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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, NOV. 10-12, 2023) — Odds and ends, leftovers from a sagged Election Day and the pre-Holiday cheer.

Suit Yourself: THE PLANET privately predicated the Pittsfield Co-Op’s response to fired VP Victoria May’s sexual harassment lawsuit fingering, if that be the right word, Jerome “Jay” Anderson, “Chip” Moore, and mayor-elect Peter Marchetti. “Jay” and “Chip.” Sounds like something from My Three Sons. We’ll know for sure if the defendant’s show up for trial with Fred McMurray and William Frawley as co-counsel. The Co-Op wants the judge to drop a bunch of May’s allegations. May’s barristers stand firm with both guns loaded. If not settled out of court, which would be read as a veritable admission of guilt, expect a trial within 12 to 18 months.

———- ooo ———-

Sinking Schools: The Picklefield School Building Needs Commission received more than 2,000 responses to a survey about the (sad) state of the PSD. The most telling finding: More than 90 respondents were city residents and business owners. They rated Picklefield schools a 5.87 out of 10 for preparing students for success. It’s almost universal from employers that recent graduates simply cannot do math, cannot read, and cannot write at “employable levels.” In other words, the $100+ million school department keeps graduating dummies. They know about “gender fluidity” but not how to do simple math or write a coherent sentence. More than PCBs and even more than Picklefield’s Poison Politics, the Level 5 schools are the main reason the city can’t lure new employers and new jobs.

———- ooo ———-

Orbit Appeal: Time now for your nominations. For what? For the COA, that is, the Coveted Orbit Award. THE PLANET‘s Orbit board soon will begin the elaborate preparations that go into this gravitational event, likened in scope and grandeur to England’s coronation of a king. Send your names in today. The nominations floor will remain open. We shall try not to fall through it.

———- ooo ———-

What’s in a Nickname: As you know, THE PLANET‘s nicknames for many of our Right Honorable Good Friends have a way of sticking. Peter Arlos forever became the Aging Greek God. Matt Kerwood went from Little Eddie Munster to Kufflinks. With new council members, new nicknames will be in order. Bandani (2), Wrinn (3), Serre (7), Amuso, and Costa (AL) will be in for their fitting early in the new term. They will join the Barbarian, Kave-In, Climate Change, Porkchop, Dumpster and company. Quite an elect group.

———- ooo ———-

Gazing at Gaza: Hamas’s surprise attack kills 1,200 Jews. Israel’s response, still ongoing, kills more than 10,000 Palestinians. An “Torso for an eye” has become the new “Eye-for-an-Eye.” Looks like even the Old Testament no longer applies. The Middle East Madness, which has been going on longer than the Red Spot Storm on Jupiter, never fails to live up to its biblical predictions. Jews, Muslims, and Christians at least can find brotherhood in their respective fundamentalist hatreds.

———- ooo ———-

Take a hard gulp. America elects a president less than a year from now. The ShitShow(R) has just begun. It will make Picklefield’s mayoral election look like hippy hop to the barber shop. Democrats continue to swamp Trump with criminal and civil trials designed to keep him from becoming 47. He’s already 45. Republicans, meanwhile, amplify Joe Biden’s every slur, slip, stumble, and stubble, pointing out that dementia and The Nuclear Suitcase aren’t compatible. We foresee Trump as the GOP nominee but not Biden for the mules. Even the Dems know Biden can’t win again. Biden will not be the nominee.

———- ooo ———-

Whiteout. THE PLANET and all here at the Fortress can’t wait for Porkchop Pete to inherit The Gavel. As one of our correspondents noted, Porkchop’s been taking gavel lessons to prepare for his stint as council prez. Good Lord, what could go wrong? Our spies says the council’s answer to the Pillsbury Doughboy has progressed nicely, though. White’s moved from pounding himself in the head to breaking his fingers, showing how close ‘Chop’s getting to finding the desk. Before January, he might even hit wood on wood. We hear Porkchop’s familiar with wood. Of a sort. God help us all.


How many council presidents will it take to get the gavel to hit the desk? We’ll find out in January” — Sir Donald Turnpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
8 months ago

Mumblety peg.

8 months ago

Apparently it’s not just gender fluidity, but brain fluidity that the Pittsfield school system is working on perfecting. Forget about the 3 R’s. That stuff is so old school and what we have now is “woke” school.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
8 months ago

Why did Pete White do a radio interview with WAMC’s Josh Landes, but he refuses blogger Dan Valenti’s requests for interviews? Josh Landes did a hit piece on Alex Blumin. Pete White looks like he is a politician with double standards. Also, why is Pete White saying he will be the next President of the City Council? Is he in line like King Charles III? He probably thinks that he is in line to fill Mayor Peter Marchetti’s shoes in 4 to 8 years. The royal line of elected office in Pittsfield politics.

Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

Its not a hit piece when you put yourself out there to run for office, as you have to assume the press will dig up your past. If you have a history of erratic and loony behavior that you are wackadoodle enough to put into writing, the public has a right to know. If Landes was tipped off to this fact and followed the paper trail, that’s just good journalism and fullfilling the public’s right to know. Landes is the only one who brought up Luke Marion’s gross past, albeit he asked the bare minimum.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  RaymondNorman
8 months ago

Asking for public records is wackadoodle in Picklefield. My momma learnt me when I was just a young boy not to play with them.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
8 months ago

Here are some things that WAMC’s Josh Landes could cover other than the eccentric and passionate Alex Blumin:

1. Peter Marchetti allegedly calling women bank employees BITCH

2. Peter White lining himself up for the City Council President position based on Pittsfield politics’ line of succession

3. Earl Persip using harsh words against blogger Dan Valenti

4. Pete White and Earl Persip refusing to be interviewed by blogger Dan Valenti

5. Mayor Linda Tyer’s secretive handling of over $41 million in “Biden Bucks” with accounting errors caught by an audit

6. Sara Hathaway’s undisclosed settlement with the city during the Mayor Dan Bianchi administration and her now being a member of the (level 5) School Committee

7. The new Pittsfield City Council having no dissenting voices versus Mayor-elect Peter Marchett

8. The (level 5) school committee placing the school administrators over academic performance because politics is more important the public education in Pittsfield

9. Pittsfield always being in the 10 ten cities/population in Massachusetts for violent crime due to the impoverished people who live in the distressed neighborhoods in its inner-city

10. Nuciforo suing the city over the $440,000 in HCAs fees Berkshire Roots paid during Mayor Linda Tyer’s administration(s), despite Nuciforo being a disgraced former State Senator from Pittsfield

11. Nuciforo’s Berkshire Roots Pittsfield Pot Kingdom stinking up nearby residential neighborhoods with his single largest in Berkshire County pot growing operation on Dalton Avenue

12. Barry Clairmont’s settlement with Melissa Mazzeo over her use of FREE SPEECH in our FREE COUNTRY

13. The 26th year of the polluted PEDA debacle with its millions of dollars in always increasing debts

14. Pittsfield’s $205.6 million operating budget and its hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts and OPEB unfunded liabilities (debts)

15. John Krol never faced any charges in a court of law, but the political establishment dropped a bombshell on his mayoral campaign based on one-sided, half-truth allegations

16. Tricia Farley Bouvier only state legislative priority in Boston is to legalize sex workers

17. Smitty Pignatelli being in favor of GE’s proposal to put a cancer causing toxic waste dump in Lee, despite most of constituents protesting the plan

18. John Barrett III being a decades-long career politician who votes in lockstep with the secretive, corrupt and top-down dictatorial-like State House Speaker Ronny Mariano, including voting down Sunshine laws and rules reforms

19. Paul Mark being State Senate President Karen Spilka’s biggest rubber stamp vote in Boston

20. PAC Man Richie Neal being in the pocket of K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially insurance companies

21. Maryland’s Ed Markey spewing his HOT AIR about the Democrat’s Green New Deal, while he – like Smitty – supports GE putting a PCBs-dump in Lee

22. Elizabeth Warren saying she is for Main Street, but she fully supports Joe Biden, who raises a record amount of campaign donations from Wall Street and K Street

23. Joe Biden who always says he is proud of his scoundrel son Hunter Biden

Jon Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

November 10, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

In response to my blog commentary postings on Planet Valenti defending Alex Blumin from WAMC’s Josh Landes’ yellow journalism, someone emailed me:

“What Landes did to Blumin is reprehensible, Jon. The rest, to me, doesn’t matter. You would be surprised to know he was a reluctant candidate. Didn’t really want to run. The man is desolate and feels personally beaten. This so-called ‘city’….runs hot on hate.
So the animals say, “when you run, you should expect to be exposed etc…” That is true if you run for Senator, President, Mayor. But running for a lowly ward seat where the votes are total 600 does not amount to a public race. It’s a community race. To broadcast a caricature over a radius that stretches to Springfield and down the Hudson Valley is disproportionate.”

My response is that Josh Landes online radio story portraying Alex Blumin as an intimidating and threatening caricature of a man in Pittsfield politics was over the top and sensational. Alex Blumin a Jewish man who is originally from Ukraine and he is a U.S. Citizen who lives in Pittsfield’s poorest Ward 2. I would describe Alex Blumin as eccentric and passionate about Pittsfield being called a distressed city in decay because he wanted to make a difference by running for the Ward 2 City Council elected position, which he lost in the November 7th, 2023, municipal election.

How would Josh Landes have liked it if he moved to an overseas distressed city similar to Pittsfield (Mass.) and a radio journalist basically made an ASS out of him for running for elected office in that overseas country’s poorest Ward in an overseas municipal election? Would anyone from a would-be overseas country step forward to defend Josh Landes? I would hope so.

When people, including yellow journalists such as Josh Landes, make an ASS out of a good man, it ends up backfiring on Josh Landes! There are so many politicians in Pittsfield and beyond who are much more problematic than Alex Blumin. Moreover, Pittsfield has so many problems for Josh Landes to write about and publish his online radio news stories about.

We need to stand up to Josh Landes’ yellow journalism, blogger Dan Valenti, once and for all. Josh Landes must be stopped from making an ASS out of good men such as Alex Blumin and Pittsfield politics. I request that you please publish a blog posting about what he did to Alex Blumin. Pittsfield may be at rock bottom in 2023, but that doesn’t mean that we have to put up with Josh Landes making an ASS out of a good man!

Best wishes,

Jon Melle

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

We live in a FREE country whereby we are able to be friends while also having healthy and well-meaning disagreements about history, politics, society, and so on. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, not a nation of men. We are supposed to find common ground for the public good.

I had lunch at a restaurant in Nashua NW New Hampshire today. A man at the restaurant offered to buy me a beer, but I declined because I wanted to drink a diet soda with my meal. He told me that he is a multimillionaire who is in his 40’s by making his fortune in real estate. I told him that I am happy for him and his success in business. I said that I dislike it when politicians want to punish people such as him for his success in being wealthy. I said that success in business is what makes our country great. It was NOT a homosexual situation, but rather, it was the two of us being friends and having a discussion.

I have an aversion to career politicians who think that they are above the rest of us. The point of the government is supposed to be politicians who serve the people and taxpayers for an accessible, open and accountable, equitable and efficient, and effective system of public management of our limited resources to invest in people and communities. When career politicians fail to do their jobs in government, then they should be called out by real journalists who don’t target a good man such as Alex Blumin in Pittsfield politics.

Jon Melle

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

It was NOT a homosexual situation, but rather, it was the two of us being friends and having a discussion.

I’m curious as to why you felt the need to bring up sexuality for this. And some random person offers to buy you a drink, you decline, then he discloses that he’s a multimillionaire? Something sounds a bit off.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

I agree with both of you.

JM we might not see eye to eye on many of your posts, but I’d give you 2 thumbs up if I could. Great post!!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

I’m not saying Lee is a good or bad place to put the pcb sediment….. but where do you think it should go?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

It should be left in the Housatonic River. It is a permanent fact that the river is now incompatible with human activity. The fish, crawdads, birds are fine.

Dredging does not work, it spreads the waste, and it destroys the habitat and structure needed for wildlife.

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

GE headquarters

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
8 months ago

Actually, yes. That is a good idea along with Jack Welch’s home. Start with the PEDA epicenter. Leave the wildlife alone.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

#12….did Barry give any of the settlement to charity?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

Krol got caught and it cost him an election.The charity was more than fair with the description of what happened.Remember that the Republican President failed on a conspiracy to overthrow democracy and that’s that.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

He has a virus. Always, it’s Krol to X to Trump. The trouble with it is that it is a progressive condition. The longer it goes untreated, the more severe the symptoms and the more intractable the disease.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

It’s also easily communicable. Best to avoid him.

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

If it weren’t for double standards Pete wouldn’t have any standards at all

In The Know
In The Know
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

Dan and planet valenti just don’t matter.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Yes, he and his chums really don’t think PV matters at all which is why they are addicted to posting and ranking comments.

In The Know
In The Know
8 months ago

Dan is just bitter.

This place is an echo chamber of many of the small minded Berkshire folks.
We see it and more and more people get it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In The Know
8 months ago

“Small minded Berkshire folks” vs In The Know nothings.

Circle the Wagons
Circle the Wagons
8 months ago

Looks like Jay and El Chipo are the protected Coop boys with some decent arguments to cover their asses. May didn’t take a deal to make it all go away, so it looks like the mayor-elect is going to get thrown to the wolves. Barry and Co. may have rigged the election to get em in, but it’s going to be a shitfest ahead. good luck, Pittsfield!

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Circle the Wagons
8 months ago

It’s so early in the process May hasn’t even been offered a settlement so stop with the conjecture.
“Barry and Co. may have rigged the election” jesus christ you sound like a true Trumpster with that line.

Peter odd man out
Peter odd man out
Reply to  Flogging Molly
8 months ago

dey be pissed dat Petey put em in dis mess. Dey gonna turn on em quick and covah dey own asses

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
8 months ago

Nicknames…Ward 1 Choppers…Ward Two….the Rumor…..2 ….Ward 3…Wrinn Tin Tin….Ward 4…Poofy…Ward 5….No Doze…..Ward 6 ….Cardboard Cut Out .”.Ward 7 Kathy Bates (Misery)
At Large…
Dumpster….Mama Cass…The Antelope…. Klingon

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

The Mayor’s Bitches & Rubber Stampers

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Ward 6 Dina DeDunce

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago


Ricardo Molasses
Ricardo Molasses
Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago


Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago


Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Ward 2 Carpet Bagdini

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago

Grunge Council

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Good ideas there

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Mayor Bitchetti

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Moldy Marchetti

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Herb Pease
8 months ago

Misses Marchetti

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

“Fingering” is hardly the correct word to use when discussing a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Trump will not be the nominee. He will be a convicted felon though. A convict, like Gaetani.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

He did it on purpose to be clever.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

There is nothing clever about Valenti.

Rule 5
Rule 5
8 months ago

Mamma Cass Costa! PERFECT.

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago

I’ll take credit for one. Mama Cass Costa.

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

It’s perfect. Good one.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago

Send her a ham sandwich.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Poor momma cass choked on a ham sandwich and died peacefully in her sleep.

Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
8 months ago

Mama Cass was wonderful – it isn’t true that she died by choking.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mississippi Jack Crock
8 months ago

She should have given her sandwich to Karen Carpenter

Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Unless you’re Andrea Harrington

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeFriday
8 months ago

She could if it was made with White bread

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
8 months ago

Gender fluid? Is that what Monica got all over her blue dress?

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Clinton had two terms. Trump will have but one.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

Biden will also have two terms, one for treason the other for pedophilia.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky turned the Oval Office into the Oral Orifice with thongs and specially dipped cigars for Bubba to smoke while the aforementioned then young woman intern blew a different kind of cigar-like object with two attached balls.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

This is the most entertaining and coherent thing I think you’ve ever written, Blog Commentor Jon Melle. Kudos!

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  RaymondNorman
8 months ago

Oh goody! Now we know what you like!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Did Peter Marchetti call bank employee “BITCH”? Did Peter Marchetti call bank employee other derogatory names? Did Peter Marchetti nitpick bank employee’s work?

Why didn’t the bank’s Boston Attorneys deny bank employee’s allegations against Peter Marchetti?

These are important questions that need to be answered. If Peter Marchetti’s actions violated workplace law, then he should not be allowed to be sworn in as the next Mayor of Pittsfield politics in Western Massachusetts.

What if a would-be Mayor Peter Marchetti does similar workplace violations in city government and the (level 5) public school district? What if he is really a vindictive bully person who lashes out at people who upset him?

Peter Marchetti needs to answer these questions more-so than the Berkshire Eagle calling out mayoral candidate John Krol over his financial accounts from years ago that John Krol never faced any criminal charges over. Why is the Eagle publishing news articles without the same or similar criticisms of their endorsed mayoral candidate: Peter Marchetti?

This is what happens when a person uses the WIN at ANY COST method in politics and business. Peter Marchetti’s actions matter in Pittsfield politics. Peter Marchetti needs to undergo a psychiatric clinical evaluation to determine if he is fit for the mayor’s office.

Jon Melle

Victoria May claims that Peter Marchetti and two other men bank managers fostered a sexually inappropriate and hostile to women work environment at the Pittsfield Co-op Bank, gave preferences to men employees over women employees, and that she was fired for making complaints to the three men who allegedly harassed her.

She alleges in Springfield (Mass.) Federal Court that : Peter Marchetti had become enraged during a meeting and called her a ”bitch and other derogatory names” and then nitpicked her work.

The Pittsfield Co-op Bank hired Boston Attorneys to defend the bank and Peter Marchetti and the other two men bank managers named in Victorial May’s lawsuit. The Boston Attorneys did not request that the court strike Victoria May’s allegations against Peter Marchetti. The defendants are requesting a hearing to offer oral arguments on their motion.

Source: “Defendants in a lawsuit against Pittsfield Cooperative Bank want the court to strike the most ‘scandalous’ claims”, By Meg Britton-Mehlisch, The Berkshire Eagle, November 9, 2023.

Bitchslappin' Pete
Bitchslappin' Pete
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Does Peter Marchetti have to pass a CORI check before being sworn in as mayor?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

If I was a city hall employee I would start recording all my interactions throughout the day, it would be financially beneficial

snark shark
snark shark
8 months ago

Not that Marchetti gives a shit but…

A growing number of cash-strapped Americans are cracking their nest eggs for emergency funds.
The number of 401(k) plan participants taking hardship distributions increased by 13% between the second and third quarters, according to an analysis by Bank of America of its clients’ employee benefit programs.
That figure now stands at 18,040, the highest level in at least the past five quarters since Bank of America started tracking this data.
The growing reliance on 401(k) plans as a source of urgent cash is further evidence of consumer financial stress heading into the 2024 election year.
Despite high GDP and low unemployment, some Americans are clearly facing a cash crunch and struggling to pay the bills.
Daniel Tepper/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

Yo snark, what are you doing at Dan Tepper’s!

8 months ago

Now that the Erection is over, same is always was. Time to try to move on to important matters. 3 people have been killed by elderly drivers in W Pittsfield. Time to pass legislation on Seniors getting licenses. Stop rubber stamping there licenses. People are dying.

8 months ago

Dan, in response to gazing at Gaza. How many people did the US kill after 911? Unfortunately to try to eliminate cowardly savages (Hamas) who hide behind innocent civilians, there are more casualties. They need to be exterminated.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

I agree. If the war stopped today, the terrorists would just pop out of their holes in the ground and kill more Jewish people. No country could or should live with that threat.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Unfortunately, Muslims around the world (almost 2 billion of them) are watching this and will not forget. The trick is to eliminate more terrorists than you create. Not sure that is happening in this case. The operative word is “metastasize”.

The canary in this particular coal mine is alerting for WW3 and the United States, as a funding source for the man/child slaughter in Gaza, has positioned itself at the end of a barrel. You can probably go ahead and spend your kids college fund as he probably is not going to need it.

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

College will give them a draft deferment.

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Give college kids deferments? Now that every kid goes to college ?

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

The radical Muslims in these terrorist groups have hated us for years, but the regular Muslims live and work in this country. True, they could turn against us too if they decide to join up with Hamas and the radicalized college kids who also want to kill all Jewish people. After that they want to kill all Catholics and Americans.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pat
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Biden administration privately warned by American diplomats of growing fury against US in Arab world

Mississippi Jack Crock
Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

That new? Ever hear of Iran? American Embassies? Tehran, Tripoli, Nairobi….

Last edited 8 months ago by Mississippi Jack Crock
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Hamas needs to be exterminated. And Israel needs to remove its settlers from the West Bank (i.e., Palestine).

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Up to 9/11/2001, Al Qaeda was a big idea. Took a few years and now Al Qaeda is a small idea.

Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

The mindset of these terrorists puts them in another time where there were tribal wars and all kinds of brutality was allowed. They need to enter the modern world and civilization. The modern world is far from perfect, but these barbaric practices and ancient feuds going back centuries, which modern college kids in this country are embracing, is taking everybody back into the past NOT moving the world forward.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pat
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Dan, their idea is to kill and exterminate every Jew and Christian. That idea should be exterminated! Of course it is not, easy and doesn’t come without casualties.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

We do our best to deal with flies, mosquitoes, mice etc. Hamas and the like don’t need to be negotiated with anymore than household vermin.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Be that as it may my money is on Israel.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance. ‘”

8 months ago

A driving proficiency test should be mandatory far any driver of 80 years old or more. Maybe one every five years. An eye test and driving road test. Free would be perfect for our seniors. It would protect everyone.

Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

Based on the number of really bad accidents in Pittsfield I think EVERYONE should be retested, checked for insurance and registration.

Reply to  WTF
8 months ago

That would be a dream but I’d start with this. I am sure most drivers while on a test would know how and be capable of driving by the rules when being watched but what they do in real life can be their own choice. driving while impaired, whether its drugs, alcohol, or just bad eyesight or lack of reflexes or compromised judgement ability might be able to be caught during a test.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  pothole
8 months ago

Maybe police should try traffic stops.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

And start pulling over and ticketing people when they are speeding or running red lights. Can’t tell you how many times I see this happen right in front of a police vehicle and nothing happens

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

I think one at 75, another at 80, then every two years. A road test should be mandatory.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
8 months ago

More employees for the democrat cleptocracy

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Goslow
8 months ago

Of course, that’s the problem. We don’t have a law for it yet.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

Actually young people are the worst drivers. That’s why insurance companies charge them so much

8 months ago

“Democrats continue to swamp Trump with criminal and civil trials designed to keep him from becoming 47.”

It’s the US justice system, including Republicans, that is taking Trump to trial. Trump is being tried not to keep him from office, but because he committed crimes.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Prior to China Joe Xiden (Bathhouse Barry) being installed, we did have a system of justice in the US Prof. Now, it’s a two-tiered system.

You disagree, name me three BLM rioters charged anywhere with any federal crimes from the “2020 Summer of Love.”

A mother and her son got 5 yrs and 2.5 yrs in federal prison for walking into the US Capitol on 1/6 UNARMED, that undercover federal agents (FIB, DHS) not only tore down and removed physical barriers to allow entrance, but also actively encouraged people to enter the capitol.

‘Zip Tie Guy’ and His Mother Get Prison Terms in Jan. 6 Riot – The New York Times (

The FIB and multiple police departments in NJ sent a SWAT team to arrest a guy who videotaped the UNARMED “insurrection.” A FIB SWAT TEAM!!!!

F.B.I. Searching New Jersey for Man Accused in Capitol Riot – The New York Times (

$5,000,000 in bribes for China Joe Xiden and his drug addict son, Hunter. NO CHARGES

Hillary Clinton ILLEGALLY destroys 33,000 emails from her private server. Many were classified as Top Secret. NO CHARGES

Why wasn’t Hillary Clinton also indicted, Trump asks. Here’s why. – The Washington Post

VP China Joe Xiden had classified information stored unsecured in his garage. As VP, China Joe DID NOT HAVE LEGAL RIGHT to store/have classified documents at his house. NO CHARGES.

Additional documents marked classified found in Biden’s Wilmington garage – POLITICO

Remind us again Professor of the US Justice System. It appears to be a two-tiered system to me. Put your PhD to good use and convince me otherwise.

If this was an insurrection, then why isn’t DT the current President?

Last edited 8 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

“If this was an insurrection, then why isn’t DT the current President?”

Because he failed.

Markus, the US justice system is huge and complex. The examples you cite do not mitigate the charges against Trump.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Quit the word salad Kama…I mean, Kindergarden.

Name me 3 BLM rioters federally charged in any crimes from the “2020 Summer of Love.”

I’ve been around to long and dealt with many people more skilled than you Prof. in the redirect.

I’ll wait for your answer. 3 BLM federally charged…..

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

I am proud to be called Kamala.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Why did you begin your collegiate career blowing the dean to get hired, like Kamala did her legal career?

Didn’t know Willie Brown was a dean where you taught, or that he switched teams.

I’m sure your kids would be very proud of you.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

I see you are beginning to think and talk like Trap.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

How many politicians do you have to blow, to blow over the limit?

Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Hey cuckoo ever hear of a Pelosi set up??

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

PhD = pilled hip deep

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

MS – More of the Same
PhD – Piled Higher and Deeper

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Help me out here. What crimes did Trump commit?

Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Gee, I can’t think of any at all…

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago


Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Each of the 90+ state and federal indictments against Trump is in response to a crime committed by him.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Is there a list of these fake crimes?

Jon Doe
Jon Doe
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Why yes, there is. You’ll find several if you google it but let me help you out with one.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Which ones did he NOT commit?

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

he didn’t commit any of them, but you should be committed if you know what I mean for TDS and ignorance of the Biden Crime family

Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

You really have to wake up and see what Biden is doing to the country. You are writing like you are very far down the democrat brainwashing. Credit Card debt and delinquency is skyrocketing to an all time high, people are taking emergency withdrawals from their 401k’s to stay afloat….tell me was this happening 4 years ago???

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
8 months ago

Well, thanks for the input, Shirl. I recognize the truth of those facts. It’s not clear to me that it’s a Democrat – ‘large D’ – phenomenon.

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

Biden has been a great President for labor and the middle-class.Biden will be running against the 78 year old rapist and fraudulent Trump University President and fraudulent New York charity established for his own self serving tax avoiding piggy bank.Trump is running to get your vote to stay out of federal prison.America will not elect a crazy raping thief lunatic. America will honor Americas veterans by not considering a fascist admirer

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Day drinking

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

In your dreams.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Yeah inflation outpaces any raise they get…. Thanks crooked joe.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

You are voting for Don Trump,show us where the Republican party is.Educated at FOX University

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

National debt increased by 7.8 trillion under Donald Trump. No one is disputing that. Please fact check me before lashing out.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

It appears most public-school systems have taken the same philosophies of most US colleges and have become nothing more than liberal activist training grounds.

The old school 3 R’s have been replaced by the new school 3 R’s: rioting, reverse racism, and (social media) ratings.

Woke college students CELEBRATE Hamas attacks on Israel – YouTube

HS teachers are just trying to play catch up with collegiate counterparts, like Kindergarden. Why teach the subject matter, when you can discuss the hate of Trump, “climate change,” or your math teachers dating life and/or their sexual proclivities.

Good, Healthy subjects to talk to juvenile children about, huh Kindergarden?

Who cares if Juan, Tremaine, or Mecedes, can read or write? Check out their TikTok video. They prove that they can sure dance their a$$ off in the middle of an Algebra class.

They might not churn out doctors, lawyers, or future generations of gainfully employed adults, but the Picklefield Public Scohol system, puts out top-notch social media influencers.

Maybe they can get a piece of Flat’s $340,000 ARPA handout to social media influencers to “love Picklefield.”

Influencers, Journalists Invited to ‘Love Pittsfield’ / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

We can never forget that public school choice is the work of the Republican party.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Need to eliminate the Dept Education. Universal governance of regional interests doesn’t work in a Republic.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

We don’t talk about those things in secondary and pre-secondary education. The college examples you cite, Markus, are in the minority.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Sorry Kindergarden, I know you liberals hate free speech, but social media platforms like Twitter (X) show otherwise.

That damn First Amendment, huh Prof?

As I’ve said to you before, we are not grade dependent on you or your BS professor.

How about a fact once in awhile and not your horsesh!t opinion?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Whose opinion is horseshit?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Liberals like him love to practice free screech

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Free speech is no problem in my book, Markus. My problem is people like PV and you who support ‘privileged free speech’, where free speech is selectively allowed.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Show me ONE POST I have ever posted about talking away someone’s right to free speech.

You can’t, because I didn’t.

I’d be willing to bet you weren’t very well liked by your former students.

A know it all who used grades as a bully pulpit to “shape opinions.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

You talk away free speech all the time by telling me to shut up and go away.

“I’d be willing to bet you weren’t very well liked by your former students.”

You’d lose that bet. I’m sorry your profs did all those things to you, and left you unable to get good, steady work. You clearly wasted your time and $$ getting a college degree.

Oh, I guess you must have gone to Trump U. I hope you got your $$ back.

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

You need the refund from your madrassa

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Telling a moron to shut up is free speech

Pete & Re-Pete
Pete & Re-Pete
8 months ago

Picklefield has one buffoon following another. Barry loves it, as he will have come January a fat, drunk, stupid, overglorified bank teller to control as mayor, and then when that buffoon goes down in flames, he’ll rig it up for the next buffoon to take over – next time, a closeted, cosplayin’, mama’s boy who will do the bidding. Barry’s has the goods on all these idiots’ skeletons, so it looks like it’ll be more of the dark downward spiral for this sad city.

Reply to  Pete & Re-Pete
8 months ago

Did you know just about 12 years ago Barry wasn’t in politics at all? Is he this brilliant that he went from nothing to controlling everything ? If so maybe he deserves to run the show. How did he get all this power?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

He was under the tutelage of one Dr. Snacksausage, who is seen as the local poohba.

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Agent 86
8 months ago

Barry is to Pittsfield as Moose Cholak is to pro wrestling

Ray Ovac
Ray Ovac
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

ORBIT for Barry? It bears consideration.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ray Ovac
8 months ago

I would like to see him ORBIT the moon and take that woman with him.

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

Before then he taught the Eskimos how to can blubber

Animal Farm
Animal Farm
Reply to  Pothole
8 months ago

Barry done good as a rooster in the old hen house.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Pete & Re-Pete
8 months ago

You used a line from ANIMAL HOUSE to describe Marchetti. The dean was talking to Kent Dorffman. Marchetti is Dorfmann who we know as FLOUNDER!

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Pete & Re-Pete
8 months ago

The new council will be reminiscent of the bar scene from Star Wars

Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago

Which one is Chubaka?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Rule 5
8 months ago

Who’s the bounty hunter?

John Dutton
John Dutton
8 months ago

McNasty Marchetti
Muffin Man Pete white
Cone head Kavey

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

What is it with Picklefield bank executives and their “alleged” lewd behavior?

If the fact that porn was being watched at work on a work computer, that should be an automatic pink-slip and wish you the best.

If you can’t work an entire work shift, whether it be 8-24 hours and you can’t go that long without viewing porn, please seek help.

If I were a business person in Berkshire County any business transaction that ended with any of these guys mentioned, I sure wouldn’t be eager to shake their hands. Even a fist bump is questionable.

Remember, “tell um Angelo sent you.”

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Porno Pete?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Especially because people are screwing off half the day on their cell phones these days – no need to use the company computer to get ur kicks.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Unlike the disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and his despicable political network of bullies in Pittsfield politics to Boston, there are still good people who defend me and my family in Pittsfield, Massachusetts; someone wrote in an email to me tonight:

“For record, I never tolerated the abuse heaped upon you and the coarse calumnies. A gentleman called me 6 months ago. He apologized to me on behalf of the village for their behavior. He spoke of and your father and spoke of your grievance.”

I wish to thank all of the good people who fight the good fights and who fight for good people who live in Pittsfield, Boston and beyond.

In Manchester, NH, Alderman-at-large Joe Kelly Levasseur won reelection this past week. In 2008 – 2009, he defended me from political attacks in the City of Manchester, NH. He is a Republican, but at the end of the day, we are all Americans who believe in democracy, liberty and justice for all.

There are good people everywhere. I am a disabled Veteran and I go to the VAMC Manchester, NH, on a weekly basis. I have wonderful neighbors, family and friends in Amherst, NH.

I am thankful that you, Dan Valenti, have told me that you have defended me over these past 27.5 years of political persecution since my dad, Bob, ran and served as a Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 – mid-2000). North Adams’ John Barrett III also defended my dad, Bob, back then.

During this month of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of the good people in my life. I hope to pay it forward in the years to come during my short time of life on Earth.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

+stop crying and start living life.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
8 months ago

Best thing that could happen to Pittsfield is to have Mayor’s Barry and Linda move away after their reign of being King and Queen. The two of them have done absolutely nothing to better the living conditions of Pittsfield.

This is the third winter there has been a promise of a new homeless shelter. Still not opened. Can’t tell me this large delay does not have something to do with Mayor Barry not wanting it next to his flourishing PPP paid accounting business. You could build a mountain faster than this homeless shelter.

As of two days after the election Mayor Barry was still posting cruel comments about John Krol. We all know that Mayor Barry was behind the trashing of John since day one. Mayor Barry’s candidate “No Personality Peter” won, so what is the need for Mayor Barry to keep trashing John. Only a small inadequate man would continue to behave this way. At least he had the smarts to realize that if he himself ever ran for Mayor no one would have voted for him.

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Merry & Bright
8 months ago

Barry is Pittsfield Elite

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago



J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Eye Roll
8 months ago

Actually the G-man is the only multi millionaire I know and I like the wiz, he relates to the underdogs of society and to the poor tax and rate payers of our city. He is fiercely protective of his extended family and is always there when we here need him. They voters of ward six have lost the ability to be represented by one of the most intelligent men in our city. Choosing Dina de Dunce is comparable to choosing Vladimir Putin over Pope Francis. Dont count the G Man out as he is not a quitter, eventually he will reduce everyone’s water and sewer bills by getting rid of Ricardo Morales and the cities consultants Aecom and Kleinfelder like he did Gerry Doyle Sr. and Metcalf and Eddy engineers in the 80s, and Collingwood and Turocy in the not too distant past,. Saving the ratepayers hides will be his latest stand before he splits his leisure time between living in Pittsfield and the French Riviera.

Long live Gaetani the greatest benefactor to the city of Pittsfield of all time and thank you Mr. Gaetani for all you have done for Pittsfield and what you will do additionally for The City…..long live the G-man

Reply to  J T S Brown
8 months ago

Gaetani will be around to further advise the collection of buffoons that we call the city council. I suspect Blumin will still be very involved as will kronick and kalinowsky.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

Chronic has his house for sale. He is getting out of town.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
8 months ago

One less good guy in town. Must make a creep like you happy.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
8 months ago

Will the real Mayor Barry please come forward.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
8 months ago

Is it 3am?

8 months ago

All due respect, Democrats aren’t ‘swamping’ Trump with criminal and civil trials; the justice system is.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Miche
8 months ago

Democrat dominated justice system

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Miche
8 months ago

But without Donald committing all the crimes there would be no need for all the trials in the first place huh?

Reply to  Miche
8 months ago

George Soros prosecutors are doing the dirty work for Joe Biden. These aren’t REAL prosecutors. Just like Berkshire County got rid of our own George Soros influenced DA. This isn’t a REAL Justice System when these people have specifically been put in place to pervert the law.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

November 11, 2023

Happy Veterans Day. The Berkshire Eagle’s editorial essentially calls for rebuilding Pittsfield’s Middle-Class families. Economics 101 in public management is to use the city’s limited resources to invest in people – the community’s most valuable resource – and the community itself. It is not just to grow the tax base for the sake of raising municipal spending, but it is a nice thing when the people return the favor of being invested in by investing in the community.

It is old as economics itself: How to rebuild and maintain the middle class? The answer is that the career politicians vote for and fund: Housing, Healthcare, Public Education, Transportation, support businesses that pay employees a full-time living wage with benefits, teach everyone Financial Literacy (such as the state lottery is really voluntary regressive taxation), support policies that favor realistic pension plans, offer unemployment, workman’s compensation and disability income and programs, teach unskilled workers how to be skilled professionals, call out politicians who do not invest in people and communities, demand a government that is equitable and efficient and effective and accessible and open and transparent as possible, that does not giveaway millions or billions of dollar per fiscal year in tax breaks to the wealthy financial, corporate and ruling elites (see: greedy registered lobbyist Dan Bosley on Beacon Hill), while systemically underfunding government and public education funding, and the like.

North Street in downtown Pittsfield has many empty storefronts, many social services agencies – as North Street is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, too few businesses, and it is surrounded by the sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty” impoverished and distressed neighborhoods. Pittsfield is always listed in the top 10 cities/population for violent crime in Massachusetts. Pittsfield’s public school district has Level 5 public schools, which is the WORST rating. In return for all of this, Pittsfield politics spends an excessive $205.6 million operating fiscal year 2024 municipal budget. All of this combined is the OPPOSITE of Economic Development! No rational middle-class family or small business is going to choose to relocate to Pittsfield given these sad realities.

The proposed restoration of the over 100-year-old Wahconah Park comes with a steep price tag: an estimated $30 million! I believe that Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D-Happy Endings), Becket State Senator Paul Mark (D-Rubber Stamp), PAC Man Richie Neal (D-K Street), Maryland Markey (D-Chevy Chase), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Joe Biden) could request state and federal funds to assist the city in this worthy endevour. The next Mayor of Pittsfield could take Governor Maura Healey to a baseball game in Pittsfield next Summer 2024.

I went to a baseball game at Wahconah Park when Mike Dukakis was the Governor of Massachusetts many years ago now, and after the announcer told us of his attendance at the Pittsfield baseball game, some people clapped, while others rudely booed. Years later, I saw Superman – Christopher Reeve – attending a baseball game at Wahconah Park. It was sad to see Superman – Christopher Reeve – in a wheelchair, but we all loved that Superman was a resident of Williamstown in the beautiful Berkshires back then. The Iron Horse – Lou Gehrig – played minor league baseball at Wahconah Park a very long time ago now.

Lastly, I believe that Mayor Linda Tyer is the best Mayor of Pittsfield in my lifetime of 48 years – if not EVER. She is a great public manager, and she has received praises from state and local officials throughout Massachusetts. She is nobody’s fool when it comes to financial management. My mother knew Linda Tyer when they worked in the Lenox public school district over 20 years ago. She told me that Linda Tyer did a great job back then, and that everyone admired her professional work in Lenox. I have been a supporter of Linda Tyer in Pittsfield politics for the last 20 years. She is a politician who believes in many of the same beliefs that I, myself, believe in, including supporting Human Rights, Investing in People and the Community, having compassion for the poor people and neighborhoods, having strong financial management skills, and doing well by the City of Pittsfield.

Jon Melle


Our Opinion: “The most-pressing issues facing Pittsfield’s reshaped leadership”
The Berkshire Eagle, Editorial, November 11, 2023

Following Tuesday’s municipal election, Pittsfield’s leadership landscape will soon shift considerably. In addition to the mayor’s office, five of 11 City Council seats — including half of the four at-large seats — will see turnover when city leaders are sworn in early next year.

They will have to hit the ground running to address the many issues that matter most to Pittsfield residents, which include long-lingering concerns that have and will elude cheap and easy answers. These are the issues that we see as the most-pressing based on our assessment of the state of the city as well as the perspectives of hundreds of readers who wrote letters to the editor during the election about what they wanted to see. We’ll continue to focus in and raise questions on these issues down the line, but and foster the priorities pronounced during campaign season.

North Street
There are many perspectives about precisely what North Street should look like, but the common theme is that the city can do better by its once-thriving downtown center. While the exact conditions of the GE heydays likely won’t return anytime soon, what are the best ways to not only nurture new life in empty storefronts but support extant downtown business-owners who too often feel their concerns are overlooked by city leadership?

And what is the plan to resolve the knotty issue of traffic flow and bike lanes? While there are plenty of folks with a reductive view in either direction — rip up North Street to make it exactly as it was vs. leave the confusing bike lanes as they are and ignore the growing complaints — we urge city leaders to get both creative and practical in finding a solution. No option will please everyone, and the sudden and apparently underthought redesign a couple years ago needlessly polarized this issue for many. City leaders must envision an evolution of North Street’s formulation that promotes safe transit on four, two and zero wheels while limiting headaches for downtown visitors and businesses alike. Easier said than done, but leaving it as is for much longer is only going to promote discontent and derision in a downtown that Pittsfield needs to flourish.

Public safety
There was much debate, particularly in the mayoral race, about exactly what posture the Pittsfield Police Department should take on North Street and other areas where residents and visitors alike have reported feeling unsafe or uncomfortable. Even if all parties agreed on precisely what that posture should be, what gets less oxygen are the necessary questions about how to pay for some ambitious plans to beef up PPD staffing, particularly on North Street and other spots with heavy foot traffic, given the department’s current staffing and budgetary restraints.

Beyond that, though, combating the many systemic issues that give rise to public safety concerns will require more than just balancing police patrol numbers. We already expect a lot from our police — some might argue too much, in fact. We not only task them with the tough and dangerous job of fighting and preventing crime, but often rely on them as first responders to those struggling with stubborn social problems that can lead to crime or safety concerns: addiction, mental health extremis, housing insecurity, economic desperation.

By all means, let’s stop panhandling in Pittsfield, but treat it like the symptom it is. Feed people. House people. Pay people a living wage. Fund and fully staff addiction, mental health and social service programs.

As a thoughtful op-ed from city faith leaders recently underscored, it’s both understandable and easy to complain about pervasive symptoms like aggressive panhandling. It’s far harder but all the more necessary to diagnose and treat the social ills that give rise to those symptoms. Pittsfield leaders must determine how to not only apply band-aids to the symptoms but treat these diseases at their sources with the budgetary resources it has. That will require both a careful balance of principles and practicality as well as an eye for collaborative opportunities with like-minded nonprofit, regional, state and federal partners.

Economic development
Like many of its post-industrial peers, Pittsfield is hungry for economic growth and transformation. There have been some modest to major success stories in recent years that suggest a path forward, and the current administration’s record and groundwork is worth heeding — for both its wins and losses. Mayor Linda Tyer’s administration, including the so-called red carpet team meant to court new business, can reasonably point to some successes in plugging Pittsfield as a place for burgeoning tech business — attracting firms like Electro Magnetic Applications, presiding over the opening of the Berkshire Innovation Center and seeing expansion at companies like Pittsfield Plastics Engineering and General Dynamics. That ambition must be tempered with realistic and sustainable goals, however, as unfortunately demonstrated by the unceremonious shuttering of the Wayfair call center three years after its celebrated opening.

What’s clear, though, is that Pittsfield needs to boost its tax base if the lofty promises of campaign season are to survive budgetary reality. A common theme from voters — in this or any city — is that they want more out of their public services (such as more headway on the city’s considerable deferred maintenance backlog) while mitigating tax and fee hikes for residents. Anyone who’s taken Economics 101 will tell you the only way to accomplish both of those things is to broaden the tax base. Pittsfield has made some progress here, but it must build on it now.

Wahconah Park
While this issue is more specific than the others, it’s a pivotal one to the spirit and vitality of Pittsfield. Thanks to the work of the Wahconah Park Restoration Committee, plans to put some long overdue shine on this historic diamond are slowly but surely coming along. And they come with the prospect of a steep price tag: an estimated $30 million. The restoration committee this week voted to send a feasibility study for the renovation plan to both the current mayor as well as Mayor-elect Peter Marchetti.

A new and revitalized Wahconah Park is one step closer to fruition. There are, however, still miles to go before any construction can start.

Mr. Marchetti during his campaign was careful to both recognize the importance of Wahconah Park’s future as well as keep his eye on the ball of other big-budget items that demand the city’s attention, from grappling with deferred maintenance to paying for an overdue new police station. The Wahconah Park Restoration Committee has done much good work gathering consensus and forwarding a plan to preserve this ballpark for generations of baseball-lovers to come. But forwarding an eight-figure project is a very different matter than financing that $30 million project in a city with an annual budget of $200 million. Balancing the sustainable future of Wahconah Park with budgetary responsibility will be a tall order, and this field of dreams in the heart of Pittsfield needs city leaders to step up to the plate and bring this one home safely.

This is neither an exhaustive list of all the issues facing Pittsfield nor a prescription for easy answers on all the matters highlighted here. But the problems and potential in Pittsfield need action sooner than later, which will require some momentum to be built up in this critical transition period. We will be watching closely as Mayor-elect Marchetti picks the pivotal members of his administration, particularly the role of finance director. And with the results in hand from a nonbinding referendum showing Pittsfield voters’ strong support for maintaining the city’s residency requirement for public safety chiefs, the stage is set for what should be a swift but thoughtful process of hiring a new police chief. We urge the mayor-elect and councilors-elect to be transparent with their constituents about their plans and process for tackling these myriad issues.


Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Jon, you’ve got to monetize your logorrhea by writing a novel.

J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

This is a novel.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Or get a shot of penicillin

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

I want blogger Dan Valenti to write a novel: “Pittsfield politics, a Shit Sandwich, and the plight of the Kapanskis!” I would buy his book.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Donald Trump wrote: The FART of the STEAL: Josef Stolen & Commie Harris

Hunter Biden wrote: I used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes and have sex with prostitutes: How I bankrolled the Big Guy’s presidential ambitions from China, Russia and Ukraine

Billionaire John Kerry wrote: In early-2021, I used to own millions of dollars in stock investments in the oil and gas industry, but now I am the nation’s first ever Climate Envoy

Joe Biden wrote: The Green New Deal really allows China to burn more and more fossil fuels; Please do not forget that I voted for the second (oil rich) Iraq Conflict in the early-2000’s along with John Kerry and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton wrote: Stand by your man: Bill Clinton has a Cheating Heart and 26 flight logs on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet

Sarcasm: I wrote a book: The 2024 election: The Party of Moral Hypocrites versus The Party of HOT AIR Buffoons!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Mr. Melle, your honey is the cause of much of the problem. You need your head examined.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Mr. Melle, thanks for posting the Eagle’s editorial. Allow me to render Mayor Barry’s opinion.

North Street.  What are the best ways to not only nurture new life in empty storefronts but support extant downtown business-owners who too often feel their concerns are overlooked by city leadership? And what is the plan to resolve the knotty issue of traffic flow and bike lanes?  A KNOTTY ISSUE? NOT EXACTLY. REMOVE THE BIKE LANES, HERE AND ALL OVER THE CITY.  

Public safety.  And with the results in hand from a nonbinding referendum showing Pittsfield voters’ strong support for maintaining the city’s residency requirement for public safety chiefs, the stage is set for what should be a swift but thoughtful process of hiring a new police chief.  SWIFT BUT THOUGHTFUL? TYER SHOULD HAVE ALREADY FILLED THE JOB BY FOLLOWING CIVIL SERVICE LAW AND CITY ORDNANCE – YOU HIRE A CIVIL SERVICE CHIEF, THAT LIVES IN PITTSFIELD. SIMPLE.  


Economic development. What’s clear, though, is that Pittsfield needs to boost its tax base if the lofty promises of campaign season are to survive budgetary reality. A common theme from voters is that they want more out of their public services while mitigating tax and fee hikes for residents. Anyone who’s taken Economics 101 will tell you the only way to accomplish both of those things is to broaden the tax base. BULLSHIT. I TOOK ECONOMICS 101. YOU LEFT OUT THE OTHER HALF OF THE EQUATION – CUT SPENDING ON WHAT YOU DON’T NEED, LIKE THE DIE OFFICE, A BLOATED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, TOO MANY SCHOOLS, ETC 

Wahconah Park.  While this issue is more specific than the others, it’s a pivotal one to the spirit and vitality of Pittsfield. NO, IT IS NOT. HELL, HARDLY ANYONE GOES THERE. Thanks to the work of the Wahconah Park Restoration Committee, plans to put some long overdue shine on this historic diamond are slowly but surely coming along. And they come with the prospect of a steep price tag: an estimated $30 million.  Mr. Marchetti during his campaign was careful to both recognize the importance of Wahconah Park’s future as well as keep his eye on the ball of other big-budget items that demand the city’s attention, from grappling with deferred maintenance to paying for an overdue new police station. $30 million project in a city with an annual budget of $200 million. Balancing the sustainable future of Wahconah Park with budgetary responsibility will be a tall order, and this field of dreams in the heart of Pittsfield needs city leaders to step up to the plate and bring this one home safely. WHY? WHY SPEND MONEY WE DON’T HAVE, FOR A BALLPARK WE DON’T NEED, BUILT ON A SWAMP? YOU COULD HAVE A NEW POLICE STATION FOR THAT KIND OF MONEY, AND BY THE WAY, YOU COULD ALREADY HAVE A NEW POLICE STATION WITH ALL THE COVID CASH TYER IS PISSING AWAY.  

This is neither an exhaustive list of all the issues facing Pittsfield nor a prescription for easy answers on all the matters highlighted here. But the problems and potential in Pittsfield need action sooner than later, We will be watching closely as Mayor-elect Marchetti picks the pivotal members of his administration, particularly the role of finance director.  YOUR EDITORIAL IS BASICALLY A REPORT CARD ON TYER AND WITHOUT SAYING IT, SHE FLUNKED.  BY THE WAY, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR DOESN’T SET FISCAL POLICY, THE MAYOR DOES. WHO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR IS, IS NOT HALF AS IMPORTANT AS HIRING A PROPER POLICE CHIEF. SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT WIND OF A NEW FINANCE DIRECTOR AND YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH IT.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

The Pittsfield taxpayer has sunk millions into Wahconah Park.

Heh Heh
Heh Heh
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Into all the parks over the last 20 years. You will never get a figure out of city hall but I bet taxpayers have been taxed 500 million or more on city parks in the not too distant past. Waconah has been done over five times by itself. Clapp park at least that many.
Some cities launder money through their park systems. Thank Goodness we have oversight and it could not happen here.

8 months ago

George Soros prosecutors are the ones going after Donald Trump. They have perverted our justice system to “Get Trump”. People on this board need to stop pretending that this is real justice. It’s not.

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

You would let Trump get away with all his crimes. I would prefer that he be made accountable for what he has done. The prosecution of Trump has nothing to do with Soros. Trump’s prosecution has to do with the fact that he is an evil man who has done evil things.

Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

It has everything to do with Soros, Biden and the globalists. They don’t want their globalist agenda messed with and they use these Soros prosecutors to keep him busy with all of these lawsuits. The New York District attorney vowed to get Trump on something, anything, and she didn’t even have a crime in mind at the time. She had to invent one.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Hillary is loving all this stuff. Can’t blame her though can we Pat? It is called Karma and boy is it a bitch right now for the Trump cult. Their noses are not so high in the air these days.

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

The difference is Hillary really did do the crimes. Stop playing these games. Most people are just not that stupid to believe this is karma for Trump. She belongs in jail even James Comey admitted it. This is more dirty tactics by people who don’t like Trump because he interferes with their nasty political agenda.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

I’m sorry, Pat, you have no clue what is going on. Watch something…anything…in addition to FOX.

Dan knows this – he just won’t say so.

Last edited 8 months ago by Kindergarden
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Dan said, and I quote from this blog, “Democrats continue to swamp Trump with criminal and civil trials designed to keep him from becoming 47″. Designed to keep him from becoming president means “making up stuff to keep Trump from becoming president.”

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Dan is the defacto expert?

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Not at all, Pat. The crimes were not invented. In NY Trump undervalued properties to reduce taxes, and overvalued the same properties to get more favorable loans. That is illegal.

Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Wrong on all counts. Mara-Lago is worth far more than 18 million which is what the George Soros DA is saying. Have you seen it? It’s a small town?

Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

The Soros DA was saying Mara-Lago was 18 million dollars in value. Yes, that is a lie. It’s worth far more.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

How would you know?

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

I give up.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Property owners don’t determine property value. I that were the case I’d be paying tax on a home valued at one dollar. Stop watching PMSNBC

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Banks don’t take your word for property values either. Trump paid back all loans with no complaints from the banks

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

Don’t you claim to be educated?

Eye Roll
Eye Roll
Reply to  Kindergarden
8 months ago

You are totally delusional

Reply to  Eye Roll
8 months ago

Agent 86, eye roll and Pat:

You morons. The crime is the difference between the two valuations: low for taxes and high for collateral.

8 months ago

These so-called protesters a/ka Thugs are pounding the doors in Grand Central Station. Police are inside so this shows their lack of fear. Police are outside too trying to control them but these protesters are not about peace. These pro-Palestinian protests have turned into mob scenes.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pat
J T S Brown
J T S Brown
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

RickyRoller recognized for good work ny Tyer and bouvier for waste water plant. don’t say no this was planned by continuously failing since it’s been upgraded. He should be given the goons award for not knowing what he’s doing and charging the city 74 million for this field facility.