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ADD 1 — Tomorrow, THE PLANET will post the first in a two-part series dealing with the mayoral race results. As you know, mayor Linda Tyer won re-election by 529 votes. Nearly 12,000 votes were cast. A 265-vote swing would have reversed the outcome, triggering a certain recount. As it is, the wires and the street have been dishing out red-hot scuttle about numerous alleged “voting irregularities” that took place on Nov. 5. We are investigating and will present our findings beginning tomorrow. You own’t want to miss it.

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 11, 2019) — On this Veteran’s Day, we salute everyone who took up the cause. It’s a tiresome cliche to say that those who died in war did so for our freedoms, which aren’t free. Ask any combat vet, especially those who killed, saw men killed, or lost a buddy. They don’t romanticize wasted life in that manner, and make no mistake: Every life ever lost to war died in vain. All sides. All wars. All “holy causes.”

We also play up the “hero” business too much, too easily, and too freely. Ask any vet if he consider himself a hero, and you’ll get a “no” for an answer. He either answered a call forced upon him or volunteered. We should honor their own self-assessments and praise, instead, their honor, valor, and humility. That said, THE PLANET cannot look upon anyone who made deep personal sacrifices to serve in the military without a sense  of awe and respect.  It is, we grant, in  the  same  zip code  as  heroism.

The soldier hits the  battlefield scared, as fearful as he will ever be. The odds of death or injury will never be higher. The possibility is there to be blown into atoms, to have your limbs vaporized, to have your face blown off in a thoughtless instant. That’s war. The guy in the foxhole doesn’t think about The Grand Cause. He’s praying a mortar round doesn’t land on him. What about the G.I. who clamored out of a Higgins boat on D-Day and got cut down by machine gun fire before he could take two steps? What do you think was going through his mind? Or the lad who came home sightless or legless? You can visit him in a Vets’ Hospital and ask him about Freedom, Heroism, and The Cause.

Or maybe you should just watch a film, say, All Quiet on the Western Front ... Johnny Got His GunApocalypse Now … The Deer Hunter … or the most devastating of all, Kubrick’s Paths of Glory.

Veteran’s Day can only be appreciated with proper perspective. Abandon thoughts of trumpets and glory. Forget the pomp but honor the circumstance by making it sacred. It is the one power we have after the politicians and the greedy have plunged us into and out of war (an “out” that seems always temporary). We can raise a moment into an exaltation that comes not from some Bearded Big Daddy in the Sky but from our Selves, our Souls. That is Veteran’s Day to us, the power of a blessing over a profanity.

War makes no sense.

Yet, try to stop it. To bend a phrase of H.L. Mencken, one might as well try to stop a cattle stampede by blowing an E on a clarinet. What drives us away from love and reason? What impels us toward hatred and irrationality? Writers, musicians, painters, and artists of every stripe have grappled with this question since Peter Arlos was knee high to Pericles. The Divine Edgar, Mr. Poe, attributed it to the “Imp of the Perverse,” that being inside us that bids us pick fruit from the forbidden tree. Catholics call it Original Sin. For Buddhists it’s the deluding power contained in illusion, or Maya.

THE PLANET won’t plunge the depths. We only ask that on Veteran’s Day, keep in mind the PEOPLE who served, not the nations or causes that bound them to rank and uniform. We honor their sacrifice.

With that, we now open The Comment Line for your thoughts.


“When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn’t over for the veterans or their families”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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5 years ago
5 years ago

Thank you all for your service I for one appreciate you all

5 years ago

Thankful to all who served.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Nice piece, Dan. I wanted to give it a thumbs up and I guess I hit thumbs down. Grrrr. Definitely a thumbs up from me. Thank you.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Does anyone know what is actually going on here?

The city has agreed to be this project’s fiscal agent and lease holder after Goodwill pulled out.

What is the objective here for the city, to sponsor a project that at this point appears to be an unsustainable model, with no structure and no defined roles. What is an incubator space?

In their six months of operation they lost collaborators, lost their fiscal sponsor, lost some leadership members, and failed to apply for non-profit status. What’s the city’s play here?,589805?fbclid=IwAR0Aq_AGtT88cGX3q_ky0lsdwmeIfqTOjBxOCmMVHC2vBhyywg2bFlbkSNo

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

‘Twas a complete waste of our taxes first time around and will be a complete waste the second time around. Let’s hope somebody grills mayor on this. Speaking of taxes watch for the double whammy burger – council will raise tax rate plenty this month now that election is over, and then new assessments will magically appear like Santa down the chimney, and they will rise some more.

Lois Lalma
Lois Lalma
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

Your tax assessment should go up again and the Mayors should go down again.

Linda Tyler Street
Linda Tyler Street
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

It’s a financial boondoggle that’s artificially creates buzz and perceived growth. It is political payola.
If you notice who’s name popped up Shirley “Sharpton” Edgerton. If there’s a way to suckle off the taxpayers teat, a side hustle at the expense of of taxpayers, Shirley isn’t too far from that trough.
So now the city is their “fiscal agent” for an undetermined period of time, that means it’s the funding source, with no contract, no guidelines, no vote, just three people without insurance or a set of bylaws or a business plan.
You can be assured that Goodwill distanced itself for good reason.
They want to be self-sustainable, so their plan is to sublet space for what? Meetings? Shared office space?
The model didn’t work before, it’s not going to work in the future. There’s hundreds of thousands of square feet of unused office space in Pittsfield. No one wants to rent space from a poorly formed fake organization that can’t do its paperwork or care enough to figure out sustainability. There’s an irony in the fact that the first office of the NAACP, who had their office there, had to close because Shirley couldn’t get some paperwork done. I’m betting she got paid, but couldn’t pay the rent.
There’s also lots of “free” “safe spaces” available to the public that don’t come with all the baggage that comes with dealing with these do nothings.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Linda Tyler Street
5 years ago

Please give Pittsfield’s own and the Mayor’s personal “Cultural Diversity Coach” the benefit of any doubt. She may not be astute enough to handle paperwork but she is diverse enough to see the cultural difference between EEOC, quotas, preferences, advantages and the honest work and earn taxpayers. As always follow the free and easy $$$$.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Much like the Beacon theater, the Colonial theater and the museum as well as a dozen other enterprises connected to the mayor, the beleaguered taxpayers will be subsidizing once again. It is apparently true that opposites attract because while Tyer married a money manager she herself is financially irresponsible. But she is all ours for another four years. YIpppEEEEE!!! BBLLaaaaTtttt!

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Unfortunately, the people in charge are being used by the mayor just as much as they are using her. Tyer is so ready to hand out money without accountability, and they’re thirsty for notariety. Ask to see where any monies are and I guarantee you they’ll be scrambling to make something up. It’s a waste of taxpayers hard earned money. Tell them to get a real job.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

We live in the 21st Century age of “guns and butter”! We have a costly war machine with annual trillion dollar federal government budget deficits. When I served in the U.S. Army many years ago, it was all about kissing behinds. If one did not automatically defer to their superiors, whether they were right or wrong, they would lose. When I watch our politicians on Capitol Hill, they all do the same thing as those in the military, which is kissing behinds. “You are wonderful!” and “I am your Yes Man!” It is all about power and egos. As for Donald Trump, he received multiple military deferments during the Vietnam Conflict. The wealthy do not fight our nation’s wars. It falls on the economically disadvantaged citizens to bear the burden of military conflict. I believe the way to say “thank you” to our Veterans is to provide mental health care to them without Soldiers and/or Veterans losing security clearances and promotions. Too many Veterans die by committing suicide. We all need a better mental health care system!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


The day is(was) yours! Thank you for your service, and I wish you good health.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I hope the city council will reread their oath of office or maybe get a lawyer or dog catcher to explain it to them. They need to realize they were elected by the people, NOT THE MAYOR, and it is for them whom they work. Very few citizens are expecting any improvement from the mayor but I am hoping a few councilors will set a good example for their children by doing the job they were elected to instead of allowing themselves to become toadys of the special interests. Please do not be toadies because toadies are small weak minded persons whose children will look down on them someday, if they don’t already.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

That will be the day!

I also hope for life after death. I also hope to win “Powerball”. I also want a fair and equitable economic system with a large middle class.

BUT, I am not hopeful enough for “honest politicians” who will work for the people instead of the Mayor and her corrupt backers!!!!

Pittsfield politics is always the same predictable theater. Municipal taxes are always raised by 5% per fiscal year, while its real debts are in the hundreds of millions of dollars; the vested and special interests always win, while the proverbial Kapanski family always loses. Lastly, the Good Old Boys continue to run the show …. to the detriment of Pittsfield.

“Blame Linda”

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Mr. Melle, 2 outta 3 aint bad. You will see the light when you pass and it won’t be the oncoming train, it will be the light of love and everlasting life. We already have a fair and equitable econmic system with a large middle class, for the most part. Some of us are discrimated against based on race, like white folk that get bypassed for prestigous colleges and universities and civil service jobs in the name of “affirmative action”, and as you should know, veterans get preferential treatment over non vets in government jobs, and disabled vets get even more preferental treatment that regular vets, but for the most part, the greatest system on Earth, the free enterprise system in America, is fair and equitable. You are responsable for your own life. As to Powerball, good luck with that, but like I said, 2 outta 3 aint bad. Don’t be a victim, be a victor. And happy veterans day.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


Death after life is a philosophical dilemma that may not be resolved directly. Best to define life, then determine what’s left over; that which remains belongs to Death.

Then we can joyfully claim there IS death after life.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Two sources tell me Melissa Mazzeo’s hired a lawyer. One school of thought is she’s contemplating challenging last Tuesday’s election results. [!REDACTED! THE INFORMATION YOU POSTED HERE HAS NO PLACE ON THE PLANET. DO NOT REPEAT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of their lives.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

You should get a lawyer, you’ll need one for this comment.

Reply to  James
5 years ago

I screen shotted it so if Melissa would like to move forward with a defamation suit there is evidence, all she need do is confirm she would like to receive it. There is right and wrong. Some people need to learn the hard way.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan this isn’t the first time he has crossed the line with lurid innuendos. That crack about Sheriff Bowler and the female Court Officer about a week ago bordered on defamation to me.

Pittsfield Talks
Pittsfield Talks
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Hey James I’d love to see the comment and I’m sure Melissa would too! Please share it, the loser BCM deserves to be jailed

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

I’ve called people out for getting personal with Tyer and Clairmont before she was mayor and after and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Rank speculation on people’s personal lives, versus policy proposals, etc have no place on spacenook, instogram, or on The Planet. The proof is in the pudding and time will tell as they say, but scuttlebut and hearsay is just that. I could post that you’re rumored to be holed up with a harem
of drag queens on Hotel On North, Blah, blah, blah, and by the way, if you were I could care less. Get a life buddy, or at least a wife.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a civil suit.

MrG butnotmd
MrG butnotmd
Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

It was almost as big a lie as the councilman who reportedly had his phone ringing off the hook to the point it was. Burning up? then proceeds to get beat two to one.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Given some of the salacious material you folks post here about Linda Tyer’s personal life (and your Planet approves for public viewing), I wouldn’t be too concerned with what I post. At least I confirm my material before posting.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

I guess an apology won’t be forthcoming Brian?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you all who served.

Have to admit that I have been feeling out of sorts and a bit hopeless about the state of our City since the election. From the cluster mess at Somerset Polls the day of the election to the re-election of Lovely Linda. In less than a week I read taxes are going up, boy did Lovely Linda play out a political ploy stating she lowered our taxes, watch what she does now. Where is she going to get the money for a new Police Station? Just today I read how vandals ruined the Little League area at Clapp Park and residents are reporting that paint thinner and/or acid has been thrown on their cars and ruined the paint jobs in the Morningside . Pittsfield Police said there is nothing they can do. Of course our Mayor states there is no crime in Pittsfield. Accidents have been happening all day yet there is no traffic enforcement. The new speed limit on Dalton Avenue and Merrill Road is 65 to 70. The City is blowing money on this Tyler Street Lab and the taxpayers have no say. Now the really obnoxious item will occur tomorrow night at the CC when Lovely Linda wants to add Dr. Evan Dobelle to the City’s Sister City Commission. Dobelle who was thrown out of Hawaii and also was fired from Westfield State College because of his screw ups. Why Dobelle, there isn’t anyone in the City that could serve this role better than him? This City is getting more pathetic by the day. We are stuck for four more years with no hope for change. I just can’t understand why people of Pittsfield are content with this mess. Are they really that blind to the mess or do they just not care? Or is it me who must care about our City too much?

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

The new station money should come from the marijuana revenue. All of it should go to the new station.
Start consolidating schools and selling off the buildings and land to the highest bidder. Use all the proceeds for a new station too. Except use Crosby land for the new station.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  MMNS
5 years ago

I think you are spot on with this funding issue AND the relocation of the PD. Your concept is called de-centralization of police services. Progressive cities have done it with great success. It keeps the riff-raff out of the PD lobby, which taxes resources; alleviates parking concerns and enhances the use of on-line procedures of reporting, applying and the general walk in nonsense and *BS* that plagues an inner city dept. on a daily basis.
I winter in a City where the PD, City Hall, Library & S.P. sub station exist, in separate buildings, on the outskirts of a sports complex, blocks away from the City proper, much like outer East St. They lock the doors at night!!!! There’s no desk Sergeant; central dispatch is at the other end of the City (no public access). Somebody comes to the station “after hours,” they push a button, tell their tale of whoa to a call taker who forwards it to the beat cop who CALLS the Victim and determines if a response is warranted or not.
This concept was floated to a former Mayor-In-Name-Only in Pitt-Ho over 2 decades ago when the Army Reserve facility was available on Barker Road. It had EVERYTHING a PD could want!!! Offices, gym, meeting rooms, parking, a repair facility, storage and I believe a small arms range (??). “He” rejected the concept with much contempt because it would inconvenience a small segment of the citizenry! The few, who probably didn’t vote anyway! Not that it would streamline police service delivery, increase morale and efficiency, free up downtown parking; just because it would inconvenience the few that utilize the Allen St location as their drop off point, emergency shelter or private bath/rest room.
So, MMNS, I salute your idea. The land and parts of the bldg are ideal for a PD. Offices, classrooms, gym, auditorium, parking, room for inside vehicle storage, hope it gains traction, but beware,………….it’s gotta be their idea!!!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Deval Patrick reportedly considering running for Prez. Just what the Dems need – another nutjob in the race.

Roobi Nutley
Roobi Nutley
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Patrick left us six hundred million in debt.

Antler Whoggonbottom
Antler Whoggonbottom
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I believe Patrick left a deficit of close to 750 million. Jane not so Swift, close to six hundred million. Governor Charlie Baker has a billion dollar surplus.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

He’d make a great V.P.!

Calhoun Rexxford
Calhoun Rexxford
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Biden’s to old,Patrick failed as Governor,six hundred million deficit when he left. Warrens policies will make the President spending look like chump change,Bloomberg doesnt want to participate in primaries. I like Amy Klobachar.

Reply to  Calhoun Rexxford
5 years ago

Not a snowballs chance in hell that wench gets in, but I would take her over the racist Harris, the raciss Michelle Obama, or Granny Warren. Heck I’d take Hillary over any of those 3.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

God help us.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

They’ve gotta stop idolizing these replicants or clones of Obama!!

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Lelling is coming to town. Fuggetabout Santa, we got Lelling coming to town. God knows what is going to come up when they start having a close look at what is going on in some of these towns.

Antler Whoggonbottom
Antler Whoggonbottom
5 years ago

Dan do you have in-veritable evidence that Chuck V is a member of Mensa. Idk about that one be.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Antler Whoggonbottom
5 years ago

I was a member of Mensa. Now I’m a member of Densa.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Barry Clairmont was caught behind the counter at the city clerk’s office days before the election and now faces a ethics violation charge. How was a non-employee allowed back there? Because he is a numbers expert and husband of the mayor, who is besties with the city clerk? Those are facts, you decide. Brian Marquis you have made a living with lawsuits against people. Please get a life Mr. Freeloader.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Did little Brian get the “A” he sued UMass for? No? Lost again. Hey Brian, are you capable of bringing your keyboard courage to the Blue Anchor in person and we can “debate” mano a mano. Anytime is fine. Oh, my given name is Ed McClellan., Bring it on.

Hack Wikton
Hack Wikton
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Maybe Barry was getting lunch orders for the girls. That’s not abnormal. I’d be concerned if skinny-legs was behind the counter,speaking of ethics violations. By the way, and I’m not saying it was done but the new machines aren’t flawless.There are easy ways to disrupt the count. Dont let anyone tell you they aren’t tamperable,they are. Just a matter of who knows what about it. What do you think the word hacking means?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hack Wikton
5 years ago

normally with something like this would just move on. BUT, I read a ton of stuff in the Eagle editorials and letters to the editor and on the 411 blogs as well as flyers mailed out, about all Tyers accomplishments. And quite frankly there was so much propaganda and untruths (outright lies if you will) that I would put nothing past these folk. A 175 million dollar budget could drive some people to do most anything. and Pittsfield politics does not have anything close to an honorable history. So how the hell knows?

Hack Wikton
Hack Wikton
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Dan frequently talks about algorithm concerning his blog. So if someone wanted to come on here as fifty different people they could,if Dan wanted that. He might if it would make civil discussion,otherwise you won’t be able to do that,it’s his choice. Same principle with the voting machines,you can do anything with that process, but you better have an authority above the law to get away with it. Who was the set up person for the original newer machines years ago? Just curious,Dan should reach out and interview those people on how foolproof these machines are? D A N ?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Gobsig privileged at it’s finest

Blip Wixlipen
Blip Wixlipen
5 years ago

Stooge is like a little child with his button pushing on pctv. Grow up Stooge and just set the camera on your guests instead of making a fool of yourself farting around with your keyboard.

Ridin' the Curb
Ridin' the Curb
5 years ago

I just want my mailbox to remain standing and in one piece this winter, as I watch the snow fall this morning.

I hope they figure it out at DPW in time . . .

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Hacker—it is not normal for the mayor’s husband, a numbers expert, or anybody, other than employees, to be anywhere near inside the clerk’s office, especially at election time. Yes machines can be hacked and numbers twisted, like by a numbers expert. Was there really a need for the skinny legs comment? The Clairmont’s need to train their people how to be gracious winners, it’s really not hard to do.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Is this where absentee ballots would be kept?

Pittsfield Talks
Pittsfield Talks
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

The office Barry was seen in and reprimanded by the Secretary of State for being in is where the ballots are kept. Funny how there were most absentee ballots this in this election than past. Not to mention lovely Linda was seen driving around with city clerk Benjamin during the election and they celebrated together at LT’s election party.. coincidence …I think not

Calam Kalipity
Calam Kalipity
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Maybe he was helping out?

Cole Tranferrin
Cole Tranferrin
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

If the person in charge of any municipal office let’s a non city employee behind an area where any business is done,then he-she should be fired on the spot, or investigated.

Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

I don’t consider the term offensive in a country that has an obesity disorder, but rather complimentary, especially if directed at a woman.

D Septshun
D Septshun
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

Has anyone considered that this whistleblower nonsense was trumped up….by Trump. Seems no one on the other side wants to bring the blower forward. All the while the President cry’s out to have this blower exposed.Sounds ridiculous right?

Sudden Sam Mac
Sudden Sam Mac
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

The election was rigged

Sudden Sam Mac
Sudden Sam Mac
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

You either love Our President or not Nikki,phony.

Del Shahannon
Del Shahannon
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

R u the authority? If anyone sees the Planet,tell him to play Taps on this subject,Veterans Day has passed. On to the next one!

Knick Son
Knick Son
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

Dan, would make a great mass murderer character. He’s the cross of Sean Connery and Christian Baile.

The Dead Zoan
The Dead Zoan
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

So surprised the Rockwell heirs didn’t put up a bigger fight against the Rockwell Donated Art Sale. Now Amused-so,the biggest piece of garbage in Berkshire Countywill be nominated by Tyred to that board.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Auto Phil—YES

5 years ago

Dan, Just my two cents worth – Mazzeo got beat fair and square, and there is no way she will be asking for a recount, despite Brian’s sources. She will take her ball and go home. Tyer campaigned harder, probably spend more money, campaigned smarter, was better organized, had the huge advantage of 4 year incumbency, and all the “credit” earned by all theGOBSIG giveaways, who also backed her, and had the big unions behind her, due to all the giveaways, and seemed to want it more. Tyer barely won, but nonetheless, she won. Certainly, her victory was nothing to brag about though. Kind of reminds me of a children’s story line about some animal trying to eat another, and the other getting away by the skin of its skinny skin skin, or something like that. Though the percentage of victory was small, still too many votes seperating the two, to bother with a recount. Even if a couple dozen people voted 2 or 3 times, which is very easy to do, it would take a real orchestrated effort to make a difference in the results. I seriously doubt there was any organized voter fraud, and probably next to none generally speaking. Of course, if the government required an ID to vote, just like is needed to buy booze, cigarettes, and scratch tickets, Pittsfield’s 3 economic engines, well then voter fraud could be greatly reducted. I look forward to your investigative results. p.s. Hypothetically speaking of course, because there will be no recount, it would be fun to speculate who would oversee such a thing, in each camp. I recall Ruberto had Angelo oversee his, can’t recall who Bianchi had. My guess is if there was a recount, Bianchi would be Mazzeo’s rep, and Ruberto would be Tyer’s.

Mul Lioned
Mul Lioned
5 years ago

Wha the hell happened to Bernie Sanders? C N N has been getting after it four three years,.Give it up.

Sudden Sam Mac
Sudden Sam Mac
5 years ago

This new Kennedy on the block is another phony. Harrington gave her an endorsement? Who cares?