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1st of a Two-Part Series

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY NOV. 13, 2019) — Try getting on an airplane without identification. Try obtaining a driver’s license without a set of I.D. documents fit for 007’s  attache case. Cashing a check? Better have your ID handy. Buying a six-pack at Price Chopper? ID please. In these jittery times, without valid ID, you become a Nowhere Person. Now try voting in Pittsfield, Mass. You go to the poll and give a name. The workers doesn’t know you from Judge Crater but presto! You have the vote.

Voter fraud isn’t common, but it happens. Don’t take the THE PLANET‘s word. Check the U.S. Supreme Court. The temptation and possibility become most likely in close races with high animus between opposing camps — Tyer v. Mazzeo, for instance. That may explain rumors of voter irregularities allegedly taking place on Election Day.

According to the Heritage Foundation, there are many ways to steal votes. These include:

  • Impersonation fraud at the polls: Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote but remain registered.
  • False registrations: Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence where the registered voter does not live and is not entitled to vote.
  • Duplicate voting: Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one location.
  • Fraudulent use of absentee ballots: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature, or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.
  • Buying votes: Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.
  • Illegal “assistance” at the polls: Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”
  • Ineligible voting: Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.
  • Altering the vote count: Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Did voter fraud occur in Pittsfield on Nov. 5?

No evidence has been produced to prove it. While the vote is still warm, having barely been officiated, there have been rumblings, however, and not just from easily dismissed sources. THE PLANET has been in touch with credible sources, including municipal and state offices. We know Team Mazzeo has been closely examining polling data. Such number crunching can be expected after a close outcome. Nothing unusual there, but if they were to take action, stop the presses. It would mean they and their attorneys think they have a case.

They could go one of two ways: Recount or court. THE PLANET can’t see a recount. More than 500 is too large a win margin to reasonably challenge, short of evidence of egregious poll violations. The second way would be through Superior Court, making a case for voting fraud. If they do act, it would be through that channel, according to what we’re hearing.

Until two years ago, the Commonwealth participated in a voter-fraud detection system called Crosscheck. It used election data to detect potential voting scams by comparing actual balloting with voter rolls. In 2017, secretary of state Bill Galvin dropped the program. Coincidentally, that same year, in Massachusetts, the U.S. attorney’s office said six people, including four RMV clerks, were arrested in connection “with a scheme to produce false identification documents through the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.” Nationally, it’s estimated that 2 to 3 million illegal aliens voted in elections in 2016. We mention these facts to illustrate that, while rare, the polls aren’t immune to funny business.

The obvious solution lies in passing a law to require positive identification of anyone who votes. Voting ID will help prevent impersonation, stop false voter registration, put an end to double even triple voting, and it would keep illegal aliens out of the voting booth. Such a law would protect the vast majority of good, decent, hardworking citizens who have grown weary of criminals tramping  their well-deserved rights.


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe”Albert Einstein.



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5 years ago

Had many friends that voted for the first time who all claimed they couldn’t believe they didn’t need an ID. I have heard stories around Pittsfield of people already having a vote cast when they showed up, being checked in but not out and vice versa. I do find it amusing that Democrats push so hard for lax voter ID laws, but complain when it impacts them.

Unfortunately much of the mistrust in our election process stems from not having a simple, conmon sense approach to be able to confirm and count someone’s vote.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Never heard this but do surrounding towns have an ID policy

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
5 years ago

Someone has to win, someone has to lose…The winner never calls for a recount. Tyer won end of story.

.”It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Joseph Stalin

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Wes C Addle
5 years ago

The people that “count” the votes are committed community volunteers and has a paper ballot system that’s pretty hard to fuck around with.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer won the election. It was predictable because the Good Old Boys run the show in Pittsfield, and they all backed her. Every election year in the history of Pittsfield politics, wealthy Ward 4 decides the winner of the corner office in City Hall. The rich voters don’t mind high taxes with diminished municipal services. Melissa Mazzeo pointed out how Linda failed to deliver for the hard hit taxpayers, but what she did not factor in was that a majority of the voters aren’t affected by high taxes. The rich can afford it, while the poor don’t pay.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Mazzeo had every intention of raising taxes too. Both are Progressives. Both love the high taxation. If you want a different result, you need to vote for a different political ideology. Unfortunately that choice doesn’t exist in this area which is why the politicians can do as they please.

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

If im not misteaken, Mazzeo lives in ward 4 on one of the most exclusive 1-way streets Pitty has to offer, so let’s think about this for a minute, shall we?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Wes C Addle
5 years ago

Gravesleigh Terrace “most exclusive”? Seriously?

Is there any street in this town “most exclusive”?

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Wes C Addle
5 years ago

Wes, this is Pittsfield.
Maybe you should take a drive up Pheasant Way on the west side of town.

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Maybe you guys ought to do your homework- The average price of a house in Pitty, according to Zillow is $175k, which I think is high, I bet its about $150k. There is not a house on Gravsleigh valued under $325k. The aforementioned residence has a value of $500k. I’m very familiar with the gated communities to the west where our mayor lives.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Wes C Addle
5 years ago

The mayor’s hood is higher in value than Gravesleigh. The mayor’s house went down in appraised value while Mazzeo’s went UP. So what point were you trying to make??

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Johnathan Melle stated above: “wealthy Ward 4 decides the winner of the corner office in City Hall”- My point is that Mazzeo lives in Ward 4- so that makes her one of the “Wealthy” that he is alluding too. It’s honestly a ridiculous statement, IMO. I was trying to point out this odd but truthful fact. Soooo, when he referenced that the win was tied to Ward 4, I was just pointing out that Mazzeo is part of the WARD that did NOT elect her, and is wealthy, and lives in Ward 4. Its called “tit for tat”, which does nothing for nobody. The Mayor has no control over the assessments as you are probably aware. So that is another moot point UNTIL you prove that she meddled in that assessment and the election as well. Really, what this all comes down to is sour grapes because Mazzeo lost. Obviously, some of the members here NEED to find a reason in order to justify that loss. I get it. It makes them feel better.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

You’re wrong again Johnathan. In 2011 Peter Marchetti won ward 4 in the mayors race but lost to Dan Bianchi by 116 votes. So ward 4 doesn’t determine who is mayor.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Dale Johnson
5 years ago

I recall that night: the last precinct called (i’m 95%) sure was in fact his very own and before it was called they were both dead even, so we all thought “hell, we’ve got this”… then it was called and he had lost his own precinct (2B at the time I think).

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The same Ward 4 voters that re-elected top Tyer roadblock and contrarian Chris Connell? Yes, it’s all a conspiracy. Melissa Mazzeo showcased how she failed to deliver a positive path forward for Pittsfield by sending attack piece after attack piece (as no doubt directed to by the Boston firm she gave $20k to) because she didn’t have a record to run on, no past initiatives or serious goals to have claimed to fight for, and was in fact on the City Council as a hobby for 10 years, “asking tough questions” without a theme, goal, or point outside whatever it was Pam Malumphy was most likely advising her to gripe about at the time:or just asking questions constantly because she constantly had no idea what was going on.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

And just one week after getting reelected, Tyer is before the city council trying to jam her latest tax increase down their throats. She is almost giddy about it while her friends wait in the wings for their taxes to be reduced. I personally find it immoral that she would force senior citizens on fixed incomes to subsidize wealthy businessmen friends of hers. She will not tell you who these people are but some may have donated to her campaign.
On a positive note some city councilors pushed back and I would like to sincerely thank them. On the flip side the rubber stamping sycophants were eerily quiet. The Eagle article did not mention anything about Moon or White sticking up for the people who elected them. So Tyer can be reassured that these two will not step out of line. And Kerwood wants to keep his job so of course he is going to be an echo chamber for his leader.

Gonna be a long four years. Get out if you can.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Tyer said she heard the other half of Pittsfield. Pay attention to crime off Tyler street,Landlords,Paint lines on our roads.Sweep the streets in the early spring.Talk to department heads about budgets .Visit your schools.Go down to the highway department……The other Pittsfield knows you wont light up the hood.Cut tree limbs in the hood.Put sidewalks in the hood.Put pickleball downtown. State sent Tyer 5 million in educational new money and we got no tax relief.The schools dont even know what to spend it on.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

If the mayor and chief decide not to list a crime then it is not in the statistics. There is more smoke and more mirrors every day. When you control all the head people you can control the information and make a failing city appear to be a coveted tourist site. (on paper…you can do this on paper)

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Moon was absent. Count on the Tyer-tokens Marchetti, White, Caccamo & Persip to support the mayor’s tax increase. You Pittsfield residents had better contact your ward councilors & at-large councilors to support a million from free cash to offset the tax increase. Mazzeo’s loss is a huge loss on the CC. Thankfully Connell won & remains the voice of reason.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Budget cuts are reasonable, not quibbling over rate per se. I want cuts, I want some cuts, and I want em now. For Pete’s sakes my property taxes will be 10 percent of my pay any year now. And all the free cash should be offsetting increase. Tyer played Smoke on The Water last tax year and now it’s coming back to bite her ample behind.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

Maybe you should get a better job?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Just out of the gate and Tyer is going for a tax increase. Moon is a total rubber stamper and only very narrowly won in her district. Now that the election is over, the Progressive politicians go back to listening to their real masters….the politicians in Boston especially Adam Hinds and friends and their political allies in this area. The Pittsfield school employees too who put Tyer back in office as they are always looking for a budget increase. Although also a high taxer and believer in giving more money to the schools, Mazzeo made them nervous because she wanted to look too deeply into the problems in the school department. That cannot be tolerated.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

You bet it’s going to be a long four years. The day the voters approved the charter changing the mayoral term to 4 years they voted out all accountability. This mayor has only two more meeting to put up with Melmaz, Krol, Tony Sim etc. then the ball is all hers. Yoko Ono, Guiel, Moon, the two simpletons Marchetti and Caccamo are all hers.

Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

The biggest loss is Mazzeo on the council. One of only a couple independent thinkers on that council. I have a small glimmer of hope that Yuki can be an independent thinker/voter as she wasn’t outwardly supporting either candidate in the race for Mayor.

Hopefully Mazzeo runs to get back on council in a couple years, but certainly wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Yuki is a North St. business person with a liquor licence. She will ruffle no feathers.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

“Yoko Ono” – try to dial down the racism a lil bit and maybe you could be taken seriously.

5 years ago

As my brother in arms Johnny A said, Tyer before council trying to jam tax increase through, now that election is over. Read the article – above and beyond this screwing, assessments are going up over 4 percent. Added together, the average Kapanski will be paying hundreds more per year in property taxes. Sadly, while the council quibbles over the tax rates, and whether or not more “free cash” should be used to offset increase, which is your tax money they already stole from you, note how not one of them is talking about reducing spending. And while Tyer was running for 4 more years, everything was hunky dory, peachy creamy, and now Cufflinks tells us to prepare for tough times ahead. City has a spending problem. Johnny’s spot on. Get out while you still can.

5 years ago

Dan, Just my two cents worth – Mazzeo got beat fair and square, and there is no way she will be asking for a recount, despite Brian’s sources. She will take her ball and go home. Tyer campaigned harder, probably spend more money, campaigned smarter, was better organized, had the huge advantage of 4 year incumbency, and all the “credit” earned by all theGOBSIG giveaways, who also backed her, and had the big unions behind her, due to all the giveaways, and seemed to want it more. Tyer barely won, but nonetheless, she won. Certainly, her victory was nothing to brag about though. Kind of reminds me of a children’s story line about some animal trying to eat another, and the other getting away by the skin of its skinny skin skin, or something like that. Though the percentage of victory was small, still too many votes seperating the two, to bother with a recount. Even if a couple dozen people voted 2 or 3 times, which is very easy to do, it would take a real orchestrated effort to make a difference in the results. I seriously doubt there was any organized voter fraud, and probably next to none generally speaking. Of course, if the government required an ID to vote, just like is needed to buy booze, cigarettes, and scratch tickets, Pittsfield’s 3 economic engines, well then voter fraud could be greatly reducted. It would be fun to speculate who would oversee such a thing, in each camp. I recall Ruberto had Angelo oversee his, can’t recall who Bianchi had. My guess is if there was a recount, Bianchi would be Mazzeo’s rep, and Ruberto would be Tyer’s.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Yes, I know Dan. Just gettin my Two Cents in. Appreciate this blog. Sometimes, us Kapanskis just need to blow off some steam. Thanks.

5 years ago

I am grateful that you did a column on this subject Dan. I have my suspicions that all was not on the up and up. Voter I.D. is a need-to-have. Poll sitters should not be allowed, in all fairness.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

OK, Chairman Shifty, let’s see what you got, if anything.

Let’s review, all according to our “journalists” or Democrats or the same thing:

1. Trump won’t run . . .
2. Trump won’t make it to the first caucus/primary . . .
3. Trump won’t win a primary . . .
4. Trump would drop out in February, March, April, May, June . . .
5. Trump won’t get the nomination . . .
6. Trump will quit before the election . . .
7. Trump won’t survive the recounts . . .
8. Trump won’t survive the Electoral Collage vote . . .
9. Trump won’t be inaugurated . . .
10. Trump won’t make it past June 2017 . . .
11. Trump will be gone by the end of 2017 . . .
12. 25th Amendment–he’s done . . .
13. Jared Kushner, Trump’s done . . .
14. Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump will have to quit so he can go to jail . . .
15. Trump won’t last past June 2018 . . .
16. Trump won’t make it to Christmas 2018 . . .
17. Impeach, impeach, impeach–he’s done . . .
18. Charlottesville–oh, yeah, it’s all over . . .
19. Spring 2019, Mueller Report will put Trump in jail for sure . . .
20.Ukraine, impeach, make it up: “Holy Bataan Death March, Batman, we’ve got to do something with our weaker than weak Democrats for the nomination.”
21. Distract, impeach, deflect, attack . . .
22. Oh, yeah, he’s done . . .
23. Trump will be in jail by Christmas 2019 . . .
24. Yup, all over . . .

I’m sure that’s only half of it, but you get the idea.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I wonder if Pittsfield could get a two for one price if they do a forensic audit at the same time they investigate voter fraud.

WOW!! What was that loud bang?? Was it Tyer slamming her file cabinet as she read this budget saving suggestion?

Cal Dontellini
Cal Dontellini
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

The most incredible vote was in Ward 7..The Mayor tally was a tie ? That doesn’t jive.

5 years ago

c’mon man. the election is over. Washington has spent 4 years wasting time to impeach a president that will never happen. let’s get on with the business of the day. no one is going to risk a federal rap to vote in the pitts. move along, nothing to see here…

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“You think you lost your love
Well, I saw her yesterday
It’s you she’s thinking of
And she told me what to say

She says she loves you“

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“You know its up to You
I think its only fair
Pride can hurt you too
Apologize to her

Because she loves you”

5 years ago

The impeachment hearings are a joke. Nobody can comment from the other side. Schiff has all the power. Nice quiet background for their hearings totally unlike what they did during the Kavanaugh hearings. Republicans should have people screaming and wailing in the background whenever they try to make a point against President Trump. Oh wait those on the right are too grown up to act that way.

George Sauerr
George Sauerr
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

All I see is a Joe Namath doing medical commercials?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Dems got N-O-T-H-I-N-G. 60/40 it they never even vote on one article of impeachment.

I tried to post earlier on close to 20 times that the geniuses in the media/Left were wrong about Trump, but I guess it didn’t make it.

Limbaugh had a montage earlier of about 20 of them in the media saying that the evidence was “OVERWHELMING” against Trump.

Is Carville still writing the script every day and faxing/texting it out to them all?

Vladimir Kiolsovolashevek
Vladimir Kiolsovolashevek
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

I agree Mr. Murrow. The Democrats are saying there was a quid pro quo.Hell No! The Ukraine President said to a National Audience there was no pressure, Notta.Trump could have said it in jest, like, and give us some dirt on Biden,worst case scenario. That is not an Impeachable offense. Nobody beats Trump,No Body!

Reply to  Vladimir Kiolsovolashevek
5 years ago

Watch Glen Beck tonight on either UTube or Facebook at 8PM. He is going to show what has been happening with our State Department and how they have been spending taxpayer money not only in Ukraine, but across the world. President Trump was zeroing in on this corruption which explains the urgency to impeach him even though the election is a year away. Beck says that America will be shocked at what he is going to expose. Not only is this corruption, but Glen Beck will prove that this is criminal activity.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Stop Pat your brainwashed

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago


Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

I will sum up today’s (Wednesday) testimony simply in the style of CC The Maze Sun:
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin’ around

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  acheshirecat
5 years ago

I once walked by a restaurant where someone said that another guy was talking to someone else who had talked to Trump . . .

This should give CNN and MSNBC their entire programing for this evening.

Oh, yeah, Trump will resign by Thanksgiving.

He’s done. Again.

Reply to  acheshirecat
5 years ago

It’s called totem pole heresay in court, and it’s inadmissible as testimony.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Its not a trial…Trump may add evidence at anytime

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

I don’t believe for one second that Donald Trump does anything for anybody other than himself or for the glory of Donald Trump. Do a search of the legal databases involving lawsuits with Trump. He rarely wins, often changes his testimony. How did those degrees from Trump University work out for anyone?

Gustav Tilersonofabich 11
Gustav Tilersonofabich 11
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

What about the economy?Many people are jealous because he’s rich and has done nefarious things in the past. Trump is a brand name,unlike Clinton’s and Obama’s who are also really rich for some reason? But no one is jealous of those two? One a giggolo the other smoke more dope that Cheech Marin.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Trump already gave his billionaires a tax cut.Thats all he cares about .He doesn care about anyone

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

I agree with Jonathon Melle above. Nobody made a fuss about taxes during the election because the rich can afford them and the poor don’t pay them.

It is now the middle, working class that loses. Real estate, water, sewer taxes all continue to rise while paychecks remain stagnant.

And while the rich stay rich, the city just attracts more poor and assistance-worthy residents. What an incredible cycle.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I don’t believe Pittsfield politics wants to create living wage jobs for its working class residents. Instead, they tax their rich residents (mostly in Ward 4), and give “free” public benefits to the poor residents. It has been about 30 years since GE cut its workforce. In all that time, Pittsfield politics has done nothing for real economic development. I call it “Perverse Incentives”, which is an economics term that says a firm benefits by creating deleterious societal outcomes. In this case, Pittsfield politics benefits by having increasing numbers of poverty and working poor residents. To illustrate, teen pregnancies and welfare caseloads double that statewide average in Pittsfield. The more social services programs means more money for Pittsfield politics. To be clear, there is greater benefit to Pittsfield politics by having poor and near poor local residents reliant on social services than having these same local residents working in living wage jobs. In conclusion, the “perverse” way Pittsfield politics does its public business is to raise taxes on the rich, while profiting off of social services programs for the poor or near poor.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Dan good article. As a voter at Somerset Fire Station I thank you for looking into this. It most certainly was a cluster there. One poll worker, neighbors say her name is Elaine was so loud and basically spent the time socializing rather than doing her appointed job. I believe that poll workers can be social and pleasant but she was down right obnoxious. I felt sorry for the poll worker that was trying to get voter’s names. The poll issues have been all over Facebook, Twitter, etc., why has the Mayor and Michelle Benjamin not addressed the voters about this?

After watching the CC meeting I honestly don’t know if I can take four more years of Lovely Linda. First of all what a political ploy to get re-elected stating she lowered taxes last year, didn’t take her long to raise them. Guess the folks that voted for her have more money to spare than I do. Of course the Mayor’s taxes will be going down because of her credit of $9,000. on the assessment of her palace. Also, she was so snotty to some of councilors, if she worked in the private sector she would be reprimanded for this behavior. She acts as though she does not need the CC and they are nothing but a bother to her. While watching the meeting some questions popped into my mind that I wish Lovely Linda would answer, that’s if Bare Bare will let her. Why has she not answered the request from Scott Graves and his associate (did not catch her name) to bid on the Tyler Street Fire Station so they can create a new restaurant? Why has Lovely Linda’s Red Carpet not been rolled out for them? On the marijuana tax, does anyone else feel that it is strange that Great Barrington has pulled in so much more money than Pittsfield? I can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of cover-up in Pittsfield. A forensic audit is definitely needed as soon as possible. Also, wondering how many PPD officers are working during a shift? In traveling the streets of Pittsfield today trying to not get killed by speeders and red light blowers, I never saw a Pittsfield Police Cruiser accept for the one that sleeps in the driveway by the deer on New York Avenue everyday. Who knows maybe this officer get’s paid double for doing a detail watching the deer! Four more years, yikes!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

I think Policereport posted in a previous article that patrols are at the lowest they have been in a LONG time, I can’t remember the exact number, but believe it was in the single digits. Go to any other community in Berkshire County and you will see plenty of police sitting in speed zones & actively patrolling the community. Can Tyer defend our crime “stability” in four years when we crack the top 3? Hope I won’t be around to find out.

Gronk Dansonofabich
Gronk Dansonofabich
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Moon gets re-elected and doesn’t show for the first meeting? Lame.

Gronk Dansonofabich
Gronk Dansonofabich
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Exactly. Instead of touting small business and entrepeneures looking to make a dump into a restaurant, with the past years with dedications on the walls of firefighters paraphanalia ,the mayor focuses on breaking the kapanskis backs with higher tax revenue, tax which nine out of ten ends up in the pockets of the out of towners. By the way, the out of towners never ever lose”…

If anyone wants to know if they can get a property tax decrease I have the Model home in Ward One as example: this homes tax assessment had been reduced by twenty percent. I know the home and the owner and he? Doesn’t know how it happened, but isn’t saying anything. Don’t blame her.

5 years ago

During last year’s DA election, polling and even absentee ballots indicated a Caccaviello win. Yet, when the votes were counted, the quantity of absentee ballots in Pittsfield were lighter than reported to the campaign on a regular basis and ultimately went Harrington’s way. Interestingly enough, the absentee ballots were controlled by a woman tied to Tyer big-time. There were rumors that the political machine behind her was paying $20 a vote. I know for a fact – because one of her signature gatherers admitted it – they were being paid $5 per petition signature to get her on the ballot. Harrington now has formed her own nonsensical PAC. The only bright light is if Kennedy wins, we can all hope her endorsement and support for him will mean her vacating the office and off to a job with Kennedy.

If there is a dirty political machine operating run by the likes of Tyer/Harrington/Farley-Bouvier to get and keep progressives in office and was at work a year ago, it certainly could have been in play again this year. If a dirty political machine exists, taking advantage of every possible way to cheat, it would operate easily

Checking voter registration is important, but whenever there’s a real problem with elections these days, absentee ballots seem to be the fraudulent instrument of choice. Canvassing door-to-door with absentee ballots in hand and assisting the homebound and elderly to “vote” when in fact it’s tilted to a specific candidate, the recently deceased voting, ballots from ineligible voters, etc.

Tyer won as did Harrington. But did they win fair and square? Unless a candidate has the financial ability to dig into the voting, nobody will ever really know whether or not there is truth to the rumor that there were irregularities.

Like the ad says, “Hey! You’ll never know!”.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

You should file a report with the state ethics board.

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

The state ethics board would first have to become non-partisan, which it certainly isn’t.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

This was a Democrat vs. Democrat election. Of course you have the names of the people who told you they were paid for votes, don’t you? File your report with the state.

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Were Marx alive today, he’d call the Blog the opiate of the masses. Energy wasted on following blogs tires fatigues the activist and satisfies his/her need for action.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

$5 per MERE petition signature? Are you high? I know it’s legal, and support that, but you should think twice before writing online in such a state. Please give me ONE NAME involved in this.

Pittsfield Talks
Pittsfield Talks
5 years ago

There was also voter machine issues in 7. Ballots all over the floor. I’m interested in knowing what was done with these ballots.. were the re scanned? Tossed? Replaced? Just seems suspicious to me

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle is probably checking into as we speak.

so funny

Peddle Medicinakroid
Peddle Medicinakroid
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Yeah,gum chewing Mandy will get to the bottom of it. Maybe the bearded stooge will expose it? On second thought, don’t hold your breath.

Baron Draftmebecuziam
Baron Draftmebecuziam
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I’ll go out on a limb and say the Mayor will give into the million dollars, as a sign of good will, with the narrative being,hey,I got four more years, and hey, a good will gesture to the taxpayers down the road will benefit me. If the city goes kaput,it will be Iike,told you so. He’ll,she could get another four with this current good will. It’s all a hoax.

Peddle Medicinakroid
Peddle Medicinakroid
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Right on Brother
Dan! Someone posted above in Ward Seven it was a virtual tie for Mayor.Four votes in 7b Four in 7b I wouldn’t have caught that. I was in One A all day Dan,and would have gave you one to ten odds Warren Wins this big. Didn’t happen?

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Peddle Medicinakroid
5 years ago

You were exit polling in 1A all day? Where’s your data?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Voting fraud is a non violent crime, therefore Harrington won’t prosecute.

Reply to  Pittsfield Talks
5 years ago

Ballots all over the floor?!? There was confusion in my ward too now that I think about it. A young woman came in and they couldn’t find her name in the roster. She insisted on voting. They put her off to the side and let others go to vote who were in the roster. Not sure how this was handled since I left, but it sounds like she was trying to push through a vote even though she wasn’t signed up to vote. Sounds suspicious now when I hear about this suspected voter fraud.

Garagunkle z
Garagunkle z
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

What’s worse ballots all over the place or the Witch-hunt going on?

5 years ago

You got a problem with undocumented foreign nationals voting? Why can’t they vote as long as they live here? No human being can be illegal.

Sooner or later the ballot will be in Spanish too.

Reply to  Press1forEnglish
5 years ago

Per federal law, only U.S. citizens can vote in U.S. elections. Anyone entering the country outside of the proper lawful channels is an illegal alien.

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

About 15 million illegal aliens here and and plenty vote. They are here illegally,mthats why they are called illegal, but there is a push to outlaw calling illegals illegals because language matters don’tchaknow. Don’t think for a minute they are scared to vote. Hell its even encouraged by the likes of the liberal left, of which there’s plenty in the Berkshires. They don’t ask for ID remember?

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Fake news Lenny. States (or local governments if allowed by their state) set voter eligibility in non federal elections

5 years ago

Keep the lube handy because after you pay the community preservation scam tax, plus hundreds more between the tax rate rising and the 4 percent increase in assessments coming next month, Tyer has announced on WAMC the home improvements you’ll be paying for are being re-proposed to her new compliant council.

5 years ago

Glen Becks show called the Democrat’s Hydra aired last night on Utube and Facebook. It was shocking what he found and that he has the documents to back it up. Our State Department under the direction of Obama and Hillary started helping George Soros with a Project called Civil Society 2.0 in which funding and training is provided to promote organized violent protests in countries across the world to bring Democracy to them although their ultimate goal is for Socialism. Even though Obama is no longer president this project is continuing by some deep state people in our State Department. President Trump was getting too close to the truth by digging into Ukraine which is why the impeachment effort has taken on such urgency. It’s also why the whistle blower cannot be exposed. His name is all over the documents found by Glen Beck using the Freedom of Information Act.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

If you only listen to the right wing news you get a jaundiced opinion and Beck has often been proven to not be credible. Don’t listen but read left, right, and middle of the road news. Better and smarter, turn it off for 2 weeks. Read. Go for a walk. Do anything else. I tried it. You feel better. BTW, we had a discussion in our office yesterday. Happiest country? Norway. A hybrid. All health, education, and pensions are socialized, but the economy is capitalist. Socialism and socialized are two different things. When you sit down and add up what we pay in taxes, health insurance premiums, property taxes, water bills, insurance deductibles and copays, and look around at what we get for all this money, socialized anything doesn’t look that bad as I have shot past 65.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

It’s very tempting to want to just sit around and let big government pay for everything and that’s exactly why it’s so dangerous. You don’t get something for nothing is the lesson. All the money given in taxes to big government will end up making us all too dependent on government for everything. Liz Warren wants to spend trillions on healthcare for all, but even that amount is too low since she and her fellow far leftists also want to give free healthcare to an endless number of illegal immigrants coming into the country because under their administration they would not be considered illegal and would be entitled to lots of freebies. That is a system designed to crash. That is the ultimate financial irresponsibility just like we are complaining about here in Pittsfield with Mayor Tyer except the whole country would be caught up in this nightmare. Then everybody who decided to depend on big government will be out in the cold.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

I think you meant redTube and not UTube, pat

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Brand-new school and there’s a problem with the elevator??!?!?!

Who’s the idiot in charge of the physical plant at Taconic?

And then note the apology for it–well, this happens with elevators all the time. Heck, just the other day the same thing happened on Wendell Ave.

A man in critical condition can’t rely on an elevator working in a $100+ million new building??

Something’s wrong here.

Rum Punc
Rum Punc
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Did the electrician die? Zero fron Stooge this morning on it.

Tune Easia
Tune Easia
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Talk to Stooge about it,he’s the major cheerleader on how great the infrastructure is. The school was give an occupancy certificate,but clearly you ‘Have’ to make sure the Elevator works?

Brain Studebaker
Brain Studebaker
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

So we can just guess, the poor soul stuck in the elevator during critical minutes to revive or keep him alive.

Tupperware Wake
Tupperware Wake
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Dimwit hasn’t said a peep about it,A Teacher?

B Atch
B Atch
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Where the Planet on this we knew about this before the beagle got it.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

This is infuriating. To think this man could still be alive if the elevator hadn’t gotten stuck. They didn’t say how long it was stuck, but in those emergencies every minute is critical. To downplay its seriousness is ridiculous.

B Atch
B Atch
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

They said it was a little snag? I heard it was ten minutes.

Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Doesn’t school have stairs?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

I think they were trapped in the elevator with the victim when it malfunctioned.

Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Does it even have a certificate of occupancy? The city would destroy the owner of a business or a home owner who ignored inspection requirements, but it doesn’t matter for a building containing hundreds of kids. But who are we to question it when the great man himself, McCandless, said that he feels it is fine?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Wilson
5 years ago

McCandless probably wore the motor out by ridi g it to much

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

You mean a literal eagle flying by because that’s the stupidest opinion I’ve ever heard.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

From what I have heard from both teachers and students not much works properly in this great new building. Does this new $100+million new building have an AED – Automatic Defribulator? If not, why not? Most commercial business have one, they are not that expensive and can save a life. Of course why would Pittsfield administrators think about something like that, they didn’t even remember to get an Occupancy Certificate.

5 years ago

Dan…story to come out at Taconic a High School. elevator transporting a worker got stuck in the elevator.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

The crap from the Eagle while I’m taking a crap:

About the only time and only reason I even read the thing.

This Morrison person has a halfway interesting article today on Sicily and the Mafia.

But, oh, no, kids, that’s not enough. He just has to do it, has to throw it there.

The fourth paragraph from the end we read this doggerel:

“As it happens, a force fitting that description is trying to entrench itself in America. This occupation is only two years old, but already its damage to laws and democracy norms is shocking. So are its Mafia-like attempts to corrupt the judiciary, the press, regulatory agencies, the electoral process, even American diplomacy, to enhance its power.”

Well, hot damn, man, tell us what exactly you’re talking about.

These people are just hysterical, unhinged. And worse, very, very intellectually weak. You know, all these people that supposedly went to the best schools and have most of the money.

Their argument always takes this form: There was a brutal dictator in East BFE many years ago. Ergo, Trump is evil. See the connection? And the brilliant logic? Wow, I wouldn’t have seen that if you didn’t point it out.

Why do they have to do this? It’s like they can’t help themselves. They won’t be allowed to stay in the club if they don’t. Won’t be invited to the parties. Will be ostracized if they don’t. Their mistresses won’t sleep with them. They won’t keep getting the taxpayer-funded goodies.


The Berkshire Eagle strictly a craptime read–if that.

5 years ago

Why did Harrington have to pay a special prosecutor to try the Dalton police officer?

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Charlie
5 years ago

Which dalton police officer ?
Several have and are facing charges.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Here’s the montage Limbaugh had yesterday, from

RO KHANNA: We will have the public hearings; the evidence will be overwhelming.

MARK WARNER: How overwhelming is the evidence?

JAMIE RASKIN: The evidence is absolutely overwhelming.

JOE BIDEN: There’s overwhelming evidence.

CHUCK TODD: …overwhelming evidence…

LAURENCE TRIBE: The evidence is overwhelming.

E.J. DIONNE: The evidence is too overwhelming.

LEON PANETTA: There is an overwhelming amount of evidence.

JONATHAN ALTER: The underlying evidence, it’s so overwhelming.

INDERJEET PARMAR: The overall evidence is overwhelming.

TERRY MCAULIFFE: There’s overwhelming evidence.

CHRISTINA GREER: There’s overwhelming evidence.

SEAN PATRICK MALONEY: The evidence is overwhelming.

CHRIS VAN HOLLEN: The evidence, to date, is overwhelming.

MAX BOOT: The evidence is overwhelming.

WILLIE GEIST: The evidence is so overwhelming.

HEIDI PRZYBYLA: …an overwhelming volume of evidence.

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: …an overwhelming cascade of evidence.

VAL DEMINGS: The evidence against the president is overwhelming.

CARL BERNSTEIN: We have some overwhelming evidence.

JAMES CARVILLE: (echo) The evidence is comin’! It’s going to be totally overwhelming.

I count 21 parrots!

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

“Go read the transcript,” means nothing. IT’S INCOMPLETE! It says so. So, what’s been cut out? If there’s nothing to hide, where’s the tax returns?

If any of us did anything, we’d have to show everything down to our boxer shorts. Does wealth get or the presidency get you some sort of privilege? I don’t thin’ so Lucy.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Please enlighten us, Fakesayer, and tell us what crime the President has committed.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer and Harrington now run politics.Tyer and her CC must give home owners a tax break.This raising of taxes is the gentrification of our city.Tyer will never understand pickleball is not affordable.Two High Schools is not affordable.Crosby dump is Yon Mccandless Curtis Elias immoraral decision to send SPED children there.Same goes for Allendale GE toxic waste dump.It is time for parents to start suing the Mayor and Yon over this.Our buildings are never taken care of by Superintendent Behnke.Its time to start firing people.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

We have a huge problem facing Pittsfield this year.No leaders.The mayor needs to meet Mccandless and work out of Herberg School.Herberg is costing Pittsfield millions.

5 years ago

“Kill the jews” threat made at Monument middle school. No action taken. Too bad we don’t have some sort of education program to combat this sort of thing. Oh right, Harrington canceled that.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

When you get caught doing a hate crime in the same town, ala Simons’ Rock, and get treated with kit gloves, what do you expect????

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Kid gloves not kit gloves. Gloves made from the skin of a young goat, not gloves made from the skin of a kitten.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Think positive! Joe Kennedy may get elected and Harrington will leave as part of his team! Never thought I’d want to vote for a Kennedy!!!!!

5 years ago

I have a friend who’s cousin’s uncle was paid 5 cigarettes and a baggie of baking soda to fill out ballots For mayor at ward 8.

Bick Particualarsoabich
Bick Particualarsoabich
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Maybe that’s where hot phone J Lows votes went? Five hundred of them.

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

You probably encouraged numerous illegals to vote too.

Reply to  Press1forEnglish
5 years ago

Yep, bussed them in from Syria.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Charlie—I believe the DA hired the guy to go after a Pittsfield cop who assaulted a Dalton man

Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

I still don’t get it. The last DA’s office tried and convicted a half dozen or more local police officers. Why can’t this one?

Koleegette Stncinthepantz
Koleegette Stncinthepantz
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

I believe you are correct. But why?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Highly regarded economic advisers are advising Pittsfield residents…GET OUT IF YOU CAN!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

“You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.”
The Eagles

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Sell now. Don’t be left holding worthless property. Do it for your children’s future.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Darndest thing today–can’t find any “news” about the impeachment circus.

Now 70/30 the House never votes on one article of impeachment. Heck, 60/40 it never even gets to the Judiciary Committee, never mind voted out of there.

Why does anyone ever vote for a Democrat? Can’t get my mind around that. What a joke they are.

Ignorant, arrogant, incompetent, lying, but I guess there’s no particular reason why they don’t make good lackeys, er, representatives.

Claude B Seloenuporgo
Claude B Seloenuporgo
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Did you know it costs more to install the Elevator than the Elevator itself. Hope insurance company has a good reason it failed.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Even CNN mocked the proceedings!

5 years ago

Enter Devil Patrick for President. Brought Common Core to Massachusetts when he was Governor. Last worked for Bain Capital, known for its expertise in outsourcing American jobs to foreign countries, as well as importing foreigners to take jobs away from U.S. citizens. A real gem of a guy. Close friend of Obama.

5 years ago

For it all deval has the potential to go all the way and beat trump

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Nah, he can go all the way and share a bar of soap with Romney.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Hilarious. I wish the campaign had let me know the “fix” was in so I didn’t neglect critical work during peak season at my job for the week leading up to the race and spend almost all of election day helping Tricia execute a hastily assembled, brilliantly, conceived, and successfully executed digital “block captain” program that coincidentally was able to confirm the votes of about around 500 people with text, FB messenger, and phone call follow-ups… (you would be SHOCKED at how many otherwise extremely engaged people needed those reminders or how many votes we didn’t get because someone forgot to vote in the morning, thought the polls would be open until 9pm, but didn’t get out of work until 8:30pm). HELL, I also most forgot to vote until hustling my ass to Morningside at like 7:45pm because I was so wrapped up in other things that day.

There wasn’t anyone that took the win for granted (except Melissa) and I was stunned, then thrilled, and finally
personally relieved/rewarded with the confirmation my efforts weren’t in vein when we sent the Smoke Monster back into Dan Bianchi’s footrest.

If you think people were willing to commit felonies, individually, or in any organized way, to help Linda secure her legitimately won second term, you’re smoking whatever the same cheap stuff it is that John Krol has apparently been taking too many tokes of this past year.

Get real and get over it.

Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

That’s amusing. Tyer’s success lay in outperforming Mazzeo in rousing more feebs to the polls.

Viva le Cannabis!

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Tyer and her entire team are crooked. You Mr. Kushi get a pass because you’re an obdurate simpleton.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

What do you do for a living? Are you a professional art insider?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Five hundred twenty-six vote deficit is not a close election; it represents 22.81% of total votes cast, 12,000.

People should know when they’re conquered!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Mr. Marquis,

You’re not much better at calculating percentages than GPA’s.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Have another joint pancake.