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ADD 1, OCT. 28, P.M.THE PLANET has unearthed bombshell allegations against mayoral candidate and Pittsfield Co-Op VP Peter Marchetti, Co-Op president Jay Anderson, and bank VP Harry Moore.

THE PLANET has dug up the complaint of Co-Op VP Victoria May, who was fired by the bank in February. She alleges that Marchetti and the other defendant subjected her and other Co-Op female employees to a shocking harassment campaign.  May creates a picture of a workplace, she says, where the defendants watched porn in the office, drank alcohol on the job, and took part in other gross actions against her personally and other women.

This, of course, has SERIOUS implications for Marchetti’s bid to be Picklefield’s next mayor. If the allegations are true, this election is decided right now.

May accuses Marchetti of dreaming bouts, where he “flew off the handle, irrationally upset” … He began yelling, red-faced and sweating, pointing in Plaintiff’s face, calling her a bitch and other derogatory names, told her to shut up, and told her she did not know how to do things.”

THE PLANET shall be presenting full coverage beginning on Monday, when we shall publish the full text of May’s complaint. 

We have a request for comment into Marchetti and his opponent John Krol. We’re also trying to reach Anderson, Moore, and May.

We welcome your comments.

THE PLANET, caught on the lower 40 conjuring up the forces pf good to combat political evil epitomized by Marchetti endorsees, The Gang of Six.



(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 27-9, 2023) — Funny how one of the biggest stories of Campaign ’23 has come and gone, like a gang-banging flash mob raiding Tiffany’s.

THE PLANET speaks of the ARPA audit.

The story — downplayed by the woeful local daily, given more proper due by iBerkshires, and featured on THE PLANET — works on two levels. First, we have the error itself, “only” a quarter of a million of taxpayer funds. To the presently entrenched skunks, this is no big deal. Second and more deeply, we have a larger indictment of Picklefield’s lack of oversight and accountability.

Both levels coexist within and are exemplified by the entire ARPA fiasco, from the moment when the mayor nominated “the usual suspects” (“retired” scammers Deanna Ruffer and Gina Armstrong) to oversee an advisory board consisting of drinkers of Administrative Kool-Aid.

Not a good combination.

Next, to worsen the situation, the mayor kept the advisory-board deliberations S-E-C-R-E-T. We did not hear a peep from council president and mayoral candidate Peter Marchetti or from any of the six rubber stampers who have officially endorsed Marchetti’s candidacy: They be the new Gang of Six, Dumpster Earl, Porkchop Pete, Conant the Barbarian, Kave-In Kavey, Dina Climate-Change, and Tony Mofo (aka MIA Tony). Talk about Gang Grene.

Take a look at this campaign card and see if it doesn’t put you off your toast.

This kiss-butt card’s trying to bring back “slate” voting from the mummy’s tomb. As one public official told THE PLANET, “I’m glad the Gang of Six published this. It’s a handy guide to showing people who NOT to vote for.”

———- ooo ———-

Here’s the a relevant story about the first round of  ARPA giveaways:

The freeloaders, er “worthy organizations,” to receive “free” money included:

• Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC): $700,000 – to establish organizational operations and capacity to offer technical assistance, educational workshops, and networking sessions for Pittsfield’s black entrepreneurs and black-owned businesses. Picklefield’s grift of all grifts.

• Berkshire Immigrant Center: $80,000 – for the expansion of legal and educational services for immigrants living in Pittsfield. For “immigrants” read “illegals,” law breakers living off the Kapanskis.

• Rites of Passage & Empowerment Program: $550,000 – to increase organizational capacity and expand programs for young women of color ages 12 to 18. If you be white or Asian, forget about it. How is that not racist?

These grants, whose paperwork remains sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnall’s porch, have created jobs alright, snow jobs and con jobs.

———- ooo ———-

The $250,000 was a discrepancy between report to the Treasury Department and the city’s ledger, the responsibility for which falls with city finance director Kufflinks Kerwood and Marchetti. Each violated the city charter in not provided the reports and not scheduling a meeting to review the audit.

On this basis alone, Marchetti shows his unsuitability for mayor. As for Kufflinks, John Krol said he’s kaput should Krol be elected. As usual on most topics, Marchetti doesn’t make his position known.

“Errors happen. I get it, but there are serious red flags in all of this,” said Krol. “It is worrying that an external auditor found errors in our internal process in the accounting of ARPA funds. That’s why I’ve called for an overhaul and strengthening of the auditing process. But, what’s far more disturbing is that city leadership has not done the very basics to bring this to light. First and foremost, the administration did not share this audit with the city council back in March when the report was completed. If that’s not bad enough, the city then failed to follow the simple mandate of the city charter and hold the annual joint meeting to review this audit. This shows a serious lack of transparency, which is exactly the concern so many residents in our city have with the status quo in city hall.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Turn your back on the skunks, and they’ll sure enough spray you” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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That girl
That girl
10 months ago

The world is a better place because of you. Thank God for you, Dan.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  That girl
10 months ago

I agree with blogger Dan Valenti about predictable Pittsfield politics’ corrupt and secretive municipal financial management that has always increased city spending by 5 percent per fiscal year going back 40 years since Proposition 2.5 became state law in the early-1980’s. Over the past 20 years, state lawmakers have severely cut state aid to local government and public school districts in Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown gives away many billions of dollars in state tax breaks to the financial and corporate elites who donate special interest money to the ruling elite’s campaign coffers, which means that the greedy lobbyists – such as state pensioner and greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley – and the elites are all enriching themselves at the public trough, while local taxpayers are footing the bill – becoming poorer while the rich get richer off of the ONE (DEMOCRATIC) party state and local government.

If one thinks Pittsfield politics is corrupt and secretive, then they should look at how severely corrupt, secretive and top-down the do-nothing (but DISSERVICES) Beacon Hill lawmakers have been in recent years.

John Krol is playing the outsider card in the current 2023 mayoral race, but the truth is that he is backed by Rolodex (of Naples, Florida and Lenox) and Melissa Mazzeo (of Dalton). John Krol has failed to have proven himself as an experienced public manager of Pittsfield’s over $200 million municipal budget in return for Level 5 public schools, Pittsfield always being in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for violent crime, the 15 empty storefronts on North Street’s “Social Services Alley”, the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with its millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities (debts), and 50 years of population loss, along with 50 years of losses in living wage jobs in Pittsfield – a downward spiral of a shrinking tax base with increasing city spending and public debts.

As for Peter Marchetti, I believe that he hopes to be the next Mayor of Pittsfield for the 6-figure city public pension plus perks, which would be on top of his possible 6-figure pension from the bank he worked at over the past 35 years, which would be on top of his future monthly Social Security check. Talk about a local politician looking to cash in!

As for Matt Kerwood, if a would-be Mayor John Krol terminates Kufflinks’ employment as Pittsfield’s Financial Director, Matt Kerwood would then be able to collect a 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life beginning in early-2024. Matt Kerwood is paid over $114,000 per fiscal year, while Mayor Linda Tyer is paid $115,725 per fiscal year. In early-2024, Mayor LInda Tyer will begin to collect her 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life, too. Poor old fictional Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski, who pays taxes and then has to pound sand.

Jon Melle

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Well done, JM

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Krol and Marchetti are one and the same Marchetti can hold a job and Krol cant

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

Unbury the letters Krol got from DOR and the AG Charities office. The words “ongoing investigation” in a candidate for mayor is pretty powerful.

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

“Errors happen. I get it, but there are serious red flags in all of this,” said Krol, “about his use of a not for profits checking account to pay his personal AND business bills.”

Empty Set
Empty Set
10 months ago

If you look back one year from now you will see that these six rubber stampers have endorsed EVERY single proposal set forth by Marchetti and not questioned one little thing. They have no clue what their oath of office even says. They do not seem to realize their job is represent the people whose votes they begged for. How low is that to crap on the people who trusted you?

Pete White, who is already being fitted for a new suit, and is planning on becoming council president, seems not to realize that that position is to put a CHECK on the mayor, NOT to rim his anus. Just because the last guy did it does not make it acceptable.

10 months ago

For a second there Dan, I thought your photo was taken in Clapp Park, where the “houseless” have their tent city. Did you get a permit for that inferno?

10 months ago

Kavey needs a barber. How can he leave the house looking like that?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

Bart Simpson cut

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
10 months ago

What do you think he is hiding under that cowflop on his head?

10 months ago

No doubt Marchetti will be another dud, another in a long line of non-transformative mayors. And no doubt Krol is kaput, and he brought it all on himself, with his behavior.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Dan,will you tell us if Krol is a supporter of the 20 to 50 million dollar Stadium and will he close the toxic Allendale school?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

More crickets…does not want to show his hand. But of course he is for it. All the suits are for it.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Why ask? Eagle interviews are marchetti. They are perfectly clear. Krol is a yes. Marchetti is doubtful taxpayers can afford it.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
10 months ago

If you really look at all this the committee should be required to disclose all their meeting notes with their general ledger, Let’s be transparent. which our sitting mayor stated she would be a decade ago! Just like a recent article in iBerkshire, Berkshires will get grant $$. This should be rewritten as the stolen Kapanski cash has been redistributed to the friends of the current ruling class and we expect cheers with no jeers or the FBI will come to see you!!

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Another piece of campaigning for Krol.

Krol should do a link from his campaign page to your site. You’re doing a better job campaigning for him than he is.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Did Barry make a nice charitable contribution from that 140K windfall?

10 months ago

Just read a very interesting letter written by a valedictorian who happened to have an IEP while being in school. He is very eloquent in his writings and how the comments made by John Krol comparing kids with IEP in school to “disruptors” I think was the word he said. Something to that effect anyway. He gave John an out in his last few sentences and a chance to recant what he said which was very kind and big hearted but I’m sure some the parents of children with the same IEP, including myself, know how he feels about people with special needs. I wasn’t voting for John before because I didn’t think he was qualified but now there another major reason why I would never consider it. His character.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I saw the letter. Sounds touchy.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

lol – boy do I wish I were 17 again.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I don’t think the person who wrote the letter would agree with you. Did you ever come up with John’s qualifications for being mayor and running a $200 million dollar budget? I may have missed it.

Guess what?
Guess what?
Reply to  pothole
10 months ago

Really? Qualifications? You must be joking. What are exacly the qualification to be a Mayor? Let’s see…..

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Guess what?
10 months ago

Are you asking about the ideal up in the sky type of Mayor or the kind that gets elected?

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Would you hire Krol to run your $200.million dollar business? I k ow I wouldn’t

Reply to  Guess what?
10 months ago

I’m asking about Krol. This isn’t about the past it’s about the future. Would you hire him to run your $200 million dollar business? Please stay on topic. You don’t k ow who I supported for the previous election so don’t assume just because I don’t like John for mayor that o voted for Linda.

Reply to  Pothole
10 months ago

Voting for Marchetti is voting for 4 more years of Linda Tyer policies. That’s why Linda is backing him.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

I sincerely propose Write In candidate for Mayor.
Cristal Clear, Decent and Intelligent–Conservative Republican, Irish–attorney Darren Lee. His uncle, Gerald Lee was Mayor of Pittsfield. We can organize PCTV interview and all media support.

Reply to  Village Knight
10 months ago

Darren would be amazing but why would he cut his paycheck by 75% to be in a position to take crap all day everyday. This is part of the problem with the system. We all want new fresh blood but the only options are the people who are part of the. System already. Many people qualified to make big decisions and handle people and budgets this size are running their own businesses making way more money or they work for major companies and have no interest in this type of work. Change the government to be run like a business and pay the manager (mayor) the appropriate amount to run this size business($200,000,000) and see who we can attract. Of course this will never happen because the players involved won’t vote themselves out.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pothole
10 months ago

Interesting idea about the pay for Mayor and worth consideration. Terry Kinnas argued that the PPS Superintendent (at that time) was deliberately underpaid in order to deter competition from abroad. The School Committee rigged the bidding.

The problem I have in your idea: the Mayor is selected from Pittsfield alone – not national. I assume executives won’t immigrate to Pittsfield for the brief opportunity to run every four years. You may attract a top dollar executive living here rarely. You need one who is qualified (is in the right place and time of his life and interested) and is willing to bet his job on winning.

Also, there is no Board of Directors to fire this Mayor for poor performance, and performance is often not measured in happiness of the constituents.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Village Knight
10 months ago

Can’t protest vote your way out. Won’t even get reported.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

When I saw the photo of you burning up Dan, I thought it was the new promotional photo for the Picklefield DIE Office.

If they could only make the evil white man burn up and go away forever, the world would be a safer and more inclusive for all.

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Anyone see the Brady bunch Krol photo very similar to the copycat photo of the not splendid six.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Illegal leaves burning.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

AJ Enchill and Shirley Edgerton, really seized on the opportunity to shame older, liberal, white leaders in Picklefield, into gifting them free (ARPA) taxpayer money, simply by being black. No more, no less, just a black man and black woman.

Take a look at a couple of names of the secret ARPA Star Chamber about 7-8 paragraphs into the story:

AJ Enchill
Pete Marchetti

Mayor Tyer Announces First Proposals for $20M in ARPA Funds / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

I posted on here before, I would like to know how AJ Enchill, who is also the “leader” of the Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC) awarded himself and his “company” $750,000?

Shirley Edgerton, a Picklefield Public Scohol employee, received $500,000 for her ROPES course. I looked back and saw that Shirley has had the ROPES program in Picklefield since at least 2010 (see below-1st link). There are no documented cases of any past success stories. This after at least a million dollars and then some to Shirley’s ROPES course. And by success stories, I’m talking about a college degree, being gainfully employed, or a combo of both. Getting your high school diploma or equivalency (GED) is not a success story in my book.

Shirley even got taxpayer money to recruit black teachers in North Carolina to bring back to Picklefield. To date, she attracted the same number I did, ZERO, and I didn’t even try or go to North Carolina, unlike Shirley.

About the Program | Mysite (

Shirley made up for her failures as a recruiter for black teachers, by taking family and friends on an all-expense paid vacation to Africa to “explore her roots.”

I’m pretty certain ARPA money was not designed or intended so people could go explore their family’s lineage on the taxpayer’s dime.

Pittsfield travelers return from a transformative 5,000-mile journey to Africa | Central Berkshires |

**Pete Marchetti was a committee member on the secret ARPA Star Chamber. He knew what was going on and approved it all.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

A vote for Pete Marchetti will continue the “rope-a-white-dope,” into grifting more ARPA money to the Berkshire Black Economic Grift (BBEG).

Other than fatten his bank account, has AJ Enchill and the BBEG created at least one decent paying job for a person not related or buddies with AJ?

I do remember after AJ and the BBEG received that grift of $750,000, they put on an arts and crafts fair in south county for black adult and children. Well, for those who bothered to show up.

During the arts and craft fair is where the idea of a marijuana health spa must have been born by Harmony Persip.

Two issues though with this plan:

(1) the area the BBEG had plotted for the weed spa was not zoned for commercial use (as Homer Simpson says-Doh!!)

(2) Imagine having to dispute your bill with the spa’s CEO, Harmony Persip…..

Police: Driver struck man on purpose (

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

I agree 100%! My experience with Black Economic Development.
I went there about 6 months ago asking for a business loan. I asked a black girl–a secretary, if Native American would be eligible. She replied: ” I am not sure. You should ask the boss.” Then his Honor, great leader of BED appeared and asked me my ethnicity!!! I replied: ” All people are equal!”
AJ Enchill simply asked me to leave immediately.
But what if I were only half black—would I be eligible only for 50% of the loan?
If my grandpa was black–is that not good enough for loan application?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
10 months ago

“People who lie and assume the rest of us are to stupid to notice.”
Unfortunately, they are correct in their assumption. How do you think we got here?
And it’s not so much a matter of stupidity, it’s a matter of too few people devoting enough time, effort and attention to see the lies through the propaganda along with too few people even having the ability to see through the propaganda having never been taught, by design, the learned skill of critical thought and analysis.

Book: Attention Deficit Democracy
(2006) by James Bovard

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
10 months ago

The academy has abandoned crtitical thought. Probably impossible to teach it in a place that fires opposition.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
10 months ago

Let’s be real, the only time Jim Conant stands is when he has to go to the bathroom or finally woke up.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
10 months ago

As said on here about last December this election was a set up to get one of these two elected. Why is Krol laughing all the time? Time will tell where the loser ends up.

Reply to  Andrea Doriatitanick
10 months ago

That’s called the Kamala Empty-Suit Yuck Yuck

Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
10 months ago

Conant is useless.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

I’ve had to wake conant up on several occasions at CC meetings. I also had to admonish guiel for not paying attention. Is it any wonder that these are two of the worst councilors in the despot gang of six ignorant rubber stamp buffoons. We must vote out every one of them. With these six on the new council it will be business as usual for the next 4 years. We the taxpayers MUST get rid of them as they are a danger to the health of the tax and rate payers of our beloved city of pittsfield.down with the gang of 6

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

I agree 100%!

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

Takes the best naps of any councilor I’ve seen. Totally the endorsement I’d want

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Lenny
10 months ago

The ropes leader was handsomely compensated for her ubsequiousness to the secretary. How did pittsfield benefit by Edgerton’s trip to Africa to search for her familial roots. This trip was a joke and we should try to get the 500000dollars returned to the arpa account. The homeless community could greatly benefit from this money and there is also several other organizations who provide good acts of volunterism who could use this money. This giveaway by tyer to Edgerton is almost criminal in nature and this money should be returned to the residents of the city of pittsfield who are the ones that this fund was designed to help

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Marchetti provided zero oversight of this or any other ARPA giveaways. Did he even ask one question. Just one? Did even one of the bobblehead puppets bat an eye when tyer laid out the Pinata and broke it open for all her lucky friends?

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
10 months ago

Bravo! Nicely said!

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
10 months ago

Does anyone else feel that Porkchop Pete is so arrogant about his status that porky hasn’t even lifted a finger to campaign?
The rotund one is confident that kissing the ass of every eatery owner translates to votes like kissing the bum of every welfare cheat on the taxpayers teet.
He’s on the taxpayers teet as well, holding a no show job that allows him to pack in the food all day long and visit superhero doll stores. This frigging guys has produced nothing while on the clowncil.

Last edited 10 months ago by Flogging Molly
Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

If we didn’t have pok chop we woulndnt have houselessness.

2 Brown Street
2 Brown Street
Reply to  Flogging Molly
10 months ago

That life wouldn’t be possible anywhere else in the world.

John Dutton
John Dutton
10 months ago

Krol, has Melissa Mazzeo as his front person BIG MISTAKE! potential candidates please learn from this. Beer gut Pete is going run away with this. Unfortunately there is no win for this city. John Krol is getting everything he deserves. Made his bed now he gets to sleep in it. Fork Toung..He is the slave that tells the master where all the other slaves are hiding.

Free Bird
Free Bird
10 months ago

The smoke means they finally elected a Speaker of the House.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Free Bird
10 months ago

Dina Guiel mail flyer

Expanding our taste tax base and lessening the burden on aging residence.

Responsible use of tax dollars to deliver high-quality services and continue addressing deferred maintenance.

Strong emphasis on our neighborhoods by addressing blight,failng infrastructure and concerns affecting quality of life.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Andrea Doriatitanick
10 months ago

ANDREA. Guiel says in her flyer that these are her continued commitments.
I can’t ever remember her addressing these issues. What’s lacking in her flyer are any accomplishments.this flyer is a cheap play on words.
These are just hollow statements gleaned from the book of political etiquette

In other words. Falsehoods.

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

This is what a $3.1 million rubber stamp looks like.

comment image

Krol has not kept a promise except to a narrow scope of special interests.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

Are those the chairs Stanley purchased from his own business?

In The Know
In The Know
Reply to  Andrea Doriatitanick
10 months ago

Yes after he got a free ride on a TIF that John Krol lobbied as repayment for a deal done for his new future ex-wife who owned the restaurant next door.

Ask John how much she and her now ex-husband had to pay for a liquor license.

Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

There he is, Tyer 2.0

10 months ago

Hey maybe the public should know that Peter Marchetti made a complete ass of himself recently getting inebriated, dancing on a table at Methuselahs, and vomiting all over the place. What’s worse was that the staff had to clean it all up – he wouldn’t even help. That entitled fuck.

In The Know
In The Know
Reply to  Dottie
10 months ago

You mean John Krol.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Dottie
10 months ago

I doubt this very much.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
10 months ago

Yeah, me too. Complete fiction. It’s an combo of Ms Cohen’s indiscretion and insult.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Dottie
10 months ago

God knows I have had my differences with Peter Marchetti but this time I agree with ozias and Charles. This post is in very poor taste. Shame on you dottie

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Ditto. It’s not insult, it’s filth.

10 months ago

Why is no one asking about the Mass. Commission Against Discrimination complaint against Marchetti for his abusive behavior to an employee he improperly fired at Pittsfield Coop.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Pulling out the race card, eh Dan, trying to get your boy to the 50 yard line? Ain’t gonna work, my friend.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  Donnybrook
10 months ago

How much of the city’s loans are held by Marchettis bank? Some, none, a whole lot? Does he know and if so why won’t he address this for the public? They have a right to know.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Every time White sees a negative comment about his boy he emails his long puppet list of thumbs downers an alerts them to sign in and give a thumbs down. This is true.

Dija see the picture he posted of Marchetti with the cute doggie? They are pulling out all the stops trying to whitewash Marchettis complete failure as council president. He let the taxpayers down when they really needed him and his position of power to offset the mayor. But now he poses for a picture of him with a cute doggie so that you might forget about his abysmal history as a steward of taxpayer money. Do not fall for it. He IS TYER and will be managed by the same special interests that managed her.

Reply to  Donnybrook
10 months ago

May v. Pittsfield Cooperative Bank.

Filed in September and hearings in October would have made an October Surprise.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  Docket
10 months ago

But Persip seems to like him very much. Also other organizations that received big bucks got his approval.

Reply to  Donnybrook
10 months ago

Why is the DA not pursuing charges against Krol? Dan can you pursue the truth?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Please
10 months ago

Who should the DA investigate? I see at least 4 parties.

The Cook, The Thief, The Wife, And His Lover

The big problem for the DA are criminals rampaging all over Pittsfield, a consortium of professional panhandlers (he’s got to nail them before they unionize – then we can’t touch them), and at least two gangs of various demographics that control everything. And he is going to try to figure out what happened btw The Krol The Carver The Accountant and The Harris?? When none of them have yet to lodge a complaint???

When one of them winds up in the oven nicely glazed and seasoned Shugrue might raise an eyebrow.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Donnybrook
10 months ago

Can I do public records request there?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

A big event will take place this upcoming on Monday, 10/30/2023, at 1pm, at the Colonial Theater in Pittsfield:

I wonder if John Krol and/or Peter Marchetti will attend this political event alongside of Mayor Linda Tyer, Paul Mark, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli, and the other career politicians and officials.

10 months ago

Given John Krol’s past. WOULD YOU HIRE HIM TO RUN YOUR $200 million dollar business?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pothole
10 months ago

No matter what his momma says!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Pothole
10 months ago

Versus what I’ve witnessed for the past 8 years under the Flat Tyer/Marchetti administration, you bet your a$$ I will.

The Marchetti/Porkchop Pete administration would be as if Flat Tyer never left. That’s because she/they won’t have left. Dirty Barry will still be pulling the strings, as he does now.

Plus, the two Pete administration will give a new meaning to “backdoor deals.” Only the two Pete’s will get the backdoor pleasure. The taxpayers will continue to painfully bend over and take it.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


I think Pothole does know of which he speaks. He seems well grounded in his reasoning.

You don’t know Pothole. Maybe you do, I don’t know. But if you don’t, how can you say that. For all you know Pothole was John’s best friend in high school.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

The thumb downs with no response should open people’s eyes.

If there was a defense other than the tried and failed “missing money,” we all would have read it by now.

I ask a question of the “Krol’s a theif,” crowd, why didn’t Alan Harris go to the cops or even toss an a$$ whipping on JK and demand the cash when he didn’t pay back any of the $30,000, back in the day? It makes ZERO sense.

Call me an internet tough guy, but I will 100% guarantee I would not have let it go.

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Maybe Allen is a more compassionate, understanding human being than you. However, maybe he draws the line when a thief wantsto be Mayor.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

I’ve never been privy to PPP loans like you and/or a $140,000 settlement that MelMaz’s attorneys gifted you Dirty Barry.

I only hoped that you and Ms. Mayor Flat Tyer had to open your financial records for MM’s lawyers.

I’m willing to bet AJ and Shirley “repaid” the favor and then some to you both.

My question still stands Dirty Barry.

Why were you the only accountant in the US who needed a PPP loan during the Scamdemic? Did the internet not work in your home, unlike everyone else? Did you need to be at an office? Your wife sure wasn’t in her office.

Help us understand your need for the PPP Loan?

Then we’ll get into your Cumby’s parking lot security shift after.

Now to answer your post, I don’t have money to piss away like Alan does. $30,000 is A LOT of money to me. If you scammed me of that kind of coin, being civil goes out the window. I’m getting it back one way or another.

Again, I didn’t receive a PPP Loan, so $30k is a lot of money to me Dirty Barry.

Hope this answers your post.

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
tax slayer
tax slayer
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

1) You’re clearly the type of person who says a rape-victim was “asking for it” and doesn’t believe her if she doesn’t immediately report the case, and 2,

2) According to a study conducted by the University of Cincinnati, only 16% of employers, etc. report embezzlement to the police.

tax slayer
tax slayer
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


You are the one who does not know if you do not believe the Joh Krol for Mayor embezzlement allegations. John Krol stole money, and apparently he stole your heart if you are falling for his manipulations.

Reply to  Pothole
10 months ago

I’d hire Marchetti to yell at women and watch porn

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

If Krol is such a catch why has some big company not snatch him up and put his awesome talents to work? Is there a list of places he has worked for that are highly recommending him and if so could we see it please? Why does he, at his advancing age, seem to still be searching for a way to support himself? What employment record does he have that gives a true picture of his talents? I would think someone running for mayor would be able to produce that.

Marchetti is providing his even though as a politician he has been a complete failure. But he put it out there nevertheless, hoping people were too dumb to notice.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Mayor Adams giving up on being a sanctuary city?? He’s giving illegals one way tickets outta there!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Kamala & the Dems would like nothing more than to confiscate your guns…..

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Thank heavens for the Bill of Rights. Just think if skeptical minds had been dismissed during the Constitutional Conventions and all agreed we need not amend the primary draft with common sense Rights.

We’d be like the Soviet Union (now called Russian Federation). We’d have a lovely constitution that means nothing.

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Israel starts ground offensive to eliminate the evil……

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

I have Gaetani winning easily in ward six.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

October 28, 2023

Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Mass,

Happy Halloween! The do-nothing in 2023 (but DISSERVICES) corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill will meet in formal session until mid-November, and then it is a very long Happy Thanksgiving holiday taxpayer-funded vacation for the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown and his colleagues. It must be nice to be paid lucrative state public pay plus perks and then do-nothing all year with long vacations!

Affordable Housing is a no brainer. The components of a middle-class: Housing and healthy families, Healthcare and Public Health, Education, Living Wage Jobs, realistic pensions, disability programs, financial literacy and security for the Have Nots, Public Safety (safe streets) and welcoming communities, and the financial elites, the corporate elites, and the ruling elites ALL supporting these progressive public policies.

When one views the 1946 Christmas classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, one sees how George Bailey’s Building and Loans saved Bedford Falls from Pottersville’s slumlord greedy banker, Henry Potter. The Have Nots lived in Bailey Park in middle class homes. George Bailey’s legacy was to INVEST in PEOPLE and his community. 1946 is 77 years ago, which means that INVESTING in People and Communities is nothing new.

It always bothers me that when career politicians campaign for elected office, they espouse the aforementioned lofty ideals, but when “the rubber hits the road” and one looks closely at their public record, they most oftenly disregard the Have Nots, and instead, they most oftenly vote to enrich the financial, corporate and ruling elites at the public trough, while the common people have to pound sand.

Governor Maura Healey’s multi-billion-dollar bond bond bill in the name of Affordable Housing in Massachusetts over the next 5 years will be met by the do-nothing (but DISSERVICES) corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill, who always vote down Sunshine rules reforms and laws, who vote themselves huge state public pay raises plus perks, and who give away many billions of dollars in state tax breaks per fiscal year to the Boston area big businesses who donate special interest dollars to their campaign coffers. If only “Pigs had wings and fly” would anyone believe that the Governor’s lofty bond bill become reality over the next 5 years!

I like to tell a joke, “How do you know when a politician is NOT lying?” I like to give the punchline, “When their lips are NOT moving”. Some people like to answer me, “When they are dead.”

If the career politicians in Boston were for a strong middle-class, then they would not have the nerve to brag about fiscal year 2023’s record breaking profits from the inequitable (voluntary) regressive taxation scheme that we all know and hate called the Massachusetts State Lottery SCAM! They would not operate a shakedown operation in the Boston Statehouse whereby some greedy registered lobbyists earn 7-figure incomes, while most earn 6-figure incomes representing special interests. They would not give House Speaker Ronny Mariano dictatorial-like powers that suppresses accesibility, deliberations, public hearings, and the news media from participating in democracy in the cradle of democracy: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Over my life, whenever I communicate with elected officials and bureaucrats, they always answer me that they have to function and work in reality. Well, over the past 50 years, most of our nation’s gains in income went to the top one percent of wealthy households, while the common people have received a pay raise of only $5 per week, which is only one new $1 pay raise every decade for the Have Nots. The middle class is becoming a myth due to the financial, corporate and ruling elites’ greed.

When is it going to change, Erin Leahy? I believe in your public advocacy causes to try to bring positive changes to Boston’s corrupt, secretive and top-down Statehouse. At least you are out there, Erin Leahy, fighting for the 99% of us, the Have Nots. There is nobody representing us, the Have Nots, in the government. The few that speak out are met with RETRIBUTION by the elites. Thank you, Erin Leahy at Act on Mass, for having the courage, strength, compassion and time to give the rest of us a voice in the government.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

Remember when John Krol complained he had only 45 minutes to respond to the first article about his misappropriation of a non profits funds?

It’s been almost 45,000 minutes and he’s yet to provide evidence he didn’t. In fact the last time he sat down with the Eagle, he proved he took more than anyone originally thought.

We’ve got about 13,500 minutes until John has to try and find a new job because he’ll never be mayor.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  In The Know
10 months ago

I hear that if Marchetti wins Ron Jeremy will swear him in.

10 months ago

The six councilors on that piece of campaign er literature are incredibly ignorant to tie themselves to Marchetti. They like Matchetti are do nothing bums.

Sadly though
Sadly though
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

And in doing so they are pretty much advertising that they will be his personal puppets just like they were tyers personal puppets. One would expect them to be neutral as it is their job to keep the mayor from going rouge, not to be his personal bobble heads. They have no shame and I am embarrassed for them.

Self respect ain’t what it used to be.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Sadly though
10 months ago

Blurring of the boundary between Council and Mayor.

I wouldn’t do it out of Charter principles.

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

Dump the Lump and the six buffoons on Lumpy’s postcard.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Please attend the advertised political event in Pittsfield politics on Monday afternoon:

A big event will take place this upcoming on Monday, 10/30/2023, at 1pm, at the Colonial Theater in Pittsfield:

I wonder if John Krol and/or Peter Marchetti will attend….

If Peter Marchetti and/or John Krol attend, you could see them in person prior to or after the aforementioned event. You could ask them about the “breaking news” that the management of Pittsfield Co-op Bank are being sued in federal court for harassment and discrimination based on gender against former bank employee Victoria May.

All of the Berkshire area elected officials will be at the Colonial Theater in Pittsfield on Monday afternoon for you to talk to.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Brad Pittsfield
10 months ago

I’ll bet they’re ecstatic about standing with the Lump now.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Krol supports the new Stadium so I’m going to vote Marchetti

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Didn’t say he won’t support the stadium, he did express skepticism over the $30 million proposal. The practical outcome of Pittsfield’s capital planning is generally understated.

You’re going to have to work harder, TSC.

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

We might have to redact both candidates come Monday.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Andrea Doriatitanick
10 months ago

Politics of personal destruction leaves us with that.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

TSC is incapable of working smarter or harder. But he’s working on a six pack right now. Right Chappy?

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

He did express skepticism. He thought it should be at least $40 million.

Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

You can get drunk and watch gay porn with him

Hell Touper
Hell Touper
Reply to  Goobsig
10 months ago

And yell at people

In The Know
In The Know
10 months ago

Hahahaha “breaking news”

Maybe break the news about Krol’s DOR and AG letters.

Hahahaha. Dan is working overtime to protect Krol.

10 months ago

Poor Dumpy Lumpy has Marchetti Mad dog Meltowns. Do those six council lug nuts still want to keep the Tyer / Marchetti rim on the axle?

10 months ago

Wondering if the news that Matthew Perry played pickleball for 2 hours before he died is going to affect the popularity of pickleball, given the age of the pickleball crowd.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Outfox
10 months ago

Died of boredom?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Whacking a slo-mo wiffleball with a spatula would bore me to death within two hours.

10 months ago

Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. I was wonderin’ if Pete’s abusin’ of co-workers would ever nip him in the behind. I guess some gal finally had enough. I suppose some others will come on out and do the same thing as that little lady. Shucks. Well, have a nice night, ya hear

Reply to  Pammy
10 months ago

Often if one person speaks up the flood gates open

10 months ago

I guess he wasn’t measuring for new drapes. He was measuring for a new liquor cabinet and a new monitor for porn. Will Dina, Patrick ,Pete Tony, Earl and Jim be stopping for drinks and porn?

Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

At least his AA meetings didn’t interfere with Council meetings. He’s got that going for him.

Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

He won’t be the first mayor to “get busy” in the corner office, believe me. Come on Man, pun intended!

Reply to  ComeOnMan!
10 months ago

What’s the matter, you can’t handle the truth, GOBSIG?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
10 months ago

Hey Lenny, , do you think single malt Marchetti was sober by the time the City Council meet started?

Reply to  Herb Pease
10 months ago

Hey Herbetta – have you filed the defamation suit against the Eagle, which Krol said he would do?

Joe Kapanski
Joe Kapanski
10 months ago

Now I’m glad I didn’t put my son in that Pittsfield junior bowling league. Didn’t Marchetti have to submit to a CORI check to be a youth bowling coach?

Reply to  Joe Kapanski
10 months ago

He just had to be careful handling the balls. They’re heavy and can be dangerous if dropped.

Reply to  Joe Kapanski
10 months ago

Hey Joe,

Get another handle will ya. People will confuse our posts. I’ve had this handle for years, and I didn’t post this. I guess Dan’s back stage wizards can’t catch this type of thing.

Joe Kapanski
Joe Kapanski
Reply to  JoeKapanski
10 months ago

And you stole the name from Dan. Get over yourself.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  JoeKapanski
10 months ago

Why does it matter?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

LITIGIOUS Pittsfield politics:

Mayor Linda Tyer’s 3rd husband multimillionaire CPA Barry Clairmont sued and recently settled his lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo for $140,000. He wanted her to publicly apologize to him for saying that he was in the City Clerk’s Office close to the voters’ ballots close to election day in November 2019, but she refused, so he sued and recently settled with her in 2023. So much for FREE SPEECH! Pittsfield politics other name is RETRIBUTION!

Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s Berkshire Roots is suing the City of Pittsfield for $440,000-plus. Nuciforo is essentially arguing that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH with his marijuana company over Berkshire Roots’ HCAs payments to the city. The irony is that Nuciforo is the DISGRACED former FRINGE politician turned Pittsfield Pot King, NOT Mayor Linda Tyer. Nuciforo’s long disgraced public record may be used against him in the legal proceedings at the Berkshire Superior Court, which would lead to him losing his lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield.

Please click on the link and go to page 8:

John Krol said he may sue the named and unnamed people who accused him of embezzlement from years ago. John Krol said it was a political hit job by the Berkshire Eagle newspaper. John Krol was never afforded his day in court by his accusers. What do his accusers have to hide here? We will never know, of course. It is too easy to point the finger against John Krol without his accusers having to face due process of law whereby they would be questioned under oath, too. It is a one-sided mudslinging attack meant to bias Pittsfield voters against John Krol’s candidacy for Mayor in 2023.

Peter Marchetti is being sued as part of the management team at Pittsfield Co-op Bank in Federal Court for allegedly harassing and discriminating against former bank employee Victoria May. Peter Marchetti allegedly verbally abused the former female bank employee by allegedly calling her “a bitch”, among other allegations. If a would-be Mayor Peter Marchetti acts similarly in City Hall, then city taxpayers will pay for his alleged temper tantrums in would-be future lawsuits.

Jon Melle

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

John, do you know how many other lawsuits there are against the city of Pittsfield right now and if so could you shed some light on them? They are usually a well kept secret so you may not be able to dig them out.

10 months ago

“This, of course, has SERIOUS implications for Marchetti’s bid to be Picklefield’s next mayor. If the allegations are true, this election is decided right now“.

So Dan, how come you didn’t say this when Krol was shown to be either A. A crook, or B. A bad businessman, C. A liar, D. all of the above?

Reply to  TheAlternativeCake
10 months ago

If the allegations are true, Marchetti still
mops up Krol. In fact, that’s a headline right there for the Eagle come the day after the election- Marchetti Mops Krol.

Your boy is done Danno, and even your crafty writing can’t save em now!

Andrea Doriatitanick
Andrea Doriatitanick
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
10 months ago

Pete will need two jobs if this woman wins her case.

Reply to  Andrea Doriatitanick
10 months ago

A hand job and a blow job, as Dan would say. Pete can retire tomorrow and never work again.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  JoeKapanski
10 months ago

Throw in a con job and a snow job!

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

You’re off the reservation on this whole Krol thing Dan, and for the record Marchetti is a putz, and will be as bad or worse than Tyer, if that’s even possible. I have zero personal animosity for Krol. He is however, as slippery as an eel, has a demonstrated inability to hold a real job, and the allegations have enough weight behind them to get Krol locked up tomorrow. There is plenty of there, there, as the Eagle showed. As to a civil suit, you can sue a ham sandwich. For the record I support neither candidate and if I bother to vote, it will solely to vote against any incumbent. I was going to vote doe you Dan, but you have your head in the sand with Krol. He has you charmed like one of the ladies !

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  JoePesci
10 months ago

You can indict a ham sandwich. That’s because there is no penalty to the State for persecuting you. But to sue frivolously is costly. Winner takes all.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Do you have any evidence this happened? Otherwise it’s a ya know she said.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
10 months ago

Matchetti knew this was coming for quite some time. That’s why the kind dead Krol nothing burger got refried.

10 months ago

The Status Qua – needs to go!
Great job on this article Dan.
You made my day, week, month!

Jimmy A Voyce
Jimmy A Voyce
10 months ago

Is there a porn den in Costas basement? If so, will it be exposed?

10 months ago

What a pathetic election we have coming up, and you wonder why taxpayers don’t bother to vote. Only in Pittsfield could this mess occur, you could not make this mess up if you tried! So basically, we have a choice of the lesser of two a-holes.

Tried to watch the CityLink roll out of all the candidates yesterday, of course once again only in Pittsfield, there was no voice coming through. Probably for the best as they are all full of bullsh**. Just like Friday night, tried to watch the recent Halloween parade, no picture or voice, did they forget to hook up the electricity on the new Tyler Street?

Not surprised at the lawsuit against Marchetti. In my very few dealing I have had with him I found him to be degrading especially towards woman. He also can’t look you in the eye while talking. Was never sure if he was afraid of woman or just looked down at them. You would think in this day and age Pittsfield Coop would have a HR diversity plan and also a policy to state that an out-of-control angered employee be forced to attend an anger management class. Just look at the hissy fits Peter has exhibited in CC meetings and recent debates, very short tempered. Also, sounds like a bank of the good ole boys. Wonder how many women have complained about Peter before Victoria? Peter stated in a recent debate that his bank had auditors find issues every year, wonder why.