(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 4, 2023) — What are the the ties that bind these three stories:
- AG Creates Gender-Affirming Office
- Biden Attacks Free Speech
- Gutter Politics Take Control in Picklefield?
THE PLANET explains.
Trans — Commonwealth AG Andrea Campbell has created a new office, with the bureaucratic bloat that goes with it, that will focus on “Gender Affirmation.”
With all the problems besetting Massachusetts, not the least of which is the influx of illegal (i.e., criminal) aliens in this “right to shelter” state, Campbell thinks the 0.06% of the population that identify as trans (source: UCLA Law and World Population Review) need more attention than the 99.94% of the people. Great priorities in this wokest state, all Democrat.
Censorship — As for the President, you may not know this but THE PLANET does, since free speech provides the cornerstone of this site. Specifics:
- On Sept. 11, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found the White House guilty of threatening Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube. Biden told company executive to censor protected speech it (Biden) considers politically unacceptable. Biden has now taken the ruling against him to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- The Biden Administration has performed an end run on the First Amendment, ordering his “social media attack dog” (source: Boston Herald) Rob Flaherty from the White House to a post on his campaign staff. This gets around the law prohibiting government censorship, since as a campaign employee, Flaherty is not technically a White House operative.
- Biden has threatened social media platforms with repealing liability immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Biden cites sites for failing to censor political ads that criticize him. As the Herald put it: “[T]his is a case about protecting the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans to post their views and freely access the views of others” — exactly what THE PLANET does.
No wonder Krol has the Establishment in a panic. Krol is not one of ‘Them.’ He burned those bridges five years ago. Now, he’s promising an outside, independent audit of the city books as well as zeroing in of the million-dollar bonanza in highly suspicious ARPA giveaways. The skunks are getting nervous.
The economy? Illegals flooding the U.S.? Biden thinks they are trivial issues. Perhaps why his approval rating is less than 30%. If he is the nominee, Donald Trump wins again.
Gutter Politics — The recent swing of local campaign coverage, mayoral, has dipped to a gutter-low never before seen in Picklefield. The Berkshire Eagle‘s publishing unproven and likely untrue accusations against mayoral candidate John Krol has only emboldened operatives working for Krol rival Peter Marchetti to ratchet up their smear campaign, those “whispers” that get repeated but not owned in public.
Someone asked THE PLANET, “Should the paper have held the story?” Answer: “Yes, until they had the facts and until they gave Krol a reasonable amount of time to respond.” The Eagle‘s own policy is five days. You give the attacked five days to answer the charges. The rag gave Krol 47 minutes, waiting to call him while he was attending his son’s soccer practice. Odd that reporter Meg Britton knew to call at that specific time, when Krol wasn’t at his desk or with access to information.
Do you see the connection among these stories?
Each narrative illustrates a government — state, federal, and local — dominated by radical woke Democrats, hijacked to perform the hits for the the ruling elite, The Suits, and the parasitic scum who live off them.
No wonder Krol has the Establishment in a panic.
Krol is not one of “Them.” He burned those bridges five years ago. He’s now an outsider. Once the casual voter realizes that, look out!
This “new” Krol promises as Job 1 and 2:
- an outside, independent audit of the city books.
- auditing the million-dollar bonanza in highly suspicious multimillion dollar ARPA giveaways.
- Firing Matt Kerwood as finance director.
- Hiring a full-time city auditor to find cost savings, root out corruption, monitor use of city vehicles, and more.
No wonder certain souls in and out of City Hall are getting antsy.
The commonality of these stories is of a people who have allowed democracy to die and woke totalitarianism to take its place.
On Election Day Nov. 7, at least Picklefield voters have a chance to fight back. John Krol is giving them that chance.
“How do I know he’s crooked? He’s a politician, ain’t he?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Thank God for you, Dan. Being one of the little guys, I feel like SOMEONE has to care about us.
Planet Valenti – home of ‘privileged free speech’
First Amendment is not a privilege.
Damned straight, SIR CHAZ. It is a Right. The government should make no limits made on free speech; instead, the reverse is happening, led by Biden and woke Dems.
Biden crime cartel needs to face treason charges
Pure idiocy. Biden isn’t banning books. And no one has a 1st Amendment right to lie about medical treatments.
CDC/FDA LIED ABOUT THE COVID JABS, for more than 2 years.
It continues today another covid shot it is all about the money.
Except Fauci !
There is a reason Freedom to exercise religion, presses is the First amendment. Not the second or fourth.
Exactly,and the evangelicals are demanding we become a Christian nation.We live in a country where everyone can choose to freely find their place as a non believer or a great person of faith with or without a church.Its that freedom that scares conservatives
Why did THE FIB, target Catholic churches?
Good question, MT. It’s ironic that the First Amendment in the founding days was probably most enjoyed by the minority Catholics who suffered from prejudice in the Protestant majority. They and the Quakers had a very different experience of religious liberty than the poor, sad, and abused atheist who shudders anytime someone references scriptures within their earshot.
Because the school board doesn’t meet in the summertime
Is a church a gym for exercising freedom of religion?
On the planet it is
Vain Valenti goes Kid Gloved on Krol Kitty Kash Kaper
There is an idea that Truth is found when two opposing people, each only possessing a small part of the Truth argue together. If they do so in order to determine the Truth, they must accept the other’s contribution, discard their errors, and figure out what is missing.
I think Confucius would argue with you on that and his views may even be diametrically opposed to those you cite.
But things, maybe even everything, is always in a state of flux, suggesting that one can be both right and wrong at the same time if one allows for the difference in time zones, some themselves in a state of flux and so making the matrix even more incomprehensible to the naked eye.
Confucious is to thinking as Yogi Berra is to philosophy.
Both are funny and sometimes useful.
Sadly, both have passed on and are currently unable to impart their wisdom or lack thereof. But if one or both of them were to suddenly appear on my doorstep, I would welcome them in and offer a spot of tea and a leftover crumpet.
Confucius say no one go to Chinese restaurant anymore because too crowded
SUM phunny like Yogi-san.
Dan phunny like Mussolini.
Sum Ting is really Wong.
If you see chopstick in road please take
It’s mooshoo chicken all over again
Your post shows you know squat about Confucius thought. You can start by spelling his name right.
Thank you, but I like it my way.
You can choose your spellings but not your facts.
You C-A-N choose your facts. Or don’t you know anything about politics? Choosing your facts is the only way to communicate when argumentation goes past the fail safe point, which it has done internationally, nationally, statewide, regionally, and, now and more to the point, locally.
Ok, on this site you can choose your spelling, and you can choose your facts.
America is dealing with the problem that we have the right to lie now.
You need to learn the difference between speech and screech
He speak confuciuosly.
John Krol is all about Jimmy Ruberto’s Rolodex & Renaissance failures of the past. He promises to reform the city’s financial shell games with a magical outside audit that will show that Mayor Linda Tyer and Matt Kerwood spent a record amount of “Kapanski Ka$h” over the past 8 years, as well as the recent Biden Buck$ bonanza. The problems with John Krol “The Reformer of Pittsfield politics” are that Jimmy Ruberto is a snake oil salesman, we already know that Tyer and Kerwood spent an excessive amount of city funds in return for “a shit sandwich”, and that the Biden Buck$ went to the special interests instead of to funding the costly water and sewer projects. John Krol is looking to the past, which is ugly in Pittsfield politics. Lastly, Mayor Linda Tyer is a good public manager who should not be the target of John Krol’s criticisms. She is right to endorse Peter Marchetti for Mayor of Pittsfield politics.
Speaking of looking to the past, there isn’t a day that goes bye that you don’t let people know about your past and especially the hostile looks past.
Has Lucy been mailing you samples?
I really have to say this Ruberto was the last Mayor to get anything done from trying to bring back the down town, he fought the methadone clinic, made sure the roads and public area was clean. John Barrett made sure the roads where plowed, sanded and taken care of. No mayor is perfect but he tried.
He was also the one who introduced eye popping tax increases and made them the norm. Check the budget the year before he took office and then his last? Oh yah…he did that by himself and he is a friend of Mr Krol. Just sayin
Some truth to that and Barrett was a great help. But then there is the ‘fake it until you make it’ economics that left North Street empty.
Pittsfield strives to improve. If you don’t want to help, get out of the way.
I’ m working on it k.
Wow Dan, when did you become Krol’s campaign Manager?
I think he’s just maintaining his role as counter-news. Whatever the Eagle says, must be bad. If it is in the MSM – counter. This model delivers max eyeballs.
A most insightful post, K. The alternative view provides the fuller picture.
K’s view is alternative reality
Krol deliberately used the bank account of a not-for-profit to pay his own bills because he didn’t have the money.
How you can not see that is on you.
“Deliberately.” Where’s the proof of intent? Can you look into his soul the way Bush Lite said he looked into Putin’s eyes, saw his soul, and knew that P was a good man? This non-story has taken the “tempest” not from a teapot but from a thimble and tried to magnify it into Hurricane Katrina. People who care about the truth of a story as well as its morality see right through this type of sensationalism.
There’s nothing sensational about it. Krol embezzled from a charity and got Allen Harris to pay the charity back so the charity wouldn’t go to the police.
As heard on ESPN: “Come on man!”
So what does that say about MSM?
I don’t know. Please just go ahead and tell us.
Once again, by arguing via innuendo you avoid the culpability of taking a position.
JD I was just going to post the same comment. The “new Krol” – lol! Maybe Mazzeo threw in the towel.
and trumps
Valenti and Daly get a lot of hate but they gave us the only honest and unedited look at the candidates before the preliminary. The raw video of Marchetti struggling to control his temper was more informative than any of the propaganda you’re going to get from the Eagle.
Both are for the forgotten citizen
Access to information? If Krol had access to information at his desk I think it would have shown him he was paying his bills with someone else’s money.
Why is he firing Matt Kerwood? Does he want us to believe that Matt was paying his bills for him?
Looks like you are doing a good job of running the Krol campaign. He has taken your advice and gone on the offensive. Deflect, deflect, deflect.
As always, MR. W, appreciate your feedback!
Going on the offensive was great advice, Dan. Of course, he could have told the absolute truth from the beginning but then that would have bit him hard in the tootsie kroll, right? The only thing left is the Trump offensive, deny, attack, blame, deny, attack, blame. It’s a disgraceful lack of accountability but hey, it got Trump elected.
Is any of the settlement money going to charity?
I guess not
Is Marchetti a Kerwood fan? I’m not so sure. He would bring in someone worse.
Going to fire Kerwood because he is useless
Maybe city auction off Kerwood bow tie
City auction cufflinks too. Make ten dolla.
Valenti no like-a da Kerwood.
Petition is on the burner
World & Nation
Book bans are on the rise in U.S. schools, fueled by new laws in Republican-led states
Pedophelia and trànsgender BS has no place in schools
That’s why you’re not allowed in schools.
Have you had the operation to complete Your trans-ition ýet?
You are 1000 % right on with this. How did we let this sick behavior get as far as it has.
Yes, pedophelia has no place in schools, or in churches.
Fake news. An adult can buy any book desired. There are many books liberal lunatics keep out of school libraries.
The lib-loons have done worse than ban. They have eviscerated books, particularly history books, and replaced fact with fiction, calling it fact.
Dan,are you not understanding that teachers are leaving in red states because they fear going to prison if they accidentally have a banned book in their classroon.They are in fear of the NAZI state.Fascist rule by fear.NAZI groups are welcome in Florida and the Governor is NAZI friendly like Trump….
Biden is funding Azov NAZIS in Ukraine
Fact is that you’re a Nutzi
About time that came out.
This books should be banned. If they are teaching this garbage to the kids they have no right teaching and should have the licenses taken and placed on national list so they can never get a license again. This is crap they are stuffing down peoples throats.
You are also 1000% right on with this. They destroyed our history and filled it with bs.
I see you must have attended Catholic schools!
That is true. Twain for starters.
How about it. Turns out that Huck Finn was a made up character. Never once painted a fence or for that matter helped anyone do anything. Would have made a great city council president.
But at this point I am not even sure Mark Twain was real or if he was, who has proof that he wrote or even read books? The whole world is in the twilight zone and we may all be figments of our own imagination. That is why people can walked over a bed of hot coals and not feel it. We are not real. We are simply reconstituted dust and will someday be going back to dust. For all you know that dust bunny under your bed may have been a person once. YOU JUST DON’T KNOW. DO YOU?
If you watched the Republican party 2 days ago you saw that party crawling to the bottom of absolute lunacy and all of this for Trump.Its sick.
Leftists installed, like a toilet, a lunatic Nov 2020
You also are a blue heart crying idiot. You are better off now, I think not. You also go jump off the 2nd st bridge.
Yes, we voted him in.
More corrupt election in 2020 than banana repubic
Factually untrue.
Ok chapy.
Trump was the president that took control, kept gas, oil and food price down. You are idiot you really believe your better off now. Go kill yourself
Some of these books should be banned that minors can get there hands on. You want your young kids learning about bjs, and cornholing his buddy
No, nobody wants our kids to learn that stuff.
One out of 4 young people now identify as transgender. The number is growing everyday thanks to the schools and the culture pushing it on kids constantly. It’s all part of keeping the birthrate down to save us all from climate change, but the real reason is control of the population numbers for the globalist agenda. The globalists want to have iron control over a smaller number of people.
That is the most ridiculous statistic I have have ever heard. It may be that 25% of people who identify as transgender are young people, but 25% of young people certainly do not identify as transgender. You must have been really scared when people came out as gay too. These things aren’t catchy. People are what they are. Why people care so much about someone else’s sexuality is beyond me.
Right. Those numbers are absurd.
They’re left wing claims
You should drop into a classroom at Morningsjide Elementary. You will find that Pat is not far off.
It’s very depressing and very sad – what is is going on.
Do they still have those old paper cutters with the hinged knife? Watch out boys!
Thats funny
If it weren’t true for the puberty blockers and surgeries to desecrate the child’s body.
You have visited those classes? Please just tell us what you saw.
Classroom of young – 1st grade and up. About 4 children misidentifying gender up through fourth. I got no further . And teachers celebrating it. Yes, it is outrageous.
You won’t believe that either, not new. No one believed escapees from german murder factories either until it it became fashionable to care. Talking to an empty chair.
You say children misidentified gender up through fourth grade. What does that mean? Can you please tell us what you saw?
Don’t purport to know what I will or won’t believe.
That means, teachers told me “we give these gifts last. These are the children who are transgender and we don’t want to mix them up.” And sure enough, you have a boy in a skirt. Grotesque.
It’s not that I expect you to believe me, I just assume you won’t. It’s typical behavior during times of atrocity.
It’s really difficult to interpret your description without fuller dialogue and context.
“we give these gifts last…” etc.
I just can’t tell what it means. You saw it. Please explain like a reporter. I assume you are a truth teller. So tell us what you saw.
The reality is about in 200 people are really trans. The rest are just slumping on the tranny wagon.
Make that 1 in 200, so about one half of one percent of people.
There used to be a guy on Fenn Street who could bring a trany back to normal
Once you could say I blew my tranny
These things absolutely are “catchy” and the sooner you and others realize that, the better this country will be. Young teen girls who hang out with transgender girls suddenly believe that they too are transgender because these young people REALLY ARE influenced by their peers and the far left knows it.
I bet you thought the same thing about gay people too.
They are pushing this down every ones throats.
So what you are saying is that in two years everyone on the planet will be transgender? Can we make a vaccine? Are suggesting that transgender is a state of mind? Holy cow man!!!
Ironically, Snark my friend, I am actually inclined to recommend a DEI education session for you. You have been spared the last thirty years of mental butchery.
You are unaware of the idea that is dominant in schools that assumes two things:
1. Gender is institutional and cultural. Not nature but synthetic. (Taught)
2. A child is therefore inherently uncertain her true gender.
Malevolent actors teach those two assumptions and damage the child’s identity. Probably, this is driving high incidence in child suicide.
In the 1990’s, the debate in academic gay communities was the pro con of whether homosexuality is ‘biological’ (bad because it’s not choice and therefore medically treatable. That would in their minds justify forced treatment and make legitimate malicious thoughts) or ‘choice’ (subject to dispute and confusion). The academics apparently chose to bind them together and then Heiddeger them into every classroom.
Home school your children, and keep them away from social and MSM media
That is the only option. A parent simply cannot escape the ideology.
That of course is not the only option. You don’t have to send your kids to public school.
Private schools do the same. You evidently have a prehistoric knowledge of education.
Wow, we’ll have to remove the ‘Sir’ from your name.
You purport to know what is being taught at private and public schools.
I do. I have experienced both in recent times.
But no, both private and public run the gamut.
Within ten years AI, artificial intelligence, will have progressed to the point that it eliminates the need for humanity. And perhaps that will solve the transgender problem, the race problem, the religious persecution problem and the annoying problem of having to fill potholes over and over. Keep your fingers crossed
Some things, SS, make bad material for jokes.
Some here have experienced the damage first hand.
Edumacate me. Start a list. I may take your point to heart.
Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones.
Check for XX or XY if you’re wondering
It is not that simple. Putting the exaggeration aside, some people are born with a gender identity that differs from the gender determined by XX/XY. If you knew such a child/person (do you? I think not), you would recognize that this is true.
What about 3 chromosomes? However, authentic transgenders are not part of this scam.
You are going to have to explain what you mean. I just can’t follow what you are saying.
What about 3 chromosomes?
Authentic transgenders are not part of what?
Mr. Kronick, I am beginning to wonder about the depth of your knowledge.
P.S., Havertown.
Not all people have just two chromosomes.
Real transgenders are people for reasons of their own determination and composition adopt a gender that is not biological. They do not adopt trans identity in order to be fashionable or seek advantage. Nor do they do so because their collegiate sense of the world demands a quota and that they should therefore add to numbers.
Transgender people do not announce to the world: “I am a transgender!” (Which is why I am not aware of ever encountering one.) They simply live their lives as man or woman. These people are also cognizant of the biological paradox they take on. And they are on record denouncing the types of Mr. Lia Thomas who uses his biological gender to defeat women.
Then, there are people who by accident of birth are assigned an incorrect gender. Missing/deformed genitalia for example. There was a time, maybe still happens, doctors believed that gender is learned. So, they have been known to ascribe an arbitrary gender to the child and the parents form a conceit that their female child is a boy (for example.) However the girl is not a boy but a biological girl with a body and mind that does not accept identifying as a boy and she experiences severe trauma. The trauma cannot be repaired until the child or adult recognizes the error and learns to accept her correct sense of self.
Very good. Thank you.
Dei is a joke also being pushed down everyones throats.
You are overstating and exaggerating.
You are an insulting man, but quaint too. Keep your pen name- I have no use for your real one.
Don’t worry, You’ve no need for my identity.
You take it as insulting that I say you are overstating and exaggerating. But you ARE overstating the case, and you ARE using hyperbole.
“A child is therefore inherently uncertain her true gender.”
That would be absurd, I agree. So who says that?
Biological or choice? It is mostly biological, but sometimes people have a gender identity that does not match their birth gender.
FOX tells them to be scared of everything so they don’t see or process that Corporations are stealing all your money.
Biden is the one doing that.
Bannon/Beck have you completely gaslighted.
What you pay for groceries and this week?
A lot! But Bannon and Beck still have you completely gaslit.
As opposed to Marchetti who wants a check quarterly
Because alot of them have mental health, drinking and drug issues.
Where did this sick growth in this crap come from? It is devient and needs to end
Biden is a nightmare on so many levels. Being a transgender is skyrocketing. The country and the world is going downhill fast thanks to the globalist and communist agenda which Biden fully supports.
Biden is talking about using lasers to move the moon into a different orbit so that Americans cannot look at it anymore. Especially romantics who have been abusing the privilege.
I don’t know if this is an impeachable offense but it sure makes me mad. May not vote for him next time, especially if he does the same thing with Mars or Venus. On the face of it it does not seem fair.
Biden can play with the rings around uranus
Not sure why you have such a fixation with the scatological.
Because liberals are full of it!
You don’t like all liberals and all democrats. That is a shame.
Pat, Biden definitely does not support a Communist agenda. For you to say that is flat out wrong. Once again, you are following the playbook of Joe McCarthy.
Chi-coms own the Bidens
Hey Trapper, Biden does not support the Chicoms. For you to believe that Biden supports the Chicoms is wrong, bordering on delusional.
If Krol can state that he will be replacing Bike Lane Morales with a new public works commissioner, he has not only my vote but hundreds more. Neighbors on my thinned-out street tried to reason with Morales the other day. He just recited his finding with his investigative psychological ideas he has found about streets and our driving skills. Was he hired to sit in his office to analyze the taxpayer’s brains? Just look around the city, you get the answer, the city is a mess under his direction. Think about it, has Morales ever admitted he made a mistake? Has the mayor ever stepped up and told him he is wrong. The administration has allowed him to ruin the city and make it more dangerous. A good mayor hires department heads that know what they are doing. Tyer’s administration is full of babbling idiots such as Morales and Kerwood and also Michael Taylor who needed to hire a Diversity Manager, which cost taxpayers big bucks because he couldn’t handle the job. A new mayor needs to clean sweep City Hall.
Marchetti Morales won’t change a thing
I for one love living in a city covered in graffiti, weeds, broken sidewalks and dangerous intersections. So lucky to have such a visionary in the role of Commissioner of Public Works!
Please go visit Albany, Hartford, Buffalo or Youngstown.
Operation Clean Sweep. Sounds like the name of a drug operation back in the day. Of course, the cops claimed it would make a big dent in the drug trade, etc, but it didn’t.
Did anyone notice, drug trade is THE biggest commodity here. Don’t get it twisted. Drugs aren’t going away for a reason. #1 monopoly. Silly rabbit!
It’s an artifact and continuation of the Cold War
You are 1000% right on they are useless and that dei waste of money has got to go
Sounds like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
Yes I would agree. Krol is being accused of embezzling 6 times out of the kitty cat charity, and 4 unsuccessul withdrawals to pay his business taxes. This wasn’t just one attempted withdrawal, this is a total of 10! He could promise to turn City Hall on its head, but I still wouldn’t pull the lever for him.
Kitty Kash Krol klarification
The four excise tax payments were withdrawn from the AD account. It took the lawful owner of that account about a month each time to get the money back the first three times and a day the fourth time.
There’s more koming up on this Kaper the story is not kaput more kurious Krol Kitty kash kidnapping !
Or Krol in charge of the Kathouse
Nice Post Tucker Valenti !
Konfused Krol Kan’t Keep Track Of Kitty Kash Kaper
How Kan Krol Klaim to be more open and transparent when he can’t keep his lies straight.
Krol Kleans House Hires Kompromised Kin for Key Positions
Four of the newly discovered transactions were to pay a yearly $456 business excise tax to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue in each of the 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 tax years. Each time, the state rejected the payment because it was not from Krol’s account, but from the nonprofit cat rescue organization of which he was a director.
“This is all, this is all news to me,” Krol told The Eagle during a Thursday interview.
I know ,he can’t admit what everyone knows
Even with the all the issues facing Krol during his campaign, I can’t bring myself to just give Gavel Man a pass to the mayor’s office without questions about his past representation of the citizens. It feels like a one man’s race now, but shouldn’t it be important to ask questions of him ?
Kity Kash krol and optimistic prime. Paper trail is so damaging that it’s hard to even consider krols candidacy.
I don’t know how much more damaging material is to come, if any, but just the existing damaging documentation is enough to sink him. I was at all CC meetings when krol was on council and found him to be a tyed and dyed rubber stamp for tyer. I even had to wake him up as he was sleeping at one particular CC meeting. He never voted to allow me to have my voice heard as to how I could save @ 80 million dollars at the city’s two krofta built water plants which I co,– invented designed and built. Now he is all for looking for waste in city govt . Make no mistake he is a big dollar spender when using tax and rate payers dollars. Because of these topics and your two posts I say no to krol for mayor and I also say no to marchetti. I will be submitting a name as a write in candidate for mayor. Krol or Marchetti will both spell disaster for the city of pittsfield. Both will further increase tax and rate payers dollars. Vote for anybody other than krol or marchettii. we have seen these two in action on the CC and believe me it’s not pretty. Take it from me iv’e seen them up close and don’t want to see them up close ever again.
Gaetani news hour today 3 p m live call in with Charles Kronick and Alex Blumin as guests.
Charles not there sorry.
Two honest hard work, trustworthy men right there that are not dirty, corrupt and crooked.
I’ve heard discussion on here about a write candidacy. I’ll be writing I God. He’s r the only one that can save us.
One more thing. On the rotary proposal on West Street. I have a less costly and time consuming idea. Put the Carousel in place of the rotary.
If we put a rotary at every intersection in Pittsfield where there has been an accident we can then changed the name of the city to LOOPEDY LOOP.
But I might suggest a little traffic enforcement might be a much better deterrent. Use to work. One person gets hit and we redesign a roadway but there are probably 1000 jaywalkers on North street every day. And I might suggest jaywalking is a contributing factor in car/pedestrian accidents.
At Lebanon Valley recently two people were killed in a crosswalk and pretty sure I read there will not even be any charges.
Ask Krol and Valenti in approximately two weeks what’s going on.
If John is still returning Dan’s calls (or anyone’s for that matter) you might get a kurt Krol komeback about not a krininal investigation but the DOR looking for klarification on on the Kitty Kash Kaper and his excise taxes.
The Eagle will probably get the scoop.
How long the IRS will take is anyone’s guess.
Craig your post pretty much sums up my thinking of the situation.
We should be prepared for a recall and pray that someone new comes to the table. The taxpayers are mired in fiscal quicksand and neither of those two offer even a hint of making things better. Talk is cheap and both candidates seem to have bottomless buckets of it. I am not reading anything genuine in either of them. They both seem to be throwing everything but the kitchen sink in there hoping enough of it will stick to get them elected.
They can’t looks up from their phones when crossing the street. Walk out in front of a bus/18 wheeler…..
Meanwhile 1/2 the drivers are texting….
and the other half are high on pot…some are doing both.
There really is no alternative to Krol and Marchetti. Write-ins simply won’t work.
I agree, it sadly does feel like a one man race.There is still a month to go and all gloves should come off on both sides at this point. Krol should be getting ready to throw a couple of Hail Mary’s. While it’s 2nd or 3rd down, definitely not time to punt.
The best Hail Mary is to show he actually paid his state excise taxes on time and with his own money. He’s going to need that documentation soon enough anyway and not for the kourt of opinion.
Yes indeed.
What one person considers gutter politics another considers informed politics.
What is really sad for this city is that.
Beer Gut Pete: Wants things just the same and they will be. Friends have the cushy jobs etc.Beggars, crime, bike lanes.
Sticky Fingers Krol: wants and is motivated by political revenge. Also wants the family and friends jobs. Helen Moon will we be his right hand him /her she right hand man/woman things will remain the same.
Karen: As much as it pains me to say it. She was the only one that really wants to shake things up. Problem she only had a bunch of clowns advising her.
So that brings us to this Point. Sad, sad, sad. Sorry Pittsfield Buckle up the next 4 years are going to be really really bad.
Pittsfield is, and has been, a shithole, plain and simple and has been going one way for over 30 years. Unfortunately, its decline has accelerated rapidy since the Dynamic and Vibrant Linda Tyer became mayor. And to think the city was given 40 million extra bucks during this time. What do we have now that we didn’t have before she became mayor? About 900 per year more taxes for the average Joe, Zombies all over, panhandlers and bums at intersections, homeless living in parks and shitting all over with city’s blessing, bike lanes, and hundreds more shootings and hundreds of drug overdoses, water and sewer rates through the roof, out of control budgets and spending, more pot holes and pot shops than one can imagine, nips, needles, and other trash everywhere. And she wasn’t going to stand for all the crime, remember. She may be lovely, but she earns an F as mayor, by any objective measure. She had 7 years and 9 months to stop the bleeding and instead she made it worse. My God. She has been an abject failure. I would like to think it can’t get any worse, but then again, who knows? Marchetti doesn’t strike me as a change agent, and you can’t trust Krol around little Debbie’s piggy bank, so I guess I will vote for Dan Valenti again, although the city never reports these write ins. And if i hit the Powerball tonight I am moving out of Shittsfield.
Hey Shits, your forgot about all the jobs she added – two DIE hires, (Divisiveness, Inequity, Equality of Outcome) to the tune of 100,000 per year with bennies factored in, for starters. Hell, she pissed away so much cash maybe the lions will make an appearance at entrace to city hall for her grand effing exit.
Plus two other jobs: a Snow Job and a Hand Job.
Needs to be investigated along with the bs trip to Africa and heads need to roll. God forbid if anyone other group wanted to go to Italy, Ireland, Russia, Germany, etc to explore their roots. But being black and commenting against it make you bad
Yo, yous forgot the shit spitters all over da place. How many Bennie’s wasted on those. I am literally hearing numerous gunshots right now but those things don’t do diddly.
Come on man, it’s just fireworks!
When compared with, say, Holyoke, the Pitt looks pretty good.
But compared to 2010, it looks pretty bad.
That may be, but we’ve got to do our best to move forward.
It is true that the Tyer/Marchetti reign of power, secrecy and mismanagement will go down as one of the most stained in the city history. The specter of Marchetti hanging on like a malignant tumor is depressing.
Good news is that things can always get worse. Words of comfort.
40 million for a Stadium in the bog.
The City should run a lottery taking bets on the final cost. Would help pay for it.
You forgot CRIMINAL ALIENS. The current Governor is filling hotels/motels with them. USA citizens are paying for it.
You are right now with this post and I 2nd it
Shittsfield, and the rest of you, it’s easy to see why you have such pessimistic opinions about our city. Step back and take a broader perspective, one that you can see in the statements of John Pete and Karen. In addition to the negatives spewed on this blogsite, there’s an awful lot happening in this city that is very positive and encouraging.
Can one get a beer gut from Bud Light?
Hey Herbetta,
Are you suing Carver, Harris, charity accountant and the Eagle for defamation?
If not, why?
It’s only good for filling up Trannys
Didn’t realize this was the Krol campaign page! From someone that claims to always be “objective”…eye-roll.
You confuse, as so many do, “objective” as applied to journalism. There is no such thing as “objective” journalism. Reporting of stories, to say nothing of opinion, involves countless choices, all subjective. THE PLANET’s understanding is drawn by the “truth” of a story, and that is what we are reporting here.
Planet Valenti – home of ‘privileged free speech’ and champion of Truth.
If it was Marchetti and the parade accounts you could bet your life savings the “objective reporting” would be very different!
Krol’s Kitty Kash Kaper treated with Kid-Gloves by Vain Valenti
This has turned into quite an outlet for your creativity.
People would cry that he is being picked on because he is lgptq++++.
Trump projects his crimes on others and immediately I know Trump is immaturity admitting guilt
Trump was going to bring cheaper better healthcare.What part of the Krol credit card story changed in the weeks since this story was told.It got worse for John as time went by.Trump has taught you that it’s all lies and it’s a witch hunt and scream it over and over until a small easily led group of people stay with you.How about the word entitlement to commit crime or wrongdoing.Trump crimes are a witch hunt and people see it Trumps way because they can’t deal with how wrong they were about a person.Those people want the candidate to keep lying so they have something to hold on to.Then when all else fails scream at the messengers.
Did Kamala write that word salad for you?
Organizing thoughts and points, into separate paragraphs, is beyond TSC
Your idiot the judge rules
You’re all over the map. See if your doctor can adjust your meds.
TSC knows whereof he speaks.
Can you translate it’s gibberish?
TSC knows what he’s talking about.
Agree with KrolKash – how can a guy who allegedly continued to withdraw his business tax payments, for FOUR years, out of the cat charity fund, possibly oversee management of the city???? No way!
He’s running for mayor you buffoon. Not for city account. No president, governor or mayor is their own account. Make your drinks weaker.
Get real. The mayor has to have a handle on the budget.
Guv Healey & MA state officials take over hotel rooms for illegal aliens while vets & families with hotel reservations for Army Navy game find their reservations voided…
How maný busloads of those criminals have the Berkshires got, so far?
Remimds me of the covid 19 bums dumped here in 2020
They all need to be deported and Americans always first. But Shitacusetts is a big blue heart cry baby state. Next will be give money to tranny wannabees to get fixed on our dollar. People are so stupid
Finding it hysterical that Gavel Pete JUST filed a petition to remove panhandlers from the median strips. How long have taxpayers been complaining about this issue? Years! How convenient that Gavel Pete JUST realized it was a problem a month before the election. Where has he been for the last 16 plus years? Are we supposed to trust his word NOW, kind of like trusting his Mama Linda’s promise to clean up the Hess station property, adding police officers and curbing crime! None have been done!
Apparently the local paper did some kind of recent interview with both candidates. Wowser….and then some.
Both spewing volcanic bullshit into the atmosphere where it is forming toxic clouds that are hanging over the city, giving a dire prophecy of an incoming administration of chronic babble. Nothing of real substance. Just boilerplate word salads promising that Christ is coming to Pittsfield right after the election.
OMG shoot me now!
I’m on my way.
Yah, you will probably have to get in line
Yeah, their words were pretty pathetic.
Marchetti is a phony
He reminds me of a toddler that throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way.
Pete wants to ban the panhandling on certain streets and Muff and Menu man actually said his plan didn’t go far enough. Color me shocked with Menu Man.
Those panhandlers have given panhandling a bad name.
They’re tame compared to other cities. Try, for example, Austin or Tampa.
“Menu Man” … good one, OP!
Well he’s right. Why not just make it a blanket order?
If you want to change your sex your idenity be over 21 and not on the tax payers dollars. It has been proven time and time again that your mental health issues will continue and that we the tax payers usually pay for as they have government funded insurance. As for Biden he is just having his strings pulled, he has no clue what is going on day to day. Krol if he keeps his promises and does what he says Tyer and her friends that got all the money for no good reason or use hopefully will be in a world of crap for fraud.I am willing to give Krol a shot since the dummies of Pittsfield were not smart enough to see the only real person with no connections or owes any one anything was Karen K. Good Day People
?v=1523299470&w=60&h=60&ffmt=webpJordan Novet@jordannovet
Scooter company Bird delisted from NYSE after stock collapse, will trade over the counterPublished Fri, Sep 22 20236:50 PM EDTUpdated Fri, Sep 22 20236:52 PM EDT
Key Points
I won’t advocate throwing them in the river bits let’s just say I hope the new mayor has the brains to eliminate them from littering our downtown and neighborhoods. If I wake up to one in front of my house, there’s not gonna be a happy ending.
This past Tuesday the TODAY show had a feature about The Berkshires, and a great vacation spot this time of year. Pictures of North Adams and towns all around were shown. Not one picture or even a mention of Pittsfield. Wonder what the mayor, city councilors and candidates have to say about that. How come North Adams and towns all around us are clean and “vibrant and dynamic”, and Pittsfield is going down the toilet?
At least it is an “innovative” toilet.
Only uses 1.5 gals of water.
Latest Mayoral new….
Krol…new finance Director
New City Auditor
Marchetti..Status Quo
Krol city expense account used for god knows what!
Krol Kitty Kash Kaper disqualifies him from holding public office.
Don’t like the status quo, Krol will be worse!
Krol Kollapses Free Kash Account!
Klaims Free Kash Means He Kan Keep It!
He’s either lying about the Kitty Kash Kaper or too stupid to handle city funds.
Stick to the issues. He hasn’t been found guilty of anything. So far Krol 2 Marchetti status quo. FYI status quo hasn’t worked for almost eight years.
And Krol voted for over 90% of Mayor Tyers proposals while on the Council. Now he’s trying to be someone else. That never works in politics.
Do you want him to be like his opponent ? Marchetti sat as council President and did absolutely nothing with any negative impact the Administration had on the taxpayers. Everything the Administration has done,including multiple flub ups left and right by department heads were okay with the former compliance officer at his bank.
My point is so did Krol! He voted for Tyer proposals over 90% of the time. He’s not change as he has Reburto and Mazzeo endorsing him. Voters are much smarter than he thinks!
Good rebuttal.
I’d want a mayor who pays his debts with his own money and doesn’t misappropriate funds from charities.
Thats not asking too much is it?
What if the charity is a silly one?
Krol 8 years city Klowncil this is all he has to show for it
He can’t keep track of his own Kitty Kash Kaper and provided evidence of more misappropriation, he won’t know a good audit from a bad one.
I hate to say this also go down Main St in North Adams its clean, no weeds every where no bums hanging out.
N Adams is losing population and was forced to close health care provider offices because they were not sustainable.
Pittsfield compares well with N Adams, Adams and Dalton. Our real competition is Gt Barrington, Lenox and Stockbridge.
I just watched Krol on his Facebook mayor’s page. He said he released a press release yesterday afternoon and NO MEDIA OUTLET, including the Planet, has covered it. No one want to touch this hot potato.
He claims he is going to hire an internal auditor, can you say more pension and health insurance costs, to find corruption and waste in the city. If he is successful, the first place they should look would be any account John has access to.
Who is advising this guy? Dan, when you tell him to go on the attack, you need to be more specific and tell him not to attack himself by talking about his own problems (hand in the Kitty Kash).
Why come out attacking embezzlement when you were just accused of it? Does he think people are going to say “gee, what a great guy he is, he is attacking embezzlement, therefore he must not have done any of that himself.
Anyone with a brain would have picked another subject.
THE PLANET will have the press release on The Weekend Edition. Krol’s alleged “embezzlement,” which he has explained as a politically weaponized hit stemming from an accounting error committed by Greylock Federal Credit Union — you know, the one that told everyone to “Tell “em Angelo Sent You” — has nothing to do with the state of the city’s finances. ANY good leader, inheriting the situation of ANY previous administration (except maybe if the new leader was complicit with the old one), would want the truth of the situation of which he or she is taking charge, finances especially. If the city’s financial dealings are kosher, then that’s good info to have. If any % those finances are wasteful or corrupt, that’s ESPECIALLY good info to have. I would think Peter would agree.
I don’t disagree with anything you said concerning taking charge from the prior administration.
I just think picking this topic out the gate for his new attack strategy, let’s give credit to Dan for that, was a bad idea. It just keeps the story alive.
What do they say about chasing criticism?
We agree about chasing criticism as well. Contrary to what some might believe, though, Dan is not running anyone’s campaign except his own! We shall see if the strategies employed were a bad idea of a good one come Nov. 7. Also, confronting low blows is nothing like chasing criticism.
Dan may not be running his campaign but he is surely supporting it.
What do you say about charitable donations?
A banking error? Come on man!
Vain Valenti Very Vocal and Keeps Koncited Krol Kitty Kash Kaper Kibitzing alive.
When your PR man absolutely has to be your worst enemy, call Vain Valenti!
Are you going to post Krol’s gofundme legal defense fund?
Post of the day!
GFCU is a professional entity with absolutely no culpability.
Alleged embezzlement with ‘embezzlement’ in scare quotes – give us a break, Dan. Krol is your counter-culture candidate.
I agree Mr Krol is running an awful campaign. Whoever is advising him should be fired. He should be talking about anything but finances!
You would think he would talk against Marchetti’s leadership?
His supporters are still intact. If anything many more lawn signs.
He could have said something about people who end up with a windfall but don’t donate to charity.
Krol clams up!!!
What happened to the defamation lawsuit?
Krol is not the sharpest tool in the shed!
The campaign is FUBAR.
Speaking of tools. Good to see you posting. P.S. have you seen the tools in Matchetti’s shed. Thank goodness for lubrication.
Right, on TV they wrap up law suits in under an hour.
Have you ever even been in a courtroom? I don’t mean pickle ball
Right, on TV they wrap up law suits in under an hour.