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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 6, 2021) — Try finding the hint of a campaign going on in Pittsfield.

It’s not there.

And that just how The Suits want it.

Nonetheless, THE PLANET, as always, fights the odds and does our part. Here, then, are two new faces seeking election in November. They are Bill Tyer (no relation to Linda) for school committee and Charles Ivar Kronick, running for Kevin Morandi’s open seat in Ward 2. Also, for The Weekend Edition, we shall present THE PLANET‘s Election Roundup, some observations and smart-aleck remarks on what will pass for a campaign. We promise it will be “vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive.”

THE PLANET officially endorses both men, first, by virtue of definition, which says that ANYone not “connected” deserves office. Sadly, the way The Suits control elections, running for office is like looking to become a “Made Man” in the Mafia. Only after you’ve proven yourself loyal and willing to compromise your principles are you allowed to apply. After that, two things: (1) they OWN your ass and (2) You are D&D (deaf and dumb). In short, “Youz doan know nothin’ and you doan SAY nothin’. Ya Follow?”

———- ooo ———-

Individually, we have long respected Tyer’s dedication to community service. Specifically, Tyer says he will address issues plaguing the city’s public schools, including a review of dress code and cell phone policies. As for Kronick, his public comments both on this board and elsewhere reveal a sharp intelligence, one practically nonexistent in city offices. Moreover, he supports a forensic audit of Pittsfield’s public financials.

We present the two men in their own words, edited only for style and continuity.

———- ooo ———-

CHARLES IVAR KRONICK FOR WARD 2 (from his official website).

I will be independent and critical, and I will promote YOUR interests over the Special Interests.

Support for Your Businesses

The North Street Bike Lanes: the face of municipal waste and incompetence.

They are dangerous, block emergency vehicles, and wreck businesses. Traffic is snarled, and even bicyclists fear riding in them. Bad dollars spent wastes your taxes and offsets/delays needed work. You will not have a city which provides clean water, sewer, education, and services when our businesses go broke. We residents and businesses need a prosperous economy, and I will work hard to make that happen.

No Tax Dollars For Special Interests –

  • I will insist that your tax dollars be spent with transparency and integrity.
  • North St. Bike Lanes are a disastrous abuse of your taxes and are destroying businessesand are hazardous.
  • I will support redoing the Bike Master Plan to stop repeating the North St. disaster on Tyler &Dalton.
  • I will oppose public money for special interests and will speak out against giving tax dollars to special interests.
  • I will investigate proposals and present the straight facts so you get the truth.
  • I will get your voices heard by visiting your neighborhoods regularly and learning your concerns.

Protect Schools & Neighborhoods

  • I will support programs focused on sound methods for reducing the high school dropout rates.
  • I will support appropriate funding of the school budget and policing of neighborhoodssuffering from crime. All citizens in Ward 2 deserve to feel safe walking their streets – especially the children.
  • I will support internships with area businesses to promote the graduation-to-work path.
  • I will support the efforts and goals of the Morningside Initiative Action Plan.

Protect Your Property

  • Cannabis production is wrecking our air quality. Complaints must be addressed!
  • Ward 2 suffers from urban blight. I want the city to address abandoned buildings, landscapethe roads, maintain crosswalks and sidewalks, improve snow removal, and clean the GE wasteland on Tyler St. I will push hard for beautification efforts for Ward 2.
  • I will seek improving roads and repairing failed storm-water drains.
  • I support stabilizing taxes on business and reject regular tax increases.
  • I will work with the Tyler Street Business Group, Inc. & city-wide businesses to advance their needs.
  • I will support revitalizing Ward 2 and the City as a whole by driving strategies to increasesmall manufacturing and business development for well paying jobs.
  • I will advocate using ARPA (American Rescue Plan Funds) for long-term investment in infrastructure and for attracting new manufacturing to Pittsfield.

———- ooo ———-


Today, I officially announce that I am a candidate for a seat on the Pittsfield School Committee. I will bring a passion to be a strong advocate on behalf of the students, teachers, parents, and taxpayers. I have an extensive background. I served on the Lee planning board while also watching my father (William Tyer Jr.) serve and chair the school committee [there] for some 16 years. He also served the town as a selectman.

I was elected by a large margin to serve on the planning board. I am proud of the accomplishments that we brought to the town at the time. We focused on growth and building reuse while [affecting] an enormous increase to the town’s tax base.” In Pittsfield I served as the Kay Bee toys representative to the first night committee after a mayoral appointment from the late Edward Reilly. I was a founding adult member of the Pittsfield youth commission. I also served as a board member of Girls Inc., and have been connected to many political races over the years, some won, some lost, but we found the good in all.

I bring a unique view to the committee. I am a widower (Samantha Tyer died Aug. 15, 2018), 56 years old, and father of three young children. My oldest stepson, Gus, is autistic. After a lot of advocating for him by his mom (Samantha) and me, he passed his MACS testing and has a full high school diploma. My oldest daughter, Sarah, was named to the student honor society at Allendale school and now holds honors at Herberg middle school. My youngest, Madison, attends Allendale elementary school until 2022, when she will enter the Pittsfield middle-school program. I have seen and felt first hand how our schools interact with families and how important this is to families and the community.

What I wish to achieve during a term on the Pittsfield School Committee is simple. I want to look deeply into the special needs program and see how we can improve outcomes. I also will look deeply into how money is spent, making sure that it’s in the most productive way. I support and will advocate for adjustment councilors in each of our schools. I support and will advocate for resource officers in each of the schools as well. I will advocate for a 3% pay increase for our front line Teachers, who are so vital to our children, families, and the community as a whole.

In an effort to promote and maintain a safe, healthy, and productive learning environment for all students, teachers, and support staff, it is vital that we immediately address issues that hinder education. I will propose to the Pittsfield School Committee as a whole that we review, update, and enforce conduct policy in all schools. These reviews/changes should include physical contact with students and staff; cell phone usage; smoking and vaping; and vandalism.

These changes must include resource officers be present in all middle and high schools not just for response but prevention. A strict “no tolerance” policy should be backed up by strong enforcement and clear consequences for offenders.

It is important that parents, teachers, and staff as well as administration come together with the common goal of a safe and productive educational environment for ALL students and teachers. We must address these issues to prevent harm and advocate for the positive and productive learning environment for students and not become distracted by problem students.

As a candidate for Pittsfield School Committee, I strongly disagree that we as a community should not address the issues pending a survey that is not due until May. Doing so will prolong, not expedite, the problems accruing now. The survey results can and should be used as a guideline. It serves as one piece to a much larger, immediate concern shared by students, parents, teachers, and staff. I pledge, will your help on Nov. 2, to pursue and strongly advocate for the immediate resolution to the issues that must be addressed now.

Bill Tyer, 17 Richardson St., 413-464-7242, cell: 1-413-597-1534

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THE PLANET thanks Kronick and Tyer for taking a shot at it. And don’t forget our sizzling weekend edition. We will name names.


Art is the highest form of defiance against life’s inevitable, entropic flow” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I have followed Pittsfield politics for decades, and I find it to be both corrupt and totally predictable. The following are my observations: (a) Ward 4 runs the city and school district because wealthy Ward 4 always decides every citywide election, (b) It is more likely that one would win the $700 million Powerball lottery jackpot than be able to effectively communicate with City Hall Officials, (c) Civic participation in Pittsfield politics is met with retribution unless one loses all of their self-esteem and kisses the ruling elites’ dirty behinds, (d) GE made Pittsfield Massachusetts into its dump, (e) Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal areas in the state and nation because there are little to no living wage jobs there (unless one is politically connected), (f) City Hall always increases its yearly municipal and public school budget by 5% each and every fiscal year, (g) Pittsfield and Western Massachusetts always gets the shaft from Boston, (h) All of the politicians who represent Pittsfield from City Hall, the Boston Statehouse, and the Swamp are all totally disconnected from the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield, (i) blogger Dan Valenti writes about Pittsfield politics and beyond, but the ruling elites disregard his writings and continue on with “business as usual”, (j) the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski always lose to the vested and special interests, (k) Pittsfield politics is, indeed, like a Mafia with the “All in the Family” incestuous-like insider group of one political (Democratic) party hacks that pull the same crap year in and year out, (l) Pittsfield’s inner city public schools are ranked Level 5 by the state, and they should be in state receivership to give the underclass families a shot at a decent public education, (m) Matt Kerwood used “Creative Accounting” to shuffle city dollars around various city accounts and build his unnecessary multimillion dollar slush funds that rightfully belong in the pockets of the aforementioned Kapanski family, (n) Mayor Linda Tyer living in her millionaires-only gated community in west Pittsfield near the Hancock border sends an elitist message to Pittsfield’s diminishing working class and huge underclass, (o) North Street is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” during business hours, and “the place to avoid” after hours, (p) Pittsfield has experienced decades-long losses in population, businesses, and living wage jobs, (q) I call Pittsfield’s distressed local economy that only goes lower and lower every year “Perverse Incentives” because the city government makes more money off of Social Services and Level 5 public schools than investing in a working class economy with living wage jobs, (r) PEDA is 23 years old and counting and has millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities and is still mostly vacant and polluted with GE’s industrial chemicals called PCBs and it is a case study in failed public management, (s) Pittsfield does not want to change or gentrify because it is always “business as usual” that benefits a select few politically connected con and shakedown artists, (t) Pittsfield’s “Ruberto Renaissance” failed to revitalize the dangerous downtown and the city’s distressed economy, (u) the Berkshire delegation to Beacon Hill only does DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers in Pittsfield and beyond, (v) PAC Man Richie Neal only represents K Street Lobbyist firms that have nothing to do with the people who live in Pittsfield and elsewhere in his large geographical Congressional District, (w) Pittsfield’s infrastructure equals a lot of deferred maintenance and unfunded liabilities, (x) it is more difficult for small businesses to operate in Pittsfield than elsewhere in the region, (y) Inner city Pittsfield is overrun with gangs, violent crime, drugs, homelessness and poverty, (z) Cliff Nilan tells everyone that “No one cares anymore” when people voice their concerns about Pittsfield’s downward spiral, but I believe that people still love and care about Pittsfield.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

YOU need to get rid of all at large councilors.Only ward councilors will change the political game.Mayor Tyer will have to walk her city.She could spend time looking at the pecks road bridge.Taconics violence or sidewalk replacement….as long as she has the at large fortress surrounding her she can be a do nothing elite mayor.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer blocks my email letters about Pittsfield politics. She only wants to hear glowing praises. She doesn’t represent the people and taxpayers. She lives a millionaire’s lifestyle in a distressed city with Level 5 public schools. She sucked up to all of the Good Old Boys in Pittsfield for many years and it paid off for her. She takes care of #1. She wants a rubber stamp City Council and Level 5 School Committee that will keep Pittsfield in the ditch.

2 years ago

Very helpful column Dan.
Mr. Kronick has my vote.
Mr. Tyer I’m not so sure about. He wants another 3% raise for teachers? Teachers get at least 3% raises every year, built into their contract. Adjustment counselors in every school? Aren’t there plenty of local resources to handle student emotional/behavioral issues? As you said the other day Dan – spending needs to be cut back!

Mr. X
Mr. X
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I have talked to a couple of Mrs. Clairmont’s “people” recently including some that work for her. She does not want Kronick to win and is pushing for the other candidate Kudlate. Kronick will be a thorn in her side as well as Craig Benoit and Karen Kalinowsky. We need to get those 3 on the council for sure!

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Lenny, i suggested the 3% because its close to if not below cost of living. The teachers, still are working with out a contract right now. We have lots of issues, and we folk to jump in and we as a city have lots of teacher retention problems, we can’t get and keep good teachers right now, its not just pittsfield, but all over. we need to seriously look at it and figure it out, not just throw money at it…

Santo Domingotor
Santo Domingotor
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

How about the new teachers that flunk the dumb ma required test for licensure? I know some haven’t quite got the score they needed but what the hell only five points short in some cases.
A lot of these testing exams are also subjective. Maybe they haven’t heard of the pandemic yet. And maybe give the testees a few points to work with.

My friend teaches geometry and math, is an excellent teacher,but thinks he failed portions of the essay portion of test,which isn’t remotely related to teaching math,science,first grade or anything else. Common Man?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

I think having out of control schools is a bigger factor.

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

I agree. For some jobs there is not enough money in the world. Fix the dicipline so the teachers can have some satisfaction in their work. They did not go to college to learn to baby sit maladjusted children.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Schools are not close to being out of control.What is wrong with you guys.There are problems in some schools but thats public education.Most people can’t hide in private schools.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Why do you think so many parents choice out of Pittsfield?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hell Toupee
2 years ago

Choice ,racist education by republicans.Not everyone is in this together.

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Unfortunately the teachers get a 3% and then a step rate increase every year so it turns out being about twice what you think. Get rid of the step raises and then you get my vore

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Shirleyknuts
2 years ago

And every contract they add steps at the high end

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

There are two questions to ask a candidate and they are 1…Do you believe Trump is President?,2.Can you do a budget with 1% less money as symbolic for a council that can’t add

2 years ago

Mr Kronick is saying almost all the right things. (so did Madam Tyer as she lied through her teeth to the unsuspecting people of Pittsfield)
But anyone different is better than the scum (yes, scum) we have on the council now. Roll the dice because you really can’t make it any worse. The current incumbents are all owned lock stock and barrel by the mayor and her benefactors.
Is it true that when the special interests read that Mr Kronick would support a forensic audit that they added a half billion dollars to his opponents campaign war chest? Sounds about right.

Judge Knott
Judge Knott
Reply to  Annulgas
2 years ago

You have to have someone to task task. I believe Kronick to be the one.

Santo Domingotor
Santo Domingotor
Reply to  Annulgas
2 years ago

I believe Kronick was in disagreement of the water treatment fiasco. And was shaking his head to new outside the box proposals. Am I wrong Charles? If so,explain pro or con why you didn’t support and or did new proposals for the plants. Like r f p .

charles ivar kronick
charles ivar kronick
Reply to  Santo Domingotor
2 years ago

I am willing to answer this post, but I first need to better determine what exactly is asked.

“I believe Kronick was in disagreement of the water treatment fiasco.” 
>> What in particular did I disagree with? What are you calling the fiasco? 

And was shaking his head to new outside the box proposals.
>>If you refer to Gaetani, yes I was skeptical of him. Still am.

I will be happy to talk to you further on

Hot Mishelle
Hot Mishelle
Reply to  charles ivar kronick
2 years ago

Why would you be skeptical? He’s the water guy? It’s the City Council thatvshot his idea down?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  charles ivar kronick
2 years ago

Be more skeptical of the CONsultants

2 years ago

Good luck to both of you. Hopefully you will enjoy the campaign trail as you interact with the regular Kapanski’s that make this city what it is!

Reply to  Shirleyknuts
2 years ago

As a regular Kapanski I want NO credit for making this city what it is. The mayor and her cronies did that damage and they own it.

2 years ago

Anyone have the details on debates – when, where, how to access coverage? I thought they were scheduled for this week.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Is the NAACP doing them tonight? Streaming and on PCTV

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Thanks 12 Gauge.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Actually it’s next week

2 years ago

These sound like common sense ideas from these candidates. That’s what we need. No more agenda driven politicians who only care about their agenda and not the people. I like that Kronick highlighted the word “truth” on his website. That is something we rarely get from politicians.

Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

I think Tyer highlighted the word truth a lot. Turns out she is the poster child for hidden agendas and spending ginormous amounts of money while at the same time not taking care of many of the basic needs. To spend wildly on non essential things and then force the taxpayers to pay for it is unconscionable. Even more sad is that no one in any check and balance position had the moral turpitude to rein her in. I am mainly refering to city councilors but others could have made a difference if they wanted to.
I really feel bad for the people of Pittsfield because they deserve better than this.

2 years ago

The concept of business on north street being bad can be summed up simply by contacting Steven V. His business is thriving. Dotties? she complains all day but ask her how her numbers are… Becky at Circa? Ill bet she is having the best couple years ever. Just because some businesses leave doesn’t mean it is the city’s fault, it could be bad business planning or execution. You can’t blame everything on the parking issue and the bike lane. Some people just like to complain.

Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

How many more years does Hotel on North get tax breaks made up for by citizen taxpayers? How about Yukis or Dotties or all Tyers other friends? North street tax abatement are killing Johnny paycheck. Cry not for them for they suckle at thy own tit.

Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

Why are you lying Steve Valenti’s has taken a big hit in his profits since Tyer

Reply to  Shirleyknuts
2 years ago

Him not supporting Tyer and his business not doing well are two different questions. the business is doing very well. You think he couldn’t afford to move if he wanted to? come on

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Shirleyknuts
2 years ago

How do you even know that? What do you base that statement on? I bought some clothes from Steve recently and said business has been great lately.

While he may have legitimate concerns about parking and access on North St., that doesn’t mean his sales have suffered.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

Because Steve V would have confided in you of all people. Sure. Psst nobody believes a word you type.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

Why would Steve confide in you of all people. Nobody believes you

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

Confide? He told me his business was doing well.

What evidence do you have that Steve is lying?

Why do you play these stupid games? You know nothing about Steve Valenti’s business.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

You don’t seem to get it. Nobody believes a word you type

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

You don’t get it. None of the readership here believes a word you type

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

People actually buy the overpriced junk at Circa?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Trump has endorsed Geoff Diehl for Guv!
Baker is a RINO, has abused his emergency powers, and has had too many corruption issues during his tenure.

Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

An endorsement from tRump is a kiss of death. How did his endorsements work out in Georgia? tRump is the true RINO. He is a true Conman, Carnival Barker POS. USA USA USA.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Baker is smart with old normal common sense. Kentucky like most Red States are supported by Blue state Marxist LOL…Kentucky gets back 3.50 for every dollar they generate in revenue….Baker does not watch FOX entertainment.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Baker won’t make it through the next primary

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Can you give us a breakdown of the money? Don’t give us any of your brain farts, just real numbers.

2 years ago

A Williams College fella should be able to come up with something better than that special interests bromide.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago
deyn narish
Reply to  Thomas More
2 years ago

How does your insult move the discussion forward?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

How does posting lies from The Gateway Pundit help anything?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

Nothing stated is untrue

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

It helps to post the truth that is why

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

The Gateway Pundit is a joke of a site. It’s nothing more than lies.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

More inaccurate info from you

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Why do you post outright lies?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

They are not lies

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

Yes, they are. Tell us, what exactly do you stand for? You don’t even know the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.

You baselessly believe that Trump actually won in 2020. No one with a functioning brain believes that lie.

Stop supporting outright bullsh*t from the likes of Markus and Fritz.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

Stop posting. We know what you are. Everyone knows you are lying. You have been marginalized

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

You don’t know a single person on this board personally. All you do is post juvenile garbage and silly right wing propaganda.

It is a joke.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
2 years ago

More lies from. You have been discredited and are a laughing stock. A living joke. Time to go

2 years ago

Good Luck Mr Kronick. I hope your doing this for the insurance because you will be surrounding yourself with Lefty Loonies. Too bad the two Stalwarts are bowing out because you would have been a good team. Marchetti is a Colossal Failure. His boyfriend/husband might think he is all that, but anyone with a few neurons still connected knows otherwise. Every 9-2 vote proves what a Lap Dog he is to the Mayor. It is time to break up this form of Government. We don’t need a Far Left Mayor surrounded by the same in her Administration and then 9 Sycophants on the Council. It spells DOOM!


Reply to  Sonny
2 years ago

Marchetti has no idea what was in the oath of office he swore to in front of the people of Pittsfield. Either that or he just does not give a shit. I think he just does not give a shit. He has got his and that is all that matters. Right Pete?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Annulgas
2 years ago

He took the oaf of office.

2 years ago

School shooting in TEXAS today. And apparently THEY like kids who take videos of school violence.

Kolbye said he believed three of those injured during today’s shooting were students and one was a person who may be a teacher, but he could not confirm those details during a news conference. He did say a pregnant woman fell during the shooting and was treated at the scene but was not transported to the hospital. 
Police are asking for anyone with video of today’s shooting to contact police to share the information they have.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
2 years ago

Potentially important evidence won’t be available. Good point. The Superintendent is enforcing Mass. laws but will he be enforcing all video recording or just when it reflects badly on his ability to maintain order? Would it be okay if you announce loudly, excuse me Mr. Shooter I’m recording this?

Reply to  LegalEagle
2 years ago

Ironically, in today’s world, more kids might shoot up places if they thought it would be filmed and make them famous. Double edged sword.

The school committee
The school committee
2 years ago

Don Trumps Conservative Political Action Committee..CPAC is going to bring their friends to the Authoritarian Goverment in Budipest Hungary so Trump will know how to take over America. Russia now Hungary have squashed their peoples democracy.Don Tried and failed but rich white guys want another shot at America

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I think TSC has taken over a liquor store.

Hot Mishelle
Hot Mishelle
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Yup. Don’t get high on your own supply.

Speaking of High….school,Taconic is looking for a new nickname, Braves is too offensive. I’ll start. Taconic Massacre.

Hot Mishelle
Hot Mishelle
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

That wins Dan! Just her Persip say only ten percent of school kids are troublemakers? Earl,that’s a lot ! All the more reason for resource officers.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Hot Mishelle
2 years ago

How about the Fighting Fems?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Economic Injun
2 years ago

Or femme fatales, considering that this is Pittsfield where being female has become fatale for several young girls via of a bullet to their brain. I was also offended by the sight of that big adult male manhandling one of the young teen school girls. I hope that big male brute was expelled from all public schools. The only thing that I can think of that would have been worse for this young girl, or any young girl, is if PPD officer Nicholas Cabral or officer Dorr were on the scene to wrestle down these young teen females.

New THS fight song

by Nicki Minaj

Don’t ever fuckin’ play with me
Y’all niggas know, y’all bitches know I’m the fucking queen
You hoe bitches know
You dirty bum bitches know(Grrr)
Pooh, you a fool for this now
Got the strings on em

Woke up, the price of coke up (Woo Woo)

But anyway, WHERE are Pittsfield’s $250,000 airconditioned downtown pandemic dining pods? Has anyone seen them? How many times have they been used for their alleged intended purpose?

Milt Prune
Milt Prune
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The PMS Pummelers

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hot Mishelle
2 years ago

Just say Taconic Brave…drop the S and you have rebranded.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Hot Mishelle
2 years ago

Taconic Tyervilles

Sell Towarz
Sell Towarz
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

The Apps.

Reply to  Hot Mishelle
2 years ago

Purdue University calls its football team the Boilermakers. Taconic could go for the Troublemakers. Ahh, but then maybe all the people in jail would get all offended.

Maybe the Taconic Jesus people? No Nope that might piss off the Buddhists.
Never mind.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
2 years ago

Taconic Swamp Creatures…just give us your money and soul

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Sounds like he visits a consumption site before he comes here to post. He be tripping.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

Look it up

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

CPAC 2022 will meet in Hungary, look it up

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Ten bucks says TSC has a nude picture of Joy Behar.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
2 years ago

Mrs Trump Americas ex 1st Lady

Your Insurrection
Your Insurrection
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

If your erect ion lasts more than 4 hours take out your pic of Jill Biden. I mean it. No joke.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Was that you talking to the lady who walks on Williams and Elm?

2 years ago

Mr. Kronick, your pledge of no tax money for special interests is a bold start. But you have to admit it sounds like any other politician. Please be more specific and tell us the three most concerning special interests in Pittsfield. Thank you.

Reply to  RINO
2 years ago

Also depends on who is defining “special interests”. The mayor defines them as “My good friends.”

charles ivar kronick
charles ivar kronick
Reply to  RINO
2 years ago

I hear the suspicion and I believe that it is healthy, and is it borne from frustration. First: I have never run for office before. Things I speak of are not new from me.

Examples of opposing waste of public money

Top of my list of conflict of interests:

  1. Pot.
  2. Real estate developers
  3. The perennial businesses demanding cash, such as EMA

Note: real estate developers are absolutely necessary for urban vitality and provide benefits for inner city residents. City Government, however, has the duty not to violate conflict of interests in working with them. I’d have objected to extending grants to businesses currently engage in contracts with the city in the last City Council meeting, not because it was a bad project but the Mayor was out of bounds in offering the grant.

Reply to  charles ivar kronick
2 years ago

Not familiar with EMA but I appreciate the response. That’s a good start.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  charles ivar kronick
2 years ago

Charles I have one question..Do you believe Trumps lie.Answer no and it will cost you votes here.

2 years ago

Joe Biden wants to grow big government at the expense of the prosperity and freedom of the people of this country. Biden said yesterday that anyone who opposes his outrageously priced bills is complicit in America’s decline. Anyone who opposes his big government plans is an enemy as far as Biden is concerned. He is fanatical just like the rest of the far left. We all need to oppose his devious plans for this country. Government works for us. We will not make huge sacrifices in our own lives for big government.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Profits are sucked out of the bottom,maybe you did not notice but workers wages are way up.Cant make money unless you pay people to help you make it……Republicans were sent by God and Qanon

2 years ago

Marchetti spouted Biden’s “build back better” slogan at last nite’s debate. He’s been on the council forever – time to vote him off. White is clueless. Karen Kalinowsky will get my vote – she is well aware of the issues in the schools, and has common sense, something I find lacking in most of the incumbents.

Mr. Spacely Sprockets, owner of a space chamber courtesy of taxpayers, now has a Persip sign on his lawn. That should tell you everything you need to know about the way this city operates. Another incumbent deserving the boot.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago


You wouldn’t approve my post yesterday because I basically said your endorsements were stupid?

I thought this was a place to exchange thoughts. I guess not.

2 years ago

Marchetti is the perennial Prince Charles of the Pitty.

2 years ago

How is a person caught with 294 bags of heroin, a drug so dangerous it must be consumed under taxpayer funded supervision, not a danger to the community?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  LegalEagle
2 years ago

He is a person of color. A black male. Wrong Way is making up for years of “social injustice,” in the criminal justice system, that she cannot provide facts, data, or any other type of investigation, to prove her claims.

Wrong Way is just a parrot for Road Rage Rollins.

Think of how many potential deaths could have been caused by those 294 bags of heroin? Now think of Lonnie Durfee. He was a white man, who burned bails of hay. Nobody was in jeopardy of injury, nor was any property ever in jeopardy either.

Wrong Way’s Office held him on a dangerousness hearing. You tell me?

helen back
helen back
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Harrington is the only Mass. DA to sign a statement backing Rollins for U.S. Attorney. I’m surprised they didn’t all sign it and don’t let the door hit you in the…

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  helen back
2 years ago

And take a look at some of the names on the list: Chesa Boudin (SF), Keith Ellison (MN AG), Kim Foxx (Cook County-Chicago), Kim Gardner (St Louis), George Gascon (Los Angeles County), Eric Gonzalez (Brooklyn, NY), Larry Krasner (Philly), Mike Schmidt (Portland), and of course our very own, Wrong Way.

Now google the violent crime rates prior to each coming into office versus now, with their non-sensical “progressive politics.”

Do you think any of these fools will realize they are only hurting the “victims” they claim to protect. Allowing a “victim mentality” to a person of color and allow them to get away with public disorder, will only cause others to act out. The fight at Taconic served as a reminder. Where’s the follow-up story? Jumping Joe owes the parents of Pittsfield an update.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  LegalEagle
2 years ago

And as I posted the other day about this, you have to wonder if there is any family lineage with the suspects and Shirley Edgerton. Members of her family dealt drugs and destruction for many years in Pittsfield.

But it’s the white kids fault, right Shirley?

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Keep the dealers off the streets, save lives. Apparently it is a common sense strategy too KISS (keep it simple, stupid) for Andrea Harrington.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

You are correct that since Smitty Pignatelli began his political career in Boston in early-2003, Berkshire County’s distressed economy tanked with closed factories like papermills, the empty Berkshire Mall in Lanesboro, lower population, and severe economic inequality because there are little to no living wage jobs anymore in the beautiful Berkshires. The problem I, like many others, have with Smitty’s op-eds pointing all of this out is that this all happened on Smitty’s watch, but Smitty takes zero responsibility for his failed leadership in Boston. When Smitty writes op-eds complaining about Boston low-balling state aid with inequitable financial formulas to Western Massachusetts’ municipalities and public school districts, then Smitty should also explain why he at the same time mostly votes in lockstep with Boston’s corrupt leadership on Beacon Hill that has always voted for these DISSERVICES. After all, there are not two Smitty Pignatellis out there, but rather there is one very disingenuous Smitty Pignatelli who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Lastly, it has been over 4 years now since Smitty voted himself a 40% legislative pay raise, while he also happily accepted 3 legislative pay raises every two years since then, which is 10 legislative pay raises for greedy Smitty since early-2017. Sarcasm: It is time for greedy Smitty to vote himself another 40% legislative pay raise and accept one dozen new legislative pay raises, along with his overly-generous public perks. Smitty is a total hypocrite!

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

They have done zero.Smitty says at nauseum that GE is not coming back and he is the only person who keeps bringing it up.We need to tell him it was 30 years ago.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

These two candidates are crack pots. Bill Tyer is one of the weirdest people I’ve ever met. He is angry and mean spirited.

Kronick is just plain nuts. Meet him and try and have a conversation with him. I bet you don’t last five minutes without your skin crawling.

Next thing you know, Dan is going to endorse Colonoscopy for At-large. Did anyone understand a thing she said in the debate last night? I can’t wait for her to “pass” on a debate question like she did in the last election.

Charles Ivar Kronick
Charles Ivar Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Ivar Kronick
Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Just finished reading the article in the BB pertaining to the Councilor At Large debate last night. First of all this “vitual” debate was a complete cop out. These 4 elected officials have used the COVID excuse for their whole term. This way they do not have to face taxpayers and don’t have to answer real questions about the major issues in Pittsfield. Why was the issue of climate change even asked? Aren’t there better questions to be asked such as out of control crime, violence in the schools and on City streets, the total disaster on North Street, the stagnant crisis of homeless, terrible road conditions, the lack of retail stores, the lack of police officers in the City, lack of traffic enforcement, parks filled with drug needles and addicts, why other cities and towns are having parades but all of Pittsfield’s parades are cancelled, garbage filled streets, burned down properties that have been left standing for years, White Terrace for one. These four puppets stated they are very proud of their accomplishments, especially during the Covid pandemic. Can anyone tell me what these accomplishments are, did I miss them? Why were they not asked last night to name their accomplishments. They spent most of their terms hiding in their houses harassing Chris Connell and Kevin Morandi about issues in their personal lives, Chris’s residence and Kevin’s wife working for the City. Persip spent most of his term playing the BLM game. Guess the fact that Chris and Kevin are not seeking re-election is the accomplishments they are speaking of. Must have accomplished what the Mayor told them to do. Folks, please bullet vote Karen Kalinowsky and Craig Benoit, taxpayers need to break up this due nothing puppet team!

Deli. Houesiers
Deli. Houesiers
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

And you know gall damn well the incumbents knew the right answers.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Climate change…. that is hysterical. Something we have zero control over but it is such good material for talking points and trying to sound good. Wipe Berkshire County off the map and it would have about as much impact as pulling a hair off of donkey’s ass. How about topics that we can actually base a vote off of. Not bullshitting 101

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

It’s not the candidates fault the NAACP asked lame questions, or the debate format. The NAACP debates are always horrible. One had every candidate except mayor lined up along a gym wall. The asked a question of three and moved on down the line to the next three. You need different questions for at-large vs ward vs school committee. It was so bad.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

The “debate” was like a botched abortion.

Deli. Houesiers
Deli. Houesiers
Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

I’d Connell and Morandi couldn’t get it done what makes you think Kronick and Karen can?

Oyput Chain
Oyput Chain
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The dreaded Call Out, the prelude to the can’t we all get along obstructionist speaches. White ‘houseless,’ Duke of Earl ‘only ten percent students are trouble-makers.’

Deli. Houesiers
Deli. Houesiers
Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

Ask yourself as a taxpayer and voter. Are you better off the last two two years? Or last four years. If you said yes,you’re lying.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  pothole
2 years ago

Nice Caccamo did not walk his ward because they all want to be at large councilors.Simonelli was the last good ward councilor

2 years ago

I just watched a replay of the debate….Yukon is dumber than a stump…… Big Peter and little Peter are Tyer book lockers and Persip is simply a buffoon. The incumbents are a sad bunch.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Boot lickers not book lockers

2 years ago

Mitch Mcconnell caved to Democrats on the debt ceiling and Lizzie Warren is going around crowing that now “we can concentrate on healthcare, childcare, and climate change”. Lizzie is such a phony and she lies bold faced to the American people that this is what these bills are all about and not the total government control that the Democrats want. No mention by Lizzie on all of the restrictions on Americans and how big government will be poking around in your business 24/7. Far left supporters say they’re not worried about government control because “they have nothing to hide” while completely being uneducated about how government can build a case against anyone for any reason if they know every detail about your life and are constantly micromanaging all of us.

The school committee
The school committee
2 years ago

On 1/6/2021 we came very close to losing America’s democracy with the failed Trump coup.Its all coming out and Trump is still trying to BLOCK the investigation.FOX entertainment will earn their money tonight denying Trumps coup

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

When America was burning to the ground during the summer of love 2020, you didn’t see that as being any threat to our country?

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

You support murder by government

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Do you support the Coup?

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Lost the fair election once Gates bought counting machines that could be controlled from afar….and many other issues regarding the last election. Still waiting for the city’s audit on the voting rolls and what machines do we use