig. More for mele to love.

2 years ago

I love Kronick getting under Dina’s skin!! She is squirmy!,
Is Kronick the only level-headed councilor on the council? Yes he is!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Warren did good work on Kalinowsky’s petition. I was impressed.

2 years ago

Dina Da Dunce. Please go away from the city council. Please do something productive.with whatever little qualifications you posses.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
2 years ago

I suggest a cage match, fight to the death between Lampiasi and Crocknik

Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Did the DA get rid of her yet?

Guts Inafoil
Guts Inafoil
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

I want to know where the hell did this bird come from? She’s worse than Yuki.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Don’t place your affection with any DA. My wise old father in-law, G-d keep his soul, said, “not my lawyer, not my friend.” Words to remember.

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
Total Truth 2
Total Truth 2
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

I beleive she is gone

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Dina, remember. You call the duel, I get to choose the weapons. I’m a traditionalist.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

I’m not in the habit of advocating violence, but I believe you would have been justified in cold cocking dina squeal, and then doing the same thing to marchetti. Your sarcastic “No New SALT” petition needed no explanation. Its meaning is clear. The fact that marchetti obviously refused to grasp the intention of your petition clearly demonstrates that taxpayers will not be best served if any of marchetti’s jockstraps are creeping around city hall corrupting the ballot boxes in November.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Cold cocking means that she gets to choose the weapons. Big mistake, my unwilling friend. I’m not very fine at fencing.

It was actually a fine petition. I had to dig back to my days as a commercial graphic designer. It’s amazing how fast old knowledge comes back, such as molar balancing and font-specifications.

Glad you caught the point. If I wanted a sign on Morale’s door, well, that would be a nutty thing to say. The sort of thing bad children would do.

I wanted a sign on City Council’s door.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

I advocate violins

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Dina is a member of the Woker religion. Believes all that is wacky is morally supreme. Woker supremacist .

Linduh Krolchetti
Linduh Krolchetti
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Marchetti is a gas bag with no leadership skills. Lots of experience though….as a buffoon.

Ass Cidtrip
Ass Cidtrip
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

She’ll bore you to death.