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ADD 1 JULY 20 9 A.M. — THE PLANET received this from the Pittsfield Police Department:

On Thursday July 20, 2023 just before 2:00am Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) officers were dispatched to The Berkshire Crossing Parking Lot located at 555 Hubbard Avenue for a report of a shooting.  A caller reported that two victims had been shot.  The subsequent investigation revealed that 19 year old Pittsfield resident Ryan Starbird had discharged a firearm inside of a vehicle within the parking lot.  The shooting resulted in gunshot injuries to both Starbird and another adult male.  Officers provided medical aid to both parties. Officers located one shell casing on scene.

Both Starbird and the other party, who is a resident of Pittsfield, were transported to Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) where they are currently being treated for their injuries.  

If you wish to provide information about this incident, please contact Detective Murphy at 413-448-9700 x582.  Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411). 

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 19, 2023) — Allow THE PLANET to get this out of the right quick: Everyone running for public office is a “good guy.” In their personal lives, they are saints, pure as the driven White House snow. It shouldn’t have to be said, but this is Picklefield, home of political thin skins and lightweights.

With THE PLANET it’s strictly professional and never personal.

———- ooo ———-

Speaking of the latest in Picklefield’s Profiles in Kourage, c’mon down “Porkchop” Pete White.

When 12 days ago our producer invited Porkchop to an hour interview with THE PLANET, ‘Chops agreed.


———- ooo ———-

Funny how things can change so quickly.

Seems The Suits have been getting nervous lately. Porkchop’s masters heard about their bondslave’s show of independence and lowered the boom on their Coscon white duck [SEE TEXT BELOW]. Porkchop flipped.

Late Monday night, THE PLANET contacted Porker.



I just read your note to [REDACTED].

First you agree to do an hour with me, then you don’t because of “the name calling and lack of respect.” Your privilege, of course, but is this solely your choice or was this an organized effort? 

Be man enough to explain to me face-to-face. You owe it to me but more to yourself, actually, if character means anything to you. 




Pete responded:


There was a point where you wrote articles on things going on in the City, you had your radio show, and you were a respectful journalist. When I read the last few articles on your website today I did not see that respectful fighting for the little guy, I saw mean spirited name calling and a demeanor we do not need it politics today. Before it seemed to be your commenters under assumed names that did the name calling.

I did originally agree to do candidate discussions, which had no specified time or date. I guessed it would be a forum with other candidates. After reading the articles you are doing now, I have no interest taking part in any of it.

Read Councilor Persip’s post about why he is not participating either. After reading it I did a long read of Planet Valenti, something I have not done in a very long time.

I wish you well and I will always enjoy hearing you talk about baseball.

Have a good night Dan.

Also, this is solely my choice.







Thanks for responding. What you cite should provide all the more reason to come on with me, so you can refute what I say and make your points that way. This would be a one-on-one interview, just me and you. Online journalism is that way. My circulation hasn’t rivaled that of the Eagle’s website just because I’m doing stories on the upcoming Rotary Breakfast. 

If you’ve watched any of the ones I’ve done recently (PLANET VALENTI VIDEO on YouTube) you will see that I am still all the journalist I used to be. I treat my guests with respect, it’s all professional, and we get into REAL questions, not fluff (“What’s your favorite color, councilor?”). I should think you’d be open to that.

You would do your cause well to reconsider. What say?





What I say is no thank you. I am not looking to debate you, I will spend plenty of time discussing issues with the other candidates in the race. Your articles and the way you talk about people in them is not something I want to promote. Your Mayoral debate was fine, however your articles do not reflect the same good nature.

Have a good night,

Pete White



Of course, you wouldn’t be “promoting” me by appearing before the cameras, much less “debating” me. That’s a misconception on your part. All I am offering is a platform to promote YOUR views and to take questions about them. Your agreement in the first place, and then your sudden change of mind, is the sort of inconsistency that does not serve citizens whatsoever. It also leaves the strong impression that you are running scared of honest, tough, fair questioning. Is the fluff more your style?





Thanks for the offer. Hope you have a nice day.

Pete White



Thus our correspondence ends.

Later, we heard from a highly-placed city hall source with whom we shared Pete’s back-wrenching reversal. Obviously, we can’t identify the source, but it’s not anyone running for public office: “They are an organized block. The coordinate ALL of their marketing, right down to each street sign. Therefore, they coordinate their interaction with press and interviews. Persip dropped out, therefore PW saw that and quits too because doing an interview makes Persip look weak. Coordinated message, ‘We are gentlemen. We shan’t dirty our fine reputations.’ This is the revelation of your calling them to the mic.”

Of course, in the case of “Dumpster Earl Persip and Porkchop, fat politicians who hide from voters, low annual turnout at the polls ensures that they capture a majority of a small % of the total electorate. They cut a wet fart, and that’s enough for the Special Interests to hijack another election. Thus, these likes get installed in office.

Think of the heavy cost they pay in terms of self-respect, because at the end of the day, they can’t hide from themselves.

What shame.


Every time a politician lies, a devil gets his horns” — Zuzu, all grown up.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Most of our leadership cabal are so out of touch with the lives of everyday people they have no idea of what everyday life for the average citizen is like nor how they think. The cabal lives in their own little world. As such, they are on the outside looking in trying to figure it out. In the past they would try to talk with the citizens and figure it out. Nowadays they ignore the citizens and are afraid of serious journalists who will throw change up’s they aren’t ready for. They are also so narcistic they cannot feel their way around a group of people.

This Just In
This Just In
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Latest list : those with a star are on the ballot

This list was last updated on July 18, 2023

Craig C. Gaetani
*Karen M. Kalinowsky
John Michael Krol
*Peter M. Marchetti
David Donald Webber

*Michele Marie Benjamin

Kathleen Archey Amuso
*Craig Benoit
*Alisa L. Costa
Karen M. Kalinowsky [Withdrawn reported 7/10/23]
Lucas Marion
Daniel T. Miraglia
Jonathon R. Morey [Withdrawn reported 6/26/23]
*Earl George Persip, III
*Peter T. White

*Kenneth Warren

Brittany Katarina Bandani
Craig Benoit [Withdrawal reported 5/9/23]
*Alexander Blumin
Charles I. Kronick
*Soncere Marie Williams

Alisa L. Costa [Withdrawal reported 5/17/23]
Daniel T. Miraglia
*Bill Tyer
*Matthew J. Wrinn

*James Bryan Conant

*Patrick Kavey
Ocean L. Sutton

Edward James Carmel
Craig C. Gaetani
Dina Guiel Lampiasi

*Anthony V. Maffuccio

*Jonathon R. Morey
Rhonda L. Serre

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

It’s unfortunate that Pete and Earl choose to begin their campaign by attacking this blog. Guys, you’ve both been on the city council for quite some time. Shouldn’t oi both be telling voters why the city is a better place as a result of the things you have done and will do? Please tell us of your accomplishments?

Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

Ha,ha that is a funny one. If they would tell the Kapanski’s what they did to benefit or make the Pits better you would only hear the sound of crickets, as Dan says. The only ones they benefit. besides themselves. are the restaurants they go to to celebrate their latest screwing of the taxpayer!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

Before it seemed to be your commenters under assumed names that did the name calling”

And just how many of my fellow councilors get into the name-calling fetish under assumed names here? I recognize three voices thus far.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

It’s easier to say who doesn’t skulk here than does. Certain Maffuccio and Kalinowsky do not post. Of those who do, one is a surprising name and goes completely out of ‘council-character.’

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Some of the councilors disparage those who speak in the public session when they think the wrong people aren’t around.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

You just know Wavy Kavey must. Based on age alone he has to be a keyboard warrior who gets his endorphins jolted through winning internet points. Problem with his ilk is they are now emboldened to come out from behind the keyboard and label people as Nazi’s in person if they don’t conform to the recent buzzwords

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

I’d sure like to hear how we are better off because of what these two have done as city councilors. For that matter I’d like to hear from all incumbents and former city councilors who are seeking local office. And new candidates please share your views. My first question to new candidates is; after 8 years of Linda Tyer is Pittsfield a better place to live?

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

It’s a crime infested dump! full of Junkies, Beggars, petty Thieves, the Parks are full of trash and permanent drug addiction and hopelessness. The last campaign Clown shoes Shagrue and Bowler promised a shangri -La this city would be. Nada! ziltch!! worse than ever. Now these Clowns are full of promises. On an On we go. More talk BARF!!

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

It’s unfornuate any of them are still there. Dump Em.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Sarcasm: I just finished interviewing Pete White. I asked Pete White why Pittsfield public schools are rated Level 5 by the state. Pete White said that public education in Pittsfield symbolizes the failed leadership of out-of-touch political insiders like himself. I asked Pete White why Pittsfield is always rated in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime. Pete White said that violent crime in Pittsfield should be stopped by Voltron, Batman, and sci-fi geeks like himself. I asked Pete White about the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with its millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities. Pete White said that PEDA symbolizes the postindustrial rust belt that plagues the U.S.A. I asked Pete White about the $205.6 million municipal operating budget, the double digit increases in water and sewer fees, the around $100 million in city debt, the over $400 million in OPEB unfunded liabilities, and the fiscal sustainability of Pittsfield’s “cooked books”. Pete White said that excessively high municipal spending and debts will attract consumers who rack up credit card debts and when all else fails, declare bankruptcy. I asked Pete White why he is next in line to be the Pittsfield City Council President under would-be Mayor Pete Marchetti. Pete White said that he likes the sound of two Peters screwing the fictional Kapanski family out of their hard-earned money. I told Pete White that is already taking place in Pittsfield politics. Pete White said that the purpose of Pittsfield politics is to spend as much “Kapanski Ka$h” as humanly possible. I asked Pete White why Andrea Harrington, Karen Kalinowsky, Earl Persip, and now Pete White are declining blogger Dan Valenti’s interview requests. Pete White said that campaigning for elected office is all about political strategy, and that he will win more votes by avoiding Planet Valenti than by associating with blogger Dan Valenti’s coverage of Pittsfield politics. Pete White said that he will win more votes by telling blogger Dan Valenti that Pittsfield politics doesn’t need his negativity. I asked Pete White about all of the aforementioned negative issues we discussed. He said that it is easier to scapegoat blogger Dan Valenti to talk about the city’s failed leadership. I told Pete White that he is perfect for Pittsfield politics!

Club J Medication
Club J Medication
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

And you should’ve told Pete White Hes gotta stay the course because he’ll be the next city council president. His dream.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Club J Medication
1 year ago

Staying the course for White is remaining Gavel Man’s appendage.White is in just about every Gavel Man’s campaign pictures at functions.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Can a married couple serve on a city council? Would that be a conflict of interest?

asking for a friend.

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Latent homosexual

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

For once a JM post that makes sense.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  12 Gauge
1 year ago


Thanks John!

1 year ago

Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.
Noam Chomsky

a fan
a fan
Reply to  4Q
1 year ago

Chomsky be da man.

Mr. X
Mr. X
1 year ago

Time rekindle the bullet vote. Craig Benoit

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

This will be interesting.

Your readers attacked you when you went after Kal-el for not agreeing to come on your show. They defended her position and said why should she, you called her names; Appiliation inbread I believe.

Now you attack “Pork Chop”, will they defend White, or attack him?

I’m, guessing full blown attack. Ah, the double standard.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

You never chime in when the spotlights on you Dirty Barry Clairmont, aka-Mr. Worldwide, so I’ll ask you again.

How many illegal aliens do you and Ms. Mayor plan to take into your house? You have a large house, for just the two of you. Your wife talks a big game about how diversity helps drive the city forward, so QUIT TALKING and step up to the plate. Diversify your house Mr. Worldwide.

Show us peasants what ‘leadership’ looks like.

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Mr White does not display real time diligence to his constituency. He is one of the pretend councilors. A bona fide rubber stamper if you will. A special interest councilor. Appears to have taken the job to further his own agenda as opposed to the people he swore an oath for. He has openly disrespected the oath of office he swore to.

See the difference?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  fizzlehead
1 year ago

Swearing allegiance to the Flag of the US doesn’t mean much in a Commonwealth City Hall meeting. The relevant one is the Baystate flag. No oaths are disrespected.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

It don’t mean much at The Crack House, er White House either.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

What about a white flag. That is the one where you surrender your allegiance to the community and give it to the mayor.

snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

Why are these guys posting pics of them campaigning at the boys club camp? Do those kids vote? What is the message? Not getting it.

(and pete, I do not believe for one second that it is totally your decision not to participate) Puppets do not make their own decisions and you know that well.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

We’ve all heard the stories

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago


Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Why are they camping against Dan Valenti? Is he running for something?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Hell Toupee
1 year ago

Campaigning not camping

The downtown umbrella guy
The downtown umbrella guy
1 year ago

Perfectly on brand for Dan. Call this man Pee Pee Piss boy, fat food photo check-in, and rip into his hobbies for YEARS. Then when he decides, “maybe i should distance myself from the smear blog” Dan doubles down and its like watching a circus.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
1 year ago

What has Pete White done for Pittsfield?

Sub ‘n Beef
Sub ‘n Beef
1 year ago

White and Persip can afford to snub Dan because there’s no at-large race this year. Marchetti is in a different situation so he has to hold his nose and sit with Dan and laugh at Dan’s jokes.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Sub ‘n Beef
1 year ago

There may be an at-large race. 7 people have pulled papers so far.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Are any of them NOT being backed by special interests though.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Dan Miraglia. Craig Benoit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I need to write those two names down. Everyone should. But the puppet material is significant in the other five.

and why do so many folk allow themselves to be used like that? Is it material gain or do they just not have any self respect?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

“and why do so many folk allow themselves to be used like that? Is it material gain or do they just not have any self respect?”

Both. Pay in, get credits, cash out.
Higher political office, sweetheart jobs.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

The special interests might not be backing some looking to get into elected positions now, but once in special interests will do their best to get them on board with what they want and need. Some current officials were brought on board and most know the names of those who were.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

What has Hollyweird MSM and Leftists pedo-panties in a bunch?

Sound of Freedom

Free link

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Dan, I’ve come to expect no less from the ‘leaders’ of Picklefield. They are just following the new democRAT playbook set in motion by China Joe Xiden.

There’s need to talk to the media anymore, unless it’s on their terms. And if it’s not on their terms, do exactly what Porkchop Pete did, use excuses like ‘name calling,’ or saying that an interview would be ‘unproductive,’ and not serve a purpose.

It’s all a smoke screen to avoid answering tough questions and to be held accountable. If a grown man gets butt hurt by name calling, that pretty much says it all. Porkchop Pete White is a spineless wimp.

Keep in mind voters, a vote for Marchetti, is a vote for Porkchop Pete to be council Prez. He’s pretty much gone on record with Dan, as saying he doesn’t need to answer to you, the taxpayers. He only answers to his masters. That equals a RUBBER STAMPER for the mayor (elect).

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

A vote for Krol is a vote for Moon to be 2nd in command. Either way the people of Pittsfield loose

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  John Dutton
1 year ago

If Moon is involved with his campaign, Krol and Moon are hiding it well. Is she definitely involved?

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

saw Melissa Mazzeo at his last event

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

That would be a complete 360 for Helen “Handgun” Moon to support an older, white, male.

Not sure I’m buying that.

I thought the Boston Police incident traumatized Handgun so much, she had to leave politics.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  John Dutton
1 year ago

Lumpy Marchetti used to sit in the audience when Moon chaired committee meetings and text her instructive commands.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

and you can take that to the bank!

1 year ago

Karen Kalinowsky had her first voter get together and actually gave a list of things she wants to accomplish if elected Mayor. Budgeting by necessity instead of by past budgets. Does that mean less money for the schools? She does want to hire more teachers and paraprofessionals. She wants to fix highways and streets. Sidewalks are falling apart so I’m all for that. I’ve ended up with bruised knees several times while trying to take a peaceful walk through my neighborhood. She wants to address homelessness and give a voice to the people. I especially like that since government keeps telling us what is best for us. They need to hear from us and do what we say for a change.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pat
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Pat: I will tell you what the retired Pittsfield Police Officer named Karen Kalinowsky really wants as the next would-be Mayor of Pittsfield politics. She wants to collect her city public pension plus perks and then double dip into the public trough by increasing her loot by making an additional $115,725 per fiscal year plus perks on top of her city pension. She wants to double her city pension after one or two 4-year terms as Mayor. How do I know this? The answer is that in 2010, then North Adams State Representative Dan Bosley retired from serving in the Boston State House for 24 years. In 2010, Dan Bosley unsuccessfully campaigned against Tom Bowler for the elected state government position of Berkshire County Sheriff, which pays between well over $100,000 to close to $200,000 per fiscal year plus state public perks. Dan Bosley wanted to collect his state pension and take home the loot as a would-be Sheriff, and then he wanted to double or possibly even triple or even quadruple his state pension after serving one to two terms as “The High Sheriff of Nottingham” – more like Boss Hogg. To corrupt career politicians, it is all about their public pay plus perks, including a lucrative city, state or federal public pension for life. Everything else that Karen Kalinowsky is promising is more HOT AIR in Pittsfield politics. She is a FRAUD! I see right through her propaganda and phony political strategy of blaming Mayor Linda Tyer and her 6 rubber stamp City Councilors for everything that is wrong in Pittsfield politics.
Jon Melle

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

So was the Challenger before it exploded and became nothing.

comment image&w=3840&q=75

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Probably from too much friction!

Easy solution
Easy solution
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Stop, drop & roll.

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

You are a clown

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Jonathan everything that is wrong in pittsfield politics is because of secretary tyer and her 6 rubber stamps. The rest of your post deserves a B+

Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
1 year ago

Part of the issue but the rael issue has been the 60 year rule of the Democrats. One party rule is a terrible thing

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

I know, with confidence, that what you say is false. Disgraceful language and a real low for you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

What is disgraceful is that the corrupt career politicians are making a lot more money than a majority of the people and taxpayers the serve in the government. Karen Kalinowsky stands to not only collect her current city pension, but if she is elected Mayor of Pittsfield in 2023, she will make $115,725 on top of still collecting her city pension. If she retires after serving as Mayor of Pittsfield years from now, taxpayers will pay around an estimated $4 million during her retirement years if she lives to an old age of around 85 or older. Adding up all of the taxpayer money she has, is and would be collecting, Karen Kalinowsky will cost taxpayers around $6 million over the course of her adult life if she is elected Mayor of Pittsfield. She is only one single person. Given my blind estimates, Karen Kalinowsky is hypocritically promising to lower municipal spending in Pittsfield without telling voters that she herself stands to financially benefit greatly off of the taxpayers. I stand by my language saying Karen Kalinowsky is a fraud.

In 2010, we saw a very similar scheme happen when Dan Bosley retired and collects his state pension, and unsuccessfully run for Berkshire County Sheriff in hopes of making a 6-figure state salary on top of collecting his state pension. Dan Bosley went onto be a greedy registered lobbyist on Beacon Hill and beyond. Sarcasm: He is a real advocate for the common people and taxpayer….and when Dan Bosley pastes wings on pigs, the winged pigs fly around the Golden Dome atop of the Boston Statehouse on Beacon Hill!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

“I stand by my language saying Karen Kalinowsky is a fraud.”

Language == ‘blah blah blah’ – the point you make is a calumny. You confuse outcome with intentions. Your allegations are completely false.

Some here call you a fraud, JM; I do not. Bad words to direct to a stranger.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I find it ironic that a man like JM, who has never worked in any career field or held any long term, meaningful employment, in his adult life, calls a woman who retired as a 30-year police officer, a “fraud.”

JM have you even worked and collected a regular paycheck since your Army days of 25+ years ago or at any point during your adult life?

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

If Melle had any credibility at all he seems to be trying to lose it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

JM, could it be that she’s just sick and tired of the BS by Flat Tyer and her cronies and Karen’s not worried about “double dipping” for her pension?

Keep in mind, Karen lives here and pays taxes, you don’t. Easy for you to say what’s good and what’s not for Picklefield, when you have no skin in the game.

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

“JM, could it be that she’s just sick and tired of the BS by Flat Tyer and her cronies and Karen’s not worried about “double dipping” for her pension?”

That is accurate.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

The blowhard barometer never goes higher than when John Krol speaks.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Simple test for budgeting: ask yourself, if you send a hat around town and tell people they must contribute for you to fund it, would they?

I’m betting no one would contribute a dime for a Chevy Volt for the parking meter person. They would likely decline a nickel out of their pockets for bonus pay for HR directors and the like.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

That is like asking for people to fund congress. You wouldn’t get a dime for that either.

Dumb questions, dumb answers.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Yes, I agree that your answer is pretty absurd. Dumb!

I would decline to fund much of Congress. You realize that almost the entire state of Virginia works for the Fed. Government. It was once red, but now quite blue indeed.

Yes, I would happily decline to give them even a dime for the next thirty years….

Thanks again for making my point.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

So do you agree that doing a forensic audit using CPA money is a great idea? Think of all the money the city might claw back from untold wasteful practices that could be used for authentic city needs.

Would you agree that saddling our children and their children and their children and their children with enormous city debt is not a great thing for them to look forward to when they have so many other more pressing needs for their hard earned money?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

You never answered, how many illegal aliens are you taking in Barry? It helps “diversify” the city, states your wife, the mayor.

Step up to the plate and show us commoners’ ‘leadership’ and not just talk.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

“That is like asking for people to fund congress.”

So, I thought this through. If Congress asked me to contribute to their pot, I’d definitely decline.

More money in my pocket. More money to spend here. Richard Neal would be sad, of course. He’d have to get a job closer to home.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Most of what has been funded by Flat, would get a spit/lunger in the hat.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

No oversight on spending. Puppets preconditioned not to ask why? Horrible stewards and watchdogs. Ran for office for all the wrong reasons. Sad for their neighbors and even extended family. Selfish.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Speaking of parking enforcement, I had to make a stop on North St. yesterday. My daughter parked and we went into my destination stop. I noticed the little enforcement car with its yellow flashing lights scurrying around like no tomorrow to bust as many as possible as quickly as possible. Just seeing that alone will make it feel and look more unwelcoming for traveler$ right from the get go than it already is. Why would they want to stop and visit businesses if this is the first impression of what might be in store for them before they even get of their vehicle?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Funny you should mention that. On Friday July 14th there was an OUR OPINION column in the local suggesting that Pittsfield “rethink” its parking situation including the meter maid folk.
I guess no one really knows what shadow people write this anonymous column but it may be the people who advise the administration from behind the scenes. And they seem to suggest that the parking situation may not be working out so well.
Anybody know just how much money is collected weekly if the fines are $30 a whack? And who keeps track and where does the money go? Sure are aggressive about parking and collecting big money on North street for some reason.

Meanwhile around the city you have people parking in the fire lanes at almost every store and bank and mini mall. Nobody seems to ride heard on those folk though. Kinda selective concern if you ask me.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

It seems trying to find any information on ARPA $ Pot tax $ Parking $ is purposely made hard to know how much is in each account and where any of the money from each was used for. Only if they would expose both sets of books to the citizens would we know.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

With all the involved overhead it makes me wonder how much money does the kiosk scheme actually generate?

Rule 27
Rule 27
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

She’s one of the few councilors that actually try to help Pittsfield residents. Most councilors seem to think they represent the mayor.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Rule 27
1 year ago

Might be a great college paper for some student to take the minutes of the Pittsfield city council for the last eight years and detail how many times each individual councilor questioned an expenditure of the mayors.
And how many times they just said “Yes ma’am spend that money now! And please hurry””

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Persip’s favorite phrase; “it’s just a drop in the bucket.”

Reply to  Rule 27
1 year ago

I know you can’t compare the budgets of Pownal, Vt. and Pittsfield, but you can compare how they put the budgets together. Pownal’s tax rate has gone down for the second year in a row. to save you from reading the whole article it really comes down to these two sentences:

Speaking of the municipal budget, board Chairman Mike Gardner said it represented “great work by everybody – our department heads, everybody here in the office; penny-pinching and busting our chops about spending money. Just a good all-around effort by everyone.”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  acheshirecat
1 year ago

I’m willing to go out on a limb here and say that Powell, VT, does not have the race hustlers and race grifters that Picklefield does.

In Picklefield, we give large sums of ARPA taxpayer money to a non-existent black business (BBEC), so they can show others how to start up a black-owned a business. I know, try and wrap your head around that.

But to top that, instead of using ARPA money to lower the tax and sewer rates, another race hustler used her ARPA winnings to take her family and friends on an African vacation, that we all paid for.

Just biz as usual in Picklefield.

Trying to get any answers on how much ARPA money is left, the criteria on how it was awarded originally, and if these award recipients must keep a detailed accounting for future reference, is like trying to get a seat at Michael Douglas’ Star Chamber.

Last edited 1 year ago by Markus Aurelius
The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

The councilors current and former who are running for Mayor will all continue to raise you taxes 10% per year…..It is time for a City manager and 7ward councilors and no at large councilors.These candidates won’t answer questions on extremely high taxes in Pittsfield Ma.Tyer was always a non player and was well rewarded for her time

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Planet posters: unless Turn out is stratospheric the rot that is today will be tomorrow and the day after etc.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

They like low turnout, and they flood the ballots with fake candidates. A lot of phones were ringing this past month.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

And that is one more reason they are against referendums of any sort. Referendums bring people out to the polls and so please for the sake of predictable election results can we have no referendums? Just let the unions take care of it. They will represent your wishes and needs (like city councilors do) so just stay home and make sure the cat has enough crunchies.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
1 year ago

Need to talk a lot about that in the last few weeks.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

How about voting in some non-Democrats?

Democrats seem to be a common theme to Pittsfield’s, and most cities problems.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Maybe someone could do some research, into how many Democrats have held CC and/or Mayor positions in the last 40 years, verses ANY other party?

That would take us back to before GE “settlement/capitulation” days.

Might explain a lot.

I’m guessing > 20:1

You could follow up with a poll. Who did you consider good mayor or CC.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

TSC why is Adelaide St closed to through traffic??? I drove down it and there was nothing wrong. Does someone live on that street?

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

I believe they want to re route people coming from or to east new Lenox road instead of them going straight across? someone is going to get rear ended there. I get slowing traffic but this is a main road and people just need to stop at stop signs… Its pretty simple. maybe enforce some traffic violations? I guess they have to just keep on spending money in order to get it again next year. Its been fine there for many many years with one horrible accident many years ago do to someone running the sign.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 year ago

I suggest that wow white and precept I was so concerned about respect that they show some to the people during their open mic comment. That includes rolling your eyes looking like you’re half asleep and bored to death.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Imagine if these people did the work to earn respect rather than expect respect just because they are in a local government position how different things would be for all? Power trip’s from some these people lead to treating citizens with disrespect.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

They are getting all the respect they need from the special interests who backed their run for office. They feel they were put there to rubber stamp and they are fulfilling that agenda. Just observe the puffed up egos as they strut about looking down upon the lowly fools who they conned into voting for them.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

They all are employed by the citizens. Thus they should be open and beholding to them. Not despots.

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Oh wow,cool,oh wow,cool that’s what the school committee other than level 5 education sends out each morning on WTBR. Someone should tell the host his facial descriptions cannot be seen on the radio. Today he has Artists on. Do schools have an class in that anymore? How many students are listening to this show during the summer? Exactly bone. This is the point it’s nothing but a feel good hour for politicians and the artsy losers from n y.

1 year ago

Cos Play Counselor Pee Pee White made an interest statement, he doesn’t have to talk to the taxpayer or voter. The council talks amongst themselves the issues of Pittsfield and decide what to do. there is no need for any interactions with the “little smelly people”. He then said go away I have some play to get back to!!

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Out Side of anybody that wants to vote for Peter he doesn’t give a crap about. But he will surely increase your taxes.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

New moniker for dealing with “woke” people/corporations: The Bud Lite treatment.

Benign and most effective.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Democrats eating one of their own, trying to censor RFK Jr . It’s not playing out well for those “inclusive, tolerant” liberals.

LIVESREAM VIDEO: ** FIREWORKS** at Judiciary Hearing with Robert Kennedy Jr – Unhinged, Irate Democrats Lash Out to Protect Censorship of Americans

“Every Statement You Made About Me is Inaccurate…These Are Defamations Used to Censor Me” – RFK Jr. Goes Scorched Earth on Nasty Democrat After She Slanders and Advocates Censoring Him During Her Opening Statement (VIDEO)

EO: Robert Kennedy, Jr. Responds to Vicious Smears and Lies Against Him by Democrats and Media – Calls for Unity

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

More on “inclusive tolerant” liberals eating their own………

You Can’t Make This Up: House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship (VIDEO)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I want to see RFK Jr , debate Traitor Joe.

That would have people spitting up with whatever beverage they were sipping, laughing at Biden.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

BS Dan. Just because Karen doesn’t want to be part of your show doesn’t mean she isn’t on the side of the taxpayer. Personally I wouldn’t take part in it either because you have already shown which candidate floats your boat.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Amazing, isn’t it? I love RFK and his kahunas in challenging the O’Biden farcical administration. I don’t agree with all of RFK’s viewpoints but I do admire him for taking a stand against vaccine mandates & medical tyranny.
Great post Trap.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

If Trump and RFK Jr joined up as Independents, they’d win a landslide and save America.

For each their own “party” hates them. A good thing which shows they care about Americans/America.

RFK Jr would win POTUS 2028 and 2032.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

Kalinowsky is your best choice for Mayor. Get out & show up to support her. Dump Persip, Kavey, Dina & White. Why isn’t anyone running against Conant?
Clean out the deadwood, Krol & Marchetti included!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

Write in Kronick too.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Ward 2 votes Blumin.

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Yes give Alex a try.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Why, he said he doesn’t want to run. If he gets voted in and states he doesn’t want to be a CC, do the taxpayers have to pay for a special election? Or, is he playing a head game with all of us? He has had plenty of time to take his name off the ballot!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

P.S. Hard working taxpayers are tired of the head games being played constantly in our City government.

K Mvpeak
K Mvpeak
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

If you want checks and balances City Council change is critical.

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
1 year ago

The fact that these are the choices is Frightening to say the least. I would love for someone to stand outside of a busy Market 32 and simply ask customers who is running for Mayor of Pittsfield.

I would bet 80% wouldn’t have a clue or simply don’t give a rats A$$. Hopelessness has taken over this city and you can thank whomever you choose and we have many to choose from.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Any updates, about the outstanding “tuff to to get” Mass pistole permit holder, who shot himself and other at the mall?

That’s Wild Bill Hickok shooting!!! Two hits with just one shot.

Isn’t shooting a firearm in a vehicle illegal?

Just sayin
Just sayin
1 year ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Jason Aldean’s “Small Town” #1 on itunes, after “Country (sic)” Music Television, bans it.

CMT getting the “Bud Lite” treatment.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Jason Aldean’s “Small Towm” #1 on itunes.

After CMT bans it.

Time to “Bud Lite” CMT

To the folks who need the money but won’t sell the family forty Keep telling that suit and tie no To all them hidden county liners, little mom and pop diners Keep telling big money where to go Remember God only made so much real estate Tell the bank I’m gon’ take it to the graveLet’s keep the red dirt roads red dirt Keep the little white church, keep keeping God first Keep dragging that plow, keep the blue on your collar Keep the sweat on your dollar, keep the sins in the water And your roots in the ground Keep standing tall, the hell in your naw Here’s to all y’all keepin’ small towns smallTo the ones who rocking rust on a box-bodied truck Rev it up, keep that rubber burned down To the ones coming home to your homecoming queen Keep making that girl’s daddy proud To all of y’all fighting for that flag We gon’ hold it down till ya get backAnd keep the red dirt roads red dirt Keep the little white church, keep keeping God first Keep dragging that plow, keep the blue on your collar Keep the sweat on your dollar, keep the sins in the water And your roots in the ground Keep standing tall, the hell in your naw Here’s to all y’all keepin’ small towns smallTo the gone but not forgotten God, tell ’em we got ’em And we know they’re looking down on this townSo we gon’ keep them red dirt roads red dirt Keep the little white church, keep keeping God first Keep dragging that plow, keep the blue on your collar Keep the sweat on your dollar, keep the sins in the water And your roots in the ground Keep standing tall, the hell in your naw Here’s to all y’all keepin’ small towns small We keepin’ small towns small

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
1 year ago

How is Pittsfield better off now than when you became Mayor,Linda.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeKapanski
1 year ago

Begging bums at each intersection.

Camped out bums in the parks

Sewer water and real estate taxes up

Scohols worse

Bigger potholes in every street

Incompetent snow removal

Toilet plungers and bike lanes on North Street

$$$ for “woke” BS/friends

Crime encouraged

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

The Special Prosecutor will issue Don “The Rapist” a arrest warrant as early as tomorrow for leading the attack against the election of Joe Biden.The violent Coup which killed 4 police and injure 165 officers will go down in history as the 1st arrest of a ex President.Fatboy calling for violence.You guys love this loser of a punk.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

POTUS Trumps tweets , which were censored by twitter/THE FIB/ DOJ after his rally /speech J6, BEFORE CROWD GOT CLOSE TO CAPITOL BLG:


1) “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

2) “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

To TSC that is inciting an “insurrection”.

There were NO POLICE KILLED, but several citizens were murdered by DC police.

Where is Ray Epps?

“The violent coup”, was staged by unarmed patriotic American citizens who objected to a rigged election. THEIR RIGHTS AS AMERICANS.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

What exciting activity do they have in your locked ward tonight?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Is this why Biden has America involved in the war in Ukraine???

Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

This is the FBI’s FD-1023 UNCLASSIFIED form from the FBI’s most trusted informant that reveals then VP Joe Biden took a $5 million dollar bribe from Zlochevsky to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

Joe delivered by withholding $1 billion in US aid until Shokin was fired.

We were only allowed to see this unclassified form in a SCIF, but I took notes and told you all exactly what it said. Thank goodness Chuck Grassley had a copy from a courageous whistleblower and released it today!

But this form is dated June 30, 2020 and nothing was done. Bill Barr was AG at the DOJ and could have prosecuted, instead he handed it off to another US Attorney that did nothing either.

Also in 2020, before the presidential election, the FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop filled with evidence of multiple crimes including the same proof I showed during the Oversight hearing that Hunter payed prostitutes through his law firm and made sex tapes and posted them on porn sites. All of this was known and reported by banks in SARs reports and on Oversight we have proof of these payments in bank statements.

I ran out of time in the hearing yesterday, but wanted to ask the IRS whistleblowers if Hunter made money (income) by posting many sex tapes with victims he was paying to travel across state lines for sex (Mann Act violation)?

If so did he report his sex tape income and pay taxes on it? I think we all know the answer.

The Biden’s are the most corrupt criminals to ever hold the highest power in the land.

Republicans can no longer delay, but we need 218 Republican votes to do it.

I’ve been there since day one and so are the American people.


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

If so this is a violation of his sweetheart plea deal. Hunter needs 10 years in prison for his firearms violation.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Turn off FOX

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

54 years since Capt D-Ted Kennedy sank the USN Oldsmobile, and Massachusetts officials covered up why he left a woman inside to drown.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

All the bottom feeders. AKA gobsigs will be out in force on election day. They will be going to the polls to elect the top feeders AKA six rubber stampers. The main reason I decided to run against the least competent member of the city council Dina guiel is because I knew that I could not win the election against odds like that. Krol and Marchetti are failed city councilors who will be splitting the gobsig votes. Each will get
their share of the gobsigs leaving a paltry number of votes for me and kalanowski to split but not enough for either of us to win. It appears that we are doomed to accept krol or Marchetti or are we? Many people are starting to talk about the write in candidate but it may be too late to talk about this method for the up coming election. Or is it? I would like to have the opinions of all planet posters as to what they think about running a write in candidate for mayor. Will this work or is it wishful thinking? If enough support for this exists someone like me might consider doing this but I would have to see that support exists, lots of support. This is something I have pondered and I need to hear from everybody. In any event I am out to win the ward6 election and if I were to win both positions, this will be very exciting and new language will have to be written into the charter. This maybe a good way to challenge unopposed candidates like kavey or conant two complete losers and krol and Marchetti. This is my thought for the day. These are desperate times and we may need desperate actions to save our city. Let’s put our heads together

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Deep Diving Delmont

This Just In
This Just In
1 year ago

Being shot within city limits and surviving is just a Pittsfield vaccination

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  This Just In
1 year ago

How many vaccinations before you get lasting immunity?

This Just In
This Just In
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Depends on the lead content

Last edited 1 year ago by This Just In
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  This Just In
1 year ago

What about getting the booster?

Do you have to wait? Or get it right away?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mad Trapper
1 year ago

It is no mystery at all why politicians and other professionals are reluctant to be interviewed or otherwise be associated with this blog. As others have pointed out, the negativity of many of the posts and the downright unprofessional content of many others (posts by Son of George Wallace and City I Hate come to mind) are something that public figures do not want to promote or be associated with.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

What we need is a debate moderated by someone who’s been in as many countries as the common cold.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Kindergarden
1 year ago

All I ask of incumbent councilors is to tell us specifically how they have made Pittsfield a better place as a result of their service on the council. Also please tell us if Pittsfield has improved over the last eight years.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Dave Bubriski
1 year ago

If they answer these questions honestly there won’t be any need for any debates.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Don’t forget about the hot plow that ended up on Mr. Parsnip’s truck.

1 year ago

Another member of the Starbird family in trouble big fn surprise. That whole family has been a drain on society for years

Last edited 1 year ago by totaltruth2