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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 19, 2020) — Parking stands as Pittsfield’s greatest unsolved mystery. Since Henry Ford’s folly first floundered the Shire City streets, city “leaders” have wondered in hand-wringing angst about parking. Throw in how the city mismanages snow, and you have Bigfoot with the Gordian knot.

The latest attempt to deal with parking came when the city council voted 9-2 (Morandi, Maffuccio) to send a proposal for alternate-side parking to the Traffic Commission. That’s like sending up a lit flare in broad daylight to see the sun. Alternate parking or alternate universe? The city will screw up both.

Alternate parking is a storm-coping system where cars with odd-numbered license plates park on one side of the street on Tuesdays of even calendar days, except when there’s high tide in Chesapeake Bay or a third-quarter moon turns Lawrence Talbot into a partial werewolf. The other side of the street during a snow storm gets occupied by a Zumba class led by Linda Tyer plus The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich, The Police Department’s “Command Vehicle,” and The Heap Big Red Pavement-Eating Machine From The North. Got it?

Our Right Honorable Good Friends on the council want to know if the alternate-street system will help the city cope with snow, something it clearly doesn’t know how to do.

“Right now we are unable to plow the entire street,” said Rickey Ricardo Morales, DPS commissioner, a man who “fits into the culture of the organization.”

Rickey’s statement produced odd reactions.

  • Helen Moon began drawing blood from Neil Armstrong.
  • Kevin Morandi howled at the moon.

  • Nick Caccamo dropped his pants and fired a rocket yelling, “Bang! Zoom! To the moon, Andrea.”
  • Chris Connell air-guitared Les Paul’s six-string solo in “How High the Moon.”
  • Patrick Kavey quoted from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and William Frawley.
  • Dina Guiel Lampiasi sang, in Italian, a rousing version of “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.”
  • Tony Maffuccio mooned a picture of Dean Martin.
  • Peter Marchetti mooned himself while insisting that the lunar landings were the product of Stanley Kubrick’s camera.
  • Peter White ate green cheese, took a picture of it, and posted it on Facebook. Seven of his Facebook “friends” suffered irreversible brain injuries.
  • Yuki Cohen channelled Yoko Ono and began Scream Therapy in a crater.
  • Earl Persip recited from the Koran: “O, Dan and I with throats burned dry and souls that cry for water. Cool, clear water.”
  • City finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood turned into an orange grove.
  • The city’s parking ticket man swallowed himself.

———- ooo ———-

Incidentally, THE PLANET questioned the mayor with the DPS commish cc’d. Here is the relevant text:

Can you tell me what you meant when you said that the candidates who applied for the DPS commissioners job “didn’t fit the culture of our organization.” The comment caused a lot of comment and wondering. I would love to get your side of it.
* Can you share with me details on who and how many applied for the job?
* What did you like about Mr. Morales?
* What do you say to persistent talk about theft of services going on in DPS? Notably, private snow plow jockeys using city materials for private jobs, and also doing private jobs on city time?
* What kind of assurances can you give citizens that this is not happening, or, if it is, why is it happening? What assurances will be put in place to see that this stops?
———- ooo ———-

When the phone didn’t answer, we knew it was the mayor not getting back to us. We weren’t expecting to hear from Morales. He’s not allowed to talk unless the mayor is speaking while drinking water.

Wild guess: Perhaps the other applicants didn’t fit the city’s culture of failure, nepotism, incompetence, corruption, laziness, and “play ball or you’re gone?”

THE PLANET can’t say. All we can do is ask.


“Is that your head, sir, or are you diapering a baby?”Jackie Gleason to movie mogul Jack Warner.



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5 years ago

Was there a nationwide search for Desi? I suspect the number one quality Tyer was looking for was anyone not white and I don’t mean Pete.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I wonder how someone may “fit the culture of our organization” in Pittsfield politics? Do they call Pittsfield a “vibrant and dynamic” community that is still full of PCBs, a +2 decade old polluted and empty PEDA business park, no living wage jobs, political hacks, and high taxes, fees, and municipal debts (with $10.1 million in Matt Kerwood’s City Hall slush fund)?

“Is Pittsfield safe?” The answer is “NO!” * Based on FBI crime data, Pittsfield is not one of the safest communities in America. Relative to Massachusetts, Pittsfield has a crime rate that is higher than 98% of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes. Pittsfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes *

Do the live in a upper class home in a gated community? After reading that dangerous downtown Pittsfield has a very high crime rate, I would live in a gated community, too, if I could afford it!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I was on North street Saturday and it was pretty busy and didnt feel the crime vibe this board always feels.Lots of people and a good amount of energy.I don’t like the parking Kiosks but they aren in all the cities now.I would make it free and work from there again.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

A mass shooting in 2015, many other shootings, murders, and violent crimes, 2 dozen empty storefronts, “Social Services Alley”, drugs, gangs, prostitution, innocent people getting assaulted and mugged,…North Street is a scary place!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Where was the mass shooting on North St.?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Two violent incidents — including a mass shooting — occurred in the span of a month in Pittsfield last summer [2015]. On the night of July 4, [2015], a mass shooting occurred on Linden Street in Pittsfield, injuring four and killing Ronald Pinel, 25, of Pittsfield. No arrests have been made in the case, and what sparked the dispute remains a mystery. The Pittsfield case is classified as one of the country’s 353 mass shooting incidents to date in 2015.

Source: “Here are Berkshire County’s top stories of 2015”, By Tony Dobrowolski, The Berkshire Eagle, December 26, 2015.

Stay off of:
North Street
Tyler Street
Lincoln Street
First Street
Second Street
Linden Street
Dewey Avenue
Cherry Street
Burbank Street
Kent Avenue
Madison Avenue
And Seymour Street
And you might survive.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Curious what North St you were walking on. Starting your venture down on the corner of West, it doesn’t seem all that bad…. As you walk further down North its like the tour through hell depicted in Dantes’ Inferno culminating near the corners of Linden and Wahconah.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

I felt North had a nice enough energy but it went down after the museum sold out. I think they lost their way and had been doing fun things with families. After a morning out families got lunch and walked around. The museum sale was a real Pyrrhic victory. Their greed killed a whole community effort.
The people I know who aren’t connected and have wanted to work or open offices on North Street all had bad luck.One guy had his rented office roof collapse as the landlord didn’t pay the heat bill and his things were destroyed. I know someone who couldn’t hire any competent software developers and then got someone from over the border in NYS. The NYS guy hired (about 35 – boner demo for Linda and the PDC) didn’t want to put up with the crap office space and parking issues and asked to work from home in NYS. He also really hated the whole north street ‘my food is so organic’ culture and really thought the region was shot. This is from a guy who was in the peace core and lived in Africa for years. Linda has no idea what she is doing and the city council are just padding their pockets. Everyone I know who likes Linda is getting handouts. None in those CC seats could run a business if their daddies, godfathers or rabbis weren’t making sure they got govt hand outs.
Also, the idea that GD is creating skilled jobs or a skilled workforce is largely a joke too – the young men are low level navy with no college education and are barely doing algebra. The whole region is vastly dumbed down but with big egos Not many scientists left.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

The CC can’t do simple arithmetic. They are in charge of our money and cant even ask a follow up.D as n Elias is our only hope for controlling school cash.By now he should not be hoodwinked by Behnke and Mccandless. The School committee continues to pretend they know how Mccandless spends our dollars. Mccandless could give a heartfelt speech that the kids need 2 million worth of grey paint and not one person would question it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Sometimes the truth hurts but someone has to say it. All this lipstick the city make up people put on the city is coming off like mascara on a hot humid August day in the Gobi desert. Nobody is fooled anymore but the special interest folk can still make a decent buck if they collaborate with the right politicians. The buzzards are at the carcass.
Meanwhile someone is getting paid $45,000 to make a monument to our fallen soldiers who fought for the right of our politicians to take advantage of the soldiers and their families that survived. How sad is that?? they have no conscientious.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

No one messes with Corn Pop or his friends. You were safe.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“She’s not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do do do, oh yeah

She’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane
The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust

Mother Superior jump the gun”

5 years ago

Perhaps the others were older white males. Perhaps it’s just another Pittsfield coincidence that Elegant Stiches, which is run by wonderful people of color, are listed first up in the case study on the city’s new businesses web site. Perhaps we will get a real snowstorm this winter. Then what?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

The people of Elegant stiches are wonderful people. But correct me if I am wrong they have been in business in Pittsfield for at least 30 years. I hope they are not being used.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Taconic is now on a path to be a regional vocational school.What was the final bill for Taconic?The extra 5 million the state gave pittsfield for taxpayer relief went somewhere and we need Behnke to give a accounting of every nickle of it.They told people they wanted to higher 35 more people.They must account for those people because everyweek those 35 were not hired means millions were not used.The school footprint is too large for 5500 students.The 1600 high schools students is too small to be housed in 2 buildings.They messed this up 5 years ago……

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Agree 100% on the need to account for the dough and where it is, or went. No accountability on anything to do with the entire school system. The leaders know they don’t have to answer these questions.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Worcesters 2 catholic high schools merge. Consolidation is happening everywhere but Pittsfield Ma.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Spot on.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Worcester is the second most populous city in the state. More importantly, these are Catholic Schools and not Public Schools. There are no longer ANY Catholic Schools in the City of Pittsfield. I’m not saying consolidation isn’t a reasonable possibility in Pittsfield, but the comparison is “apples and oranges.”

Reply to  Info
5 years ago

No it’s not apples and oranges. His point is spot on – when you don’t have enough students to justify two high schools, you merge to one. Period. End of story. Except its Pittsfield, so we’ll continue to piss away money left and right, and brag about a website, and diversity, and culture and all this other bs, instead of the mayor being a people’s mayor, and looking out for the taxpayer.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Spot on.

Thee Ohio Stateofmind
Thee Ohio Stateofmind
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Unless your ultimate goal is to make it a charter Arts and Voc school.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Info
5 years ago

There is a reason Pittsfield has 4 catholic churches.The numbers get so small you are just pissing money away.There use to be 2800 high school students in 3 grades for 2 schools.Now there are 1600 for 4 grades spread over 2 buildings.We need to face these facts.It cost millions to maintain a 90 year old PHS.Cheaply remodeled 45 years ago.We must save money.We have no choice.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Info
5 years ago

Excuse me but when people compare apples and oranges they fail to point out that there are many commonalities. In fact, in my opinion for what it is worth, they are more alike than different. While you may not want to make a pie out of oranges you can use oranges in a Waldorf salad (in certain countries) There is even an apple that goes by the name of Easter Orange. Now if I were Donald Trump you would think I was full of shit and laugh this off but since it is coming from me you know it is true. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Let me preface my remarks by stating that I am no longer a city resident.

There are 3 major problems downtown; crime, lack of free & convenient parking, and snow removal on North St.
I was in town yesterday and drove down North. Plenty of layabouts, no cops or cop cars in sight. Saw 4 people gathered around a parking kiosk, hitting it with their hands. It apparently wasn’t working.

So where are all the cops Tyer promised to hire? My former neighbors report that their calls about suspicious cars & people in their hood go unanswered. With the demise of Berkshire Mall – some stores have relocated to Allendale where there is plenty of free parking. I blame the Clairmonts & CC for installing the parking meters which seem to be the final nail in the coffin of downtown. I did not see the CC meeting, so why not just declare a snow emergency & ban all parking on North until the snow can be adequately cleared?

I agree with Dan that a forensic audit is needed. Why didn’t the city councilors call for such, when the DPW claimed it was 2 mil over budget? Audit the schools as well – they continue to suck the city dry despite the fact that enrollment has been cut in half.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Springside Avenue in Pittsfield is a disaster area. It should be closed to traffic it’s that bad. Only people who live in that area should be allowed to use the roads. It is extremely dangerous…as for nighttime driving in that area…don’t even think about it since it’s bad enough during the day.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Bad? Dangerous? Are you talking about pot holes or wild animals or gang activity or what? Please elaborate a tad.

5 years ago

“Right now we are unable to plow the entire street,” said Rickey Ricardo Morales, DPS commissioner, a man who “fits into the culture of the organization.”

From what I have seen on most city streets, they don’t seem capable of plowing any part of the street.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Hey Rickey!!!

Get Lucy and Ethel, to drive the plows, she’ll do better than the clowns/crooks you are paying big $$$ to.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Who does Alden Ave? A quick pass if you are lucky. Must have driveways to do first.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

What is the average snow fall in Puerto Rico ?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
5 years ago

It’s interesting too how they are ignoring how the public don’t want outside pot farms. Pot is not categorized as agricultural and won’t be any time soon so any neighbor irritation Is entirely open to litigating. I will get my popcorn when the first lawsuit comes.
The Pittsfield City Council are so stupid and greedy that they don’t realize messing with middle class property rights is the nail on the coffin for the region. It is no surprise Wayfair can’t get any one worth hiring in the region – look at goons in city council. NO ONE is going to come settle in the region and invest in a home for their family if they run the risk of losing the value of their primary investment., Do the public have to live next to a drug farm because it’s in the interest of Barry and Linda? I hope that the Republican for president campaigns on how Western Ma social justice initiative trust fund progressive pocket picking is a disaster for the region. On another note, I put my house for sale. Maybe a pot entrepreneur will buy it and I can buy a home in a good community. Get out while you can folks! The ship has capsized.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Good for you Kermit for getting out while you still can. And remember the sinking ship in the Allendale parking lot??? A fitting symbol of Pittsfield. When I get out, in a year or two, I will be signing off from the Planet, and putting Pittsfield where it belongs – in my rear view mirror.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Thanks J99. Take good care and keep safe so you can enjoy your retirement.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Roger that!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Congratulations. My envy is considerable.
I don’t know if anyone is tracking the exodus or the reasons for it but if city hall does have the stats they sure are not going to share it with the public. But my guess is that for every parent that is sending their kid out of town for school four more have just taken their kids and left Pittsfield altogether. And keep in mind that the exodus cannot be measured by the population statistics because that won’t tell you how many came in unaware of the trap they just stepped into. Except for those coming for free ride benefits that the city is country wide famous for. And for everyone who comes in for the free ride a senior citizens taxes go up again and again. The city of Pittsfield, Ma has not had a mayor or council that looks past its own time in office and as you can see the city has gone to hell and those who can leave are leaving.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Legal marijuana has created a major expansion in the black market and even overrun the legal market in Calif. It has driven up crime in every state that’s legalized. Right in Springfield, law enforcement says a third of its homicides this year are directly due to black market. What does it take to wake the f up?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

But there are some very influential people making mega bucks from marijuana so be prepared to be steamrolled by every thing related to it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago will disable comments on their left winged website tomorrow. 90% of comments have not fit well with their liberal/progressive agenda/spins.

For example, see the story on , concerning Malarkey vs Kennedy for US Senate

I’ll take this opportunity to thank THE Planet/ Dan for keeping the voice of the people heard.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Price hike coming,

Eagle’s newsstand, vending box price change in effect; Sunday edition change coming Feb. 23
Posted Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:20 pm
By The Berkshire Eagle
The Berkshire Eagle’s newsstand and vending box price is $1.50 for weekday editions, beginning with today’s edition, and $2.50 for Sunday editions, starting with the Feb. 23 edition.

Our last cover price increases were in 2015 for the weekday edition and in 2012 for the Sunday edition.

The Eagle’s subscription rates remain the same.

Our home delivery subscriptions, which include all-digital access to The Berkshire Eagle, and digital-only subscriptions are our customers’ best pricing options.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

This could be to cover the cost of a Washington Reporter. Since the donation thing didn’t seem to work to cover it.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I thought they shut down the message board on that site at least a year ago. I never see any comments on it or were only certain people allowed to comment? Typical far left shutdown of speech.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Or you can have Dan Valenti’s far right speech shutdown.

5 years ago

Wonder if these politicians running for office would say, I’m not taking any votes that don’t fit the culture of the organization of the administration I’m planning on having? Everyone counts when they are seeking your votes..

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

“Pittsfield is really knocking it out of the park, and right now we’re just rounding second base,” Mayor Linda Tyer told the room.

Needlepoint Enforcer
Needlepoint Enforcer
Reply to  James
5 years ago

The taxpayer can’t get to second base.The taxpayer is getting hit….by her pitch If is his new Commisioner is so great, why is the City Council exposing the gawflaws at North a Street plowing?

Reply to  James
5 years ago

Tyer is to Pittsfield as Max Patkin was to baseball.

Buyer Noknow
Buyer Noknow
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Does Tony Shirts have to chew gum during the c c meeting?

Louie Gareriggs
Louie Gareriggs
Reply to  James
5 years ago

She would have a Jimmy Piersall climbing the backstop.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  James
5 years ago

The only way Pittsfield is hitting it out of the park is if Barry is stealing the signs and Linda is juicing the balls!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Amherst was the poorest

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Amherst has tens of thousands of students who are considered residents and do not earn very much.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Just wondering Democrat voters concerning the upcoming primary, will your vote count/be counted?

It’s been shown the DNC is a corrupted enterprise , since they screwed Bernie 2016 in favor of the H-beast in a totally rigged primary. Well it goes back much further. with the DNC….

The caucus in Iowa confirms this, using a new “voting app” by H-Beasts 2016 underlings, that can’t count as well as Big Bird on Sesame Street. Do we have HONEST results from Iowa, YET? Nope…… DNC is still fudging results/spinning…….. Do we have the H-Beast “voting app” here in MA?

So in mASSachusetts, as an Independent voter, I think I’ll vote D-. ROFL!!! ANYTHING living, or dead, on the ballot besides the established crooks will get my vote. Maybe I’ll have to write in a qualified candidate?

For Senate we have 44 years of Malarkey vs the corrupt (since grandpa Joe the whiskey runner) Kennedy family? Who is the corrupt DNC going to give their push/endorsement too? Whom will win.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I have spoken with some moderate Democrats who say they are seriously considering writing in a candidate instead of choosing from the terrible ones that are running.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Trump won and hes the worst President Americas ever had

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Eye roll

Guugalee Gig
Guugalee Gig
Reply to  12 Gauge
5 years ago

Biden is a non factor.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Well the democrats fixed the primary 2016, H-Beast got the nomination. Most Americans consider her a liar, swindler, and traitor. Maybe the D-candidate was the problem?

She and the DNC did their best to frame Trump, on perjured accusations, with the Obama DOJ and FBI participating in the coup.

TDS seems to be a chronic illness without a cure, liberals are still foaming at the mouth 3/12 years later.

The DNC is doing a repeat/sequel 2020, more fixed primaries, changing their “rules” to suit their agenda, and ALL the candidates are repulsive America haters.

Did You watch the circus/debate last night? The D-candidates are getting cannibalistic!!!

I usually can’t stomach watching them, but it was quite amusing and even comical!!!! ROFL!!!!

“To this point in the cycle, it’s been pretty cliche to pronounce Donald Trump the winner of each Democrat debate, and that’s not untrue. Most of them have been unappealing slap fests for who can be the most radical and promise the most free stuff.

But last night was different. It wasn’t just about a contrast with Trump on policy, it was a total disaster for the Democratic party as a whole. Each and every candidate came across as unlikeable (yes, even Amy Klobuchar, who had some seriously cringeworthy moments). They yelled, they bashed each other, they got exposed for their hypocrisies, and oh yeah, they were also awful on policy.,,,,,,,”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

February 19, 2020

Re: Open letter to Patrick Fennell

Hello Pat,

As a native of Western Massachusetts, where there are little to no wealthy corporations, it always amazes me that our elected politicians do the bidding of tax avoiding corporations. In the news article, Donald Shaw of Sludge explains that Congressman Richie Neal is #1 out of 535 Members of U.S. Congress in Corporate PAC donations. In his first year as committee chairman of the U.S. House Ways and Means, Richard Neal did not bring any substantial legislation on corporate taxes before his committee for votes.

Remember State House former Rep. and current lobbyist Daniel Bosley? “Bureaucrat” Bosley is known for “The Bosley Amendment” that was a secret rider to legislation that would have given huge tax breaks to wealthy multi-national corporations. Like Richie Neal, Dan Bosley’s northern Berkshire County legislative district had little to no wealthy corporations.

Remember, former State Senator and current drug dealer of marijuana [________]? The aforementioned corporate Attorney and state Senate Finance Committee Chair unethical double dipper took in many thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Boston area big banks and insurance companies. Like Richie Neal and Daniel E. Bosley, there were little to no wealthy corporations in [________’s] Berkshire County based legislative district.

What is going on in Western Massachusetts’ elected officials to Beacon Hill’s State House and Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.? Why are they representing out of area wealthy corporate business interests instead of the actual people who live in their respective legislative districts?

Best regards,

Jonathan [Melle]

Key Nell Tirumpe
Key Nell Tirumpe
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I usually don’t respond to who likes who. Here is my synopsis of the Future Trump Presidency. Wars will be fought by high tech. All Military will not be needed. All ground fighting Military will be sent home. All Military will be given jobs as Military working exclusively for the United States.Space programs will be enacted to employ all Military,which will include millions of jobs. We will not put our Soldiers in harms way, anymore.

We will truly become the Worlds greatest power Economically. Our world right here in Pittsfield will be similar to when G E was here in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Key Nell Tirumpe
5 years ago

Great Scenario. Go Trump 2020. Pittsfield needs to be saved from these far left crazies.

Guugalee Gig
Guugalee Gig
Reply to  12 Gauge
5 years ago

Woods Pond.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  12 Gauge
5 years ago

I hope they throw the book at him. I hope he loses his lucrative “job.”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

GE is on track to lose even more money! Good luck with getting GE to ever making a sincere financial commitment to cleaning up the Housatonic River when they have (a) tens of billions of dollars in accounting fraud since 1995 that is being investigated by the SEC, (b) tens of billion of dollars in toxic waste they cannot sell and/or possibly pay for, (c) unrealistic financial forecasting models, and (d) an about $2 billion cash burn rate in the first quarter of 2020 alone.

Why would any rational person trust GE’s 10-February-2020 settlement with the EPA without a financial commitment by GE and its troubled financial predicament? It is all based on empty promises. Please stop GE and EPA from cleaning up the Housatonic River in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and dumping most of the industrial toxic waste in a landfill in Lee, Massachusetts. GE doesn’t have the money over the long-term duration of this flawed cleanup project. If GE files for bankruptcy protection in the years to come, who will pay for the cleanup project when most of the PCBs chemicals are dug up around the polluted Housatonic River? This is a disaster on many levels!

– Jonathan Melle

Business – GE Aviation

“GE CEO stands by cash forecast despite pressure from 737 Max”
By Richard Clough, Bloomberg, February 19, 2020

General Electric stood by its goal of boosting cash flow this year despite a near-term drag from the production halt of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max.

While the company’s cash burn could worsen to as much as $2 billion in the first quarter because of “pressure” from the Max crisis, GE will reap the rewards of a rebound later in the year, Chief Executive Officer Larry Culp said Wednesday [19-February-2020] at a Barclays conference. GE’s manufacturing businesses will generate as much as $4 billion in free cash this year, he reiterated.

Culp’s sanguine outlook for 2020 offered a measure of relief to investors concerned over the Max’s impact on GE, which makes engines for Boeing’s best-selling jet. The plane has been grounded for almost a year following a pair of deadly crashes.

GE expects to set aside about $100 million in the first quarter related to its old long-term care insurance business, a smaller amount than expected, Culp said. Separately, he cautioned that the virus outbreak in China is a “wild card” for the near-term performance of the Boston-based company, which also makes power equipment and medical scanners.

GE rose 1.2% to $12.90 at 10:32 a.m. in New York. The stock climbed 14% this year though Tuesday [18-Feb-2020], compared with a 3.1% advance for a Standard & Poor’s index of U.S. industrial companies. GE jumped 53% last year [2019], a partial recovery after a share collapse the previous two years.

Regulators Inducks
Regulators Inducks
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Thank goodness the pensions are protected.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

It has taken 25 years for GE to semi clean 1 mile of the Housatonic river in Pittsfield..They told Pittsfield there would be 250 plus people cleaning it up.There were 4 to 8 people doing the work.It was so low budget they had to take the mobile air monitor from Allendale school to use it at the river site.GE will never ever clean the Housatonic river.Allendale school is still educating students on a toxic dump.G E does not feel any shame for their pollution. Politicians want to go to cocktail parties.Pittsfields Elias Yon Marchetti Cameron Caccamo White Moon Tyer Curtis and most of all Mccandless want the allendale toxic waste school to continue as a educational site.The students are mandated to be there.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

So what does the mayors “culture of our organization” phrase really mean? Was that a Freudian slip? Was she referring to the shadowy special interest governement that pulls her puppet strings? When you think about it it kind of sounds like something the don of the Gambino family might say.
I missed the part where she clarified the remark to the public. Can someone repeat it back for me?

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I wonder if fitting into a cult was on the application ! Culture ? That is dynamic.

5 years ago

there are only 2 rules for municipal employees. Do anything to keep the job, which does not include doing the job. Second, create red tape and excuses so as to justify not doing the job. It’s akin to old style mafia “no work” job and then when you get really good at it its becomes a “no show” job with a free truck.

Hanky Alabro
Hanky Alabro
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan,I know one thing Councilor Dina Lampiasi is the real deal. I had an issue and she resolved it immediately, and returned info within minutes. Good job Councilor.

Reply to  Hanky Alabro
5 years ago

She’s too tied to Tyer. She has much to prove.

Loach Alalaberatshun
Loach Alalaberatshun
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Obama doing commercials with Bloomberg. What a smuck .

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Stone….three years. Come on,he did nothing? He was a cheerleader,nothing more.