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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY FEB. 20, 2023) — THE PLANET was the first of anyone, anywhere to publicly call it, definitively, that is.

Once again, when we print it, and “it” lies in the future, “it” usually occurs.

———- ooo ———-

How lame can a lame duck get? Over the next 10 months, we’re about to find out.

In this case, we mean the announcement of mayor Linda Tyer that she will not seek re-election. On a scale of shock from 0 to 10, where 10 is Lyndon Johnson out of the blue telling the world in March 1968 he would not be seeking re-election and 0 being the statement “The sun will rise in the east tomorrow,” Tyer’s is a zero.

In more ways than one. Her administration has the distinction of being the most ineffective in THE PLANET‘s lone memory, one that goes back to Ray Haughey in the early 1960s. That’s quite an accomplishment. In racing terms, Tyer’s the nag that places 10th in a 10-horse race and afterwards thinks she ran so great that it took nine other horses to beat her. Yeah, we’re talking delusional.

Tyer might call her performance “vibrant and dynamic.” Fortunately, though, THE PLANET groomed Madame Mayor out of ever using those two words again, which for her became what “aberration” was to Sara Hathaway or what “It’s Happening” became to Gerry Doyle. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop Tyer from living the dream about how great Pittsfield became under her watch when she spun her fantasy to the sycophantic iBerkshires.

Shows you what can happen when you cut yourself off from reality, listen only to “yes” flunkies, and stay out of the city except for occasional appearances in your cushy office in city hall and your island living in Pittsfield’s only gated neighborhood. Tyer’s Shangri-La occupies acreage that literally is the farthest from the city while still being technically in the city. Under such distant, isolated conditions, one not only loses sight of the truth. Worse, a person begins believing in the lies.

———- ooo ———-

You know Linda’s gulping for air when she cites as her No. 1 achievement leading the city, Joan of Arc style, through the COVID pandemic.

Good Lord, if anything, her policies made it worse for everyone, including many businesses that were ordered to close for the duration. Not that Tyer had to come up with anything remotely suggesting leadership, unless you count the $2.3 million in debt she forgave Richard Stanley of the Bea-Con when he skipped town. Tyer took the COVID directives from Good Time Charley Baker, who got them from a federal quack named Anthony Fauci (rhymes with “grouchy”), then multiplied by two. The local economy, or what’s left of it, still hasn’t recovered.

Tyer spent four years blaming Dan Bianchi for her failure to lead. She has spent the years of this final term in hiding (even the photo ops have become scarce!) to avoid any whiff of accountability.

Under Tyer:

  • Crime, shootings, drug trafficking, gang banging, and panhandling have topped the charts.
  • The roads are a disaster from lack of upkeep to the Byzantine line markings.
  • Departments, on the whole, flail through lack of leadership and accountability.
  • Taxes have driven many out of their homes while politically motivated assessments keep the remaining Kapanski’s counting pennies at the end of the month.
  • Snow management has been a disaster.
  • A dangerous traffic rotary continues to clog up five intersecting streets.
  • Schools continue to allow kids to run wild — when they do show up at all.
  • The downtown is dead and unsafe.
  • Parking continues to be a nightmare.
  • Highly suspicious grants have been made under the smokescreen of the ARPA millions.

THE PLANET could continue to waste photons on this list, which, as Marley said to Scrooge, is a “ponderous one.”

The Lovely Linda also proved that she couldn’t take a punch. After she got elected, she promised THE PLANET she wouldn’t break connections.

“Not even when I go after you?”

“No. You’re the press. I expect you to do your job.”

Right. That’s what they all say.

After the honeymoon THE PLANET gave her during the first four years, when all was lovey-dovey, she took the football and went home, pouting, because we started calling her out on the more bone-headed of her actions and inactions.

She’s like the rest of them. They want everyone to love them.

Linda, we hardly knew ye’.

We’ll save the epitaph for later.


Born a dog, you can’t die a cat” — Pat Cooper.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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2 years ago

If nine dogs die does that equal a cat?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  ManAboutTown
2 years ago

Are any of the dogs bitches?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The math teacher or the comedian? After all it is a funny equation.

Les Sirsword
Les Sirsword
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Coop reminds me of Warren.

Reply to  ManAboutTown
2 years ago

What MAT means is Dan repeated the cat quote.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer: THE GOOD: She is nobody’s fool because she knows what she is doing in state and local government (unlike most state and local politicians, who may be only pretending to not know what they are doing to distract and fool their constituency); she led a group of 47 Massachusetts Mayors as their spokesperson in Boston, and she received glowing praise for her public advocacy; she publicly advocated for the poor people and their distressed inner-city neighborhoods; she understands public financial management; she publicly advocated for fully funded state aid for public education and local government; she invested in the city’s infrastructure; she invested in diversity and all of the people as community stakeholders; she always stood for Human Rights and social and economic justice; she is a politician whom I fully support and I believe in her values. THE BAD: She allowed Luciforo to stink up residential neighborhoods behind Berkshire Roots’ pot growing buildings on Dalton Avenue, despite the protests of the impacted residents; she secretly managed municipal finances, Matt “Kufflinks” multimillion-dollar Slush Funds, and the city’s over $41 million in Biden Bucks; she was not accessible to the people who needed her to listen to them the most; she lives in an elitist Gated Community with her CPA wealthy third husband Barry Clairmont; she is part of Godfather Jimmy Ruberto’s Good Old Boys network that put Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch that unfortunately began in the mid-1960s; she passed record setting municipal budgets that are financially unsustainable, especially if a recession hits Pittsfield politics in the future; she is blindly pouring millions of public dollars into the 24.5-year-old polluted PEDA debacle that is always increasing its financial liabilities by millions of dollars per year, which is like throwing money into a black hole. THE UGLY: Dozens of nursing home residents in Pittsfield died of Covid-19 with no responsibility from the state and local politicians in Pittsfield; a person who obviously was in distress who the city questionably ruled not to be a person in distress under the law named Miguel “Miggy” Estrella was shot dead by the Pittsfield Police Officer(s) instead of first being dealt with by Paramedics and an Ambulance under police supervision; she continued Pittsfield politics’ use of retribution because Pittsfield politics is still stuck in the 1950s-era of McCarthyism and Mafia-like rule whereby Pittsfield is ran by the city’s proverbial 4 families similar to the classic Godfather movies, she continued to hire insider bureaucrats who have long mismanaged Pittsfield’s Level 5 public school district, and Pittsfield is still in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for Violent Crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports. CONCLUSION: Given the REALITIES that Mayor Linda Tyer faced in Pittsfield politics over the past 7 years, 1 month, and 20 days, I agree with her third husband Barry Clairmont that she was the best Mayor of Pittsfield in a generation (and beyond, and EVER!). I give Mayor Linda Tyer a grade of A+. I am happy for her that she will retire with a 6-figure public pension plus perks and live a nice life with her multimillionaire third husband Barry Clairmont. Linda Tyer did well for herself. As for Pittsfield, even a miracle worker couldn’t do better!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Go crawl up under her skirt Melle

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Way off. Not even close. I think he meant worse Mayor in thirty years.

The school committee
The school committee
2 years ago

I have been amazed that this board is still in shock about rotories that keep traffic flowing successfully.She oversaw a 130 million new High School built for 950 students only to take all of those college prep students and transfer them over to the 95 year old PHS building who’s last remodel was 50 years ago.This city is run by some of the least competent people we have ever encountered.The Appleton ave lobby entrance is missing lights and you leave after games in complete darkness with the cement damage and a unlit parking lot across from the school….who is in charge of building maintenance….light it up.PHS is a dump….Our school committee is a joke as we now have 500,000 square feet of high school buildings to educate1400 kids…..That is moronic.Fire Curtis and Behnke and cut our losses.Time is now for a mayor to plan a high school consolidation.

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

TSC is spot on as usul.

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Thanks for the sarcastic line, it helped me chuckle this morning!

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

What the hell do you think Dan has been talking about for the last 7 1/2 years. Don’t tell us about criminals treading on our city either, and doing nothing about it. Money isn’t the only thing you throw at it Madame Mayor. Dis anyone ever see Herat City Council and acknowledge a shooting or murder,anyone? Does anyone here feel confident about walking the streets of Pittsfield in any part of the city? And if you do,you’re alone. You can’t even go to a supermarket without being accosted or some crap breaking out.

Paris Berker
Paris Berker
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

I have a friend who has 5 dogs.when he walks in the west side he takes 1 dog. When he walks on the east side he takes all 5 dogs.Añy questions

Lou Reed
Lou Reed
Reply to  Paris Berker
2 years ago

Does he ever take a walk on the wild side?

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

BUUUuttt….now she has reason to start another MEGA spending project upgrading it. Add it to the list of Springside House, Waconah park, Bike Park at Springside, Pickle Ball courts, Redo of Poontusuc lake, another Redo of North street new trucks for plowing. And that is a partial list.

And what the hell ever happened to the new Police station?

Markus Auerlius
Markus Auerlius
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Flat and Chief Wynn are sailing off into the sunset together.

The new police station was bargained away. In return, the cultural competency coach took her family and friends to Africa.

She’s been oppressed all of her life by YT. She needed OUR tax money to “explore her roots,” to feel better.

I’ve never had an all-expense trip paid for by the government, so I can’t comprehend the feeling. I always thought it was illegal, but what do I know…

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Auerlius
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Markus Auerlius
2 years ago

Exactly, I see Dalton is utilizing their ARPA funds accordingly. We gave it away as reparations to keep Dennis and Shirley and their people from rioting… I mean peacefully protesting

This is what happens when you vote with your lady parts. Still trying to figure out how you all got your labias over the pen

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
2 years ago

Dalton is in trouble with cash.Taxes are extreme and the town is dependent on crane so Good luck with that. I feel Tyer will take a big fish political job.She made more homeless in Pittsfield than drugs did.Tyer simply does not get that people don’t have money to cover 20% tax increases…..Time for school consolidation to take place.The Catholic church did church consolidation so we can do this.

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Since when is Dalton cash poor?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

Look up taxes and fees for garbage.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Auerlius
2 years ago

Praise Allah the undeserved retirements of both of these egregious slobs are full of chicken’s coming home to roost.

Paris Berker
Paris Berker
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

The only person who went to court to try to stop the new THS was the Gman Craig Gaetani. He is always trying to save the kapanskis as much money as possible. He is now in touch with the EPA to halt the work at the two water treatment plants.He is looking to save the city 50 million dollars who He says is not needed. MR G will keep everyone updated at CC meetings and his pctv show. How many thumbs down will I get for this post??

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

The school committee is made of of democrats and democrats only

Thomas More
Thomas More
2 years ago

“One ought to examine himself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.”

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Thomas More
2 years ago

He’s condemning an abysmal leadership, not a person. Performance and behaviors are judgeable. People are not.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

It’s hard to remember that.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

It was just a quote that popped into my head. It’s unlikely that Moliere was thinking of this blog in 1664.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Thomas More
2 years ago

Why not? He predicted his work would be a Broadway hit didn’t he?

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

That’s why they sold Babe Ruth

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Thomas More
2 years ago

I’m fairly certain that some posters here do examine themselves for a long time

2 years ago

Now we just need an Independent candidate to run for mayor. A Republican wouldn’t stand a chance in this far left area, but an Independent candidate might have a chance.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

A GOP canidate would do well if they dissavowed the MAGA GOP branch.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

We call that ‘political speech.’ You say something just to appease a voter.

Is that what you want in a rep?

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Can anyone name five people in the whole city that would be worse than Krol or Marchetti?

Tony B
Tony B
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Gaetani, Kronic, Kalinowski, Mazzeo, Daly.
That was easy.

Paris Berker
Paris Berker
Reply to  Tony B
2 years ago

All 5 of these individuals try to make life better for everyone. What are you running for tony??

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Paris Berker
2 years ago

Tony must’ve run out of toilet paper.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Brian the buffoon Narcandrews.

Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Still carrying a torch for me I see.

Reply to  Brian Andrews
2 years ago

Admit it, you like the attention. You’re a little kid.

Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

God loves you

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Dissavow means dissavow.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

“…means disavow” for the purpose of getting votes.

Do we really to go down that road next?

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Absolutely, we don’t want to make America or pittsfield great again. That would be horrible.

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Well, I know what we don’t want. We don’t want election denyers.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Thank God.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Koff, koff…

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Jolly pink football.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

OR, any funny stuff with the vote count next time

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Would be nice to have an honest election again one day.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

That leaves out Hilary, Al Gore, Stacy Abrams and Jamie Raskin to name a few dem deniers.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Now those were real election deniers. The gold standard of election deniery.

At least republicans were upset about fake ballots and other election official fraudery.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

In the FOX vs Dominion case VP’s at Dominion are quoted in 2019 emails saying there were a bunch of bugs in their systems and the numbers didn’t always match up. So people bringing this forward are denyers or investigators of truth?

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

So people bringing this forward are denyers or investigators of truth?”

Yes, denying the validity of Dominion undermines certain business interests that is committed to ensuring their machines provide believable results. That’s how Democracy works after socialists get their hands on it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

True,don’t tell them FOx lied to them

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

What in he’ll can any republican run on?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Keep it cuckoo

2 years ago

Excellent wordsmanship; content gets a ‘C’.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Take a referendum?

2 years ago

Didn’t we just pass a bill in this state in November that gives lots of money to the schools, but also threw in some money for the roads to make it easier to accept for the public? Of course it passed here in tax happy Massachusetts. Where is that money that should now begin to start fixing some local roads or will most of that money go to the schools with the small amount of road money going to the Boston side of the state?

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

We’ll never see it and more people with means will pack and leave.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

People with means are investing it here.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

Parking it here as they shuffle it somewhere else.

It’s not that the tax bill is the last nail in the coffin, but people with means are looking for opportunity. You make a constellation of adversities here, they will find opportunities elsewhere. Massachusetts has experienced a ‘staggering’ outflow of wealth and people since 2020. They don’t need the money at BH, but by taking it they will form the need later. Watch out!

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Not just shifting it elsewhere – the number of undervalued assets here is staggering.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Holmes Rd bridge might get fixed for my great grand children to see

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

That would be nice.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Speaking of roads. I predict Valentine road will be impassable by the first of April. Crane aveneu falling apart as well. It took a gigantic hue and cry to get the mayor to do anything with the roads last year so start now and yell loudly if you want anything done this year. It takes more than a little to get her off her ass when it come to roadwork. But, you wanna Pickle ball court? You got it.

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Roads and pickleball courts – a winning combination $$$

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

It all has to go through committee, voting, yada, yada… approval this, approval that. By the time the tax takes hold, the politicians line their pockets with yet another raise and they finally decide how to earmark the money most of the “millionaires” will have found enough loopholes to avoid the tax or moved out of state

complete joke

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
2 years ago

Either way, after spending much dough with their advisors and lawyers looking for loopholes and havens, those mega-millionaires will end up paying fewer taxes. Now -that is a joke!

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Gotta close those loopholes.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

Yes, and give them even more reason to split to NH (just 20 miles North.

You really cannot change the laws of economics. Marxists believe, contrary to experience, that they can write them fresh, but human behavior is the driving force behind economic behavior. The Tax bill is a farce, and it will find its way into the common man’s wallet, which is the point of it anyway.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
2 years ago

This is one fine and touching obituary.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 years ago
George Washington Melle
George Washington Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Slave owning Founding Fathers are being honored today. Happy Slave Owners President’s Day.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I don’t understand it, we can celebrate Happy Slave Owners President’s Day but not Happy Malcolm X assassination day. That’s sounds a bit racist to me.

Can we acknowledge and celebrate “I am not a crook” Richard Nixon’s historic visit to China? What about the publication of Marx and Engels “Das Kommunistische Manifest.”

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Makes no sense to me. Back to the ne’er-do-well who started this thread, did Lincoln and Roosevelt actually own slaves? Closet slavers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  George Washington Melle
2 years ago

You do a great disservice to the African colonists who fought at Concord and Lexington. You completely denigrate the memory of many a proud African-American. One day, you may even meet such a descendent; what would you say?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  George Washington Melle
2 years ago

I want reparations from blacks, for my ancestors who fought and died, fighting for the Union during the civil war.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

And glory more to Parker, Heath, and Warren. Without them, Washington may never have placed his brass at Dorchester Heights.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Free Bird
Free Bird
2 years ago
Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

I’m not shocked that one of the biggest stakeholders in the railroad is Blackrock. Blackrock is tied to the World Economic Forum which is tied to George Soros. This guy shows up everywhere when it comes to attempts to destroy our country. The Biden Administration just watched it burn and doesn’t care about the health of the people in Ohio. This cozy relationship between government and big companies in this country is a huge problem. It’s fascism. The Biden administration shut down a strike by the railroad workers last year which would have been about worker shortages and a complete lack of sick days for these workers. Work shortages make disasters more likely. So much for the far left caring about workers. Governor DeWine is a RINO and has bought into the “Make Money by Pushing Climate Change” crowd, but ignore environmental disasters when you can’t make any money off of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

The robber barons weren’t exactly Dems.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Joe Kennedy in a lesser scale

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

No one robs the taxpayers like democrats

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
2 years ago

Oh boy,where have you been?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Paying my taxes

Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

Let’s try to get in this century please. Gates, Buffet, Bezos, et al all Democrats

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

Since when is Buffet a dem?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Deregulation means you Pat and all Republicans put your trust in corporations…Very bad idea.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

Found the time to fly across the world to deliver a handwritten note to a foreign president. Hasn’t found the time to drive out to Ohio and see what just what his boys at the EPA did.

He’s no one president.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The entire slate of losers from the Democrat Primary wound up in the White House. When they’re gone, if that day comes soon enough, we’ll have to completely disinfect every single thing in the White House. Or better, just burn it down and build a new one – that would be less costly.

2025: pray for a change and the nation’s largest single order of clorox and lysol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Change can’t happen because the primarys will be won by Trump supporters, who can’t win in the general election.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

So now it’s the voters whom you despise?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Republican deregulation of corporations Dan….Check out Pittsfield ma and GEs contributions to cancer

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

He used Air Force One, to go get Hunter’s paycheck from Zelensky.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

As opposed to Putin delivering the Donalds paycheck directly to the Oval Office.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

He’s right you know.

“They’re destroying the institution of family, their cultural-historical identity, and various perversions with regards to children. Priests are forced to recognize and officiate same-sex weddings. The family is a union between woman and man.”

-V Putin 2/2023 on Western Liberal Leftists

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

You like Putin. That is no surprise. Putin is trying to move the iron curtin westward. Biden is untieing NATO to maintain the status quo.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

No love for Putin.

But the puppet installed here is thoroughly disgusting.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

But the old guy did go to the battleground in Ukraine the other day.. That Mara Largo fella got five draft deferments and did not suffer the horrors of Viet Nam like most American men his age. Biden did not have to go. By the way, how many times has Biden gone golfing so far?

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Way to keep spreading the lies on your favorite orange man. All of which have been debunked, so I guess you are a spreader of Misinformation maybe you will be censored. Only reason Biden went over was that is where all his illegal family business was being done. He was making sure all information was destroyed, which now can be blamed on Putin. But we digress, this article is about the Lame Duck mayor which she has been fore the last 3 years. Just collecting a paycheck and doing nothing else

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

Debunked? He draft-doged VN, and that’s a fact. As a VN vet, I resent that.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

I agree that Biden has little to offer the victims of his EPA burn crew in E. Palestine. Maybe he should move to Kiev? Make that his Maralogo.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

What business does he have visiting their battleground? It’s not our battle.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Neither was World War 2.

Until they bombed Pearl Harbor.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

We’re not fighting there now, and don’t expect to be later. Therefore, the so-called Commander in Chief is wanted at home. Well, wanted sort of. Did FDR visit the mountains of France or Iwo Jima (this is for Fizzle). Did Biden visit Bakhmut, perhaps? See how the RPG’s are performing? Maybe Biden could share some of his family’s deep insight into batteground tactics to the greener soldiers.
Snark – I’m still pounding Fizz’s comment into the dirt. Taking no prisoners here.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

You can’t take prisoners if you haven’t served.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

He was showing our support. Letting Ukraine know we have their backs. Did that part go over your head? Do you know anything about how Hitler got started because no one checked him?

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Appeasement has been Biden’s policy right up to the first tanks rolling over the Ukraine border with Europe happily drinking from Putin’s teat of gas. And remember as well the Crimea under Obama and Biden’s watchful eyes. I bet he freaked when the Ukraine army stood their ground (in the North). (“uh oh, now what???”. Putin: “Shit. What’s your problem anyway I told you I was invading.”)

Back Saving and Appeasement:
Did Biden have to go there himself to show that ‘we have their backs?’ I thought the tanks, bombs, howitzers, HIMARS, guns, ammo, logistical advise, training, and the rest of that was showing them that we got their backs. The Sudetenland of the Ukraine remains well supported.

The Point:
My point, as opposed to your point, is that the president of the USA is MIA. Again, MIA not that he makes a difference. I wouldn’t even bother sending the MP to look for him.

Lest you forget, the appeasing of Putin thus far has led to the deaths of 500,000 soldiers, unspeakable crimes, and vast destruction of the environment both natural and civilized. Biden’s no Churchill, and Harris is no Truman, and there’s no Marshall to be seen either.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Actually, the Germans made a business sinking our ships supplying Britain. We did have partners and trade with Europe before Hitler came around. We probably could have sat out WWI and let the Euro’s handle that one on their own. Kind of another Napoleonic exercise historically speaking.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Supporting and uniting NATO.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

That’s leadership! Here, I’m giving 500 billion. Now you altogether chip in 100 million. If NATO actually went to war with this dickhead in charge, we would supply the soldiers, and the Euro’s would sell us the food and gas.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Planet From Hell
1 year ago

$500,000,000.00 million.Maybe you don’t see Putins army is only murdering civilians in apartment buildings….It’s a 4th rate military and Putin needed a dissolved NATO to pull it off.The Ukrainian Military is kicking ass.The spring offensive in paralyzed because they are being sacrificed to buy time.Conscripts and prisoners …Putin fighting with homeless people and its failing…..Turn off FOX/PUTIN

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Traitor Joe went to check on the money laundering of billions of American tax dollars, er “military aid”, and collect his “10% for the big guy”.

Biden would hurt himself trying to swing a golf club. Remember trying to ride a bicycle last summer?

“PRESIDENT Joe Biden avoided being drafted into the military five times — getting one more deferment than former president Donald Trump.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Qanon sites are real news to

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Biden was never in the military although he did fight corn pop. Biden couldn’t swing a golf club without falling over.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
2 years ago

On your analogy finishing a 10 out of a 10 horse race. I concur it was worse than that. She never got out of the gate.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Her jockey was coked up and disqualified before the race. She was in the line to become glue by the time the winner made it to the winners circle

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
2 years ago

The New York Jets are currently looking for a quarterback. They have the opportunity to get just about anyone.The word on the street is Derek Carr is the front runner. The word on the street also is Aaron Rodgers is available,a clearly superior talent.So the question is why would you want Derek Carr, when you could get Aaron Rodgers, which would be a significant improvement.?

Why can’t Pittsfield do the same in the upcoming Mayoral race? Why have substandard individuals running for mayor or city council, it can’t be the salary.

If there is an individual or individuals out there that can help us out here please step forward. Please, our Cities future is at stake. The reason I bring the Jets into this is because like the Jets,Pittsfield has been treading water for close to half a century also.

Someone please come forward.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

I wish Pittsfield was “treading water”. More like we are treading the muck on the bottom of the lake.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Todd Marinovich for mayor

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Gary Wood
2 years ago

Don’t laugh I’d even vote for him

Markus Auerlius
Markus Auerlius
Reply to  Gary Wood
2 years ago

How about Ryan Leaf?

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Good one Dan. Leaf also. Another, Johnny Manziel. Matt Leiner,only because they were Heisman winners. Augurns Pat Sullivan another dud.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I’ll raise you a Jamarcus Russell.

What does Art set the odds at?

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Maurice Clarette. If he was a q b

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Is their anyone from the Enron scandal available?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

It is the salary. And it is social media. Who want to put themselves out there is be ridiculed and ripped to shreds daily by the like of the posters on this board? Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they think they are always right. Why don’t some of you posters run for office. You have all the answers. The job would be easy.

Markus Auerlius
Markus Auerlius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

When you “get lost” in city hall and end up in the exact location that they are counting the votes in an election your wife is running in, it tends to add fuel to the dumpster fire you created. Wouldn’t you agree DB?

The big question now becomes, will you continue your vigilante ways and work the Cumby’s on First Street Dirty Barry? It’s a dump over there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Auerlius
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Markus Auerlius
2 years ago

Is the mayor collecting taxes from the prostitutes over there or are they getting TIFs like all her other special interest people?

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

How about another ballot question? See if there’s any support for a City Manager. The system we have now, doesn’t work. I think a change in our City government might be needed.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 years ago

I think the GOB’s would be happier with a City Manager. They wouldn’t be bothered by the hassle of elections.

Paris Berker
Paris Berker
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

It’s not easy to run for office in Pittsfield. You have clicks to contend with and very mean individuals who throw mud in your face .then there is the media and blogs who get things all wrong and then swear by it that they are right. Incumbents are different. They have their favorite ass lickers who write glowing remarks about them. (Think iberk). Also there are many small clicks who try to make you look as bad as Charles Manson. With all these obstacles, why would anyone run for office? You have to have stainless steel balls.with all these impediments thank God for all the newcomers who expose themselves to this rot. Think new when you vote. We need a big change here in pittsfield.Big Big change

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Paris Berker
2 years ago

If you run for office telling people that you will work for their best interests and then you become a puppet who shits on them they will throw shit back at you. The only people throwing shade at Charles are political puppets who want their cookie jar left alone.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

If she showed a shred of competency and honest openness she would not be so loathed. She has brought every bit on herself by catering to the special interests and using the taxpayers as her personal wallet. She is probably being used herself but she could have said no. She chose to be a puppett and someone close to her allowed it to happen.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

She didn’t have to do anything that she didn’t want to do.

Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Danny should run. Way better job than Prez of United States Sardine Corporation.

Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

I say Colin Kapernick for Jets QB.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Genuflect
2 years ago

How about Colon Cleanser?

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
2 years ago

Major winter storm coming for Thursday. Remember it is Pittsfield. If you need anything get it before then as the city may be shut down for up to four days. No one knows if there are people to plow or supervise the plowing and sanding. Volunteers welcome.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Be careful! Look out for plowtrucks.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Check out former three amigo City Councilors house on Onota st by the cemetery. Talk about bad plowing?.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

And if you a 95 year old taxpayer trying to hang onto your home you better get your ass out there and shovel your walk or this mayor will fine your boney ass every day until you get it done. (special interest apartment building owners get a pass)

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Maybe the Council will propose free shovels for the elderly. Giant 50 pound shovels just to show they care.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

February 20, 2023

Re: The imperfect Linda Tyer versus the perfect Founding Fathers

Blogger Dan Valenti and some of his commentators have heavily criticized the tenure of Mayor Linda Tyer of Pittsfield politics, while at the same time they have defended the Founding Fathers’ legacy on Presidents’ Day 2023.

Sarcasm: I am now brainwashed by Dan Valenti and some of his commentators. Linda Tyer is imperfect, while the Founding Fathers are perfect. Why would I have written otherwise? After all, Mayor Linda Tyer’s 7 years, 1 month and 20 days as the chief executive officer of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was one of complete failure. After all, if I go back in time 247 years ago, it is clear that the Founding Fathers historical record is one of complete success.

Sarcasm: I am fortunate that Linda Tyer did not found our country all of those centuries, decades and years ago because the U.S.A. would have ended up like inner-city Pittsfield in 2023. I believe that blogger Dan Valenti is right to blame everything that is wrong in Pittsfield on Mayor Linda Tyer, Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier, and former Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington. Those goddamned women politicians are the scourge of society!

Sarcasm: Thank you for brainwashing me, Dan Valenti. I appreciate that I now understand that your political views are the only way for me to think and write about the Founding Fathers versus that no-good scoundrel named Linda Tyer.

Jonathan A. Melle

Quick Take
Quick Take
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Two words: cop out

If the “person” runs for an office they have no hope of actually succeeding in, they are a bad person as well.

Tyer ran based on nepotism and greed. Krol is doing the same. He can’t even keep is little Krol in his pants, let alone run a city.

Tyer is both a bad person and a horrible mayor. Let’s not forget her twiddling while Pittsfield burned and her attack pug Barry.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Quick Take
1 year ago

Tyer said she would cut Bianchi’s budget…lol

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I understand that blogger Dan Valenti, but why are you being so negative about Mayor Linda Tyer’s performance, while you call the historical facts that I write about the Founding Fathers an argumentative “canard”?

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

You are remarkably ignorant of American history. Can’t even have a conversation with you about any aspect of it. You are a very dark person.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago


Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Next January she’ll be separated from the office and it’ll be a great day in the City of Pittsfield

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Agent 86
2 years ago

Might not be so great if Marchetti or Krol take her place. NOTHING will change except the face of the puppet.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Our best hope is to get a majority of common sense councilors

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

In what specific area is she doing her best Dan? She is certainly not like me and I cringe at the comparison.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Happiness – she is doing a great job in being happy.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago


Markus Auerlius
Markus Auerlius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Two words for you JM: Seek Help!

You have lambasted her with non-flattering phrases, such as: talking about her outward physical appearance by unceremoniously calling her “the Lovely Linda,” talking about her numerous marriages when you mention “her third husband,” and her financial status/wealth when you mention that she lives in a “gated community.” Do you remember posting this recently JM? So what changed your stance now?

When you change your mind as often as you change your drawers, it’s a sign of mental weakness. Easily swayed.

What’s next from you in NH: Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants) is hardworking for thePittsfield middle class taxpayers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Auerlius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I recommend a book, ‘The Good Old Days…They were Terrible’

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Nostalgianik
2 years ago

I hear there is a sequel out. “The Good Old Days…They were Terrible…and then Mayor Tyer came along and made them even worse”

John Dutton
John Dutton
2 years ago

The major problem with Pittsfield is the lack of good paying jobs. The city sold out to the social service train from the Eastern part of the state plain and simple. Both Senators Hinds and now Mark have been absolutely useless in bringing ANY new industry to the area NONE!!

For that matter the State reps and the City Council also share in this disaster. The city needs creative thinkers folks who can think outside the box. Instead we only have polittical polarization the grips this place by the sack.

Krol and Marchetti are not even close to being able to pull Pittsfield out of the wasteland in which it has become. I hope for the future of the city a candidate steps up.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  John Dutton
2 years ago

Economic Growth in Pittsfield: The large underclass population who lives off of excessively high state and local taxation paid by the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski household! Don’t forget about “Kufflink’s” secretive multimillion-dollar Slush Funds, “Free Cash”, and Linda’s “Biden Bucks”, please.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I keep hearing during windfalls of money we have to get the biggest bang for our buck. Shut the fuck up. We haven’t had a bang for the buck in the history of the the city.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

We don’t need the two retreads for mayor. We need someone like a town manager who won’t be controlled,or they’ll be sent down the road fast.

That’s is why two year terms should be restored. If four year terms now eight, haven’t convinced us nothing will.

I believe Gaetani wouldn’t be such a disaster with amtwo year term. Whether or not the Planet doesn’t think he could win. One thing Gaetani will do is surround him with the best people available. NOT POLITICAL RETREADS who need a job.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Let’s put it this way Muree. If I were Mayor I’d make damn sure my City Solicitor knew the answer to anything Charter related or legalities like the other night. That was embarrrasing.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

The one thing I like about Ken Warren like him or not,he keeps them on their toes.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

He does a good impression of keeping them on their toes.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

That guy can be fired in a heartbeat if he gives the wrong slant. He is basically a political appointment in the cloak of independent counsel.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Exactly! The council will pick he whom the council leadership wants. And the manager will be at their mercy. We can expect to pick up whatever nonsense didn’t pan out well in some other badtown. These insects (town managers) will end up cycling around and become the new re-treads bringing the latest fads and talking points. That will be the final nail in the coffin for local innovation.

Why would anyone here agree to have an externally appointed mayor hired from a shallow pool? That completely takes away the potential for local talent and leadership and replaces it with a political class. Jim the professional town manager goes where a town manager is needed.

Stupidest idea to hit the fan yet.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

You think this City Council will hire any old City Manager? You’ll be completely screwed if you go there.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

I guess not lmaof. Your right all is well the way it is. How could I be so stupid.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Consider who would be doing the hiring. The power people behind the “elected reps”. The special interests and gigantic money. Nothing to stop them from hiring Krol or Marchetti or any other puppet fetus they can groom and control.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

M. Kerwood. They’d hire him more likely, and he’d be the boss for 20 years.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

If Gatani got elected he might do a forensic audit first thing and make Kerwood sit there and watch it. Tyer is trying to spend every available penny the next mayor might use to do one.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

That would be worth watching. “No no no – don’t touch that!” “Ooo don’t look there! It’s a complete mess. Let me clean that up first”
“I don’t know where that book came from, haven’t seen it in years”
“Sorry, the assistant accountant is out of town until next fall. You’ll have to wait to get that answer” “Last I looked, there was money in that account.”

The many fortune cookies of Kerwood are there.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

You’re not ready for prime time in the corner office. Dan suggested you run for ward councilor. If you can’t beat Dina then you certainly won’t win a mayoral bid.
Put up or shut up.
Poop or get off the pot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Fritz
Em Posiballs
Em Posiballs
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

He can’t beat Ed Carmel. I think the idea is to get someone in there that can beat these candidates. Fritz would you agree on that,at least?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Dan suggested? He would be the last person he would listen to. G Man has stated on his show Dans on a losing streak.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Oh that’s right, I forgot, you don’t take advice from anyone.
You know it all.

Paris Berker
Paris Berker
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

No not fair at all.There has been a poster who gets no respect at all that has run and is willing to run. This poster is no light weightl and is as accomplished as one can be. This poster is also no quitter. What are you running for fritz?? Your a cowrd and your joke is very stale. What office have you held. You seem to be a mouth piece with no audience

Reply to  Paris Berker
2 years ago

I believe that if Gaetani was mayor he would at the very least hire competent people for his department heads. People who would be allowed to do their jobs without the corner office micro managing, screwing with their budgets and holding their jobs over their heads should they question the mayor. I feel he would be at least a step in the right direction as opposed to the same nosedive Krol or Marchetti will give us. Right now he is the best of the three in my opinion and unless someone better comes along I will vote for him.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Goodness, thumbs down from 8 panicking special interest folk already. Hee hee

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Why on earth would anyone vote for Dina?

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Vote for Dina? You could get a commemorative Street sign put in.

On Dina. All of West Street had lawn signs supporting her. Yet in all truth west street is a speed laden, accident laden, congestion and potholes.

Where’s the beef voters? Someone had to get killed to get a brighter traffic sign for her to suggest that?It was an 84 year old that struck the victim? No one in Dina’s ward since she’s been in office ever called her to tell her about that danger area?
Where the recent victim died?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

She holds a ward seat, doesn’t she? Some fools voted for her!

2 years ago

Bravo well done to Jeanne Kempthorne for her letter to the editor smacking TFB on the head. TFB is busy supporting the speaker’s agenda rather than supporting her constituents. A well-deserved verbal tongue-lashing.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan, you seem to forget that she does represent some in Pittsfield. The unfortunate issue is that the people she represents (illegal immigrants) don’t pay taxes.

They can get a DL thanks to Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants).

Letter: Rep. Farley-Bouvier owes her constituents better answers about her priorities | Letters To Editor |

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Another serious problem the foreign imports that are coming in here really don’t know the traffic.I’ve seen them go in and out of traffic walking and most recently if you listen to the police scanner I heard three or four pulled over for driving Infractions, one was from Turkey one was from the state of Washington and one was from Columbia?

Hellin Knudsen
Hellin Knudsen
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Isn’t that where the American mafia is Washington State?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier has been on Beacon Hill since the Fall of 2011, which is a little over 11 years now. In all of that time, she has done nothing except sponsor a state law to give illegal immigrants Driver’s Licenses. This year, 2023, she is telling her constituents that her top priority is to decriminalize sex work in Massachusetts.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


Letter: “Rep. Farley-Bouvier owes her constituents better answers about her priorities”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 21, 2023

To the editor: Contrary to Sten Spinella’s Feb. 11 report, I do not blame House Speaker Ronald Mariano for state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier’s inaction on single-payer health care and transparency.

The blame rests squarely on Farley-Bouvier’s shoulders. Last year, 9,306 Pittsfield voters, 75 percent of those who voted, instructed her to advocate for single-payer health care. She was also instructed by 10,588 Pittsfield voters, 86 percent of those who weighed in on the issue, to push for public committee votes.

With manifest disregard for her duty as our representative, Farley-Bouvier has stated that she will not work to deliver single-payer health care and has repeatedly spurned grassroots efforts to make the Legislature’s work more transparent to voters.

What was clear from two January meetings with Farley-Bouvier I attended is that she sees her job as staying in the good graces of the speaker, not representing her constituents. With no credible threat to her incumbency — Massachusetts’ elections are among the least competitive in the nation — she ignores the will of her district’s voters with impunity. Like a craven medieval courtier worried about keeping her head attached to her body, our representative is apparently motivated by fear and favor of the king. Farley-Bouvier’s base pay is $73,654, up 4.42 percent this year thanks to a raise the Legislature rammed through in 2018. On top, she gets an expense stipend of $27,290.77, up a whopping 20 percent over last year. And then there are the leadership stipends, which range from $7,000 to almost $90,000, for which our representatives are utterly beholden to the speaker. This year, she will receive a leadership stipend of $20,469.

So it is no surprise that Farley-Bouvier will not fight for single-payer health care. As she herself explained, it might infringe on the speaker’s pet constituency: community hospitals.

Given that the leadership sets the agenda for the legislative session and our representatives simply do the speaker’s bidding, why are they paid at all? What work are they doing on our behalf? Farley-Bouvier´s pet issue this two-year session? Decriminalizing “those who are prostituted.” Why? I asked. Because they are voiceless, I was told.

So, it turns out, are we. Not only have we no voice in the Legislature, but we won’t even know how our representative votes in committee. Our representative wants us to trust her to tell us what we need to know.

Democracy in the Bay State is in deep, deep trouble.

Jeanne Kempthorne, Pittsfield

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
2 years ago

Apparently the mayor is having a fireworks display this Saturday at the Common. City is rolling in so much cash that she is doing fireworks in the dead of winter. F you taxpayers. ha ha…She can do whatever the hell she wants with your money and no one can say or do a damn thing about it. Right Barry? And if the taxpayers start bitching because you had money for fireworks but not give them a tax break tell them to all go to hell. Idiots.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

And if we need directions how to get to Hell, they’ll happily lead the way. Or send us Worldwide.

2 years ago

The far left is trying to get rid of single family homes. Nevada and California have already banned single family homes. Their ultimate goal is to get rid of quiet living. They want people piled on top of each other in huge apartment buildings. That won’t apply to themselves and the very wealthy who will still have their privacy and quiet lifestyle. Eventually no single family homes will be allowed by the far left. In Connecticut they are trying to cram over 300 people into a lot that was originally for a single family home. That sounds like a nightmare scenario with noise, chaos, and a lack of privacy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Hellin Knudsen
Hellin Knudsen
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

How do I donate to any of the candidates in the upcoming November election?

Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

“ Their ultimate goal is to get rid of quiet living. They want people piled on top of each other in huge apartment buildings.”

Seriously? No doubt you’ve been sleeping on a MyPillow 2.0!

2 years ago

I will do anything for love… … … , but I won’t Wang Chung tonight!!!

2 years ago

Keep your farmers close & your pharmers closer ; ]